Java tutorial
/* * This file is part of SteemJ (formerly known as 'Steem-Java-Api-Wrapper') * * SteemJ is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * SteemJ is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with Foobar. If not, see <>. */ package eu.bittrade.libs.steemj; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.UUID; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.ImmutablePair; import org.joou.UInteger; import org.joou.ULong; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import eu.bittrade.crypto.core.ECKey; import eu.bittrade.crypto.core.Sha256Hash; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.base.models.Account; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.base.models.BeneficiaryRouteType; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.base.models.ChainProperties; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.base.models.CommentOptionsExtension; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.base.models.CommentPayoutBeneficiaries; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.base.models.FeedHistory; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.base.models.Permlink; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.base.models.ScheduledHardfork; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.chain.SignedTransaction; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.communication.CommunicationHandler; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.enums.PrivateKeyType; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.enums.RewardFundType; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.exceptions.SteemCommunicationException; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.exceptions.SteemInvalidTransactionException; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.exceptions.SteemResponseException; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.fc.TimePointSec; import; import; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.account.history.AccountHistoryApi; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.account.history.models.AppliedOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.account.history.models.GetAccountHistoryArgs; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.account.history.models.GetOpsInBlockArgs; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.block.BlockApi; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.block.models.ExtendedSignedBlock; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.block.models.GetBlockArgs; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.block.models.GetBlockHeaderArgs; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.condenser.CondenserApi; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.condenser.models.AccountVote; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.condenser.models.ExtendedAccount; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.condenser.models.ExtendedDynamicGlobalProperties; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.condenser.models.ExtendedLimitOrder; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.condenser.models.State; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.database.DatabaseApi; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.database.models.DynamicGlobalProperty; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.database.models.OrderBook; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.database.models.RewardFund; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.database.models.Witness; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.database.models.WitnessSchedule; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.FollowApi; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.enums.FollowType; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.AccountReputation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.BlogEntry; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.CommentBlogEntry; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.CommentFeedEntry; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.FeedEntry; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.FollowApiObject; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.FollowCountApiObject; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.GetFollowersArgs; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.PostsPerAuthorPair; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.operations.FollowOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.follow.models.operations.ReblogOperation; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.tags.TagsApi; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.tags.enums.DiscussionSortType; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.tags.models.Discussion; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.tags.models.DiscussionQuery; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.tags.models.GetActiveVotesArgs; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.tags.models.Tag; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.tags.models.VoteState; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.witness.WitnessApi; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.witness.models.AccountBandwidth; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.witness.models.GetAccountBandwidthArgs; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.plugins.apis.witness.models.ReserveRatioObject; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.AccountName; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.Asset; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.BlockHeader; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.Price; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.PublicKey; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.SignedBlock; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.enums.AssetSymbolType; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.operations.ClaimRewardBalanceOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.operations.CommentOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.operations.CommentOptionsOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.operations.CustomJsonOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.operations.DelegateVestingSharesOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.operations.DeleteCommentOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.operations.Operation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.operations.TransferOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.operations.VoteOperation; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.util.CondenserUtils; import eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.util.SteemJUtils; /** * This class is a wrapper for the Steem web socket API and provides all * features known from the Steem CLI Wallet. * * @author <a href="">dez1337</a> */ public class SteemJ { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SteemJ.class); // Error messages as constants to make SonarQube happy. private static final String TAG_ERROR_MESSAGE = "You need to provide at least one tag, but not more than five."; private static final String NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE = "You try to use a simplified operation without having a default account configured in SteemJConfig. Please configure a default account or use another method."; private static final String MARKDOWN = "markdown"; private CommunicationHandler communicationHandler; /** * Initialize the SteemJ. * * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public SteemJ() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { this.communicationHandler = new CommunicationHandler(); } // ######################################################################### // ## ACCOUNT BY KEY API ################################################### // ######################################################################### /** * Search for users under the use of their public key(s). * * @param publicKeys * An array containing one or more public keys. * @return A list of arrays containing the matching account names. