Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2010 DELVING BV * * Licensed under the EUPL, Version 1.1 or as soon they * will be approved by the European Commission - subsequent * versions of the EUPL (the "Licence"); * you may not use this work except in compliance with the * Licence. * You may obtain a copy of the Licence at: * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in * writing, software distributed under the Licence is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either * express or implied. * See the Licence for the specific language governing * permissions and limitations under the Licence. */ package; import com.mongodb.DBCollection; import com.mongodb.DBCursor; import com.mongodb.DBObject; import eu.delving.metadata.Facts; import eu.delving.metadata.MetadataNamespace; import eu.delving.metadata.Path; import eu.delving.metadata.RecordMapping; import; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.delving.sip.DataSetState; import eu.europeana.sip.core.MappingException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.bson.types.ObjectId; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.TreeMap; import static eu.delving.core.util.MongoObject.mob; /** * Implementing the data set interface * * @author Gerald de Jong <> */ class DataSetImpl implements MetaRepo.DataSet { private static Logger LOG = Logger.getLogger(DataSetImpl.class); private ImplFactory implFactory; private DBObject object; private DBCollection recColl; DataSetImpl(ImplFactory implFactory, DBObject object) { this.implFactory = implFactory; this.object = object; } private DBCollection records() { if (recColl == null) { recColl = implFactory.records(getSpec()); } return recColl; } @Override public String getSpec() { return (String) object.get(SPEC); } @Override public DBObject getNamespaces() { return (DBObject) object.get(NAMESPACES); } @Override public DataSetState getState(boolean fresh) { if (fresh) { object = implFactory.dataSets().findOne(mob("_id", object.get("_id"))); } return DataSetState.get((String) object.get(DATA_SET_STATE)); } @Override public String getErrorMessage() { return (String) object.get(ERROR_MESSAGE); } @Override public void setState(DataSetState dataSetState) { object.put(DATA_SET_STATE, dataSetState.toString()); object.removeField(ERROR_MESSAGE); } @Override public void setErrorState(String message) { setState(DataSetState.ERROR); object.put(ERROR_MESSAGE, message); } @Override public void parseRecords(InputStream inputStream) throws RecordParseException { implFactory.removeFirstHarvestSteps(getSpec()); object.put(SOURCE_HASH, ""); save(); records().drop(); try { MetaRepo.Details details = getDetails(); Facts facts = ByteArrayInputStream(details.getFacts())); MongoObjectParser parser = new MongoObjectParser(inputStream, new Path(facts.getRecordRootPath()), new Path(facts.getUniqueElementPath()), details.getMetadataFormat().getPrefix(), details.getMetadataFormat().getNamespace()); MongoObjectParser.Record record; Date modified = new Date(); object.put(NAMESPACES, parser.getNamespaces()); int recordCount = 0; while ((record = parser.nextRecord()) != null) { record.getMob().put(MetaRepo.Record.MODIFIED, modified); record.getMob().put(MetaRepo.Record.DELETED, false); records().insert(record.getMob()); // records().update( // just match unique values for now // mob( // MetaRepo.Record.UNIQUE, // record.getMob().get(MetaRepo.Record.UNIQUE) // ), // record.getMob(), // true, // false // ); recordCount++; if (recordCount % 10000 == 0) {"%d Records read, current count %d", recordCount, records().count())); } }"Finally, %d Records read, current count %d", recordCount, records().count())); parser.close(); // // mark records unmodified by above loop as deleted // records().update( // mob( // MetaRepo.Record.MODIFIED, // mob("$lt", modified) // ), // mob( // "$set", // mob(MetaRepo.Record.DELETED, true) // ), // false, // true // ); //"After marking orphans, %d Records read, current count %d", recordCount, records().count())); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RecordParseException("Unable to parse records", e); } object.put(MetaRepo.DataSet.DATA_SET_STATE, DataSetState.UPLOADED.toString()); save(); } @Override public void setMapping(RecordMapping recordMapping, boolean accessKeyRequired) { DBObject mappings = (DBObject) object.get(MAPPINGS); if (mappings == null) { object.put(MAPPINGS, mappings = mob()); } MetadataNamespace mappedNamespace = null; for (MetadataNamespace namespace : MetadataNamespace.values()) { if (namespace.getPrefix().equals(recordMapping.getPrefix())) { mappedNamespace = namespace; break; } } if (mappedNamespace == null) { throw new MetaRepoSystemException( String.format("Namespace prefix %s not recognized", recordMapping.getPrefix())); } implFactory.removeFirstHarvestSteps(getSpec()); String xml = RecordMapping.toXml(recordMapping); mappings.put(mappedNamespace.getPrefix(), mob(MetaRepo.Mapping.FORMAT, mob(MetaRepo.MetadataFormat.PREFIX, mappedNamespace.getPrefix(), MetaRepo.MetadataFormat.NAMESPACE, mappedNamespace.getUri(), MetaRepo.MetadataFormat.SCHEMA, mappedNamespace.getSchema(), MetaRepo.MetadataFormat.ACCESS_KEY_REQUIRED, accessKeyRequired), MetaRepo.Mapping.RECORD_MAPPING, xml)); save(); } @Override public void setFactsHash(String sourceHash) { object.put(FACTS_HASH, sourceHash); } @Override public void setSourceHash(String sourceHash, boolean downloaded) { object.put(downloaded ? DOWNLOADED_SOURCE_HASH : SOURCE_HASH, sourceHash); } @Override public void setMappingHash(String metadataPrefix, String hash) { object.put(MAPPING_HASH_PREFIX + metadataPrefix, hash); } @Override public int getRecordsIndexed() { Object obj = object.get(RECORDS_INDEXED); if (obj == null) { return 0; } return (Integer) obj; } @Override public void setRecordsIndexed(int count) { object.put(RECORDS_INDEXED, count); } @Override public void incrementRecordsIndexed(int increment) { implFactory.dataSets().update(mob(MetaRepo.DataSet.SPEC, getSpec()), mob("$inc", mob(RECORDS_INDEXED, increment))); setRecordsIndexed(getRecordsIndexed() + increment); } @Override public boolean hasDetails() { return object.get(DETAILS) != null; } @Override public MetaRepo.Details createDetails() { DBObject details = mob(); object.put(DETAILS, details); return new DetailsImpl(details); } @Override public MetaRepo.Details getDetails() { Object detailsObject = object.get(DETAILS); if (detailsObject == null) { throw new MetaRepoSystemException("No Details found"); } return new DetailsImpl((DBObject) detailsObject); } @Override public Map<String, MetaRepo.Mapping> mappings() { Map<String, MetaRepo.Mapping> mappingMap = new TreeMap<String, MetaRepo.Mapping>(); DBObject mappingsObject = (DBObject) object.get(MAPPINGS); if (mappingsObject != null) { for (String prefix : mappingsObject.keySet()) { mappingMap.put(prefix, implFactory.createMapping(this, (DBObject) mappingsObject.get(prefix))); } } return mappingMap; } @Override public int getRecordCount() { return (int) records().count(); } @Override public MetaRepo.Record getRecord(ObjectId id, String prefix, String accessKey) throws MappingNotFoundException, AccessKeyException, MappingException { // if prefix is passed in, mapping can be done DBObject rawRecord = records().findOne(mob(MetaRepo.MONGO_ID, id)); if (rawRecord != null) { MetaRepo.Mapping mapping = getMapping(prefix, accessKey); List<RecordImpl> list = new ArrayList<RecordImpl>(); RecordImpl rec = new RecordImpl(records(), rawRecord, getDetails().getMetadataFormat().getPrefix(), getNamespaces()); System.out.println("Fingerprint {"); for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : rec.getFingerprint().entrySet()) { System.out.println(" " + entry.getKey() + " => " + entry.getValue()); } System.out.println("}"); list.add(rec); if (mapping != null) { Map<String, String> namespaces = new TreeMap<String, String>(); DBObject namespacesObject = getNamespaces(); for (String nsPrefix : namespacesObject.keySet()) { namespaces.put(nsPrefix, (String) namespacesObject.get(nsPrefix)); } ((MappingInternal) mapping).executeMapping(list, namespaces); } return list.isEmpty() ? null : list.get(0); } return null; } @Override public RecordFetch getRecords(String prefix, int count, Date from, ObjectId afterId, Date until, String accessKey) throws MappingNotFoundException, AccessKeyException, MappingException { MetaRepo.Mapping mapping = getMapping(prefix, accessKey); final List<RecordImpl> list = new ArrayList<RecordImpl>(); DBCursor cursor = createCursor(from, afterId, until).limit(count).sort(mob(MetaRepo.MONGO_ID, 1)); while (cursor.hasNext()) { DBObject object =; list.add(new RecordImpl(records(), object, getDetails().getMetadataFormat().getPrefix(), getNamespaces())); } if (list.isEmpty()) { return null; } else { final ObjectId nextAfterId = list.get(list.size() - 1).getId(); if (mapping != null) { Map<String, String> namespaces = new TreeMap<String, String>(); DBObject namespacesObject = (DBObject) object.get(NAMESPACES); for (String nsPrefix : namespacesObject.keySet()) { namespaces.put(nsPrefix, (String) namespacesObject.get(nsPrefix)); } ((MappingInternal) mapping).executeMapping(list, namespaces); // can remove members when records don't validate } return new RecordFetch() { @Override public List<? extends MetaRepo.Record> getRecords() { return list; } @Override public ObjectId getAfterId() { return nextAfterId; } }; } } @Override public List<String> getHashes() { List<String> hashes = new ArrayList<String>(); addHash(FACTS_HASH, hashes); addHash(SOURCE_HASH, hashes); addHash(DOWNLOADED_SOURCE_HASH, hashes); for (String metadataPrefix : implFactory.getMetadataModel().getPrefixes()) { addHash(MAPPING_HASH_PREFIX + metadataPrefix, hashes); } return hashes; } @Override public void save() { implFactory.dataSets().save(object); } @Override public void delete() { records().drop(); implFactory.dataSets().remove(object); } @Override public String toString() { return String.format("DataSet(%s)", getSpec()); } @Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; DataSetImpl dataSet = (DataSetImpl) o; return getSpec().equals(dataSet.getSpec()); } @Override public int hashCode() { return getSpec().hashCode(); } private void addHash(String hashAttribute, List<String> hashes) { String hash = (String) object.get(hashAttribute); if (hash != null) { hashes.add(hash); } } private MetaRepo.Mapping getMapping(String prefix, String key) throws AccessKeyException, MappingNotFoundException { MetaRepo.Mapping mapping; if (getDetails().getMetadataFormat().getPrefix().equals(prefix)) { mapping = null; if (getDetails().getMetadataFormat().isAccessKeyRequired() && !implFactory.getAccessKey().checkKey(key)) { throw new AccessKeyException( String.format("Raw metadata format requires access key, but %s is not valid", key)); } } else { mapping = mappings().get(prefix); if (mapping == null) { throw new MappingNotFoundException(String.format("No mapping found to prefix %s", prefix)); } if (mapping.getMetadataFormat().isAccessKeyRequired() && !implFactory.getAccessKey().checkKey(key)) { throw new AccessKeyException( String.format("Mapping to metadata format requires access key, but %s is not valid", key)); } } return mapping; } private DBCursor createCursor(Date from, ObjectId afterId, Date until) { DBObject query = mob(); if (from != null) { query.put(MetaRepo.Record.MODIFIED, mob("$gte", from)); } if (afterId != null) { query.put(MetaRepo.MONGO_ID, mob("$gt", afterId)); } if (until != null) { query.put(MetaRepo.Record.MODIFIED, mob("$lte", until)); } return records().find(query); } }