Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package; import eu.edisonproject.utility.commons.Term; import eu.edisonproject.utility.commons.TermFactory; import eu.edisonproject.utility.file.CSVFileReader; import eu.edisonproject.utility.text.processing.Cleaner; import eu.edisonproject.utility.text.processing.Stemming; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.concurrent.ArrayBlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.BlockingQueue; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.LinkedBlockingDeque; import java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.logging.Level; import java.util.logging.Logger; import; import org.json.simple.JSONArray; import org.json.simple.JSONObject; import org.json.simple.JSONValue; import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException; /** * * @author S. Koulouzis */ public class Wikidata extends DisambiguatorImpl { // private static Map<String, Set<String>> termCache; // private static Map<String, Set<String>> titlesCache; // private static final String[] EXCLUDED_CAT = new String[]{ // "articles needing", // "articles lacking", // "articles with", // "articles containing", // "articles to", // "article disambiguation", // "articles incorporating", // "articles covered", // "articles created", // "articles that", // "cs1 ", // "disambiguation pages", // "set index articles", // "copied and pasted articles", // "cleanup tagged articles", // "pages needing", // "pages lacking", // "pages with", // "pages using", // "disambiguation pages", // "use dmy dates", // "use mdy dates", // "all stub articles", // "orphaned articles", // "wikipedia introduction", // "wikipedia articles", // "wikipedia external", // "wikipedia indefinitely", // "wikipedia spam", // "on wikidata" // }; private final String PAGE = ""; @Override public void configure(Properties properties) { super.configure(properties); } @Override public Term getTerm(String term) throws IOException, ParseException, MalformedURLException { Set<Term> possibleTerms = null; try { possibleTerms = getCandidates(term); } catch (InterruptedException | ExecutionException ex) { Logger.getLogger(Wikipedia.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } String delimeter = ","; String wordSeperator = " "; Set<String> ngarms = CSVFileReader.getNGramsForTerm(term, getItemsFilePath(), delimeter, wordSeperator); Term dis = super.disambiguate(term, possibleTerms, ngarms, getMinimumSimilarity()); if (dis == null) { Logger.getLogger(Wikidata.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Couldn''''t figure out what ''{0}'' means", term); } else { Logger.getLogger(Wikidata.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Term: {0}. Confidence: {1} URL: {2}", new Object[] { dis, dis.getConfidence(), dis.getUrl() }); } return dis; } @Override public Set<Term> getCandidates(String lemma) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Set<String> termsStr = getPossibleTermsFromDB(lemma, new URL(PAGE).getHost()); if (termsStr != null && !termsStr.isEmpty()) { Set<Term> terms = TermFactory.create(termsStr); return terms; // Set<Term> wikiTerms = new HashSet<>(); // for (Term t : terms) { // if (t.getUrl().toString().contains(new URL(PAGE).getHost())) { // wikiTerms.add(t); // } // } // if (!wikiTerms.isEmpty()) { // return wikiTerms; // } } // if (termsStr != null) { // Set<Term> terms = TermFactory.create(termsStr); // Set<Term> possibleTerms = new HashSet<>(); // for (Term t : terms) { // boolean add = true; // for (CharSequence g : t.getGlosses()) { // if (g != null && g.toString().contains("Wikimedia disambiguation PAGE")) { // add = false; // break; // } // } // if (add) { // possibleTerms.add(t); // } // } // return possibleTerms; // } String query = lemma.replaceAll("_", " "); query = URLEncoder.encode(query, "UTF-8"); int i = 0; URL url = new URL(PAGE + "?action=wbsearchentities&format=json&language=en&continue=" + i + "&limit=50&search=" + query); Logger.getLogger(Wikidata.