Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (c) 2015 by European Commission * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or - as soon they will be approved by * the European Commission - subsequent versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * You may not use this work except in compliance with the Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the Licence is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the Licence. * * This product combines work with different licenses. See the "NOTICE" text * file for details on the various modules and licenses. * The "NOTICE" text file is part of the distribution. Any derivative works * that you distribute must include a readable copy of the "NOTICE" text file. * */ package eu.eidas.node.utils; import eu.eidas.auth.commons.*; import eu.eidas.auth.commons.exceptions.*; import eu.eidas.engine.exceptions.SAMLEngineException; import eu.eidas.engine.exceptions.EIDASSAMLEngineException; import eu.eidas.node.ApplicationContextProvider; import eu.eidas.node.NodeBeanNames; import eu.eidas.node.auth.connector.ICONNECTORSAMLService; import eu.eidas.node.auth.service.ISERVICESAMLService; import eu.eidas.node.logging.LoggingMarkerMDC; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.springframework.context.NoSuchMessageException; import; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Locale; /** * Utility class for preparing error saml response */ public class EidasNodeErrorUtil { public enum ErrorSource { CONNECTOR, PROXYSERVICE; } /** * Logger object. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(EidasNodeErrorUtil.class.getName()); /** * returned substatuscode */ private static final EIDASSubStatusCode EIDAS_SUB_STATUS_CODES[] = { EIDASSubStatusCode.QAA_NOT_SUPPORTED, EIDASSubStatusCode.REQUEST_DENIED_URI, EIDASSubStatusCode.INVALID_ATTR_NAME_VALUE_URI, EIDASSubStatusCode.AUTHN_FAILED_URI, }; /** * EIDASErrors mapped to substatuscodes */ private static final EIDASErrors EIDAS_ERRORS_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[][] = { { EIDASErrors.SP_COUNTRY_SELECTOR_INVALID_SPID, EIDASErrors.SP_COUNTRY_SELECTOR_INVALID_SPQAA, EIDASErrors.SPROVIDER_SELECTOR_INVALID_SPQAA, EIDASErrors.SPROVIDER_SELECTOR_INVALID_SPQAAID }, { EIDASErrors.SP_COUNTRY_SELECTOR_INVALID, EIDASErrors.SPWARE_CONFIG_ERROR, EIDASErrors.IDP_SAML_RESPONSE, EIDASErrors.COLLEAGUE_RESP_INVALID_SAML, }, { EIDASErrors.SP_COUNTRY_SELECTOR_INVALID, EIDASErrors.SPWARE_CONFIG_ERROR }, { EIDASErrors.AUTHENTICATION_FAILED_ERROR } }; /** * EIDASErrors codes, mapped to substatuscodes */ private static final String EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[][] = new String[EIDAS_ERRORS_WITH_SAML_GENERATION.length][]; /** * errorSAMLResponse 'blacklist' - for these codes there will be no SAML reponse generated. */ private static final String EIDAS_ERRORS_NO_SAML_GENERATION[] = { EIDASUtil.getConfig(EIDASErrors.SERVICE_REDIRECT_URL.errorCode()) }; private EidasNodeErrorUtil() { } /** * Method called by the EidasNode exception handler to manage properly the exception occured * * @param request - the current http request * @param exc - the exception for which the saml response is to be prepared * <p/> * side effect: exc's samlTokenFail is set to the saml response to return * @param source Enum values defining ProxyService/Connector */ public static void prepareSamlResponseFail(final HttpServletRequest request, AbstractEIDASException exc, ErrorSource source) { try { IEIDASSession eidasSession = (IEIDASSession) request.getSession() .getAttribute("scopedTarget.serviceSession"); if (eidasSession == null || eidasSession.isEmpty() || source == ErrorSource.CONNECTOR) { eidasSession = (IEIDASSession) request.getSession().getAttribute("scopedTarget.connectorSession"); prepareSamlResponseFailConnector(request, exc, eidasSession); return; } prepareSamlResponseFailService(request, exc, eidasSession); } catch (final Exception e) {"ERROR : Error while trying to generate error SAMLToken", e.getMessage()); LOG.debug("ERROR : Error while trying to generate error SAMLToken", e); } } /** * Method called for processing the SAML error message and specific error behaviour related * @param e the exception triggered * @param destLog the specific logger * @param redirectError the redirected error */ public static void processSAMLEngineException(Exception e, Logger destLog, EIDASErrors redirectError) { // Special case for propagating the error in case of xxe String errorCode = null; if (e instanceof EIDASSAMLEngineException) { errorCode = ((EIDASSAMLEngineException) e).getErrorCode(); } else if (e instanceof SAMLEngineException) { errorCode = ((SAMLEngineException) e).getErrorCode(); } if (errorCode == null) { return; } if (EIDASErrors.DOC_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED_CODE.toString().equals(errorCode)) { destLog.error(LoggingMarkerMDC.SECURITY_WARNING, "Error processing XML : XML entities processing DOCType not allowed, possible XXE attack "); throw new InternalErrorEIDASException(EIDASUtil.getConfig(EIDASErrors.DOC_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED.errorCode()), EIDASUtil.getConfig(EIDASErrors.DOC_TYPE_NOT_ALLOWED.errorMessage()), e); } else if (EIDASErrors.isErrorCode(errorCode)) { EIDASErrors err = EIDASErrors.fromCode(errorCode); String message = EIDASUtil.getConfig(err.errorMessage()); if (ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext() != null) { ResourceBundleMessageSource msgResource = (ResourceBundleMessageSource) ApplicationContextProvider .getApplicationContext().getBean(NodeBeanNames.SYSADMIN_MESSAGE_RESOURCES.toString()); final String errorMessage = msgResource.getMessage(message, new Object[] { EIDASUtil.getConfig(err.errorCode()) }, Locale.getDefault());; } throw new InternalErrorEIDASException(EIDASUtil.getConfig(redirectError.errorCode()), EIDASUtil.getConfig(redirectError.errorMessage()), e); } } static Class[] samlEngineException = { EIDASSAMLEngineException.class, SAMLEngineException.class }; private static boolean isSAMLEngineException(Throwable e) { for (Class t : samlEngineException) { if (t.isInstance(e)) { return true; } } return false; } /** * * @param e * @return the base SAML engine exception */ public static Exception getBaseSamlException(EIDASSAMLEngineException e) { Exception baseExc = e; Throwable currentException = e; while (true) { if (currentException != null && currentException.getCause() != null && currentException != currentException.getCause()) { currentException = currentException.getCause(); if (isSAMLEngineException(currentException)) { baseExc = (Exception) currentException; } } else { break; } } return baseExc; } private static String getErrorReportingUrl(final HttpServletRequest request, IEIDASSession eidasSession) { Object spUrl = request.getSession().getAttribute(EIDASParameters.SP_URL.toString()); Object errorUrl = eidasSession == null ? null : eidasSession.get(EIDASParameters.ERROR_REDIRECT_URL.toString()); Object errorInterceptorUrl = eidasSession == null ? null : eidasSession.get(EIDASParameters.ERROR_INTERCEPTOR_URL.toString()); if (errorUrl != null) { spUrl = errorUrl; } if (errorInterceptorUrl != null) { request.setAttribute("redirectUrl", spUrl); spUrl = errorInterceptorUrl; } return spUrl == null ? null : spUrl.toString(); } private static void prepareSamlResponseFailConnector(final HttpServletRequest request, AbstractEIDASException exc, IEIDASSession eidasSession) { ICONNECTORSAMLService connectorSamlService = ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext() .getBean(ICONNECTORSAMLService.class); if (connectorSamlService == null) { return; } String spUrl = getErrorReportingUrl(request, eidasSession); if (spUrl == null || !isErrorCodeAllowedForSamlGeneration(exc)) {"ERROR : " + getEidasErrorMessage(exc, null)); return; } byte[] samlToken = connectorSamlService.generateErrorAuthenticationResponse(getInResponseTo(request), getIssuer(request), spUrl.toString(), request.getRemoteAddr(), getSamlStatusCode(request), getSamlSubStatusCode(exc), exc.getErrorMessage()); exc.setSamlTokenFail(EIDASUtil.encodeSAMLToken(samlToken)); if (eidasSession != null) { eidasSession.put(EIDASParameters.ERROR_REDIRECT_URL.toString(), spUrl); } } private static void prepareSamlResponseFailService(final HttpServletRequest request, AbstractEIDASException exc, IEIDASSession eidasSession) { String spUrl = getErrorReportingUrl(request, eidasSession);"ERROR : " + exc.getErrorMessage()); if (spUrl == null) { return; } generateSamlResponse(request, exc, eidasSession, spUrl); } private static void generateSamlResponse(final HttpServletRequest request, AbstractEIDASException exc, IEIDASSession eidasSession, String spUrl) { ISERVICESAMLService serviceSamlService = ApplicationContextProvider.getApplicationContext() .getBean(ISERVICESAMLService.class); if (serviceSamlService == null) { return; } if (exc.getUserErrorCode() != null) { exc.setErrorMessage(""); } String samlSubStatusCode = getSamlSubStatusCode(exc); String errorMessage = exc.getErrorMessage(); if (!isErrorCodeAllowedForSamlGeneration(exc)) { if (exc.getUserErrorCode() != null && isErrorCodeAllowedForSamlGeneration(exc.getUserErrorCode())) { errorMessage = resolveMessage(exc.getUserErrorMessage(), exc.getUserErrorCode(), request.getLocale()); samlSubStatusCode = getSamlSubStatusCode(exc.getUserErrorCode()); } else { return; } } final EIDASAuthnRequest authData = (EIDASAuthnRequest) eidasSession .get(EIDASParameters.AUTH_REQUEST.toString()); if (authData == null) {"ERROR : no authData found during the generation of the error message"); } byte[] samlToken = serviceSamlService.generateErrorAuthenticationResponse(authData, getSamlStatusCode(request), samlSubStatusCode, errorMessage, request.getRemoteAddr(), true); exc.setSamlTokenFail(EIDASUtil.encodeSAMLToken(samlToken)); eidasSession.put(EIDASParameters.ERROR_REDIRECT_URL.toString(), spUrl); } private static String getInResponseTo(final HttpServletRequest req) { Object inResponseTo = req.getSession().getAttribute(EIDASParameters.SAML_IN_RESPONSE_TO.toString()); return inResponseTo == null ? "error" : inResponseTo.toString(); } private static String getIssuer(final HttpServletRequest req) { Object issuer = req.getSession().getAttribute(EIDASParameters.ISSUER.toString()); return issuer == null ? "ConnectorExceptionHandlerServlet" : issuer.toString(); } private static String getSamlStatusCode(final HttpServletRequest req) { Object phase = req.getSession().getAttribute(EIDASParameters.SAML_PHASE.toString()); return phase == EIDASValues.SP_REQUEST ? EIDASStatusCode.REQUESTER_URI.toString() : EIDASStatusCode.RESPONDER_URI.toString(); } private static String getSamlSubStatusCode(final AbstractEIDASException exc) { loadErrorCodesArrays(); String subStatusCode = getSamlSubStatusCode(exc.getErrorCode()); if (subStatusCode != null) { return subStatusCode; } if (exc instanceof InvalidParameterEIDASException) { return EIDASSubStatusCode.INVALID_ATTR_NAME_VALUE_URI.toString(); } return EIDASSubStatusCode.REQUEST_DENIED_URI.toString();// default? } private static String getSamlSubStatusCode(final String errorCode) { for (int i = 0; i < EIDAS_SUB_STATUS_CODES.length; i++) { if (EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i] != null && EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i].length > 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i], errorCode) >= 0) { return EIDAS_SUB_STATUS_CODES[i].toString(); } } return null; } /** * * @param exc * @return true if the exception are allowed to generate a saml message to be shown to the user */ private static boolean isErrorCodeAllowedForSamlGeneration(final AbstractEIDASException