Java tutorial
/* Developed by the European Commission - Directorate General for Maritime Affairs and Fisheries @ European Union, 2015-2016. This file is part of the Integrated Fisheries Data Management (IFDM) Suite. The IFDM Suite is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or any later version. The IFDM Suite is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with the IFDM Suite. If not, see <>. */ package; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import javax.annotation.PostConstruct; import javax.ejb.EJB; import javax.ejb.Local; import javax.ejb.Stateless; import javax.inject.Inject; import javax.transaction.Transactional; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedHashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.ObjectMapper; import com.vividsolutions.jts.geom.Geometry; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import lombok.extern.slf4j.Slf4j; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; @Stateless @Local(UserAreaService.class) @Slf4j public class UserAreaServiceBean implements UserAreaService { public static final String NOK = "NOK"; @EJB private SpatialRepository repository; @EJB private AreaTypeNamesService areaTypeNamesService; @EJB private SpatialUserServiceBean spatialUSMServiceBean; @EJB private PropertiesBean properties; @EJB private UserProducerBean userProducer; @Inject private UserAreaMapper mapper; private DatabaseDialect dialect; @PostConstruct public void init() { dialect = new DatabaseDialectFactory(properties).getInstance(); } @Override @Transactional public Long updateUserArea(UserAreaGeoJsonDto dto, String userName, boolean isPowerUser, String scopeName) throws ServiceException { dto.getGeometry().setSRID(dialect.defaultSRID()); UserAreasEntity userAreaToBeUpdated; try { Long id = dto.getId(); userAreaToBeUpdated = repository.findUserAreaById(id, userName, isPowerUser, scopeName); String newDataSetName = dto.getDatasetName(); String oldDataSetName = userAreaToBeUpdated.getDatasetName(); if (newDataSetName == null) { spatialUSMServiceBean.deleteDataSetNameFromUSM(oldDataSetName, APPLICATION_NAME, USERAREA.value() + DELIMITER + userAreaToBeUpdated.getId()); } else if (!newDataSetName.equals(oldDataSetName)) { if (dataSetNameUnique(newDataSetName)) { spatialUSMServiceBean.deleteDataSetNameFromUSM(oldDataSetName, APPLICATION_NAME, USERAREA.value() + DELIMITER + userAreaToBeUpdated.getId()); spatialUSMServiceBean.persistDataSetInUSM(newDataSetName, USERAREA.value() + DELIMITER + userAreaToBeUpdated.getId()); } else { throw new SpatialServiceException(DATA_SET_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE); } } userAreaToBeUpdated.merge(dto); } catch (ModelMarshallException | MessageException | SpatialModelMapperException e) { throw new SpatialServiceException(INTERNAL_APPLICATION_ERROR); } return userAreaToBeUpdated.getId(); } @Override @Transactional public Long createUserArea(UserAreaGeoJsonDto dto, String userName) throws ServiceException { UserAreasEntity persisted; try { String dataSetName = dto.getDatasetName(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(dataSetName)) { persisted = persistUserAreasEntity(dto, userName); } else { if (dataSetNameUnique(dataSetName)) { persisted = persistUserAreasEntity(dto, userName); spatialUSMServiceBean.persistDataSetInUSM(dataSetName, USERAREA.value() + DELIMITER + persisted.getId()); } else { throw new SpatialServiceException(DATA_SET_NAME_ALREADY_IN_USE); } } } catch (MessageException | ModelMarshallException | SpatialModelMapperException e) { throw new SpatialServiceException(INTERNAL_APPLICATION_ERROR); } return persisted.getId(); } private UserAreasEntity persistUserAreasEntity(UserAreaGeoJsonDto dto, String userName) throws ServiceException { UserAreasEntity persisted; dto.getGeometry().setSRID(dialect.defaultSRID()); UserAreasEntity userAreasEntity = mapper.fromDtoToEntity(dto); userAreasEntity.setUserName(userName); userAreasEntity.setCreatedOn(new Date()); persisted =; return persisted; } private Boolean dataSetNameUnique(String dataSetName) { DatasetList dataSetListFromUSM; try { dataSetListFromUSM = spatialUSMServiceBean.listDatasets(); List<DatasetExtension> extensions = new ArrayList<>(); if (dataSetListFromUSM != null) { extensions = dataSetListFromUSM.getList(); } if (extensions != null) { for (DatasetExtension extension : extensions) { if (extension != null && extension.getName().equals(dataSetName)) { return false; } } } } catch (ModelMarshallException | MessageException | SpatialModelMapperException e) { throw new SpatialServiceException(INTERNAL_APPLICATION_ERROR); } return true; } @Override @Transactional public void deleteUserArea(Long userAreaId, String userName, boolean isPowerUser, String scopeName) throws ServiceException { UserAreasEntity userAreaById = repository.findUserAreaById(userAreaId, userName, isPowerUser, scopeName); if (userAreaById == null) { throw new SpatialServiceException(USER_AREA_DOES_NOT_EXIST, userAreaId); } try { if (userAreaById.getDatasetName() != null) { spatialUSMServiceBean.deleteDataSetNameFromUSM(userAreaById.getDatasetName(), APPLICATION_NAME, USERAREA.value() + DELIMITER + userAreaById.getId()); } } catch (ModelMarshallException | SpatialModelMapperException | MessageException e) { throw new SpatialServiceException(INTERNAL_APPLICATION_ERROR); } repository.deleteUserArea(userAreaById); } @Override public List<String> getUserAreaTypes(String userName, String scopeName, boolean isPowerUser) throws ServiceException { Set<String> stringSet = new LinkedHashSet<>(); List<UserAreasEntity> userArea = repository.findUserArea(userName, scopeName, isPowerUser); for (UserAreasEntity entity : userArea) { stringSet.add(entity.getType()); } return new ArrayList<>(stringSet); } @Override public UserAreaLayerDto getUserAreaLayerDefinition(String userName, String scopeName) { List<UserAreaLayerDto> userAreaLayerDtoList = areaTypeNamesService.listUserAreaLayerMapping(); UserAreaLayerDto userAreaLayerDto = userAreaLayerDtoList.get(0); userAreaLayerDto.setIdList(getUserAreaGuid(userName, scopeName)); return userAreaLayerDto; } @Override public Map<String, Object> getUserAreaDetailsWithExtentById(AreaTypeEntry areaTypeEntry, String userName, boolean isPowerUser, String scopeName) throws ServiceException { UserAreasEntity userAreaById = repository.findUserAreaById(Long.parseLong(areaTypeEntry.getId()), userName, isPowerUser, scopeName); ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper(); return objectMapper.convertValue(userAreaById, Map.class); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public void updateUserAreaDates(String remoteUser, Date startDate, Date endDate, String type, boolean isPowerUser) throws ServiceException { if (isPowerUser) { repository.updateUserAreaForUserAndScope(startDate, endDate, type); } else { repository.updateUserAreaForUser(remoteUser, startDate, endDate, type); } } @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public List<Long> getUserAreaGuid(String userName, String scopeName) { try { List<Long> longList = new ArrayList<>(); List<UserAreasEntity> userAreaByUserNameAndScopeName = repository .findUserAreaByUserNameAndScopeName(userName, scopeName); for (UserAreasEntity entity : userAreaByUserNameAndScopeName) { longList.add(entity.getId()); } return longList; } catch (ServiceException e) { log.error(e.getMessage(), e); throw new SpatialServiceException(INTERNAL_APPLICATION_ERROR); } } @Override public List<> searchUserAreasByCriteria( String userName, String scopeName, String searchCriteria, boolean isPowerUser) throws ServiceException { List<UserAreasEntity> userAreas = repository.listUserAreaByCriteria(userName, scopeName, searchCriteria, isPowerUser); final List<> userAreaDtos = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator it = userAreas.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { UserAreasEntity next = (UserAreasEntity); it.remove(); // avoids a ConcurrentModificationException Geometry geom = next.getGeom(); if (geom != null) { Geometry envelope = next.getGeom().getEnvelope(); userAreaDtos.add(new, next.getName(), StringUtils.isNotBlank(next.getAreaDesc()) ? next.getAreaDesc() : StringUtils.EMPTY, GeometryMapper.INSTANCE.geometryToWkt(envelope).getValue(), next.getUserName())); } } return userAreaDtos; } @Override public List<UserAreaGeoJsonDto> searchUserAreasByType(String userName, String scopeName, String type, boolean isPowerUser) throws ServiceException { List<UserAreasEntity> userAreas = repository.findUserAreasByType(userName, scopeName, type, isPowerUser); return mapper.fromEntityListToDtoList(userAreas, false); } // UT public void setDialect(DatabaseDialect dialect) { this.dialect = dialect; } }