Java tutorial
/** * Bukkit plugin Balls of Steel Copyright (C) 2014 Amaury Carrade * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under * the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software * Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later * version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more * details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with * this program. If not, see []. */ package; import eu.carrade.amaury.BallsOfSteel.BallsOfSteel; import eu.carrade.amaury.BallsOfSteel.GameConfig; import eu.carrade.amaury.BallsOfSteel.MapConfig; import eu.carrade.amaury.BallsOfSteel.teams.BoSTeam; import eu.carrade.amaury.BallsOfSteel.timers.Timer; import eu.carrade.amaury.BallsOfSteel.timers.TimerEndsEvent; import eu.carrade.amaury.BallsOfSteel.utils.BoSUtils; import fr.zcraft.zlib.components.i18n.I; import fr.zcraft.zlib.core.ZLibComponent; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.bukkit.GameMode; import org.bukkit.Location; import org.bukkit.OfflinePlayer; import org.bukkit.World; import org.bukkit.command.CommandSender; import org.bukkit.entity.Player; import org.bukkit.event.EventHandler; import org.bukkit.event.Listener; import org.bukkit.event.entity.PlayerDeathEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerJoinEvent; import org.bukkit.event.player.PlayerRespawnEvent; import org.bukkit.inventory.ItemStack; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; public class BoSGameManager extends ZLibComponent implements Listener { private BallsOfSteel p = null; private boolean running = false; private World gameWorld = null; private Map<Location, BoSTeam> trackedChests = new HashMap<>(); private Timer timer = null; private final static String TIMER_NAME = "eu.carrade.amaury.ballsofsteel"; public BoSGameManager() { this.p = BallsOfSteel.get(); } @Override protected void onEnable() { timer = new Timer(TIMER_NAME); try { timer.setDuration(BoSUtils.string2Time(GameConfig.DURATION.get())); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { timer.setDuration(3600); // One hour by default. } setGameWorld(MapConfig.WORLD.get()); } /** * Starts the game. * * @param sender The sender of the start (will receive the error messages). * * @throws IllegalStateException if the game is already started. */ public void start(final CommandSender sender) { if (running) { throw new IllegalStateException("The game is already started!"); } // Check: non-empty teams registered boolean onlyEmpty = true; for (BoSTeam team : BallsOfSteel.get().getTeamsManager().getTeams()) { if (team.getPlayers().size() != 0) { onlyEmpty = false; break; } } if (onlyEmpty) { sender.sendMessage(I.t("{ce}You cannot start the game without any non-empty team.")); return; } // Check: all the teams with players inside needs to have a chest and a spawn point. boolean chestsOK = true; boolean spawnsOK = true; for (BoSTeam team : BallsOfSteel.get().getTeamsManager().getTeams()) { if (team.getPlayers().size() == 0) continue; // empty team if (team.getSpawnPoint() == null) { spawnsOK = false; } if (team.getChest() == null) { chestsOK = false; } if (!spawnsOK && !chestsOK) { break; } } if (!spawnsOK) { sender.sendMessage(I.t("{ce}Some non-empty teams don't have a spawn point.")); } if (!chestsOK) { sender.sendMessage(I.t("{ce}Some non-empty teams don't have a chest.")); } if (!(chestsOK && spawnsOK)) { return; } // Teleportation, equipment for (BoSTeam team : BallsOfSteel.get().getTeamsManager().getTeams()) { if (team.getPlayers().size() == 0) continue; team.teleportTo(team.getSpawnPoint()); team.setDiamondsCount(0); for (OfflinePlayer oPlayer : team.getPlayers()) { if (oPlayer.isOnline()) { Player player = (Player) oPlayer; player.setHealth(20d); player.setFoodLevel(20); player.setSaturation(20f); player.setGameMode(GameMode.SURVIVAL); player.setBedSpawnLocation(team.getSpawnPoint(), true); BallsOfSteel.get().getEquipmentManager().equipPlayer(player); } } // We can assume that all teams are teleported in the same world. // We take the world of the spawn point of a team (the first non-empty). if (getGameWorld() == null) { setGameWorld(team.getSpawnPoint().getWorld()); } } // Environment gameWorld.setGameRuleValue("doDaylightCycle", "false"); gameWorld.setTime(6000); gameWorld.setThundering(false); gameWorld.setStorm(false); gameWorld.setWeatherDuration(timer.getDuration() * 2 * 20); gameWorld.setPVP(true); // Timer timer.start(); // Scoreboard BallsOfSteel.get().getScoreboardManager().initScoreboard(); // Bar BallsOfSteel.get().getBarManager().useRunningBar(); // Sound if (GameConfig.START.SOUND.get() != null) GameConfig.START.SOUND.get().broadcast(gameWorld); // Message BoSUtils.worldBroadcast(gameWorld, I.t("{green}--- GO ---")); running = true; } /** * Ends the game. * <p> * <ul> * <li>Displays "game ended" in the chat;</li> * <li>displays "game ended" in the boss bar (if available);</li> * <li>displays, 7 seconds after, the name of the winner in the boss bar (fallback on the chat).</li> * </ul> * * @param broadcastStopInChat If true, a "game ended" message will be published in the chat.