Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 EUBrazilCC (EU?Brazil Cloud Connect) * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * * This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text * file for details on the various modules and licenses. * The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works * that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file. */ package; import static java.lang.System.arraycopy; import static java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets.UTF_8; import static org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64.encodeBase64String; import static org.apache.shiro.codec.Hex.decode; import static org.apache.shiro.util.ByteSource.Util.bytes; import; import java.util.Date; import javax.annotation.Nullable; import javax.crypto.SecretKeyFactory; import javax.crypto.spec.PBEKeySpec; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base32; import org.apache.shiro.crypto.SecureRandomNumberGenerator; import org.apache.shiro.crypto.hash.Sha512Hash; import org.apache.shiro.util.ByteSource; /** * Provides functions for basic cryptography operations like password storage and key derivation. High-level functions are also provided upon those functions * for generating OAuth2 secret tokens, storing users' password safely in a database, etc. The following standards and definitions are used:<br> * <ul> * <li>Key derivation uses PBKDF2, which is the NIST recommendation for password-based key derivation. However, since it's relatively cheap to implement * brute-force attacks against PBKDF2 using GPUs and application-specific integrated circuit like FPGA if you want to be protected against such attacks, * then you should use other alternatives. For example, the bcrypt key derivation function is slighter stronger than PBKDF2 against such attacks.</li> * <li>NIST recommendation for password storage is not clear, so the standard cryptographic function SHA-512 is used for this purpose, prepending * a long random salt of {@link #SALT_BYTES_SIZE} bytes length to defend the password against dictionary attacks.</li> * </ul> * @see <a href="">NIST -- Recommendation for Cryptographic Key Generation</a> * @see <a href="">NIST -- Recommendation for Password-Based Key Derivation</a> * @see <a href="">Password Hashing Competition</a> * @author Erik Torres <> */ public final class CryptProvider { /** * Default hash algorithm name. */ public static final String HASH_ALGORITHM = "SHA-512"; /** * Size of the generated byte array for calls to {@link #generateSalt()}. Defaults to <tt>32</tt>, which equals 256 bits. */ public static final int SALT_BYTES_SIZE = 32; /** * Length of 8 bytes entropy needed when producing fast cryptographic keys. */ public static final int FAST_BYTES_SIZE = 8; /** * Number of iterations to compute strong key deviation. */ public static final int KEY_DEVIATION_ITERATIONS = 65536; /** * Joins the caller-provided tokens with the current date, computes a digest and returns a Base64 representation of the string produced * that can be used to protect a resource from access. If no token is provided, a short random secret of {@link #FAST_BYTES_SIZE} bytes * is computed and used to generate the key. * @param tokens - optional list of input tokens that (when present) are used to compute the key * @see <a href="">RFC2045</a> * @return A Base64 representation of the computed key. */ public static String generateSecret(final String... tokens) { try { // copy tokens String[] tokenArr; if (tokens != null && tokens.length > 0) { tokenArr = new String[tokens.length]; arraycopy(tokens, 0, tokenArr, 0, tokens.length); } else { tokenArr = new String[1]; tokenArr[0] = new String(generateSalt(FAST_BYTES_SIZE)); } // compute secret and encode it with Base64 before returning it to the caller final byte[] digest = digest(tokenArr, new Date[] { new Date() }); return encodeBase64String(digest); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Failed to generate secret", e); } } /** * Joins the tokens and dates provided as parameters with a salt generated from {@link #DEFAULT_STRENGTH} random bytes and computes a digest using * the PBKDF2 key derivation function. * @param tokens - list of input tokens * @param dates - list of input dates * @return a digest of the input parameters (tokens and dates). * @throws IOException is thrown if the computation of the digest fails. * @see <a href="">JCA Standard Algorithm Name Documentation</a> */ private static byte[] digest(final @Nullable String[] tokens, @Nullable final Date[] dates) throws IOException { try { String mixName = ""; if (tokens != null) { for (final String token : tokens) { mixName += (token != null ? token.trim() : ""); } } if (dates != null) { for (final Date date : dates) { mixName += (date != null ? Long.toString(date.getTime()) : ""); } } // compute digest final byte[] bytesOfMixName = mixName.getBytes(; final char[] charOfMixName = new String(bytesOfMixName).toCharArray(); final byte[] salt = generateSalt(SALT_BYTES_SIZE); final SecretKeyFactory factory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("PBKDF2WithHmacSHA1"); final PBEKeySpec spec = new PBEKeySpec(charOfMixName, salt, KEY_DEVIATION_ITERATIONS, SALT_BYTES_SIZE * 8); return factory.generateSecret(spec).getEncoded(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new IOException("Digest computation has failed", e); } } /** * Generates a short secret from {@link #FAST_BYTES_SIZE} random bytes and returns a Base32 representation of the string produced that can * be used in URLs. The generated key will only contain the