Java tutorial
/* * This work is Open Source and licensed by the European Commission under the * conditions of the European Public License v1.1 * * (; * * any use of this file implies acceptance of the conditions of this license. * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package eu.eidas.node.auth.connector; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import eu.eidas.auth.commons.cache.ConcurrentMapService; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.owasp.esapi.StringUtilities; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.eidas.auth.commons.EidasParameterKeys; import eu.eidas.auth.commons.EIDASValues; import eu.eidas.auth.commons.WebRequest; import eu.eidas.auth.commons.attribute.AttributeDefinition; import eu.eidas.auth.commons.attribute.ImmutableAttributeMap; import eu.eidas.auth.commons.protocol.eidas.LevelOfAssurance; import eu.eidas.node.auth.AUNODEUtil; /** * This Util class is used by {@link AUCONNECTORSAML} and {@link AUCONNECTORCountrySelector} to get a configuration from * a loaded configuration file or to validate the SP. * * @author,,, *, * @version $Revision: 1.7 $, $Date: 2011-02-18 02:02:39 $ */ public final class AUCONNECTORUtil extends AUNODEUtil { /** * Logger object. */ private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(AUCONNECTORUtil.class.getName()); /** * Configuration file. */ private Properties configs; /** * Bypass all SP validations? */ private boolean bypassValidation; /** * Minimum QAA Level Allowed. */ private int minQAA; /** * Maximum QAA Level Allowed. */ private int maxQAA; public AUCONNECTORUtil() { // default constructor for use without concurrentMapService } public AUCONNECTORUtil(final ConcurrentMapService concurrentMapService) { // Obtaining the anti-replay cache service provider defined in configuration and call it for setting up cache setAntiReplayCache(concurrentMapService.getNewMapCache()); } /** * Loads a specific property. * * @param configKey the key of the property to load. * @return String containing the value of the property. */ public String loadConfig(final String configKey) { LOG.debug("Loading config file " + configKey); return getConfigs().getProperty(configKey); } /** * Loads the URL of a ServiceProxy, with the Id serviceId, from the properties file. * * @param serviceId the Id of the ServiceProxy. * @return String with the URL of the ServiceProxy. null if no URL was found. */ public String loadConfigServiceURL(final String serviceId) { return loadServiceAttribute(serviceId, "url"); } public String loadConfigServiceMetadataURL(final String pepId) { return loadServiceAttribute(pepId, "metadata.url"); } private String loadServiceAttribute(final String pepId, String paramName) { String retVal = null; final int nServices = Integer.parseInt(configs.getProperty(EidasParameterKeys.EIDAS_NUMBER.toString())); LOG.debug("Number of Service: " + nServices); // load URL for (int i = 1; i <= nServices && retVal == null; i++) { final String serviceCons = EIDASValues.EIDAS_SERVICE_PREFIX.index(i); if (configs.containsKey(serviceCons) && configs.getProperty(serviceCons).equals(pepId)) { retVal = configs.getProperty(EIDASValues.EIDAS_SERVICE_PREFIX.attribute(paramName, i)); LOG.debug("Service URL " + retVal); } } return retVal; } /** * Loads the skew time of a ProxyService, with the Id serviceId, from the properties file. * * @param serviceId the Id of the ProxyService. * @return String with the URL of the ProxyService. null if no URL was found. */ public Long loadConfigServiceTimeSkewInMillis(final String serviceId) { LOG.trace("loadConfigServiceTimeSkewInMillis"); Long retVal = null; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(serviceId)) {"BUSINESS EXCEPTION : the serviceId is empty or null !"); return Long.valueOf(0); } final int nServices = Integer.parseInt(configs.getProperty(EidasParameterKeys.EIDAS_NUMBER.toString())); LOG.debug("Number of Services: " + nServices); for (int i = 1; i <= nServices && retVal == null; i++) { final String serviceCons = EIDASValues.EIDAS_SERVICE_PREFIX.index(i); if (configs.containsKey(serviceCons) && configs.getProperty(serviceCons).equals(serviceId)) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(configs.getProperty(EIDASValues.EIDAS_SERVICE_PREFIX.skew(i)))) { retVal = Long.parseLong(configs.getProperty(EIDASValues.EIDAS_SERVICE_PREFIX.skew(i))); LOG.debug("Service SKEW " + retVal); } else { LOG.error("Service SKEW is empty in eidas.xml"); retVal = Long.valueOf(0); } } } return retVal; } /** * Checks if a specific Service Provider has the required access level and if it is