Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright (c) 2012 Data Harmonisation Panel
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made
 * available under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License,
 * or (at your option) any later version.
 * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
 * along with this distribution. If not, see <>.
 * Contributors:
 *     HUMBOLDT EU Integrated Project #030962
 *     Data Harmonisation Panel <>


import java.text.MessageFormat;


import de.fhg.igd.slf4jplus.ALogger;
import de.fhg.igd.slf4jplus.ALoggerFactory;
import eu.esdihumboldt.util.resource.Resources;

 * Updater class for a path.
 * @author Patrick Lieb
 * @author Kai Schwierczek
public class PathUpdate {

    private static final ALogger log = ALoggerFactory.getLogger(PathUpdate.class);

    private final URI oldLocation;
    private final URI newLocation;
    private String oldRaw;
    private String newRaw;

     * Create a path updater based on a pair of known old and new locations.
     * @param oldLocation the old location of a file, may be null
     * @param newLocation the new location of the same file (though the file
     *            name may be different), may be null
    public PathUpdate(URI oldLocation, URI newLocation) {
        this.oldLocation = oldLocation;
        this.newLocation = newLocation;
         * analyze paths (w/o file name) of both URIs to find out which of the
         * later parts are equal, to determine which part of the old location
         * has to be replaced by which part of the new location for other files
         * that have been moved in a similar way to the analyzed file.
        if (oldLocation != null && newLocation != null && !oldLocation.equals(newLocation))
            analysePaths(oldLocation, newLocation);

     * Tries to find an existing readable URI.<br>
     * <ul>
     * <li>if the URI isn't absolute:
     * <ul>
     * <li>if a new location is available it is resolved against that</li>
     * <li>if an old location is available it is resolved against that</li>
     * </ul>
     * </li>
     * <li>if the URI is absolute:
     * <ul>
     * <li>if an old and a new location is available it is transformed in the
     * same way</li>
     * <li>the URI is used as is</li>
     * </ul>
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * If none of the applicable cases results in a valid, existing URI and
     * tryFallback is true {@link #updatePathFallback(URI)} is returned,
     * otherwise <code>null</code> is returned.
     * @param uri the URI in question
     * @param tryFallback whether to use {@link #updatePathFallback(URI)} in the
     *            end or not
     * @param allowResource whether to allow resolving through {@link Resources}
     * @return a valid, existing URI or <code>null</code>
    public URI findLocation(URI uri, boolean tryFallback, boolean allowResource) {
        return findLocation(uri, tryFallback, allowResource, false);

     * Tries to find an existing readable URI.<br>
     * <ul>
     * <li>if the URI isn't absolute:
     * <ul>
     * <li>if a new location is available it is resolved against that</li>
     * <li>if an old location is available it is resolved against that</li>
     * </ul>
     * </li>
     * <li>if the URI is absolute:
     * <ul>
     * <li>if an old and a new location is available it is transformed in the
     * same way</li>
     * <li>the URI is used as is</li>
     * </ul>
     * </li>
     * </ul>
     * If none of the applicable cases results in a valid, existing URI and
     * tryFallback is true {@link #updatePathFallback(URI)} is returned,
     * otherwise <code>null</code> is returned.
     * @param uri the URI in question
     * @param tryFallback whether to use {@link #updatePathFallback(URI)} in the
     *            end or not
     * @param allowResource whether to allow resolving through {@link Resources}
     * @param keepRelative If the URI is relative to the new location and
     *            keepRelative is set, the URI is returned as is.<br>
     *            Also, if the URI is relative to the old location and it is
     *            possible to construct a relative path to the new location,
     *            that is returned
     * @return a valid, existing URI or <code>null</code>
    public URI findLocation(URI uri, boolean tryFallback, boolean allowResource, boolean keepRelative) {
        if ("jdbc".equals(uri.getScheme())) {
            // not possible to update JDBC URLs or test the stream
            return uri;