characters A-Z and 2-7. * @return A URL-safe representation of the computed key. * @see <a href="">RFC4648</a> */ public static String generateFastUrlSafeSecret() { return new Base32().encodeAsString(generateSalt(FAST_BYTES_SIZE)); } /** * Validates a password using a {@link reference} hash computed from the original password and the provided {@link salt}. This validation * compliments the methods {@link #hashAndSaltPassword(String)} and {@link #hashAndSaltPassword(String, ByteSource)}, which can be used to * protect a password. * @param challenge - password to be validated * @param salt - salt used to compute the original hash * @param reference - hash computed from the original password * @return */ public static boolean passwordsMatch(final String challenge, final String salt, final String reference) { final ByteSource decodedSalt = decodeHex(salt); final Sha512Hash hashedChallenge = hashAndSaltPassword(challenge, decodedSalt); return encodeHex(hashedChallenge).equals(reference); } /** * Protects a password with the default {@link #HASH_ALGORITHM}. A long random salt of length {@link #SALT_BYTES_SIZE} is computed and * used to obfuscate the password. The obfuscated password generated with this method can be used to store the password in a permanent * support (e.g. in a database). The method {@link #passwordsMatch(String, String, String)} compliments this method and can be used to * validate a given password against the stored one. * @param clearTextPassword - password to be protected * @return An array with two elements: the first position of the array contains a Hex representation of the salt, while the second * position contains an Hex representation of the protected key. */ public static String[] hashAndSaltPassword(final String clearTextPassword) { // compute a long random salt to defend against dictionary attacks final ByteSource salt = randomBytes(SALT_BYTES_SIZE); // shadow the password and encode the salt and the shadow to Hex before returning them to the caller final Sha512Hash shadow = hashAndSaltPassword(clearTextPassword, salt); return new String[] { encodeHex(salt), encodeHex(shadow) }; } /** * Protects a password with the default {@link #HASH_ALGORITHM}. A long random salt of length {@link #SALT_BYTES_SIZE} is computed and * used to obfuscate the password. The obfuscated password generated with this method can be used to store the password in a permanent * support (e.g. in a database). The method {@link #passwordsMatch(String, String, String)} compliments this method and can be used to * validate a given password against the stored one. * @param clearTextPassword - password to be protected * @param salt - salt to be used to protect the password against dictionary attacks * @return an Hex representation of the protected key. */ public static String hashAndSaltPassword(final String clearTextPassword, final String salt) { return encodeHex(hashAndSaltPassword(clearTextPassword, decodeHex(salt))); } /** * Protects a password with the default {@link #HASH_ALGORITHM} and the {@link salt} provided as parameter. * @param clearTextPassword - password to be protected * @param salt - salt to be used to protect the password against dictionary attacks * @return An array with two elements: the first position of the array contains a Hex representation of the salt, while the second * position contains a Hex representation of the protected key. */ private static Sha512Hash hashAndSaltPassword(final String clearTextPassword, final ByteSource salt) { return new Sha512Hash(clearTextPassword, salt, KEY_DEVIATION_ITERATIONS); } /** * Creates a random salt of the default bytes {@link #SALT_BYTES_SIZE}. * @return a random salt of the specified bytes generated with {@link #generateSalt(int)}. */ public static byte[] generateSalt() { return generateSalt(SALT_BYTES_SIZE); } /** * Creates a random salt of the specified bytes, selected by a {@link SecureRandomNumberGenerator}. The generated salt complies the recommendations * for use in password-based key derivation and for password storage protection. * @param bytesSize - length used to generate the salt in bytes (often called strength) * @return a random salt of the specified bytes selected by a {@link SecureRandomNumberGenerator}. */ public static byte[] generateSalt(final int bytesSize) { return randomBytes(bytesSize).getBytes(); } /** * Creates a random salt of the specified bytes, selected by a {@link SecureRandomNumberGenerator}. The generated salt complies the recommendations * for use in password-based key derivation and for password storage protection. * @param bytesSize - length used to generate the salt in bytes (often called strength) * @return a random salt of the specified bytes selected by a {@link SecureRandomNumberGenerator}. */ private static ByteSource randomBytes(final int bytesSize) { final SecureRandomNumberGenerator randomNumberGenerator = new SecureRandomNumberGenerator(); randomNumberGenerator.setDefaultNextBytesSize(bytesSize); return randomNumberGenerator.nextBytes(); } /** * Encodes a {@link ByteSource} to a hex-encoded string representation. * @param source - {@link ByteSource} to be encoded * @return a hex-encoded string representation of the input source. */ private static String encodeHex(final ByteSource source) { return source.toHex(); } /** * Decodes a hex-encoded string to the corresponding {@link ByteSource} representation. * @param source - hex-encoded string to be decoded * @return a {@link ByteSource} representation of the input string. */ static final ByteSource decodeHex(final String source) { return bytes(decode(source)); } }