a known Service Provider. * * @param parameters A map of attributes. * @return true is SP is valid; false otherwise. * @see Map * @see ICONNECTORSAMLService */ public boolean validateSP(WebRequest webRequest) { String spID = webRequest.getRequestState().getSpId(); String spQAALevel = webRequest.getRequestState().getQaa(); String spLoA = webRequest.getRequestState().getLevelOfAssurance(); String loadedSpQAALevel = this.loadConfig(spID + ".qaalevel"); if (spLoA == null && (!this.isValidQAALevel(spQAALevel) || (!bypassValidation && !this.isValidSPQAALevel(spQAALevel, loadedSpQAALevel)))) {"BUSINESS EXCEPTION : " + spID + " is untrustable or has an invalid QAALevel: " + spQAALevel); return false; } else if (spLoA != null && LevelOfAssurance.getLevel(spLoA) == null) {"BUSINESS EXCEPTION : " + spID + " is untrustable or has an invalid LoA: " + spLoA); return false; } LOG.trace("BUSINESS EXCEPTION : " + spID + " is trustable and has either a valid QAALevel: " + spQAALevel + " or a valid LoA: " + spLoA); return true; } /** * Checks if the configured QAALevel is greater than minQAALevel and less than maxQAALevel. * * @param qaaLevel The QAA Level to validate. * @return True if the qaaLevel is valid. False otherwise. */ private boolean isValidQAALevel(final String qaaLevel) { return StringUtils.isNumeric(qaaLevel) && Integer.parseInt(qaaLevel) >= this.getMinQAA() && Integer.parseInt(qaaLevel) <= this.getMaxQAA(); } /** * Checks if the requested SP's QAALevel is less than configured SP's QAALevel. * * @param spQAALevel The QAA Level of the SP. * @param confQAALevel The QAA Level from the configurations. * @return True if spQAALevel is valid. False otherwise. */ private boolean isValidSPQAALevel(final String spQAALevel, final String confQAALevel) { return StringUtils.isNumeric(spQAALevel) && StringUtils.isNumeric(confQAALevel) && Integer.parseInt(confQAALevel) >= Integer.parseInt(spQAALevel); } private boolean checkPermission(final String permission, ImmutableAttributeMap requestedAttributes) { LOG.trace("List of permitted attributes: " + permission); // Creates an array list from a String in the format perm1;perm2;permN;. final String[] perms = permission.split(EIDASValues.ATTRIBUTE_SEP.toString()); final Set<String> permissions = new HashSet<String>(Arrays.asList(perms)); for (final AttributeDefinition definition : requestedAttributes.getDefinitions()) { if (!permissions.contains(definition.getFriendlyName())) { LOG.trace("False:No Permission - " + definition.getFriendlyName()); return false; } } return true; } /** * Checks if the Service provider, with the ID spID has access to the requested attributes. * * @param spId The id of the SP. * @param attributeList The requested attributes. * @return True if the SP has access to the contents, False otherwise. */ @Deprecated public boolean checkContents(String spId, ImmutableAttributeMap requestedAttributes) { String loadConfig = loadConfig(spId); final String permission = StringUtilities.isEmpty(loadConfig) ? loadConfig(EIDASValues.DEFAULT.toString()) : loadConfig; if (!StringUtilities.isEmpty(permission)) { if (EIDASValues.ALL.toString().equals(permission)) { LOG.debug("True:ALL_VALUES"); return true; } else if (EIDASValues.NONE.toString().equals(permission)) { LOG.debug("False:NO_VALUES"); return false; } else { return checkPermission(permission, requestedAttributes); } } else { LOG.debug("No attribute configuration found!"); return false; } } /** * Setter for bypassValidation. * * @param byPassValidation The bypassValidation to set. */ public void setBypassValidation(final boolean byPassValidation) { this.bypassValidation = byPassValidation; } /** * Getter for bypassValidation. * * @return The bypassValidation value. */ public boolean isBypassValidation() { return bypassValidation; } /** * Setter for configs. * * @param confs The configs to set. * @see Properties */ public void setConfigs(final Properties confs) { this.configs = substituteEnvironmentVariables(confs); } /** * Getter for configs. * * @return configs The configs value. * @see Properties */ public Properties getConfigs() { return configs; } /** * Getter for minQAA. * * @return The minQAA value. */ public int getMinQAA() { return minQAA; } /** * Setter for minQAA. * * @param nMinQAA The new minQAA value. */ public void setMinQAA(final int nMinQAA) { this.minQAA = nMinQAA; } /** * Setter for maxQAA. * * @param nMaxQAA The new maxQAA value. */ public void setMaxQAA(final int nMaxQAA) { this.maxQAA = nMaxQAA; } /** * Getter for maxQAA. * * @return The maxQAA value. */ public int getMaxQAA() { return maxQAA; } }