        if (!uri.isAbsolute()) {
            if (newLocation != null) {
                URI newAbsolute = newLocation.resolve(uri);
                if (HaleIO.testStream(newAbsolute, allowResource)) {
                    if (keepRelative) {
                        return uri;
                    } else {
                        return newAbsolute;
                } else {
                    // Check if the resource file name needs
                    // to be URL-encoded first (for project archives
                    // that were created w/ hale studio 3.2.0 and before)
                    String resourcePath = FilenameUtils.getPath(uri.toString());
                    String resourceFileName = FilenameUtils.getName(uri.toString());
                    try {
                        String encodedPath = resourcePath + URLEncoder.encode(resourceFileName, "UTF-8");
                        URI encodedUri = URI.create(encodedPath);
                        newAbsolute = newLocation.resolve(encodedUri);
                        if (HaleIO.testStream(newAbsolute, allowResource)) {
                            if (keepRelative) {
                                return encodedUri;
                            } else {
                                return newAbsolute;
                    } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) {
                        log.debug(MessageFormat.format("Could not URL-encode \"{0}\"", resourceFileName), e);
            if (oldLocation != null) {
                URI oldAbsolute = oldLocation.resolve(uri);
                if (HaleIO.testStream(oldAbsolute, allowResource)) {
                    if (keepRelative)
                        return IOUtils.getRelativePath(oldAbsolute, newLocation);
                        return oldAbsolute;
        } else {
            if (oldLocation != null && newLocation != null) {
                URI changed = changePath(uri);
                if (HaleIO.testStream(changed, allowResource))
                    return changed;
            if (HaleIO.testStream(uri, allowResource))
                return uri;
        if (tryFallback)
            return updatePathFallback(uri);
            return null;

     * Create an alternative path for the given location if it matches changes
     * from old to new location. If either old or new location is null, or the
     * given URI wasn't changed in the same way, this method has no effect.
     * @param oldSource path where the file was saved to
     * @return the new URI
    public URI changePath(URI oldSource) {
        if (oldRaw == null || oldRaw.isEmpty()) {
            return oldSource;
        } else {
            if (oldSource.toString().startsWith(oldRaw)) {
                return URI.create(oldSource.toString().replace(oldRaw, newRaw));
            } else {
                // try to fix cases where oldRaw matches '<scheme>:///<rest>'
                // but oldSource matches '<scheme>:/<rest>' or vice versa
                try {
                    URI oldRawUri = new URI(oldRaw);
                    // URI.normalize() will not remove the additional slashes
                    URI normalizedOldRaw = new URI(oldRawUri.getScheme(), oldRawUri.getHost(), oldRawUri.getPath(),
                            oldRawUri.getQuery(), oldRawUri.getFragment());
                    URI normalizedOldSource = new URI(oldSource.getScheme(), oldSource.getHost(),
                            oldSource.getPath(), oldSource.getQuery(), oldSource.getFragment());

                    return URI.create(normalizedOldSource.toString().replace(normalizedOldRaw.toString(), newRaw));
                } catch (URISyntaxException e) {
                    // tough luck
                    return oldSource;

    // Analyzes the old and the new project path and tries to return the new one
    private void analysePaths(URI oldLocation, URI newLocation) {
        String o = oldLocation.toString();
        String n = newLocation.toString();

        // cut off file name. only look at the path to the files.
        int oindex = o.lastIndexOf('/');
        o = (oindex >= 0) ? (o.substring(0, oindex)) : "";
        int nindex = n.lastIndexOf('/');
        n = (nindex >= 0) ? (n.substring(0, nindex)) : "";

        int commonEndLength = 0;
        while (commonEndLength < o.length() && commonEndLength < n.length()
                && o.charAt(o.length() - commonEndLength - 1) == n.charAt(n.length() - commonEndLength - 1)) {
        oldRaw = o.substring(0, o.length() - commonEndLength);
        newRaw = n.substring(0, n.length() - commonEndLength);

     * @return the oldLocation, may be null
    public URI getOldLocation() {
        return oldLocation;

     * @return the newLocation, may be null
    public URI getNewLocation() {
        return newLocation;

     * Update the path to a resource if automatic update fails. The default
     * implementation returns <code>null</code>, which means the location is not
     * updated.
     * @param oldLocation the old resource location
     * @return the replacement resource location or <code>null</code>
    protected URI updatePathFallback(URI oldLocation) {
        return null;