Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


   Copyright 2011-2013 The Cassandra Consortium (
   Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
   you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
   You may obtain a copy of the License at
   Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
   distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
   See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
   limitations under the License.
package eu.cassandra.server.mongo.csn;

import java.util.Vector;

import org.bson.types.ObjectId;

import com.mongodb.BasicDBObject;
import com.mongodb.DBObject;

import eu.cassandra.server.mongo.MongoPersons;
import eu.cassandra.server.mongo.util.DBConn;

public class MongoEdges {

    public final static String InstallationType = "InstallationType";
    public final static String PersonType = "PersonType";
    public final static String TransformerID = "TransformerID";
    public final static String TopologicalDistance = "TopologicalDistance";
    public final static String Location = "Location";
    public final static String SocialDistance = "SocialDistance";

    public final static String TotalEnergyConsumption = "TotalEnergyConsumption";

    public final static String MaxHourlyEnergyConsumption = "MaxHourlyEnergyConsumption";
    public final static String MinHourlyEnergyConsumption = "MinHourlyEnergyConsumption";

    public final static String AverageActivePowerPerHour = "AverageActivePowerPerHour";
    public final static String AverageReactivePowerPerHour = "AverageReactivePowerPerHour";

    public final static String MaxActivePowerPerHour = "MaxActivePowerPerHour";
    public final static String MaxReactivePowerPerHour = "MaxReactivePowerPerHour";

    public final static String MinActivePowerPerHour = "MinActivePowerPerHour";
    public final static String MinReactivePowerPerHour = "MinReactivePowerPerHour";

    public final static String hoursP = "hoursP";
    public final static String hoursQ = "hoursQ";
    public final static String hoursE = "hoursE";

     * @param nodes
     * @param graph_id
     * @param graphType
     * @param minWeight
     * @param httpHeaders
    public Vector<DBObject> createEdges(Vector<DBObject> nodes, String graph_id, String graphType, Double minWeight,
            String dbName) {
        Vector<DBObject> edges = new Vector<DBObject>();
        for (int i = 0; i < nodes.size() - 1; i++) {
            for (int j = i + 1; j < nodes.size(); j++) {
                DBObject edge = createEdge(graphType, minWeight, nodes.get(i), nodes.get(j), dbName);
                if (edge != null) {
                    ObjectId id = new ObjectId();
                    edge.put("_id", id);
                    edge.put("graph_id", graph_id);
                    edge.put("node_id1", nodes.get(i).get("_id").toString());
                    edge.put("node_id2", nodes.get(j).get("_id").toString());
                    edge.put("inst_id1", nodes.get(i).get("inst_id").toString());
                    edge.put("inst_id2", nodes.get(j).get("inst_id").toString());
                    edge.put("run_id", dbName);
        return edges;

    private DBObject createEdge(String graphType, Double minWeight, DBObject inst1, DBObject inst2, String dbName) {
        DBObject edge = null;
        boolean createEdge = false;
        if (graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(InstallationType) || graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(InstallationType)) {
            if (equalInNodes("type", inst1, inst2)) {
                createEdge = true;
        else if (graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(PersonType)) {
            if (equalPersonType(inst1, inst2, dbName)) {
                createEdge = true;
        else if (graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(TransformerID)) {
            if (equalInNodes(TransformerID, inst1, inst2)) {
                createEdge = true;
        else if (graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(TopologicalDistance)) {
        else if (graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(Location)) {
            if (equalInNodes(Location.toLowerCase(), inst1, inst2)) {
                createEdge = true;
        else if (graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(SocialDistance)) {
            if (equalInNodes(Location.toLowerCase(), inst1, inst2)) {
                createEdge = true;

        //All other 
        else {
            edge = decideIfToCreateEdge(inst1, inst2, graphType, minWeight);

        //      public final static String MaxHourlyEnergyConsumption = "MaxHourlyEnergyConsumption";
        //      public final static String MinHourlyEnergyConsumption = "MinHourlyEnergyConsumption";
        //      public final static String AverageActivePowerPerHour = "AverageActivePowerPerHour";
        //      public final static String AverageReactivePowerPerHour = "AverageReactivePowerPerHour";
        //      public final static String MaxActivePowerPerHour = "MaxActivePowerPerHour";
        //      public final static String MaxReactivePowerPerHour = "MaxReactivePowerPerHour";
        //      public final static String MinActivePowerPerHour = "MinActivePowerPerHour";
        //      public final static String MinReactivePowerPerHour = "MinReactivePowerPerHour";

        //      else if(graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(TotalConsumptionQ) ) {
        //         edge = decideIfToCreateEdge(edge, inst1, inst2, "sumQ", graphType,minWeight); 
        //      }
        //      //avgP
        //      else if(graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(AverageConsumptionP) ) {
        //         edge = decideIfToCreateEdge(edge, inst1, inst2, "avgP", graphType,minWeight); 
        //      }
        //      else if(graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(AverageConsumptionQ) ) {
        //         edge = decideIfToCreateEdge(edge, inst1, inst2, "avgQ", graphType,minWeight); 
        //      }
        //      //Min
        //      else if(graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(MinConsumptionP)  ) {
        //         edge = decideIfToCreateEdge(edge, inst1, inst2, "minP", graphType,minWeight); 
        //      }
        //      else if(graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(MinConsumptionQ) ) {
        //         edge = decideIfToCreateEdge(edge, inst1, inst2, "minQ", graphType,minWeight); 
        //      }
        //      //Max
        //      else if(graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(MaxConsumptionP)) {
        //         edge = decideIfToCreateEdge(edge, inst1, inst2, "maxP", graphType,minWeight); 
        //      }
        //      else if(graphType.equalsIgnoreCase(MaxConsumptionQ) ) {
        //         edge = decideIfToCreateEdge(edge, inst1, inst2, "maxQ", graphType,minWeight); 
        //      }

        if (createEdge)
            edge = new BasicDBObject("type", graphType);

        return edge;

