Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of CRISIS, an economics simulator. * * Copyright (C) 2015 John Kieran Phillips * * CRISIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CRISIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CRISIS. If not, see <>. */ package; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Stack; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.collections15.keyvalue.MultiKey; import; import eu.crisis_economics.abm.contracts.Contract; import eu.crisis_economics.abm.contracts.InsufficientFundsException; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.crisis_economics.utilities.Pair; /** * @author bochmann * @author phillips (legacy compat.) */ public final class IncrementalLoanDistributionAlgorithm implements ResourceDistributionAlgorithm<Borrower, Lender> { public IncrementalLoanDistributionAlgorithm() { } // Stateless /** * Establish a new {@link Loan} contract. At present, commercial loans * are implemented as {@link FixedRateMortgage} contracts. */ private static Loan setupLoanContract(Borrower borrower, Lender lender, final double loanSize, final double interestRate) { try { return LoanFactory.createFixedRateMortgage(borrower, lender, loanSize, interestRate, 1); } catch (LenderInsufficientFundsException fundingException) { fundingException.printStackTrace(); } return null; } /** * Extend a the principal of an existing {@link Loan} {@link Contract}. * The argument to this method should be strictly positive, or else * no action is taken. */ static void extendExistingLoan(Loan existingLoan, final double postitiveAmount) { if (postitiveAmount <= 0.) return; try { existingLoan.extendLoan(postitiveAmount); } catch (InsufficientFundsException fundingException) { fundingException.printStackTrace(); } } @Override public Pair<Double, Double> distributeResources(final Map<String, Borrower> marketConsumers, final Map<String, Lender> marketSuppliers, final Map<Pair<String, String>, Pair<Double, Double>> desiredResourceExchanges) { Map<Pair<String, String>, Double> interestRates = new HashMap<Pair<String, String>, Double>(); Map<String, Double> loanDemands = new HashMap<String, Double>(), loanSupplies = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (Entry<Pair<String, String>, Pair<Double, Double>> record : desiredResourceExchanges.entrySet()) { interestRates.put(record.getKey(), record.getValue().getSecond()); final String borrowerID = record.getKey().getFirst(), lenderID = record.getKey().getSecond(); final double desiredTrade = record.getValue().getFirst(); if (!loanDemands.containsKey(borrowerID)) loanDemands.put(borrowerID, 0.); if (!loanSupplies.containsKey(lenderID)) loanSupplies.put(lenderID, 0.); loanDemands.put(borrowerID, loanDemands.get(borrowerID) + desiredTrade); loanSupplies.put(lenderID, loanSupplies.get(lenderID) + desiredTrade); } return this.distributeLoans(marketConsumers, marketSuppliers, loanDemands, loanSupplies, interestRates); } private Pair<Double, Double> distributeLoans(final Map<String, Borrower> borrowers, final Map<String, Lender> lenders, final Map<String, Double> loanDemands, final Map<String, Double> loanSupplies, final Map<Pair<String, String>, Double> interestRates) { // collect amount demanded by each firm at the current interest rate Map<String, Double> updatedLoanDemand = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (String key : loanDemands.keySet()) updatedLoanDemand.put(key, 0.); Map<String, Double> updatedLoanSupply = new HashMap<String, Double>(); Map<String, Double> loanSuppliesCopy = new HashMap<String, Double>(); for (String key : loanSupplies.keySet()) { updatedLoanSupply.put(key, 0.); loanSuppliesCopy.put(key, loanSupplies.get(key)); } /** * Aggregation for loans. Loans between the same participant pair (the * same lender-borrower pair) will be combined, by extension of the loan * principal, until the cash aggreation threshold LOAN_AGGREGATION_THRESHOLD * is reached. At this point, a new loan contract will instead be created. */ class LoanAggregator { private static final double LOAN_AGGREGATION_THRESHOLD = 5.e7; private Map<MultiKey<String>, Stack<Loan>> newLoanContracts = new HashMap<MultiKey<String>, Stack<Loan>>(); // Establish a new effective loan, either (a) by creating a loan contract, or // (b) by extending the principal sum of an existing loan. void establishNew(String borrowerID, String lenderID, double principalValue) { MultiKey<String> contractKey = new MultiKey<String>(borrowerID, lenderID); Stack<Loan> existingLoans = newLoanContracts.get(contractKey); if (existingLoans == null) { existingLoans = new Stack<Loan>(); newLoanContracts.put(contractKey, existingLoans); existingLoans.push(createNewLoan(borrowerID, lenderID, principalValue)); } else if (existingLoans.peek().getLoanPrincipalValue() < LOAN_AGGREGATION_THRESHOLD) { extendExistingLoan(existingLoans.peek(), principalValue); } else existingLoans.push(createNewLoan(borrowerID, lenderID, principalValue)); } // Create a new loan contract. private Loan createNewLoan(String borrowerID, String lenderID, double principalValue) { return setupLoanContract(borrowers.get(borrowerID), lenders.get(lenderID), principalValue, interestRates.get(new Pair<String, String>(borrowerID, lenderID))); } } LoanAggregator loanAggregator = new LoanAggregator(); final Iterator<Entry<String, Double>> firmIter = loanDemands.entrySet().iterator(); while (firmIter.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Double> firm =; final Iterator<Entry<String, Double>> bankIter = loanSuppliesCopy.entrySet().iterator(); while (bankIter.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Double> bank =; // leverage circle in case lender == borrower's depositor - try same bank again while (updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()) < firm.getValue() && updatedLoanSupply.get(bank.getKey()) < bank.getValue()) { double reserves = ((Bank) lenders.get(bank.getKey())).getCashReserveValue(); if (reserves > 0.0) { double increment = Math.min(reserves, Math.min(firm.getValue() - updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()), bank.getValue() - updatedLoanSupply.get(bank.getKey()))); updatedLoanDemand.put(firm.getKey(), updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()) + increment); updatedLoanSupply.put(bank.getKey(), updatedLoanSupply.get(bank.getKey()) + increment); loanSupplies.put(bank.getKey(), loanSupplies.get(bank.getKey()) - increment); //legacy loanAggregator.establishNew(firm.getKey(), bank.getKey(), increment); } else { // leverage circle in case lender != borrower's depositor - try all (other) banks final Iterator<Entry<String, Double>> otherBankIter = loanSuppliesCopy.entrySet() .iterator(); while (otherBankIter.hasNext()) { Entry<String, Double> otherBank =; while (updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()) < firm.getValue() && updatedLoanSupply.get(otherBank.getKey()) < otherBank.getValue()) { reserves = ((Bank) lenders.get(otherBank.getKey())).getCashReserveValue(); if (reserves > 0.0) { double increment = Math.min(reserves, Math.min( firm.getValue() - updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()), otherBank.getValue() - updatedLoanSupply.get(otherBank.getKey()))); updatedLoanDemand.put(firm.getKey(), updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()) + increment); updatedLoanSupply.put(otherBank.getKey(), updatedLoanSupply.get(otherBank.getKey()) + increment); loanSupplies.put(otherBank.getKey(), loanSupplies.get(otherBank.getKey()) - increment); //legacy loanAggregator.establishNew(firm.getKey(), otherBank.getKey(), increment); } else break; } if (updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()) >= firm.getValue()) break; // otherBank loop shortcut } // in case cash is not flowing back to any bank, bank has to handle cash flow exception double increment = firm.getValue() - updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()); if (increment > 0) { updatedLoanDemand.put(firm.getKey(), updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()) + increment); updatedLoanSupply.put(bank.getKey(), updatedLoanSupply.get(bank.getKey()) + increment); loanSupplies.put(bank.getKey(), loanSupplies.get(bank.getKey()) - increment); //legacy loanAggregator.establishNew(firm.getKey(), bank.getKey(), increment); } break; // no point of trying same bank again } } if (updatedLoanDemand.get(firm.getKey()) >= firm.getValue()) break; // bank loop shortcut } } double effectiveLoan = 0., tradeWeightedInterestRate = 0.; int numberOfLoansCreated = 0; for (Stack<Loan> loans : loanAggregator.newLoanContracts.values()) { for (Loan loan : loans) { effectiveLoan += loan.getLoanPrincipalValue(); tradeWeightedInterestRate += loan.getLoanPrincipalValue() * loan.getInterestRate(); } numberOfLoansCreated += loans.size(); } System.out.println("Number of loans created: " + numberOfLoansCreated + "."); loanAggregator.newLoanContracts.clear(); return new Pair<Double, Double>(effectiveLoan, tradeWeightedInterestRate / effectiveLoan); } }