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, url.toString()); String jsonString = IOUtils.toString(url); Set<Term> terms = queryTerms(jsonString, lemma); addPossibleTermsToDB(lemma, terms); return terms; } private Set<Term> queryTerms(String jsonString, String originalTerm) throws ParseException, IOException, MalformedURLException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Set<Term> terms = new HashSet<>(); JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parseWithException(jsonString); JSONArray search = (JSONArray) jsonObj.get("search"); for (Object obj : search) { JSONObject jObj = (JSONObject) obj; String label = (String) jObj.get("label"); if (label != null && !label.toLowerCase().contains("(disambiguation)")) { label = label.replaceAll("%(?![0-9a-fA-F]{2})", "%25"); label = label.replaceAll("\\+", "%2B"); label =, "UTF-8"); label = label.replaceAll("_", " ").toLowerCase(); originalTerm =, "UTF-8"); originalTerm = originalTerm.replaceAll("_", " "); stemer.setDescription(label); String stemTitle = stemer.execute(); stemer.setDescription(originalTerm); String stemLema = stemer.execute(); int dist = edu.stanford.nlp.util.StringUtils.editDistance(stemLema, stemTitle); if (stemTitle.contains(stemLema) && dist <= 10) { String url = null; Term t = new Term(); t.setLemma(label); t.setUrl(url); t.setOriginalTerm(originalTerm); JSONArray aliases = (JSONArray) jObj.get("aliases"); if (aliases != null) { List<CharSequence> altLables = new ArrayList<>(); for (Object aObj : aliases) { String alt = (String) aObj; altLables.add(alt); } t.setAltLables(altLables); } String description = (String) jObj.get("description"); if (description == null || !description.toLowerCase().contains("wikipedia disambiguation page")) { String id = (String) jObj.get("id"); url = "" + id; t.setUrl(url); List<CharSequence> glosses = new ArrayList<>(); glosses.add(description); t.setGlosses(glosses); t.setUid(id); // List<String> broaderID = getBroaderID(id); // t.setBroaderUIDS(broaderID); // List<String> cat = getCategories(id); // t.setCategories(cat); terms.add(t); } } } } Set<Term> catTerms = new HashSet<>(); Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> cats = getCategories(terms); for (Term t : terms) { List<CharSequence> cat = cats.get(t.getUid()); t.setCategories(cat); catTerms.add(t); } Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> broaderIDs = getbroaderIDS(terms); Set<Term> returnTerms = new HashSet<>(); for (Term t : catTerms) { List<CharSequence> broaderID = broaderIDs.get(t.getUid()); t.setBuids(broaderID); returnTerms.add(t); } return returnTerms; } // private boolean shouldAddCategory(String cat) { // for (String s : EXCLUDED_CAT) { // if (cat.toLowerCase().contains(s)) { // return false; // } // } // return true; // } // private List<String> getBroaderID(String id) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException { // return getNumProperty(id, "P31"); // } private Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> getbroaderIDS(Set<Term> terms) throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> map = new HashMap<>(); if (terms.size() > 0) { int maxT = 2; BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(maxT); ExecutorService pool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maxT, maxT, 500L, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, workQueue); // ExecutorService pool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maxT, maxT, 5000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(maxT, true), new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()); Set<Future<Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>>>> set1 = new HashSet<>(); String prop = "P31"; for (Term t : terms) { URL url = new URL( PAGE + "?action=wbgetclaims&format=json&props=&property=" + prop + "&entity=" + t.getUid()); Logger.getLogger(Wikidata.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, url.toString()); WikiRequestor req = new WikiRequestor(url, t.getUid().toString(), 1); Future<Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>>> future = pool.submit(req); set1.add(future); } pool.shutdown(); for (Future<Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>>> future : set1) { while (!future.isDone()) { // Logger.getLogger(Wikipedia.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Task is not completed yet...."); Thread.currentThread().sleep(10); } Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> c = future.get(); if (c != null) { map.putAll(c); } } } return map; } private Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> getCategories(Set<Term> terms) throws MalformedURLException, InterruptedException, ExecutionException { Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> cats = new HashMap<>(); if (terms.size() > 0) { int maxT = 2; BlockingQueue<Runnable> workQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(maxT); ExecutorService pool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maxT, maxT, 500L, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, workQueue); // ExecutorService pool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maxT, maxT, // 5000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, // new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(maxT, true), new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()); Set<Future<Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>>>> set1 = new HashSet<>(); String prop = "P910"; for (Term t : terms) { URL url = new URL( PAGE + "?action=wbgetclaims&format=json&props=&property=" + prop + "&entity=" + t.getUid()); Logger.getLogger(Wikidata.