<br> * Set this to false if you restart the game before the end. */ public void stop(boolean broadcastStopInChat) { if (broadcastStopInChat) { BoSUtils.worldBroadcast(getGameWorld(), I.t("{red}--- The End ---")); } setGameRunning(false); if (BallsOfSteel.get().getBarManager().isEnabled()) { BallsOfSteel.get().getBarManager().useEndBar(); } else { BallsOfSteel.get().getScoreboardManager().updateTimer(); // Hides the timer in the scoreboard, if this scoreboard is used. } RunTask.later(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { BoSTeam winner = getCurrentWinnerTeam(); String winners = ""; int winnersCount = winner.getPlayers().size(), j = 0; for (OfflinePlayer player : winner.getPlayers()) { winners += player.getName(); if (j == winnersCount - 2) { winners += " " + I.t("and") + " "; } else if (j != winnersCount - 1) { winners += ", "; } j++; } BoSUtils.worldBroadcast(getGameWorld(), I.t("{green}Congratulations to {0} (team {1}{green}) for their victory!", winners, winner.getDisplayName())); } }, 140l); } /** * Restarts the game before the end of a game. */ public void restart(CommandSender sender) { if (!isGameRunning()) { start(sender); } else { stop(false); start(sender); } } /** * Returns {@code true} if the game is launched. * * @return {@code True} if the game is launched. */ public boolean isGameRunning() { return running; } /** * Sets the running state of the game. * * @param running The running state. */ protected void setGameRunning(boolean running) { this.running = running; } /** * Returns the world where the game take place. * * @return The world where the game take place. {@code Null} if the game is not started * and a world was not explicitly set in the config. */ public World getGameWorld() { return gameWorld; } /** * Sets the world where the game take place. * * @param world The world where the game take place. */ public void setGameWorld(World world) { gameWorld = world; BallsOfSteel.get().getLogger().info("Game world set: " + gameWorld.getName() + "."); } /** * Returns the timer of the game. * * @return The timer. */ public Timer getTimer() { return timer; } /** * Updates the internal list of the tracked chests. */ public void updateTrackedChests() { trackedChests.clear(); for (BoSTeam team : BallsOfSteel.get().getTeamsManager().getTeams()) { if (team.getChestLocation1() != null) { trackedChests.put(team.getChestLocation1(), team); } if (team.getChestLocation2() != null) { trackedChests.put(team.getChestLocation2(), team); } } } /** * Return the chests belonging to a team. * <p> * Cached. Automatically updated using {@link #updateTrackedChests()}. * * @return The location of the chests. */ public Map<Location, BoSTeam> getTrackedChests() { return trackedChests; } /** * Returns the current winner of the game (aka the team with the highest diamond count). * * @return The team. */ public BoSTeam getCurrentWinnerTeam() { int bestCount = -1; BoSTeam winner = null; for (BoSTeam team : BallsOfSteel.get().getTeamsManager().getTeams()) { if (team.getDiamondsCount() > bestCount) { bestCount = team.getDiamondsCount(); winner = team; } } return winner; } /** * Used to: * - change the gamemode of the player, if the game is not running; * - teleport the player to the spawn, if the game is not running; * - update the scoreboard; * - resurrect a player (if the player was offline). */ @EventHandler public void onPlayerJoin(final PlayerJoinEvent ev) { if (ev.getPlayer().getWorld().equals(getGameWorld()) || BallsOfSteel.get().getTeamsManager().getTeamForPlayer(ev.getPlayer()) != null) { // Mainly useful on the first join. BallsOfSteel.get().getScoreboardManager().setScoreboardForPlayer(ev.getPlayer()); // The display name is reset when the player logs off. BallsOfSteel.get().getTeamsManager().colorizePlayer(ev.getPlayer()); } } /** * Used to broadcast the amount of diamonds lost (if any). */ @EventHandler public void onPlayerDeath(final PlayerDeathEvent ev) { if (ev.getKeepInventory()) return; int diamondsCount = 0; for (final ItemStack item : ev.getEntity().getInventory()) { if (item == null) continue; switch (item.getType()) { case DIAMOND: case DIAMOND_ORE: diamondsCount += item.getAmount(); break; case DIAMOND_BLOCK: diamondsCount += 9 * item.getAmount(); break; } } if (diamondsCount > 0) { ev.setDeathMessage(StringUtils.stripEnd(ev.getDeathMessage(), null) + (ev.getDeathMessage().endsWith(".") ? "" : ".") + " " +"{gray}{0} diamond lost.", "{gray}{0} diamonds lost.", diamondsCount)); } } /** * Used to equip the players when they respawn. */ @EventHandler public void onPlayerRespawn(final PlayerRespawnEvent ev) { if (isGameRunning() && ev.getPlayer().getWorld().equals(getGameWorld())) { final BoSTeam team = BallsOfSteel.get().getTeamsManager().getTeamForPlayer(ev.getPlayer()); if (team != null) { // The player is in a team, aka a "playing player". BallsOfSteel.get().getEquipmentManager().equipPlayer(ev.getPlayer()); RunTask.nextTick(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { ev.getPlayer().teleport(team.getSpawnPoint()); } }); } } } /** * Used to stop the game when the timer ends. */ @EventHandler public void onTimerEnds(final TimerEndsEvent ev) { if (ev.getTimer().getName().equals(TIMER_NAME)) { stop(true); } } }