Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2015 XLAB d.o.o. * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at * * * @author XLAB d.o.o. *******************************************************************************/ package; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; import java.util.Set; import org.springframework.beans.factory.annotation.Autowired; import org.springframework.cache.annotation.Cacheable; import org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.BuyConfirmResult; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.common.ContextHelper; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.IAddressDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.IAuthorDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.ICcXactsDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.ICountryDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.ICustomerDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.IItemDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.IOrderLineDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.IOrdersDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.IShoppingCartDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.IShoppingCartLineDao; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.dao.mongo.impl.ShoppingCartDaoImpl; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.IAddress; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.IAuthor; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.ICcXacts; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.ICountry; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.ICustomer; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.IItem; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.IOrderLine; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.IOrders; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.IShoppingCart; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.IShoppingCartLine; import eu.cloudscale.showcase.db.model.hibernate.ShoppingCart; @Transactional(readOnly = true) public abstract class AService implements IService { @Autowired protected IAddressDao addressDao; @Autowired protected IAuthorDao authorDao; @Autowired protected ICcXactsDao ccXactsDao; @Autowired protected ICountryDao countryDao; @Autowired protected ICustomerDao customerDao; @Autowired protected IItemDao itemDao; @Autowired protected IOrderLineDao orderLineDao; @Autowired protected IOrdersDao ordersDao; @Autowired protected IShoppingCartDao shoppingCartDao; @Autowired protected IShoppingCartLineDao shoppingCartLineDao; @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public IShoppingCart createEmptyCart() { IShoppingCartDao scDao = shoppingCartDao; IShoppingCart sc = new ShoppingCart(); sc.setScTime(new Date()); //getCurrentSession().saveOrUpdate(sc); scDao.shrani(sc); return sc; } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") @Override @Cacheable("newProducts") public List getNewProducts(String category) { //System.out.println("getNewProducts(" + category + ") called!"); return itemDao.getNewProducts(category); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public IShoppingCart doCart(IShoppingCart sc, Integer itemId, List<Integer> ids, List<Integer> quantities) { IShoppingCartLineDao sclDao = shoppingCartLineDao; IShoppingCartDao scDao = shoppingCartDao; if (itemId != null) { addItem(sc, itemDao.findById(itemId.intValue())); } refreshCart(sc, ids, quantities); addRandomItemToCartIfNecessary(sc); resetCartTime(sc); //System.out.println("[scDao.shrani] doCart()"); scDao.shrani(sc, true); return sc; } public void resetCartTime(IShoppingCart sc) { try { sc.setScTime(new Date()); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("ShoppingId = " + sc.getScId()); e.printStackTrace(); } } //@Transactional(readOnly=false) public void addRandomItemToCartIfNecessary(IShoppingCart sc) { // check and see if the cart is empty. If it's not, we do // nothing. try { // Check to see if the cart is empty if (sc.getShoppingCartLines().size() == 0) { // Cart is empty addItem(sc, itemDao.getRandomItem()); } } catch (java.lang.Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); } } protected IShoppingCart getCart(Integer shoppingId, double discount) { IShoppingCartDao scDao = shoppingCartDao; IShoppingCart sc = scDao.findById(shoppingId); return sc; } // protected void addRandomItemToCartIfNecessary( // IShoppingCartLineDao sclDao, Integer shoppingId) // { // IItemDao itemDao = getItemDaoImpl(); // // if ( sclDao.isCartEmpty( shoppingId ) ) // { // IItem randItem = itemDao.getRandomItem(); // // related_item = getRelated1(sclDao, shoppingId, randItem); // addItem( shoppingId, randItem ); // } // // } // protected IItem getRelated1(IShoppingCartLineDao<IShoppingCartLine> // sclDao, // Integer shoppingId, // IItem randItem) // { // IItemDao<IItem> itemDao = getItemDaoImpl(); // IItem relatedItem = itemDao.getRelated1( randItem ); // return relatedItem; // } //@Transactional(readOnly=false) public void refreshCart(IShoppingCart sc, List<Integer> ids, List<Integer> quantities) { IShoppingCartLineDao sclDao = shoppingCartLineDao; for (int i = 0; i < ids.size(); i++) { int itemId = ids.get(i); int QTY = quantities.get(i); IShoppingCartLine scl = sclDao.getBySCandItem(sc.getScId(), itemId); if (QTY == 0) { //System.out.println("[sclDao.delete] addItem()"); sclDao.delete(scl); } else { scl.setSclQty(QTY); //System.out.println("[sclDao.shrani] refreshCart()"); sclDao.shrani(scl); } } } //@Transactional(readOnly=false) public void addItem(IShoppingCart sc, IItem item) { IShoppingCartLineDao sclDao = shoppingCartLineDao; IShoppingCartDao scDao = shoppingCartDao; IShoppingCartLine scl = sclDao.getBySCandItem(sc.getScId(), item.getIId()); if (scl != null) { scl.setSclQty(scl.getSclQty() + 1); //System.out.println("[sclDao.shrani] addItem()"); sclDao.shrani(scl); } else { scl = sclDao.getObject(); scl.setItem(item); scl.setSclQty(1); scl.setShoppingCart(sc); //System.out.println("[sclDao.shrani] addItem()"); sclDao.shrani(scl); sc.getShoppingCartLines().add(scl); //scDao.shrani( sc ); } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public BuyConfirmResult doBuyConfirm(Integer shoppingId, Integer customerId, String ccType, long ccNumber, String ccName, Date ccExpiry, String shipping, String street1, String street2, String city, String state, String zip, String country) { IShoppingCart sc = shoppingCartDao.findById(shoppingId); if (sc != null) { ICustomer customer = customerDao.findById(customerId); double cDiscount = getCDiscount(customer); // IShoppingCart cart = getCart( shoppingId, cDiscount ); IAddress address = saveAddress(street1, street2, city, state, zip, country); IOrders order = saveOrder(address, customer, shipping, sc, cDiscount); saveCcXacts(order, ccType, ccNumber, ccName, ccExpiry, sc, address); clearCart(shoppingId); return new BuyConfirmResult(order, sc); } return new BuyConfirmResult(null, null); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public BuyConfirmResult doBuyConfirm(Integer shoppingId, Integer customerId, String ccType, Long ccNumber, String ccName, Date ccExpiry, String shipping) { ICustomer customer = customerDao.findById(customerId); double discount = getCDiscount(customer); IShoppingCart sc = getCart(shoppingId, discount); if (sc != null) { IAddress address = customer.getAddress(); IOrders order = saveOrder(address, customer, shipping, sc, discount); saveCcXacts(order, ccType, ccNumber, ccName, ccExpiry, sc, address); clearCart(shoppingId); return new BuyConfirmResult(order, sc); } return new BuyConfirmResult(null, null); } @Transactional(readOnly = false) protected void clearCart(Integer shoppingId) { IShoppingCartDao scDao = shoppingCartDao; IShoppingCart sc = (IShoppingCart) scDao.findById(shoppingId); IShoppingCartLineDao sclDao = shoppingCartLineDao; Set<IShoppingCartLine> res = sc.getShoppingCartLines(); if (res != null && !res.isEmpty()) { for (IShoppingCartLine scl : res) { sclDao.delete(scl); } } } @Transactional(readOnly = false) protected ICcXacts saveCcXacts(IOrders order, String ccType, long ccNumber, String ccName, Date ccExpiry, IShoppingCart cart, IAddress address) { if (ccType.length() > 10) ccType = ccType.substring(0, 10); if (ccName.length() > 30) ccName = ccName.substring(0, 30); ICcXacts ccXacts = ccXactsDao.getObject(); ccXacts.setCountry(address.getCountry()); ccXacts.setOrders(order); ccXacts.setCxType(ccType); ccXacts.setCxNum((int) ccNumber); ccXacts.setCxName(ccName); ccXacts.setCxExpiry(ccExpiry); ccXacts.setCxXactAmt(calculateTotal(cart)); ccXacts.setCxXactDate(new Date()); ccXacts.setCountry(address.getCountry()); ccXactsDao.shrani(ccXacts); return ccXacts; } @Transactional(readOnly = false) protected IAddress saveAddress(String street1, String street2, String city, String state, String zip, String country) { IAddress address = addressDao.getObject(); address.setAddrStreet1(street1); address.setAddrStreet2(street2); address.setAddrCity(city); address.setAddrState(state); address.setAddrZip(zip); address.setCountry(countryDao.getByName(country)); addressDao.shrani(address); return address; } @Transactional(readOnly = false) protected IOrders saveOrder(IAddress address, ICustomer customer, String shipping, IShoppingCart sc, double discount) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); Random rand = new Random(); IOrders order = ordersDao.getObject(); order.setCustomer(customer); order.setOTax(8.25); order.setODate(new Date()); order.setAddressByOBillAddrId(customer.getAddress()); order.setAddressByOShipAddrId(address); cal.add(Calendar.DATE, rand.nextInt(7)); order.setOShipDate(cal.getTime()); order.setOShipType(shipping); order.setOStatus("PENDING"); order.setOTotal(calculateTotal(sc)); order.setOSubTotal(calculateTotal(sc)); ordersDao.shrani(order); Set<IShoppingCartLine> res = sc.getShoppingCartLines(); if (res != null && !res.isEmpty()) { for (IShoppingCartLine scl : res) { IOrderLine ol = orderLineDao.getObject(); ol.setItem(scl.getItem()); ol.setOlComment(getRandomString(20, 100)); ol.setOlDiscount(discount); ol.setOlQty(scl.getSclQty()); ol.setOrders(order); order.getOrderLines().add(ol); orderLineDao.shrani(ol); } } ordersDao.shrani(order); return order; } public String getRandomString(int min, int max) { String newstring = new String(); Random rand = new Random(); int i; final char[] chars = { 'a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e', 'f', 'g', 'h', 'i', 'j', 'k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'o', 'p', 'q', 'r', 's', 't', 'u', 'v', 'w', 'x', 'y', 'z', 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', 'F', 'G', 'H', 'I', 'J', 'K', 'L', 'M', 'N', 'O', 'P', 'Q', 'R', 'S', 'T', 'U', 'V', 'W', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', '!', '@', '#', '$', '%', '^', '&', '*', '(', ')', '_', '-', '=', '+', '{', '}', '[', ']', '|', ':', ';', ',', '.', '?', '/', '~', ' ' }; // 79 // characters int strlen = (int) Math.floor(rand.nextDouble() * (max - min + 1)); strlen += min; for (i = 0; i < strlen; i++) { char c = chars[(int) Math.floor(rand.nextDouble() * 79)]; newstring = newstring.concat(String.valueOf(c)); } return newstring; } protected double calculateTotal(IShoppingCart sc) { double total = 0; if (sc != null) { Set<IShoppingCartLine> res = sc.getShoppingCartLines(); if (res != null && !res.isEmpty()) { for (IShoppingCartLine scl : res) { if (scl != null) { total += scl.getItem().getICost(); } } } } return total; } protected double getCDiscount(ICustomer customer) { return customer.getCDiscount(); } @Override public List searchByAuthor(String keyword) { List<IAuthor> authors = authorDao.findBySoundexLname(keyword); List<IItem> items = new ArrayList<IItem>(); for (IAuthor author : authors) { if (items.size() >= 50) { break; } items.addAll(itemDao.findAllByAuthor(author)); } return items; } @Override public List<IItem> getPromotional() { return itemDao.getPromotional(); } @Override public boolean countryExist(String country) { ICountry country1 = countryDao.getByName(country); return country1 == null; } @Override public ICustomer getUserBy(String uname, String passwd) { return customerDao.getUserBy(uname, passwd); } @Override public ICustomer getCustomerObject() { return customerDao.getObject(); } @Override public IAddress getAddressObject() { return addressDao.getObject(); } @Override public ICountry getCountryByName(String country) { return countryDao.getByName(country); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void saveAddress(IAddress address) { addressDao.shrani(address); } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void saveCustomer(ICustomer customer) { customerDao.shrani(customer); } @Override public IShoppingCart findShoppingCartById(Integer shoppingId) { return shoppingCartDao.findById(shoppingId); } @Override public ICustomer findCustomerById(Integer customerId) { return customerDao.findById(customerId); } @Override @Cacheable("bestSellers") public List<Object[]> getBestSellers(String category) { return itemDao.getBestSellers(category); } @Override @Cacheable("search") public List<IItem> searchByTitle(String keyword) { List<IItem> items = itemDao.findAllByTitle(keyword); return items; } @Override @Cacheable("search") public List<IItem> searchBySubject(String keyword) { List<IItem> items = itemDao.findAllBySubject(keyword); return items; } @Override public IOrders getMostRecentOrder(ICustomer customer) { return ordersDao.getMostRecentOrder(customer); } @Override public List<IOrderLine> findAllOrderLineByOrder(IOrders order) { return orderLineDao.findAllByOrder(order); } @Override public IItem findItemById(Integer itemId) { return itemDao.findById(itemId); } @Override public IAddress findAddressById(Integer addrId) { return addressDao.findById(addrId); } @Override public ICountry getCountryById(Integer coId) { return countryDao.findById(coId); } @Override public List<ICustomer> findCustomerByAddress(IAddress address) { return customerDao.findByAddress(address); } @Override public IOrders findOrdersById(Integer cxOId) { return ordersDao.findById(cxOId); } @Override public IAuthor findAuthorById(Integer cxAuthId) { try { return authorDao.findById(cxAuthId); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("AuthorDao is null"); return null; } } @Override public IOrderLine findOrderLineById(Integer olId) { return orderLineDao.findById(olId); } @Override public ICcXacts findCcXactsById(Integer ccXactId) { return ccXactsDao.findById(ccXactId); } @Override public List findAllShoppingCartLinesBySC(IShoppingCart shoppingCart) { try { return shoppingCartDao.findAllBySC(shoppingCart); } catch (NullPointerException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } } @Override @Transactional(readOnly = false) public void saveItem(IItem item) { itemDao.shrani(item); } }