Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2013 DASISH * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 * of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package; import eu.dasish.annotation.backend.BackendConstants; import eu.dasish.annotation.backend.ForbiddenException; import eu.dasish.annotation.backend.MatchMode; import eu.dasish.annotation.backend.NotInDataBaseException; import eu.dasish.annotation.backend.Resource; import eu.dasish.annotation.backend.dao.ILambda; import eu.dasish.annotation.schema.Annotation; import eu.dasish.annotation.schema.AnnotationBody; import eu.dasish.annotation.schema.AnnotationInfoList; import eu.dasish.annotation.schema.ObjectFactory; import eu.dasish.annotation.schema.Access; import eu.dasish.annotation.schema.AnnotationInfo; import eu.dasish.annotation.schema.PermissionList; import eu.dasish.annotation.schema.ReferenceList; import eu.dasish.annotation.schema.ResponseBody; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Random; import java.util.UUID; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest; import javax.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement; import org.springframework.stereotype.Component; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; /** * A REST class for GETting, POSTing, PUTting and DELETing annotations or their substructures (child elements). * Every REST method in the case of successful completion produces the object of the declared output type * (a JAXB-element or a message string) or sends a HTTP-error with the corresponding diagnostics otherwise. * @author olhsha */ @Component @Path("/annotations") @Transactional(rollbackFor = { Exception.class }) public class AnnotationResource extends ResourceResource { final private String defaultMatchMode = "exact"; final private String[] admissibleMatchModes = { "exact", "starts_with", "ends_with", "contains" }; /** * * @param httpServletRequest a {@link HttpServletRequest} object; set explicitely in the unit tests. */ public void setHttpServletRequest(HttpServletRequest httpServletRequest) { this.httpServletRequest = httpServletRequest; } /** * * @param providers a {@link Providers} object, used by JAXB, also * to validate input and output xml files w.r.t. the dasish schema. */ public void setProviders(Providers providers) { this.providers = providers; } public AnnotationResource() { } /** * * @param externalIdentifier the UUID of an annotation. * @return the xml-element representing the annotation with "externalIdentifier" built up * from the "annotation" table and the corresponding junction tables. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Path("{annotationid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public JAXBElement<Annotation> getAnnotation(@PathParam("annotationid") String externalIdentifier) throws IOException { Map params = new HashMap(); try { Annotation result = (Annotation) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new GetAnnotation(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.READ, externalIdentifier); if (result != null) { return (new ObjectFactory()).createAnnotation(result); } else { return (new ObjectFactory()).createAnnotation(new Annotation()); } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createAnnotation(new Annotation()); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createAnnotation(new Annotation()); } } private class GetAnnotation implements ILambda<Map, Annotation> { @Override public Annotation apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { return dbDispatcher.getAnnotation((Number) params.get("internalID")); } } /** * * @param externalIdentifier the string representing the UUID of an annotation. * @return the xml element representing the list of h-references of the targets of the annotation with "externalIdentifier". * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Path("{annotationid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}/targets") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public JAXBElement<ReferenceList> getAnnotationTargets(@PathParam("annotationid") String externalIdentifier) throws IOException { Map params = new HashMap(); try { ReferenceList result = (ReferenceList) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new GetTargetList(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.READ, externalIdentifier); if (result != null) { return (new ObjectFactory()).createTargetList(result); } else { return (new ObjectFactory()).createTargetList(new ReferenceList()); } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createReferenceList(new ReferenceList()); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createReferenceList(new ReferenceList()); } } private class GetTargetList implements ILambda<Map, ReferenceList> { @Override public ReferenceList apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { return dbDispatcher.getAnnotationTargets((Number) params.get("internalID")); } } /** * * @param link the link representing one of the target sources of the annotation. * @param matchMode the relation of the actual target-source link to the "link" parameter: "exact", "starts_with", "ends_ith", "contains". * @param text the text fragment that must be present in the annotation body. * @param access the access mode of the logged in user to the requested annotations. * @param namespace not implemented. * @param ownerExternalId the external UUID of the owner of requested annotations. * @param after the minimal creation/update date of the annotation. * @param before the maximal creation/update date of the annotation. * @return the xml-element representing the list of {@link AnnotationInfo} objects representing * the annotations satisfying the requirements defined by the parameters. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Path("") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public JAXBElement<AnnotationInfoList> getFilteredAnnotations(@QueryParam("link") String link, @QueryParam("matchMode") String matchMode, @QueryParam("text") String text, @QueryParam("access") String access, @QueryParam("namespace") String namespace, @QueryParam("owner") String ownerExternalId, @QueryParam("after") String after, @QueryParam("before") String before) throws IOException { Number principalID = this.getPrincipalID(); if (principalID == null) { return new ObjectFactory().createAnnotationInfoList(new AnnotationInfoList()); } if (matchMode == null) { matchMode = defaultMatchMode; } if (!Arrays.asList(admissibleMatchModes).contains(matchMode)) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "ivalide match mode " + matchMode); return new ObjectFactory().createAnnotationInfoList(new AnnotationInfoList()); } UUID ownerExternalUUID = (ownerExternalId != null) ? UUID.fromString(ownerExternalId) : null; if (access == null) { access = defaultAccess; } if (!Arrays.asList(admissibleAccess).contains(access)) { this.INVALID_ACCESS_MODE(access); httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "ivalide mode acess " + access); return new ObjectFactory().createAnnotationInfoList(new AnnotationInfoList()); } try { final AnnotationInfoList annotationInfoList = dbDispatcher.getFilteredAnnotationInfos(ownerExternalUUID, link, MatchMode.valueOf(matchMode.toUpperCase()), text, principalID, access, namespace, after, before); return new ObjectFactory().createAnnotationInfoList(annotationInfoList); } catch (NotInDataBaseException e) { loggerServer.debug(e.toString()); httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, e.toString()); return new ObjectFactory().createAnnotationInfoList(new AnnotationInfoList()); } } /** * The request can be sent by principals with "developer" or "admin" account. * @param n # of threads. * @return a message reporting test success. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. * @throws NotInDataBaseException if getting annotation fails. */ @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Path("stressTest") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public String getAnnotationsMultithread(@QueryParam("n") int n) throws IOException, NotInDataBaseException { Number remotePrincipalID = this.getPrincipalID(); if (remotePrincipalID == null) { return "You are not logged in"; } String typeOfAccount = dbDispatcher.getTypeOfPrincipalAccount(remotePrincipalID); if (typeOfAccount.equals(admin) || typeOfAccount.equals(DebugResource.developer)) { System.out.print("Preparing the data: getting the list of all annotations, picking up " + n + " of them randomly, and initializing threads"); final List<Number> annotationIDs = dbDispatcher.getFilteredAnnotationIDs(null, null, null, null, remotePrincipalID, "read", null, null, null); final int size = annotationIDs.size(); List<GetThread> threads = new ArrayList<GetThread>(n); Random rand = new Random(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { int r = rand.nextInt(size); String annotationExternalId = dbDispatcher .getResourceExternalIdentifier(annotationIDs.get(r), Resource.ANNOTATION).toString(); GetThread thread = new GetThread(this, annotationExternalId); threads.add(thread); } System.out.print( "Running on getAnnotation(id) (no serialized output is shown to save time) on randomly selected annotation ids."); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { threads.get(i).run(); } return "Stress-tested annotationrResource's getAnnotation(xxx): ok"; } else { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN); return "You cannot enjoy this priviledged service because youe are neither admin nor developer. Ask the admin for more priviledges"; } } /** * * @param externalIdentifier the external UUID of an annotation. * @return the xml-element representing the list of permissions, i.e. pairs (principalId, accessMode), * built upon the table "annotations_principals_accesses". * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @GET @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_XML) @Path("{annotationid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}/permissions") @Transactional(readOnly = true) public JAXBElement<PermissionList> getAnnotationPermissions( @PathParam("annotationid") String externalIdentifier) throws IOException { Map params = new HashMap(); try { PermissionList result = (PermissionList) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new GetPermissionList(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.READ, externalIdentifier); if (result != null) { return (new ObjectFactory()).createPermissionList(result); } else { return (new ObjectFactory()).createPermissionList(new PermissionList()); } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createPermissionList(new PermissionList()); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createPermissionList(new PermissionList()); } } private class GetPermissionList implements ILambda<Map, PermissionList> { @Override public PermissionList apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { return dbDispatcher.getPermissions((Number) params.get("internalID"), (Resource) params.get("resourceType")); } } /** * * @param externalIdentifier the external UUID of the annotation to be deleted. * @return the message telling if the annotation is deleted or not. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @DELETE @Path("{annotationid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}") public String deleteAnnotation(@PathParam("annotationid") String externalIdentifier) throws IOException { Map params = new HashMap(); try { int[] result = (int[]) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new DeleteAnnotation(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.ALL, externalIdentifier); if (result != null) { return result[0] + " annotation(s) is(are) deleted."; } else { return "Nothing is deleted."; } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return e1.getMessage(); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return e2.getMessage(); } } private class DeleteAnnotation implements ILambda<Map, int[]> { @Override public int[] apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { return dbDispatcher.deleteAnnotation((Number) params.get("internalID")); } } /** * * @param annotation an {@link Annotation} object. * @return the {@link ResponseBody} element that contains the xml element representing * the fresh annotation (with its freshly generated by the back-end external UUID), and the list * of action-elements representing the actions the client should care for, * e.g. add a cached representation for a certain target. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Path("") public JAXBElement<ResponseBody> createAnnotation(Annotation annotation) throws IOException { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("annotation", annotation); try { ResponseBody result = (ResponseBody) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new AddAnnotation()); if (result != null) { return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(result); } else { return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } private class AddAnnotation implements ILambda<Map, ResponseBody> { @Override public ResponseBody apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { Number principalID = (Number) params.get("principalID"); Annotation annotation = (Annotation) params.get("annotation"); Number annotationID = dbDispatcher.addPrincipalsAnnotation(principalID, annotation); return dbDispatcher.makeAnnotationResponseEnvelope(annotationID); } } /** * * @param externalId the external UUID of the annotation to be updated. * @param annotation the {@link Annotation} object representing the new annotation that should replace the annotation with "externalId". * @return the {@link ResponseBody} element that contains the xml element representing * the updated annotation, and the list of action-elements representing the actions the client should care for, * e.g. add a cached representation for a certain target. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @PUT @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Path("{annotationid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}") public JAXBElement<ResponseBody> updateAnnotation(@PathParam("annotationid") String externalId, Annotation annotation) throws IOException { String annotationExtId = annotation.getId(); if (!(externalId).equals(annotationExtId)) { loggerServer.debug("Wrong request: the annotation identifier " + externalId + " and the annotation (notebook) ID from the request body do not match."); httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST); return null; } try { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("annotation", annotation); params.put("remoteUser", httpServletRequest.getRemoteUser()); ResponseBody result = (ResponseBody) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new UpdateAnnotation(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.WRITE, externalId); if (result != null) { return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(result); } else { return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } private class UpdateAnnotation implements ILambda<Map, ResponseBody> { @Override public ResponseBody apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException, ForbiddenException { Annotation annotation = (Annotation) params.get("annotation"); Number annotationID = (Number) params.get("internalID"); String remoteUser = (String) params.get("remoteUser"); int updatedRows = dbDispatcher.updateAnnotation(annotation, remoteUser); return dbDispatcher.makeAnnotationResponseEnvelope(annotationID); } } /** * * @param externalIdentifier the external UUID of the annotation whose body must be updated. * @param annotationBody an {@link AnnotationBody} object representation the new body of the annotation, * which should replace the old body. * @return the {@link ResponseBody} element that contains the xml element representing * the updated annotation, and the list of action-elements representing the actions the client should care for. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @PUT @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Path("{annotationid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}/body") public JAXBElement<ResponseBody> updateAnnotationBody(@PathParam("annotationid") String externalIdentifier, AnnotationBody annotationBody) throws IOException { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("annotationBody", annotationBody); try { ResponseBody result = (ResponseBody) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new UpdateAnnotationBody(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.WRITE, externalIdentifier); if (result != null) { return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(result); } else { return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class UpdateAnnotationBody implements ILambda<Map, ResponseBody> { @Override public ResponseBody apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { Number resourceID = (Number) params.get("internalID"); AnnotationBody annotationBody = (AnnotationBody) params.get("annotationBody"); int updatedRows = dbDispatcher.updateAnnotationBody(resourceID, annotationBody); return dbDispatcher.makeAnnotationResponseEnvelope(resourceID); } } /** * * @param externalIdentifier the external UUID of the annotation whose headline is to be updated. * @param newHeadline a new headline. * @return the {@link ResponseBody} element that contains the xml element representing * the updated annotation, and the list of action-elements representing the actions the client should care for. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @PUT @Consumes(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Path("{annotationid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}/headline") public JAXBElement<ResponseBody> updateAnnotationHeadline(@PathParam("annotationid") String externalIdentifier, String newHeadline) throws IOException { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("headline", newHeadline); try { ResponseBody result = (ResponseBody) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new UpdateAnnotationHeadline(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.WRITE, externalIdentifier); if (result != null) { return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(result); } else { return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return (new ObjectFactory()).createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// private class UpdateAnnotationHeadline implements ILambda<Map, ResponseBody> { @Override public ResponseBody apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { Number resourceID = (Number) params.get("internalID"); String newHeadline = (String) params.get("headline"); int updatedRows = dbDispatcher.updateAnnotationHeadline(resourceID, newHeadline); return dbDispatcher.makeAnnotationResponseEnvelope(resourceID); } } /** * * @param annotationDatabaseId the internal database Id of the annotation to be updated. * @param annotationHeadline the annotation's headline. * @param access the new value for the public attribute of the annotation. * @return the message telling if the database has been updated and how many rows have been updated; * if "annotationDatabaseId" == null or empty then all the annotations with "annotationHeadline" * must be updated. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Path("publicaccessform") public String updatePubliAccessFromForm(@FormParam("annotationId") String annotationDatabaseId, @FormParam("annotationHeadline") String annotationHeadline, @FormParam("access") String access) throws IOException { if (access.trim().equals("")) { access = "none"; } try { Access accessTyped = Access.fromValue(access); if (annotationDatabaseId == null || annotationDatabaseId.trim().equals("")) { List<UUID> annotationIds = dbDispatcher.getAnnotationExternalIdsFromHeadline(annotationHeadline); if (annotationIds == null || annotationIds.isEmpty()) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, "No annotations with this headline have been found"); return "No annotations with this headline have been found"; } ; int updatedAnnotations = 0; for (UUID annotationId : annotationIds) { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("access", accessTyped); Integer result = (Integer) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new UpdatePublicAccess(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.ALL, annotationId.toString()); updatedAnnotations = (result != null) ? updatedAnnotations + result.intValue() : updatedAnnotations; } return (updatedAnnotations + " row(s) are updated"); } else { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("access", accessTyped); Integer result = (Integer) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new UpdatePublicAccess(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.ALL, annotationDatabaseId); if (result != null) { return result + " row(s) is(are) updated."; } else { return "0 rows are updated."; } } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.toString()); return "0 rows are updated."; } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.toString()); return "0 rows are updated."; } } private class UpdatePublicAccess implements ILambda<Map, Integer> { @Override public Integer apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { Number annotationID = (Number) params.get("internalID"); Access access = (Access) params.get("access"); return dbDispatcher.updatePublicAttribute(annotationID, access); } } /** * * @param annotationExternalId the external UUID of an annotation. * @param principalExternalId the external UUID of a principal whose access mode to the annotation must be updated. * @param access the access mode that should be assigned to the principal. * @return the message about the amount of updated rows. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @PUT @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Path("{annotationid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}/permissions/{principalid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}") public String updatePermission(@PathParam("annotationid") String annotationExternalId, @PathParam("principalid") String principalExternalId, Access access) throws IOException { try { return this.genericUpdateDeletePermission(annotationExternalId, principalExternalId, access); } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return e1.getMessage(); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return e2.getMessage(); } } /** * One of 3 principal-related parameters must be non-null and non-empty; one of 2 annotation-related parameters must be non-null and non-empty. * @param remoteID the remote ID of the principal whose access mode to the annotation (see below) must be updated. * @param fullName the full name of the principal whose access mode to the annotation must be updated. * @param principalDatabaseId the internal database identifier of the principal whose access mode to the annotation must be updated. * @param annotationDatabaseId the internal database id of the annotation for which the access mode must be updated. * @param annotationHeadline the headline of the annotation for which the access mode must be updated. * @param access the new access mode. * @return the message explaining how many rows have been updated. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @POST @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_FORM_URLENCODED) @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Path("permissionform") public String updatePermissionFromForm(@FormParam("login") String remoteID, @FormParam("fullName") String fullName, @FormParam("userId") String principalDatabaseId, @FormParam("annotationId") String annotationDatabaseId, @FormParam("annotationHeadline") String annotationHeadline, @FormParam("access") String access) throws IOException { try { if (access.trim().equals("")) { access = null; } if (principalDatabaseId == null || principalDatabaseId.trim().equals("")) { if (remoteID != null && !remoteID.trim().equals("")) { principalDatabaseId = dbDispatcher.getPrincipalExternalIDFromRemoteID(remoteID).toString(); } else { if (fullName != null) { principalDatabaseId = dbDispatcher.getPrincipalExternalIdFromName(fullName).toString(); } else { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_BAD_REQUEST, "No user information is given"); } } } if (annotationDatabaseId == null || annotationDatabaseId.trim().equals("")) { List<UUID> annotationIds = dbDispatcher.getAnnotationExternalIdsFromHeadline(annotationHeadline); if (annotationIds == null || annotationIds.isEmpty()) { return "No annotations with this headline found"; } ; int count = 0; String tmp = null; for (UUID annotationId : annotationIds) { tmp = this.genericUpdateDeletePermission(annotationId.toString(), principalDatabaseId, Access.fromValue(access)); if (!tmp.startsWith("0")) { count++; } } return (count + " row(s) are updated"); } else { return this.genericUpdateDeletePermission(annotationDatabaseId, principalDatabaseId, Access.fromValue(access)); } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return e1.getMessage(); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return e2.getMessage(); } } //////////////////////////////////////////// private String genericUpdateDeletePermission(String annotationId, String principalId, Access access) throws IOException, NotInDataBaseException, ForbiddenException { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("access", access); final Number inputPrincipalID = dbDispatcher.getResourceInternalIdentifier(UUID.fromString(principalId), Resource.PRINCIPAL); params.put("inputPrincipalID", inputPrincipalID); Integer result = (Integer) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new UpdatePermissionHelper(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.ALL, annotationId); if (result != null) { return result + " row(s) is(are) updated."; } else { return "0 rows are updated."; } } private class UpdatePermissionHelper implements ILambda<Map, Integer> { @Override public Integer apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { Number annotationID = (Number) params.get("internalID"); Number principalID = (Number) params.get("inputPrincipalID"); Access access = (Access) params.get("access"); return dbDispatcher.updatePermission(annotationID, principalID, access); } } /** * * @param annotationExternalId the external UUID of an annotation. * @param permissions a {@link PermissionList} object representing a list of pairs (principal UUID, access mode) of the * new list of permissions for the annotation. * @return the {@link ResponseBody} element that contains the xml element representing * the updated annotation, and the list of action-elements representing the actions the client should care for, * e.g. add the e-mail of a certain principal. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @PUT @Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Produces(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML) @Path("{annotationid: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}/permissions/") public JAXBElement<ResponseBody> updatePermissions(@PathParam("annotationid") String annotationExternalId, PermissionList permissions) throws IOException { Map params = new HashMap(); params.put("permissions", permissions); try { ResponseBody result = (ResponseBody) (new RequestWrappers(this)).wrapRequestResource(params, new UpdatePermissions(), Resource.ANNOTATION, Access.ALL, annotationExternalId); if (result != null) { return new ObjectFactory().createResponseBody(result); } else { return new ObjectFactory().createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return new ObjectFactory().createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return new ObjectFactory().createResponseBody(new ResponseBody()); } } //////////////////////////////////////////// private class UpdatePermissions implements ILambda<Map, ResponseBody> { @Override public ResponseBody apply(Map params) throws NotInDataBaseException { Number annotationID = (Number) params.get("internalID"); PermissionList permissions = (PermissionList) params.get("permissions"); int updatedRows = dbDispatcher.updateOrAddPermissions(annotationID, permissions); return dbDispatcher.makeAccessResponseEnvelope(annotationID, Resource.ANNOTATION); } } /** * * @param annotationId the external UUID of the annotation. * @param principalId the external UUID of a principal whose access mode must be deleted. * @return the amount of removed rows in the database. * @throws IOException if sending an error fails. */ @DELETE @Produces(MediaType.TEXT_PLAIN) @Path("{annotationId: " + BackendConstants.regExpIdentifier + "}/principal/{principalId}/delete") public String deletePermission(@PathParam("annotationId") String annotationId, @PathParam("principalId") String principalId) throws IOException { try { return this.genericUpdateDeletePermission(annotationId, principalId, null); } catch (NotInDataBaseException e1) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND, e1.getMessage()); return e1.getMessage(); } catch (ForbiddenException e2) { httpServletResponse.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_FORBIDDEN, e2.getMessage()); return e2.getMessage(); } } }