Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2007 EDL FOUNDATION
 * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.0 or - as soon they
 * will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent
 * versions of the EUPL (the "License");
 * you may not use this work except in compliance with the
 * License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at:
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in
 * writing, software distributed under the License is
 * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * express or implied.
 * See the License for the specific language governing
 * permissions and limitations under the License.

package eu.europeana.corelib.web.model;

import java.util.Locale;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import eu.europeana.corelib.definitions.db.entity.relational.User;
import eu.europeana.corelib.web.exception.InvalidUrlException;
import eu.europeana.corelib.web.utils.UrlBuilder;

 * @author Willem-Jan Boogerd <>
public abstract class PageData {

    public static final String PARAM_MODEL = "model";

    private User user;

    private String portalServer;

    private String bingTranslateId;

    public void setUser(User user) {
        this.user = user;

    public User getUser() {
        return user;

    public void setPortalServer(String portalServer) {
        this.portalServer = portalServer;

    public String getPortalServer() {
        return portalServer;

    public String getPortalServerSlashless() {
        return StringUtils.stripEnd(portalServer, "/");

    public String getBingTranslateId() {
        return bingTranslateId;

    public void setBingTranslateId(String bingTranslateId) {
        this.bingTranslateId = bingTranslateId;

    //   private static final String EUROPEANA_PROVIDERS = "europeana-providers.html";
    //   private static final String PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION = ", Overview of collections included in Europeana";

    //   private Locale locale;

    //   private boolean debug = false;

    //   private boolean minify = true;

    //   private boolean indexable = false;

    //   private String googleAnalyticsId = "UA-XXXXXXXX-1";
    //   private String googleMapsId;
    //   private String addThisId;
    //   private String shareThisId;
    //   private String facebookId;
    //   private String cacheUrl;

    //   private PageInfo pageInfo;
    //   private String pageTitle;

    //   private String metaCanonicalUrl;

    //   private String currentUrl;
    //   private boolean embedded = false;
    //   private String announceMsg = null;

    //   public void setLocale(Locale locale) {
    //      this.locale = locale;
    //   }
    //   public Locale getLocale() {
    //      return locale;
    //   }

    //   public void setDebug(boolean debug) {
    //      this.debug = debug;
    //      this.minify = !debug;
    //   }
    //   public boolean isDebug() {
    //      return debug;
    //   }

    //   public void setMinify(boolean minify) {
    //      this.minify = minify;
    //   }
    //   public boolean isMinify() {
    //      return minify;
    //   }

    //   public void setIndexable(boolean indexable) {
    //      this.indexable = indexable;
    //   }
    //   public boolean isIndexable() {
    //      return indexable;
    //   }

    //   public final boolean isIndexingBlocked() {
    //      return !indexable;
    //   }

    //   public void setGoogleAnalyticsId(String googleAnalyticsId) {
    //      this.googleAnalyticsId = googleAnalyticsId;
    //   }

    //   public String getGoogleAnalyticsId() {
    //      return googleAnalyticsId;
    //   }

    //   public void setCacheUrl(String cacheUrl) {
    //      this.cacheUrl = cacheUrl;
    //   }
    //   public String getCacheUrl() {
    //      return cacheUrl;
    //   }

    //   public void setPageInfo(PageInfo pageInfo) {
    //      this.pageInfo = pageInfo;
    //   }

    //   public PageInfo getPageInfo() {
    //      return pageInfo;
    //   }
    //   public String getPageName() {
    //      return getPageInfo().getPageName();
    //   }
    //   public void setEmbedded(boolean embedded) {
    //      this.embedded = embedded;
    //   }
    //   public boolean isEmbedded() {
    //      return embedded;
    //   }

    //   public String getEmbeddedString() {
    //      return embedded ? "true" : "false";
    //   }
    //   public void setPageTitle(String pageTitle) {
    //      this.pageTitle = pageTitle;
    //   }
    //   public String getPageTitle() {
    //      String pageTitle = "";
    //      if (StringUtils.isBlank(this.pageTitle)) {
    //         if (pageInfo != null && !StringUtils.isBlank(pageInfo.getPageTitle())) {
    //            pageTitle = pageInfo.getPageTitle();
    //         }
    //      } else {
    //         pageTitle = this.pageTitle;
    //      }
    //      return StringUtils.equals(getPageName(), EUROPEANA_PROVIDERS)
    //         ? pageTitle + PROVIDER_DESCRIPTION
    //         : pageTitle;
    //   }

    //   public void setCurrentUrl(String currentUrl) {
    //      this.currentUrl = currentUrl;
    //   }
    //   public String getCurrentUrl() {
    //      return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(currentUrl, "");
    //   }
    //   public void setGoogleMapsId(String googleMapsId) {
    //      this.googleMapsId = googleMapsId;
    //   }
    //   public String getGoogleMapsId() {
    //      return googleMapsId;
    //   }
    //   public void setAddThisId(String addThisId) {
    //      this.addThisId = addThisId;
    //   }
    //   public String getAddThisId() {
    //      return addThisId;
    //   }
    //   public void setShareThisId(String shareThisId) {
    //      this.shareThisId = shareThisId;
    //   }
    //   public String getShareThisId() {
    //      return shareThisId;
    //   }
    //   public boolean isShowDidYouMean() {
    //      return false;
    //   }

    //   public String getMetaCanonicalUrl() {
    //      UrlBuilder url = new UrlBuilder(getCurrentUrl());
    //      url.setDomain(metaCanonicalUrl);
    //      try {
    //         return url.toCanonicalUrl();
    //      } catch (InvalidUrlException e) {
    //         // ignore. should never happen
    //         return StringUtils.defaultIfBlank(metaCanonicalUrl, getCurrentUrl());
    //      }
    //   }
    //   public void setMetaCanonicalUrl(String metaCanonicalUrl) {
    //      this.metaCanonicalUrl = metaCanonicalUrl;
    //   }

    //   public String getFacebookId() {
    //      return facebookId;
    //   }
    //   public void setFacebookId(String facebookId) {
    //      this.facebookId = facebookId;
    //   }

    //   public String getAnnounceMsg() {
    //      return announceMsg;
    //   }
    //   public void setAnnounceMsg(String announceMsg) {
    //      this.announceMsg = announceMsg;
    //   }