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<AccountName> getKeyReferences(List<PublicKey> publicKeys) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return AccountByKeyApi.getKeyReferences(communicationHandler, new GetKeyReferencesArgs(publicKeys)) .getAccounts(); } // ######################################################################### // ## ACCOUNT HISTORY API ################################################## // ######################################################################### /** * Get a sequence of operations included/generated within a particular * block. * * @param blockNumber * Height of the block whose generated virtual operations should * be returned. * @param onlyVirtual * Define if only virtual operations should be returned * (<code>true</code>) or not (<code>false</code>). * @return A sequence of operations included/generated within a particular * block. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<AppliedOperation> getOpsInBlock(long blockNumber, boolean onlyVirtual) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return AccountHistoryApi.getOpsInBlock(communicationHandler, new GetOpsInBlockArgs(UInteger.valueOf(blockNumber), onlyVirtual)).getOperations(); } public void getTransaction() { } /** * Get all operations performed by the specified account. * * @param accountName * The user name of the account. * @param start * The starting point. * @param limit * The maximum number of entries. * @return A map containing the activities. The key is the id of the * activity. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public Map<UInteger, AppliedOperation> getAccountHistory(AccountName accountName, ULong start, UInteger limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return AccountHistoryApi .getAccountHistory(communicationHandler, new GetAccountHistoryArgs(accountName, start, limit)) .getHistory(); } // ######################################################################### // ## BLOCK API ############################################################ // ######################################################################### /** * Get a full, signed block by providing its <code>blockNumber</code>. The * returned object contains all information related to the block (e.g. * processed transactions, the witness and the creation time). * * @param blockNumber * Height of the block to be returned. * @return The referenced full, signed block, or <code>null</code> if no * matching block was found. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public Optional<ExtendedSignedBlock> getBlock(long blockNumber) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return BlockApi.getBlock(communicationHandler, new GetBlockArgs(UInteger.valueOf(blockNumber))).getBlock(); } /** * Like {@link #getBlock(long)}, but will only return the header of the * requested block instead of the full, signed one. * * @param blockNumber * Height of the block to be returned. * @return The referenced full, signed block, or <code>null</code> if no * matching block was found. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public Optional<BlockHeader> getBlockHeader(long blockNumber) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return BlockApi.getBlockHeader(communicationHandler, new GetBlockHeaderArgs(UInteger.valueOf(blockNumber))) .getHeader(); } // ######################################################################### // ## NETWORK BROADCAST API ################################################ // ######################################################################### /** * Broadcast a transaction on the Steem blockchain. This method will * validate the transaction and return immediately. Please notice that this * does not mean that the operation has been accepted and has been * processed. If you want to make sure that this is the case use the * {@link #broadcastTransactionSynchronous(SignedTransaction)} method. * * @param transaction * The {@link SignedTransaction} object to broadcast. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * In case the provided transaction is not valid. */ public void broadcastTransaction(SignedTransaction transaction) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { NetworkBroadcastApi.broadcastTransaction(communicationHandler, transaction); } /** * Broadcast a transaction on the Steem blockchain. This method will * validate the transaction and return after it has been accepted and * applied. * * @param transaction * The {@link SignedTransaction} object to broadcast. * @return A {@link BroadcastTransactionSynchronousReturn} object providing * information about the block in which the transaction has been * applied. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * In case the provided transaction is not valid. */ public BroadcastTransactionSynchronousReturn broadcastTransactionSynchronous(SignedTransaction transaction) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { return NetworkBroadcastApi.broadcastTransactionSynchronous(communicationHandler, transaction); } /** * Broadcast a whole block. * * @param signedBlock * The {@link SignedBlock} object to broadcast. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public void broadcastBlock(SignedBlock signedBlock) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { NetworkBroadcastApi.broadcastBlock(communicationHandler, signedBlock); } // ######################################################################### // ## DATABASE API ######################################################### // ######################################################################### /** * This API is a short-cut for returning all of the state required for a * particular URL with a single query. * * TODO: Provide examples. * * @param path * TODO: Fix JavaDoc * @return TODO: Fix JavaDoc * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public State getState(Permlink path) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return CondenserApi.getState(communicationHandler, path); } /** * Get the list of the current active witnesses. * * @return The list of the current active witnesses. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<AccountName> getActiveWitnesses() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return DatabaseApi.getActiveWitnesses(communicationHandler); } /** * Get the global properties. * * @return The dynamic global properties. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public DynamicGlobalProperty getDynamicGlobalProperties() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return DatabaseApi.getDynamicGlobalProperties(communicationHandler); } /** * Get the current number of registered Steem accounts. * * @return The number of accounts. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public int getAccountCount() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return 0; } /** * * @param accountNames * A list of accounts you want to request the details for. * @return A List of accounts found for the given account names. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<ExtendedAccount> getAccounts(List<AccountName> accountNames) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_ACCOUNTS); * * // The API expects an array of arrays here. String[] innerParameters * = new String[accountNames.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < * accountNames.size(); i++) { innerParameters[i] = * accountNames.get(i).getName(); } * * String[][] parameters = { innerParameters }; * * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); return * communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * ExtendedAccount.class); */ return null; } /** * Get a list of all votes done by a specific account. * * @param accountName * The user name of the account. * @return A List of votes done by the specified account. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<AccountVote> getAccountVotes(AccountName accountName) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_ACCOUNT_VOTES); String[] * parameters = { accountName.getName() }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * AccountVote.class); */ return null; } /** * Get the active votes for a given post of a given author. * * @param author * The authors name. * @param permlink * The permlink of the article. * @return A list of votes for a specific article. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<VoteState> getActiveVotes(AccountName author, Permlink permlink) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return TagsApi.getActiveVotes(communicationHandler, new GetActiveVotesArgs(author, permlink)).getVotes(); } /** * Get the chain properties. * * @return The chain properties. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public ChainProperties getChainProperties() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_CHAIN_PROPERTIES); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = {}; requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * ChainProperties.class).get(0); */ return null; } /** * Get the details of a specific post. * * @param author * The authors name. * @param permlink * The permlink of the article. * @return The details of a specific post. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public Discussion getContent(AccountName author, Permlink permlink) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_CONTENT); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = { author.getName(), permlink.getLink() }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Discussion.class).get(0); */ return null; } /** * Get the replies of a specific post. * * @param author * The authors name. * @param permlink * The permlink of the article. * @return A list of discussions or null if the post has no replies. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<Discussion> getContentReplies(AccountName author, Permlink permlink) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { // TODO TagsApi.getContentReplies /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_CONTENT_REPLIES); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = { author.getName(), permlink.getLink() }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Discussion.class); */ return null; } /** * TODO: Look up what this is used for and what it can return. * * @param account * The account name. * @return Unknown * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public Object[] getConversionRequests(AccountName account) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_CONVERSION_REQUESTS); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = { account.getName() }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Object[].class).get(0); */ return null; } /** * Grab the current median conversion price of SBD / STEEM. * * @return The current median price. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public Price getCurrentMedianHistoryPrice() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod. * GET_CURRENT_MEDIAN_HISTORY_PRICE); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = {}; requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Price.class).get(0); */ return null; } /** * Get active discussions for a specified tag. * * @param discussionQuery * A query defining specific search parameters. * @param sortBy * Choose the method used for sorting the results. * @return A list of discussions matching the given conditions. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<Discussion> getDiscussionsBy(DiscussionQuery discussionQuery, DiscussionSortType sortBy) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.valueOf(; * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); Object[] * parameters = { discussionQuery }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Discussion.class); */ return null; } /** * Get a list of discussion for a given author. * * @param author * The authors name. * @param permlink * The permlink of the article. * @param date * Only return articles before this date. (This field seems to be * ignored by the Steem api) * @param limit * The number of results you want to receive. * @return A list of discussions. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<Discussion> getDiscussionsByAuthorBeforeDate(AccountName author, Permlink permlink, String date, int limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod. * GET_DISCUSSIONS_BY_AUTHOR_BEFORE_DATE); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); * * // Verify that the date has the correct format. SimpleDateFormat * simpleDateFormat = new * SimpleDateFormat(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDateTimePattern()); * simpleDateFormat.setTimeZone(TimeZone.getTimeZone(SteemJConfig. * getInstance().getTimeZoneId())); Date beforeDate; try { beforeDate = * simpleDateFormat.parse(date); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new * SteemTransformationException("Could not parse the received date to a Date object." * , e); } * * String[] parameters = { author.getName(), permlink.getLink(), * simpleDateFormat.format(beforeDate), String.valueOf(limit) }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Discussion.class); */ return null; } /** * Get the current price and a list of history prices combined in one * object. * * @return The conversion history of SBD / STEEM. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public FeedHistory getFeedHistory() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_FEED_HISTORY); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = {}; requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * FeedHistory.class).get(0); */ return null; } /** * TODO: Check what this method is supposed to do. In a fist test it seems * to return the time since the current version is active. * * @return ??? * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public ScheduledHardfork getNextScheduledHarfork() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_NEXT_SCHEDULED_HARDFORK) * ; requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = {}; requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * ScheduledHardfork.class).get(0); */ return null; } /** * If specified user name has orders open on the internal STEEM market it * will return them. * * @param accountName * The name of the account. * @return A list of open orders for this account. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<ExtendedLimitOrder> getOpenOrders(AccountName accountName) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_OPEN_ORDERS); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = { accountName.getName() }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * ExtendedLimitOrder.class); */ return null; } /** * Returns a list of orders on the internal steem market. * * @param limit * The maximum number of results for each category (asks / bids). * @return A list of orders on the internal steem market. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public OrderBook getOrderBookUsingDatabaseApi(int limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_ORDER_BOOK); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = { String.valueOf(limit) }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * OrderBook.class).get(0); */ return null; } // TODO implement this! public List<String[]> getPotentialSignatures() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_POTENTIAL_SIGNATURES); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); Object[] * parameters = {}; requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); *"output: {}", * communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, Object[].class)); */ return null; } /** * /** Get a list of Content starting from the given post of the given user. * The list will be sorted by the Date of the last update. * * @param username * The name of the user. * @param permlink * The permlink of an article. * @param limit * Number of results. * @return A list of Content objects. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<Discussion> getRepliesByLastUpdate(AccountName username, Permlink permlink, int limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_REPLIES_BY_LAST_UPDATE); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); Object[] * parameters = { username, permlink.getLink(), String.valueOf(limit) }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Discussion.class); */ return null; } /** * Get detailed information of a specific reward fund. * * @param rewordFundType * One of the {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.enums.RewardFundType * RewardFundType}s. * @return A refund object containing detailed information about the * requested reward fund. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public RewardFund getRewardFund(RewardFundType rewordFundType) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return DatabaseApi.getRewardFunds(communicationHandler, rewordFundType); } /** * Use the Steem API to receive the HEX representation of a signed * transaction. * * @param signedTransaction * The signed Transaction object you want to receive the HEX * representation for. * @return The HEX representation. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public String getTransactionHex(SignedTransaction signedTransaction) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_TRANSACTION_HEX); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); * * Object[] parameters = { signedTransaction }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * String.class).get(0); */ return null; } /** * Get the witness information for a given witness account name. * * @param witnessName * The witness name. * @return A list of witnesses. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public Witness getWitnessByAccount(AccountName witnessName) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_WITNESS_BY_ACCOUNT); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = { witnessName.getName() }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Witness.class).get(0); */ return null; } /** * Get a list of witnesses sorted by the amount of votes. The list begins * with the given account name and contains the next witnesses with less * votes than given one. * * @param witnessName * The witness name to start from. * @param limit * The number of results. * @return A list of witnesses. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<Witness> getWitnessByVote(AccountName witnessName, int limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_WITNESSES_BY_VOTE); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = { witnessName.getName(), String.valueOf(limit) }; * requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Witness.class); */ return null; } /** * Get the current number of active witnesses. * * @return The number of witnesses. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public int getWitnessCount() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_WITNESS_COUNT); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = {}; requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Integer.class).get(0); */ return 0; } /** * Get all witnesses. * * @return A list of witnesses. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<Witness> getWitnesses() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_WITNESSES); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = {}; requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * Witness.class); */ return null; } /** * Get the witness schedule. * * @return The witness schedule. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public WitnessSchedule getWitnessSchedule() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { /* * JsonRPCRequest requestObject = new JsonRPCRequest(); * requestObject.setApiMethod(RequestMethod.GET_WITNESS_SCHEDULE); * requestObject.setSteemApi(SteemApiType.DATABASE_API); String[] * parameters = {}; requestObject.setAdditionalParameters(parameters); * * return communicationHandler.performRequest(requestObject, * WitnessSchedule.class).get(0); */ return null; } /** * Search for accounts. * * @param pattern * The lower case pattern you want to search for. * @param limit * The maximum number of account names. * @return A list of matching account names. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<String> lookupAccounts(String pattern, int limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { // return DatabaseApi.findAccounts(communicationHandler, // findAccountsArgs); return null; } /** * Search for witness accounts. * * @param pattern * The lower case pattern you want to search for. * @param limit * The maximum number of account names. * @return A list of matching account names. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<String> lookupWitnessAccounts(String pattern, int limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { // return // DatabaseApi.findWitnesses(communicationHandler).getWitnesses(); return null; } /** * Use the Steem API to verify the required authorities for this * transaction. * * @param signedTransaction * A {@link SignedTransaction} transaction which has been signed. * @return <code>true</code> if the given transaction has been signed * correctly, otherwise an Exception will be thrown. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public boolean verifyAuthority(SignedTransaction signedTransaction) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return DatabaseApi.verifyAccountAuthority(communicationHandler, null).isValid(); } // ######################################################################### // ## FOLLOW API ########################################################### // ######################################################################### /** * Get a list of account names which the <code>following</code> account is * followed by. * * @param following * The account name for whose followers should be returned. * @param startFollower * A filter to limit the number of results. If not empty, the * method will only return account names after the * <code>following</code> account has been followed by the * <code>startFollower</code> account. * @param type * The follow type. * @param limit * The maximum number of results returned. * @return A list of account names that follow the <code>follower</code> * account.. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<FollowApiObject> getFollowers(AccountName following, AccountName startFollower, FollowType type, UInteger limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi .getFollowers(communicationHandler, new GetFollowersArgs(following, startFollower, type, limit)) .getFollowers(); } /** * Get a list of account names which the <code>follower</code> account * follows. * * @param follower * The account name for which the account names should be * returned, that the <code>follower</code> is following. * @param startFollowing * A filter to limit the number of results. If not empty, the * method will only return account names after the * <code>follower</code> account has followed the * <code>startFollowing</code> account. * @param type * The follow type. * @param limit * The maximum number of results returned. * @return A list of account names the <code>follower</code> account is * following. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<FollowApiObject> getFollowing(AccountName follower, AccountName startFollowing, FollowType type, short limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi.getFollowing(communicationHandler, follower, startFollowing, type, limit); } /** * Get the amount of accounts following the given <code>account</code> and * the number of accounts this <code>account</code> follows. Both values are * wrapped in a FollowCountApiObject. * * @param account * The account to get the number of followers / following * accounts for. * @return The number of followers / following accounts * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public FollowCountApiObject getFollowCount(AccountName account) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi.getFollowCount(communicationHandler, account); } /** * This method is like the {@link #getBlogEntries(AccountName, int, short) * getBlogEntries(AccountName, int, short)} method, but instead of returning * blog entries, the getFeedEntries method returns the feed of the given * account. * * @param account * The account to get the feed entries for. * @param entryId * The first feed entry id to return. * @param limit * The number of results. * @return A list of feed entries from the given <code>author</code> based * on the given conditions (<code>entryId</code> and * <code>limit</code>). * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<FeedEntry> getFeedEntries(AccountName account, int entryId, short limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi.getFeedEntries(communicationHandler, account, entryId, limit); } /** * This method is like the {@link #getBlog(AccountName, int, short) * getBlog(AccountName, int, short)} method, but instead of returning blog * entries, the getFeed method returns the feed of the given account. * * @param account * The account to get the feed entries for. * @param entryId * The first feed entry id to return. * @param limit * The number of results. * @return A list of feed entries from the given <code>author</code> based * on the given conditions (<code>entryId</code> and * <code>limit</code>). * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<CommentFeedEntry> getFeed(AccountName account, int entryId, short limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi.getFeed(communicationHandler, account, entryId, limit); } /** * Get the blog entries of the given <code>author</code> based on the given * coniditions. * * Each blog entry of an <code>author</code> (resteemed or posted on his/her * own) has an <code>entryId</code>, while the <code>entryId</code> starts * with 0 for the first blog entry and is increment by 1 for each resteem or * post of the <code>author</code>. * * Steem allows to use the <code>entryId</code> as a search criteria: The * first entry of the returned list is the blog entry with the given * <code>entryId</code>. Beside that, the <code>limit</code> can be used to * limit the number of results. * * So if the method is called with <code>entryId</code> set to 5 and the * <code>limit</code> is set to 2, the returned list will contain 2 entries: * The first one is the blog entry with <code>entryId</code> of 5, the * second one has the <code>entryId</code> 4. * * If the <code>entryId</code> is set to 0, the first returned item will be * the latest blog entry of the given <code>author</code>. * * So if a user has 50 blog entries and this method is called with an * <code>entryId</code> set to 0 and a <code>limit</code> of 2, the returned * list will contain the blog entries with the <code>entryId</code>s 50 and * 49. * * @param account * The account to get the blog entries for. * @param entryId * The first blog entry id to return. * @param limit * The number of results. * @return A list of blog entries from the given <code>author</code> based * on the given conditions (<code>entryId</code> and * <code>limit</code>). * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<BlogEntry> getBlogEntries(AccountName account, int entryId, short limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi.getBlogEntries(communicationHandler, account, entryId, limit); } /** * Like {@link #getBlogEntries(AccountName, int, short) * getBlogEntries(AccountName, int, short)}, but contains the whole content * of the blog entry. * * @param account * The account to get the blog entries for. * @param entryId * The first blog entry id to return. * @param limit * The number of results. * @return A list of blog entries from the given <code>author</code> based * on the given conditions (<code>entryId</code> and * <code>limit</code>). * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<CommentBlogEntry> getBlog(AccountName account, int entryId, short limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi.getBlog(communicationHandler, account, entryId, limit); } /** * Get the reputation for one or more accounts. This method will return the * reputation of the {@code limit} number of accounts that mostly match the * given {@code accountName}. * * <p> * <b>Example:</b> * </p> * <p> * <code>getAccountReputations(new AccountName("dez1337"), 0);</code> * </p> * <p> * This example will return the reputation of the account "dez1337". * </p> * <p> * <code>getAccountReputations(new AccountName("dez1337"), 1);</code> * </p> * <p> * This example will return the reputation of the account "dez1337" and * "dez243", because "dez243" is the most similar account name to "dez1337". * </p> * * @param accountName * The first account name to get the reputation for. * @param limit * The number of results. * @return A list of {@link AccountReputation AccountReputation}. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<AccountReputation> getAccountReputations(AccountName accountName, int limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi.getAccountReputations(communicationHandler, accountName, limit); } /** * Gets list of accounts that have reblogged a particular post. * * @param author * The author of the post to get the rebloggers for. * @param permlink * The permlink of the post to get the rebloggers for. * @return A list of accounts that have reblogged a particular post. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<AccountName> getRebloggedBy(AccountName author, Permlink permlink) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi.getRebloggedBy(communicationHandler, author, permlink); } /** * Use this method to find out how many posts of different authors have been * resteemed by the given <code>blogAccount</code>. * * @param blogAccount * The account whose blog should be analyzed. * @return A list of pairs, while each pair contains the author name and the * number of blog entries from this author published by the * <code>blogAuthor</code>. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<PostsPerAuthorPair> getBlogAuthors(AccountName blogAccount) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return FollowApi.getBlogAuthors(communicationHandler, blogAccount); } // ######################################################################### // ## MARKET HISTORY API ################################################### // ######################################################################### /** * Use this method to receive statistic values of the internal SBD:STEEM * market for the last 24 hours. * * @return The market ticker for the internal SBD:STEEM market. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public GetTickerReturn getTicker() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return MarketHistoryApi.getTicker(communicationHandler); } /** * Use this method to get the SBD and Steem volume that has been traded in * the past 24 hours at the internal SBD:STEEM market. * * @return The market volume for the past 24 hours. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public GetVolumeReturn getVolume() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return MarketHistoryApi.getVolume(communicationHandler); } /** * Use this method to receive the current order book of the internal * SBD:STEEM market. * * @param limit * The number of orders to have on each side of the order book. * Maximum is 500. * @return Returns the current order book for the internal SBD:STEEM market. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws InvalidParameterException * If the limit is less than 0 or greater than 500. */ public getOrderBookUsingMarketApi( short limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return MarketHistoryApi.getOrderBook(communicationHandler, new GetOrderBookArgs(UInteger.valueOf(limit))); } /** * Use this method to get the trade history of the internal SBD:STEEM market * between the defined <code>start</code> and <code>end</code> time. * * @param start * The start time of the trade history. * @param end * The end time of the trade history. * @param limit * The number of trades to return. Maximum is 1000. * @return A list of completed trades. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws InvalidParameterException * If the limit is less than 0 or greater than 500. */ public List<MarketTrade> getTradeHistory(TimePointSec start, TimePointSec end, UInteger limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return MarketHistoryApi.getTradeHistory(communicationHandler, new GetTradeHistoryArgs(start, end, limit)) .getTrades(); } /** * Use this method to request the most recent trades for the internal * SBD:STEEM market. The number of results is limited by the * <code>limit</code> parameter. * * @param limit * The number of trades to return. Maximum is 1000. * @return A list of completed trades. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws InvalidParameterException * If the limit is less than 0 or greater than 500. */ public List<MarketTrade> getRecentTrades(short limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return MarketHistoryApi .getRecentTrades(communicationHandler, new GetRecentTradesArgs(UInteger.valueOf(limit))) .getTrades(); } /** * Use this method to receive the market history for the internal SBD:STEEM * market. * * @param bucketSeconds * The size of buckets the history is broken into. The bucket * size must be configured in the plugin options and can be * requested using the {@link #getMarketHistoryBuckets()} method. * @param start * The start time to get market history. * @param end * The end time to get market history. * @return A list of market history {@link Bucket Bucket}s. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<Bucket> getMarketHistory(long bucketSeconds, TimePointSec start, TimePointSec end) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return MarketHistoryApi.getMarketHistory(communicationHandler, new GetMarketHistoryArgs(UInteger.valueOf(bucketSeconds), start, end)).getBuckets(); } /** * Use this method to receive the bucket seconds being tracked by the node. * * @return Returns the bucket seconds being tracked by the node. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<UInteger> getMarketHistoryBuckets() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return MarketHistoryApi.getMarketHistoryBuckets(communicationHandler).getBucketSizes(); } // ######################################################################### // ## TAGS API ############################################################# // ######################################################################### /** * Use this method to get detailed values and metrics for tags. The methods * accepts a String as a search pattern and a number to limit the results. * * <b>Example</b> * <p> * <code>getTrendingTags(communicationHandler, "steem", 2);</code> <br> * Will return two tags whose name has the biggest match with the String * "steem". An example response could contain the metrics and values for the * tag "steem" and "steemit", while "steem" would be the first entry in the * list as it has a bigger match than "steemit". * </p> * * @param firstTagPattern * The search pattern used to build the resulting list of tags. * @param limit * The maximum number of results. * @return A list of the tags. The first entry in the list is the tag that * has the biggest match with the <code>firstTagPattern</code>. * while the last tag in the last has the smallest match. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public List<Tag> getTrendingTags(String firstTagPattern, int limit) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return TagsApi.getTrendingTags(communicationHandler, firstTagPattern, limit); } // ######################################################################### // ## WITNESS API ########################################################## // ######################################################################### /** * * @param getAccountBandwidthArgs * @return * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public Optional<AccountBandwidth> getAccountBandwidth(GetAccountBandwidthArgs getAccountBandwidthArgs) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return WitnessApi.getAccountBandwidth(communicationHandler, getAccountBandwidthArgs).getBandwidth(); } /** * * @return * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public ReserveRatioObject getReserveRatio() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { return WitnessApi.getReserveRatio(communicationHandler); } // ######################################################################### // ## UTILITY METHODS ###################################################### // ######################################################################### public static Asset steemToSbd(Price price, Asset steemAsset) { if (steemAsset == null || !steemAsset.getSymbol().equals(AssetSymbolType.STEEM)) { throw new InvalidParameterException("The asset needs be of SymbolType STEEM."); } if (price == null) { return new Asset(0, AssetSymbolType.SBD); } return price.multiply(steemAsset); } public static Asset sbdToSteem(Price price, Asset sbdAsset) { if (sbdAsset == null || !sbdAsset.getSymbol().equals(AssetSymbolType.SBD)) { throw new InvalidParameterException("The asset needs be of SymbolType STEEM."); } if (price == null) { return new Asset(0, AssetSymbolType.STEEM); } return price.multiply(sbdAsset); } /** * * @param accountName * @return * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> */ public double calculateRemainingBandwidth(AccountName accountName) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException { // TODO: Use getReserveRatio instead. ExtendedDynamicGlobalProperties extendedDynamicGlobalProperties = CondenserApi .getDynamicGlobalProperties(communicationHandler); // TODO: Use getAccountBandwidth instead. List<ExtendedAccount> extendedAccounts = CondenserApi.getAccounts(communicationHandler); if (!extendedAccounts.contains(accountName)) { throw new InvalidParameterException("No account has been found matching the provided account name."); } return calculateRemainingBandwidth(extendedDynamicGlobalProperties, extendedAccounts.get(extendedAccounts.indexOf(accountName))); } /** * * @param extendedDynamicGlobalProperties * @param account * @return */ public static double calculateRemainingBandwidth( ExtendedDynamicGlobalProperties extendedDynamicGlobalProperties, Account account) { long maxVirtualBandwidth = extendedDynamicGlobalProperties.getMaxVirtualBandwidth().longValue(); long secondsPerWeek = 60 * 60 * 24 * 7; long secondsSinceLastUpdate = (System.currentTimeMillis() / 1000) - account.getLastBandwidthUpdate().getDateTimeAsInt(); long delta = ((secondsPerWeek - secondsSinceLastUpdate) * account.getAverageBandwidth()) / secondsPerWeek; long bandwidthOfTheUser = (account.getVestingShares().getAmount() + account.getReceivedVestingShares().getAmount()) * maxVirtualBandwidth / extendedDynamicGlobalProperties.getTotalVestingShares().getAmount(); return bandwidthOfTheUser; } /* * TODO: Provided by mdfk -> Needs to adjusted to work with the new api * calls. private double getEarnedMoney(Comment comment) throws * SteemResponseException, SteemCommunicationException { rewardFund = * steemJ.getRewardFund(RewardFundType.POST); currentMedianHistoryPrice = * steemJ.getCurrentMedianHistoryPrice(); * * BigInteger rewardBalance = * BigInteger.valueOf(rewardFund.getRewardBalance().getAmount()); BigInteger * recentClaims = rewardFund.getRecentClaims(); BigInteger steemPrice = * BigInteger.valueOf(currentMedianHistoryPrice.getBase().getAmount()); * BigInteger voteShares = BigInteger.valueOf(comment.getVoteRshares()); * * Log.v("RewardBalance", String.valueOf(rewardBalance)); * Log.v("RecentClaims", String.valueOf(recentClaims)); Log.v("SteemPrice", * String.valueOf(steemPrice)); * * BigInteger earnedMoney = * voteShares.multiply(rewardBalance).divide(recentClaims).multiply( * steemPrice) .divide(BigInteger.valueOf(10000)); * * return earnedMoney.doubleValue() / 100; } */ /** * Get the private and public key of a given type for the given * <code>account</code> * * @param account * The account name to generate the passwords for. * @param role * The key type that should be generated. * @param steemPassword * The password of the <code>account</code> valid for the Steem * blockchain. * @return The requested key pair. */ public static ImmutablePair<PublicKey, String> getPrivateKeyFromPassword(AccountName account, PrivateKeyType role, String steemPassword) { String seed = account.getName() + + steemPassword; ECKey keyPair = ECKey.fromPrivate(Sha256Hash.hash(seed.getBytes(), 0, seed.length())); return new ImmutablePair<>(new PublicKey(keyPair), SteemJUtils.privateKeyToWIF(keyPair)); } // ######################################################################### // ## SIMPLIFIED OPERATIONS ################################################ // ######################################################################### /** * Use this method to up or down vote a post or a comment. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * voting operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the voter - If * no default account has been provided, this method will throw an error. If * you do not want to configure the voter as a default account, please use * the {@link #vote(AccountName, AccountName, Permlink, short)} method and * provide the voter account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @param postOrCommentAuthor * The author of the post or the comment to vote for. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new AccountName("dez1337")</code> * </p> * @param postOrCommentPermlink * The permanent link of the post or the comment to vote for. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new Permlink("steemj-v0-2-4-has-been-released-update-9")</code> * </p> * @param percentage * Define how much of your voting power should be used to up or * down vote the post or the comment. * <ul> * <li>If you want to up vote the post or the comment provide a * value between 1 (1.0%) and 100 (100.0%).</li> * <li>If you want to down vote (as known as <b>flag</b>) the * post or the comment provide a value between -1 (-1.0%) and * -100 (-100.0%).</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void vote(AccountName postOrCommentAuthor, Permlink postOrCommentPermlink, short percentage) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Using the upVote method without providing an account requires to have a default account configured."); }, postOrCommentAuthor, postOrCommentPermlink, percentage); } /** * This method is equivalent to the * {@link #vote(AccountName, Permlink, short)} method, but lets you define * the <code>voter</code> account separately instead of using the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount}. * * @param voter * The account that should vote for the post or the comment. * <p> * Example<br> * <code>new AccountName("steemj")</code> * </p> * @param postOrCommentAuthor * The author of the post or the comment to vote for. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new AccountName("dez1337")</code> * </p> * @param postOrCommentPermlink * The permanent link of the post or the comment to vote for. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new Permlink("steemj-v0-2-4-has-been-released-update-9")</code> * </p> * @param percentage * Define how much of your voting power should be used to up or * down vote the post or the comment. * <ul> * <li>If you want to up vote the post or the comment provide a * value between 1 (1.0%) and 100 (100.0%).