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, url.toString()); WikiRequestor req = new WikiRequestor(url, t.getUid().toString(), 1); Future<Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>>> future = pool.submit(req); set1.add(future); } pool.shutdown(); Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> map = new HashMap<>(); for (Future<Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>>> future : set1) { while (!future.isDone()) { // Logger.getLogger(Wikipedia.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Task is not completed yet...."); Thread.currentThread().sleep(10); } Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> c = future.get(); if (c != null) { map.putAll(c); } } workQueue = new ArrayBlockingQueue(maxT); pool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maxT, maxT, 500L, TimeUnit.MICROSECONDS, workQueue); // pool = new ThreadPoolExecutor(maxT, maxT, // 5000L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS, // new ArrayBlockingQueue<>(maxT, true), new ThreadPoolExecutor.CallerRunsPolicy()); Set<Future<Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>>>> set2 = new HashSet<>(); for (Term t : terms) { List<CharSequence> catIDs = map.get(t.getUid()); for (CharSequence catID : catIDs) { URL url = new URL( PAGE + "?action=wbgetentities&format=json&props=labels&languages=en&ids=" + catID); Logger.getLogger(Wikidata.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, url.toString()); WikiRequestor req = new WikiRequestor(url, t.getUid().toString(), 2); Future<Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>>> future = pool.submit(req); set2.add(future); } } pool.shutdown(); for (Future<Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>>> future : set2) { while (!future.isDone()) { // Logger.getLogger(Wikipedia.class.getName()).log(Level.INFO, "Task is not completed yet...."); Thread.currentThread().sleep(10); } Map<CharSequence, List<CharSequence>> c = future.get(); if (c != null) { cats.putAll(c); } } } return cats; } private List<String> getNumProperty(String id, String prop) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException { URL url = new URL(PAGE + "?action=wbgetclaims&format=json&props=&property=" + prop + "&entity=" + id); Logger.getLogger(Wikidata.class.getName()).log(Level.FINE, url.toString()); String jsonString = IOUtils.toString(url); JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parseWithException(jsonString); JSONObject claims = (JSONObject) jsonObj.get("claims"); JSONArray Jprop = (JSONArray) claims.get(prop); List<String> ids = new ArrayList<>(); if (Jprop != null) { for (Object obj : Jprop) { JSONObject jobj = (JSONObject) obj; JSONObject mainsnak = (JSONObject) jobj.get("mainsnak"); // System.err.println(mainsnak); JSONObject datavalue = (JSONObject) mainsnak.get("datavalue"); // System.err.println(datavalue); if (datavalue != null) { JSONObject value = (JSONObject) datavalue.get("value"); // System.err.println(value); java.lang.Long numericID = (java.lang.Long) value.get("numeric-id"); // System.err.println(id + " -> Q" + numericID); ids.add("Q" + numericID); } } } return ids; } // private List<String> getCategories(String id) throws IOException, MalformedURLException, ParseException { // List<String> ids = getNumProperty(id, "P910"); // List<String> lables = new ArrayList(); // if (ids != null) { // for (String s : ids) { // String l = getLabel(s); // lables.add(l); // } // } // // return lables; // } // private String getLabel(String id) throws MalformedURLException, IOException, ParseException { // // URL url = new URL(PAGE + "?action=wbgetentities&format=json&props=labels&languages=en&ids=" + id); // System.err.println(url); // String jsonString = IOUtils.toString(url); // JSONObject jsonObj = (JSONObject) JSONValue.parseWithException(jsonString); // // JSONObject entities = (JSONObject) jsonObj.get("entities"); //// System.err.println(entities); // JSONObject jID = (JSONObject) entities.get(id); // // JSONObject labels = (JSONObject) jID.get("labels"); //// System.err.println(labels); // JSONObject en = (JSONObject) labels.get("en"); //// System.err.println(en); // if (en != null) { // String value = (String) en.get("value"); // return value.substring("Category:".length()).toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_"); // } // return null; // } }