Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of CRISIS, an economics simulator. * * Copyright (C) 2015 Ross Richardson * Copyright (C) 2015 John Kieran Phillips * * CRISIS is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * CRISIS is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with CRISIS. If not, see <>. */ package eu.crisis_economics.abm.contracts.stocks; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.math3.exception.NullArgumentException; /** * @author phillips */ public final class StockOwnershipTracker implements Iterable<StockHolder> { private final String stockUniqueName; private Map<String, StockHolder> currentStockHolders; private StockReleaser stockReleaser; /** * Create a dedicated stock ownership tracker. At construction, * this class will verify that every StockHolder object indicated * in initialStockHolders does own shares in the stock with the * unique name String stockUniqueName. * * Upon construction, this class will count the total number of * shares in existence (N). At all times thereafter, N will be * regarded as a constant. */ public StockOwnershipTracker(final String stockUniqueName, final double originalTotalNumberOfShares, final StockReleaser stockReleaser) { if (stockUniqueName == null || stockReleaser == null) throw new NullArgumentException(); this.stockUniqueName = stockUniqueName; this.stockReleaser = stockReleaser; this.currentStockHolders = new HashMap<String, StockHolder>(); if (originalTotalNumberOfShares <= 0.) throw new IllegalStateException("StockOwnershipTracker: the total number of shares emitted (value " + originalTotalNumberOfShares + ") is non-positive."); } /** * Terminate all stock accounts with all shareholders. */ public void terminateAllExistingShareAccountsWithoutCompensation() { Map<String, StockHolder> currentStockHoldersCopy = new HashMap<String, StockHolder>(currentStockHolders); for (Entry<String, StockHolder> record : currentStockHoldersCopy.entrySet()) { final StockAccount stockAccount = record.getValue().getStockAccount(stockUniqueName); stockAccount.terminateAccountWithoutCompensatingStockHolder(); } currentStockHolders.clear(); } void trackStockHolder(final StockHolder stockHolder) { currentStockHolders.put(stockHolder.getUniqueName(), stockHolder); } void discontinueStockHolderTracking(final StockHolder stockHolder) { currentStockHolders.remove(stockHolder.getUniqueName()); } /** * Get the stock releaser. */ public StockReleaser getStockReleaser() { return stockReleaser; } /** * Count the total number of shares currently held by shareholders. */ private double countTotalSharesHeldByShareHolders() { double result = 0.; for (Entry<String, StockHolder> record : currentStockHolders.entrySet()) result += record.getValue().getStockAccount(stockUniqueName).getQuantity(); return result; } /** * Does the holder own shares in this stock type? */ public boolean doesOwnShares(final StockHolder stockHolder) { return doesOwnShares(stockHolder.getUniqueName()); } public boolean doesOwnShares(final String stockHolderName) { return currentStockHolders.containsKey(stockHolderName); } /** * What value of shares does the holder currently own in this stock type? */ public double getValueOfSharesOwned(final StockHolder stockHolder) { return getValueOfSharesOwned(stockHolder.getUniqueName()); } /** * What value of shares does the holder currently own in this stock type? */ public double getValueOfSharesOwned(final String stockHolderName) { if (!doesOwnShares(stockHolderName)) return 0.0; else return currentStockHolders.get(stockHolderName).getNumberOfSharesOwnedIn(stockReleaser.getUniqueName()) * UniqueStockExchange.Instance.getStockPrice(stockReleaser); } /** * Get the (fixed) total number of shares in existence. */ public double getTotalNumberOfSharesEmitted() { return countTotalSharesHeldByShareHolders(); } /** * Get the unique name of the stock resource. */ public String getStockName() { return stockUniqueName; } /** * Returns a brief description of this object. The exact details of the * string are subject to change, and should not be regarded as fixed. */ @Override public String toString() { String result = "StockOwnershipTracker, stock unique name: " + stockUniqueName + ", " + "share distribution: "; for (Entry<String, StockHolder> record : currentStockHolders.entrySet()) result += String.format("[%s %g] ", record.getKey(), record.getValue().getStockAccount(stockUniqueName).getQuantity()); return result; } /** * Get the number of {@link StockHolder}{@code s} known to hold shares in * the stock instrument to which this tracker belongs. */ public int getNumberOfStockHolders() { return currentStockHolders.size(); } /** * Get an iterator to an unmodifiable list of stock holders. */ @Override public Iterator<StockHolder> iterator() { List<StockHolder> copy = new ArrayList<StockHolder>(); copy.addAll(currentStockHolders.values()); return Collections.unmodifiableList(copy).iterator(); } }