Source code

Java tutorial


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 * This work is Open Source and licensed by the European Commission under the
 * conditions of the European Public License v1.1 
 * (; 
 * any use of this file implies acceptance of the conditions of this license. 
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed 
 * under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,  WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR
 * CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the 
 * specific language governing permissions and    limitations under the License.
package eu.eidas.node.specific.derivation;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;
import org.joda.time.DateTime;

import eu.eidas.auth.commons.DateUtil;
import eu.eidas.auth.commons.IEIDASSession;
import eu.eidas.auth.commons.EIDASParameters;
import eu.eidas.auth.commons.EIDASValues;
import eu.eidas.auth.commons.PersonalAttribute;
import eu.eidas.auth.commons.EIDASAuthnRequest;
import eu.eidas.auth.specific.IDeriveAttribute;

 * Class that implements the derivation of the IsAgeOver attribute.
 * @author,,
public final class DeriveIsAgeOver implements IDeriveAttribute {

     * Logger object.
    private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DeriveIsAgeOver.class.getName());

     * The date's pattern.
    private String pattern;

     * The date of birth's separator.
    private String specificSeparator;

     * If date of birth has a separator char.
    private boolean hasSeparator;

     * {@inheritDoc} Derives the attribute is age over from the Date of Birth.
    public void deriveAttributeToData(final PersonalAttribute pAttr, final IEIDASSession session) {

        final List<String> attrVal = (ArrayList<String>) pAttr.getValue();
        List<String> values = new ArrayList<String>();

        final String derivedName = pAttr.getName();
        final List<String> minAges = ((EIDASAuthnRequest) session.get(EIDASParameters.AUTH_REQUEST.toString()))

        if (!attrVal.isEmpty() && pattern != null && isAgeValid(minAges)) {
            String birthdate = attrVal.get(0);
            LOG.debug("[deriveAttributeToData] attr name: " + derivedName);
            if (isHasSeparator()) {
                birthdate = birthdate.replace(getSpecificSeparator(), EIDASValues.EMPTY_STRING.toString());
            if (birthdate.length() == 8) {
                final DateTime now = new DateTime();
                final int age = DateUtil.calculateAge(birthdate, now, pattern);

                final int minAge = Integer.parseInt(minAges.get(0), 10);

                if (age >= minAge) {
                    values = minAges;

     * Checks if the value provided is numeric.
     * @param minAges List containing a value.
     * @return True if the value is numeric, false otherwise.
    private boolean isAgeValid(final List<String> minAges) {
        if (minAges.size() == 1 && minAges.get(0) != null) {
            return StringUtils.isNumeric(minAges.get(0));

        return false;

     * Setter for pattern.
     * @param pattern The pattern to set.
    public void setPattern(final String pattern) {
        this.pattern = pattern;

     * Getter for pattern.
     * @return The pattern value.
    public String getPattern() {
        return pattern;

     * Setter for specificSeparator.
     * @param specificSeparator The specificSeparator char.
    public void setSpecificSeparator(final String specificSeparator) {
        this.specificSeparator = specificSeparator;

     * Getter for specificSeparator.
     * @return The specificSeparator char.
    public String getSpecificSeparator() {
        return specificSeparator;

     * Setter for hasSeparator.
     * @param hasSeparator If the date of birth has a separator char.
    public void setHasSeparator(final boolean hasSeparator) {
        this.hasSeparator = hasSeparator;

     * Getter for hasSeparator.
     * @return The hasSeparator value.
    public boolean isHasSeparator() {
        return hasSeparator;