     * @param instObjectKey
     * @param inst1
     * @param inst2
     * @return
    private boolean equalInNodes(String instObjectKey, DBObject inst1, DBObject inst2) {
        if (inst1.get(instObjectKey) != null && inst2.get(instObjectKey) != null) {
            if (inst1.get(instObjectKey).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(inst2.get(instObjectKey).toString())) {
                return true;
        return false;

     * @param inst1
     * @param inst2
     * @param instObjectKey
     * @param minWeight
     * @param httpHeaders
     * @return
    private DBObject decideIfToCreateEdge(DBObject inst1, DBObject inst2, String instObjectKey, Double minWeight) {
        //      Double v2 = Double.parseDouble(inst2.get(instObjectKey).toString());
        DBObject edge = null;
        if (instObjectKey.equalsIgnoreCase(TotalEnergyConsumption)
                || instObjectKey.equalsIgnoreCase(MaxHourlyEnergyConsumption)
                || instObjectKey.equalsIgnoreCase(MinHourlyEnergyConsumption)
                || instObjectKey.equalsIgnoreCase(AverageActivePowerPerHour)
                || instObjectKey.equalsIgnoreCase(AverageReactivePowerPerHour)
                || instObjectKey.equalsIgnoreCase(MaxReactivePowerPerHour)
                || instObjectKey.equalsIgnoreCase(MaxHourlyEnergyConsumption)
                || instObjectKey.equalsIgnoreCase(MinActivePowerPerHour)
                || instObjectKey.equalsIgnoreCase(MinReactivePowerPerHour)) {
            if (inst1.containsField(instObjectKey) && inst2.containsField(instObjectKey)) {
                Double v1 = Double.parseDouble(inst1.get(instObjectKey).toString());
                Double v2 = Double.parseDouble(inst2.get(instObjectKey).toString());
                double dif = Math.abs(v1 - v2);
                if (dif > minWeight) {
                    edge = new BasicDBObject("type", instObjectKey);
                    edge.put("minWeight", minWeight);
                    edge.put("weight", dif);
        return edge;

    //   /**
    //    * 
    //    * @param v1
    //    * @param v2
    //    * @param minWeight
    //    * @param instObjectKey
    //    * @return
    //    */
    //   private DBObject createEdge(Double v1, Double v2, Double minWeight, String instObjectKey) {
    //      DBObject edge = null;
    //      double dif = Math.abs(v1-v2);
    //      if( dif < minWeight) {
    //         edge = new BasicDBObject("type",instObjectKey);
    //         edge.put("minWeight", minWeight);
    //         edge.put("weight", dif);
    //      }
    //      return edge;
    //   }

     * @param inst1
     * @param inst2
     * @param httpHeaders
     * @return
    private boolean equalPersonType(DBObject inst1, DBObject inst2, String dbName) {
        String instObjectKey = "type";
        DBObject person1 = DBConn.getConn(dbName).getCollection(MongoPersons.COL_PERSONS)
                .findOne(new BasicDBObject("inst_id", inst1.get("inst_id").toString()));
        DBObject person2 = DBConn.getConn(dbName).getCollection(MongoPersons.COL_PERSONS)
                .findOne(new BasicDBObject("inst_id", inst2.get("inst_id").toString()));
        if (person1.get(instObjectKey) != null && person2.get(instObjectKey) != null) {
            if (person1.get(instObjectKey).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(person1.get(instObjectKey).toString())) {
                return true;
        return false;

    //   private double getSum(DBObject inst, HttpHeaders httpHeaders) {
    //      double value = 0.0;
    //      DBCursor results = DBConn.getConn(MongoDBQueries.getDbNameFromHTTPHeader(httpHeaders)).getCollection(
    //            MongoResults.COL_INSTRESULTS_HOURLY_EN).find(new BasicDBObject("inst_id",inst.get("_id").toString()));
    //      while(results.hasNext()) {
    //         DBObject obj =;
    //         if(obj.containsField("p")) {
    //            String v = obj.get("p").toString();
    //            value += Double.parseDouble(v);
    //         }
    //      }
    //      results.close();
    //      return value;
    //   }

    //   /**
    //    * 
    //    * @param edge
    //    * @param inst1
    //    * @param inst2
    //    * @param instObjectKey
    //    * @param graphType
    //    * @return
    //    */
    //   private DBObject decideIfToCreateEdge(DBObject edge, DBObject inst1, DBObject inst2, String instObjectKey, String graphType, Double minWeight) {
    //      if(inst1.get(instObjectKey) != null && inst2.get(instObjectKey) != null) {
    //         //If create edges based on Node Type or Person Type
    //         if(minWeight == null) {
    //            if(inst1.get(instObjectKey).toString().equalsIgnoreCase(inst2.get(instObjectKey).toString())) {
    //               edge = new BasicDBObject("type",graphType);
    //            }
    //         }
    //         //Else if create edges based on P or Q (max,min, avg)
    //         else if(!graphType.toLowerCase().contains("per")) {
    //            Double v1 = Double.parseDouble(inst1.get(instObjectKey).toString());
    //            Double v2 = Double.parseDouble(inst2.get(instObjectKey).toString());
    //            double dif = Math.abs(v1-v2);
    //            if( dif < minWeight) {
    //               edge = new BasicDBObject("type",graphType);
    //               edge.put("minWeight", minWeight);
    //               edge.put("weight", dif);
    //            }
    //         }
    //         //Else perday or perhour
    //         else {
    //         }
    //      }
    //      return edge;
    //   }