Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2014 EUBrazilCC (EU?Brazil Cloud Connect) * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * * This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text * file for details on the various modules and licenses. * The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works * that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file. */ package; import static; import static; import static eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.concurrent.TaskRunner.TASK_RUNNER; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils.isNotBlank; import static org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Queue; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.PriorityBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicInteger; import org.apache.commons.lang.mutable.MutableLong; import org.slf4j.Logger; import; import; import; import eu.eubrazilcc.lvl.core.Notification; import; /** * Manages notifications sent to this application. * @author Erik Torres <> */ public enum NotificationManager { NOTIFICATION_MANAGER; private final static Logger LOGGER = getLogger(NotificationManager.class); public static final int MAX_WORKERS = 4; public static final int PAGE_SIZE = 100; private final Queue<Notification> queue = new PriorityBlockingQueue<>(10, new Comparator<Notification>() { @Override public int compare(final Notification n1, final Notification n2) { if (!n1.getPriority().equals(n2.getPriority())) { return (new Integer(n1.getPriority().getNumVal())) .compareTo(new Integer(n2.getPriority().getNumVal())); } return (n1.getIssuedAt()).compareTo(n2.getIssuedAt()); } }); private AtomicInteger workers = new AtomicInteger(0); public void send(final Notification notification) { checkArgument(notification != null && notification.getPriority() != null && isNotBlank(notification.getAddressee()), "Uninitialized or invalid notification"); checkState(queue.offer(notification), "No space is currently available"); if (workers.get() == 0) { createWorker(); } } public void broadcast(final Notification notification) { checkArgument( notification != null && notification.getPriority() != null && isNotBlank(notification.getScope()), "Uninitialized or invalid notification"); checkState(queue.offer(notification), "No space is currently available"); if (workers.get() == 0) { createWorker(); } } public boolean hasPendingNotifications() { return !queue.isEmpty(); } private void createWorker() { workers.incrementAndGet(); final ListenableFuture<Void> future = TASK_RUNNER.submit(new Callable<Void>() { @Override public Void call() throws Exception { Notification notification; do { notification = queue.poll(); if (notification != null) { if (!queue.isEmpty() && workers.get() < MAX_WORKERS) { createWorker(); } if (isNotBlank(notification.getScope())) { // broadcast int start = 0; List<ResourceOwner> resourceOwners = null; final MutableLong count = new MutableLong(0l); do { resourceOwners = RESOURCE_OWNER_DAO.list(start, PAGE_SIZE, null, null, null, count); for (final ResourceOwner resourceOwner : resourceOwners) { if (hasRole(notification.getScope(), resourceOwner.getUser())) { notification.setAddressee(resourceOwner.getUser().getUserid()); NOTIFICATION_DAO.insert(notification); LOGGER.trace("Notification broadcasted: " + notification); } } start += resourceOwners.size(); } while (!resourceOwners.isEmpty()); } else { // send to user converting user-names to valid resource-owner-identifiers try { assertValidResourceOwnerId(notification.getAddressee()); } catch (Exception ignore) { try { final String ownerid = toResourceOwnerId(notification.getAddressee()); notification.setAddressee(ownerid); } catch (Exception ignore2) { } } if (RESOURCE_OWNER_DAO.exist(notification.getAddressee())) { NOTIFICATION_DAO.insert(notification); LOGGER.trace("Notification sent: " + notification); } else { "Discarding notification after checking that the addressee user does not exist: " + notification); } } } } while (notification != null); return null; } }); Futures.addCallback(future, new FutureCallback<Void>() { @Override public void onSuccess(final Void result) { workers.decrementAndGet(); } @Override public void onFailure(final Throwable error) { workers.decrementAndGet(); } }); } }