exc) { loadErrorCodesArrays(); String errorCode = exc.getErrorCode(); if (isErrorCodeDisabledForSamlGeneration(errorCode)) { return false; } if (isErrorCodeAllowedForSamlGeneration(errorCode)) { return true; } if (exc instanceof InvalidParameterEIDASException || exc instanceof InvalidParameterEIDASServiceException) { return true; } return false; } private static boolean isErrorCodeAllowedForSamlGeneration(final String errorCode) { for (int i = 0; i < EIDAS_SUB_STATUS_CODES.length; i++) { if (EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i] != null && EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i].length > 0 && Arrays.binarySearch(EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i], errorCode) >= 0) { return true; } } return false; } private static boolean isErrorCodeDisabledForSamlGeneration(final String errorCode) { if (Arrays.binarySearch(EIDAS_ERRORS_NO_SAML_GENERATION, errorCode) >= 0) { return true; } return false; } /** * loads error codes if needed */ private static void loadErrorCodesArrays() { if (EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[0] == null) { for (int i = 0; i < EIDAS_ERRORS_WITH_SAML_GENERATION.length; i++) { EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i] = new String[EIDAS_ERRORS_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i].length]; for (int j = 0; j < EIDAS_ERRORS_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i].length; j++) { EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i][j] = EIDASUtil .getConfig(EIDAS_ERRORS_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i][j].errorCode()); } Arrays.sort(EIDAS_ERRORS_CODES_WITH_SAML_GENERATION[i]); Arrays.sort(EIDAS_ERRORS_NO_SAML_GENERATION); } } } /** * * @param exceptionMessage * @param exceptionCode * @param locale * @return the message associated with the given error (identified by exceptionMessage and exceptionCode), retrieved from sysadmin properties */ public static String resolveMessage(String exceptionMessage, String exceptionCode, Locale locale) { return prepareErrorMessage(exceptionMessage, new Object[] { exceptionCode }, locale); } private static String prepareErrorMessage(String message, Object[] parameters, Locale locale) { try { ResourceBundleMessageSource msgResource = (ResourceBundleMessageSource) ApplicationContextProvider .getApplicationContext().getBean(NodeBeanNames.SYSADMIN_MESSAGE_RESOURCES.toString()); final String errorMessage = msgResource.getMessage(message, parameters, locale); return errorMessage; } catch (NoSuchMessageException e) { LOG.warn("ERROR : message not found {} - {}", message, e); } return null; } /** * @param exc the code of the message * @param messageParameters * @return the text of an error message */ private static String getEidasErrorMessage(AbstractEIDASException exc, Object[] messageParameters) { String errorText = ""; Throwable cause = exc.getCause(); String code = cause == null ? exc.getMessage() : cause.getMessage(); if (cause instanceof EIDASSAMLEngineException) { code = ((EIDASSAMLEngineException) cause).getErrorCode(); } EIDASErrors err = EIDASErrors.fromID(code); if (EIDASErrors.isErrorCode(code) || err != null) { if (err == null) { err = EIDASErrors.fromCode(code); } String message = EIDASUtil.getConfig(err.errorMessage()); errorText = prepareErrorMessage(message, prepareParameters(err, messageParameters), Locale.getDefault()); if (!err.isShowToUser()) { exc.setErrorMessage(""); } } return errorText; } private static Object[] prepareParameters(EIDASErrors err, Object[] otherMessageParameters) { Object[] parameters = new Object[1 + (otherMessageParameters == null ? 0 : otherMessageParameters.length)]; parameters[0] = EIDASUtil.getConfig(err.errorCode()); if (otherMessageParameters != null && otherMessageParameters.length > 0) { System.arraycopy(otherMessageParameters, 0, parameters, 1, otherMessageParameters.length); } return parameters; } }