</li> * <li>If you want to down vote (as known as <b>flag</b>) the * post or the comment provide a value between -1 (-1.0%) and * -100 (-100.0%).</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void vote(AccountName voter, AccountName postOrCommentAuthor, Permlink postOrCommentPermlink, short percentage) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (percentage < -100 || percentage > 100 || percentage == 0) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Please provide a percentage between -100 and 100 which is also not 0."); } VoteOperation voteOperation = new VoteOperation(voter, postOrCommentAuthor, postOrCommentPermlink, (short) (percentage * 100)); ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); operations.add(voteOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); } /** * Use this method to cancel a previous vote for a post or a comment. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * voting operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the voter - If * no default account has been provided, this method will throw an error. If * you do not want to configure the voter as a default account, please use * the {@link #vote(AccountName, AccountName, Permlink, short)} method and * provide the voter account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @param postOrCommentAuthor * The author of the post or the comment to cancel the vote for. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new AccountName("dez1337")</code> * </p> * @param postOrCommentPermlink * The permanent link of the post or the comment to cancel the * vote for. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new Permlink("steemj-v0-2-4-has-been-released-update-9")</code> * </p> * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void cancelVote(AccountName postOrCommentAuthor, Permlink postOrCommentPermlink) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException( "Using the cancelVote method without providing an account requires to have a default account configured."); } cancelVote(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), postOrCommentAuthor, postOrCommentPermlink); } /** * This method is equivalent to the * {@link #cancelVote(AccountName, Permlink)} method, but lets you define * the <code>voter</code> account separately instead of using the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount}. * * @param voter * The account that should vote for the post or the comment. * <p> * Example<br> * <code>new AccountName("steemj")</code> * </p> * @param postOrCommentAuthor * The author of the post or the comment to vote for. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new AccountName("dez1337")</code> * </p> * @param postOrCommentPermlink * The permanent link of the post or the comment to vote for. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new Permlink("steemj-v0-2-4-has-been-released-update-9")</code> * </p> * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void cancelVote(AccountName voter, AccountName postOrCommentAuthor, Permlink postOrCommentPermlink) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { VoteOperation voteOperation = new VoteOperation(voter, postOrCommentAuthor, postOrCommentPermlink, (short) 0); ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); operations.add(voteOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); } /** * Use this method to follow the <code>accountToFollow</code>. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * follow operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the account * that will follow the <code>accountToFollow</code> - If no default account * has been provided, this method will throw an error. If you do not want to * configure the following account as a default account, please use the * {@link #follow(AccountName, AccountName)} method and provide the * following account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @param accountToFollow * The account name of the account the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} should * follow. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void follow(AccountName accountToFollow) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } follow(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), accountToFollow); } /** * This method is equivalent to the {@link #follow(AccountName)} method, but * lets you define the <code>accountThatFollows</code> separately instead of * using the {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount}. * * @param accountThatFollows * The account name of the account that will follow the * <code>accountToFollow</code>. * @param accountToFollow * The account name of the account the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} should * follow. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void follow(AccountName accountThatFollows, AccountName accountToFollow) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { ArrayList<AccountName> requiredPostingAuths = new ArrayList<>(); requiredPostingAuths.add(accountThatFollows); String id = "follow"; String json = (new FollowOperation(accountThatFollows, accountToFollow, Arrays.asList(FollowType.BLOG))) .toJson(); CustomJsonOperation customJsonOperation = new CustomJsonOperation(null, requiredPostingAuths, id, json); ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); operations.add(customJsonOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); } /** * Use this method to unfollow the <code>accountToUnfollow</code>. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * unfollow operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the account * that will no longer follow the <code>accountToFollow</code> - If no * default account has been provided, this method will throw an error. If * you do not want to configure the following account as a default account, * please use the {@link #follow(AccountName, AccountName)} method and * provide the following account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @param accountToUnfollow * The account name of the account the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} should * no longer follow. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void unfollow(AccountName accountToUnfollow) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } unfollow(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), accountToUnfollow); } /** * This method is equivalent to the {@link #unfollow(AccountName)} method, * but lets you define the <code>accountThatUnfollows</code> account * separately instead of using the {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() * DefaultAccount}. * * @param accountThatUnfollows * The account name of the account that will no longer follow the * <code>accountToUnfollow</code>. * @param accountToUnfollow * The account name of the account the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} should * no longer follow. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void unfollow(AccountName accountThatUnfollows, AccountName accountToUnfollow) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { ArrayList<AccountName> requiredPostingAuths = new ArrayList<>(); requiredPostingAuths.add(accountThatUnfollows); String id = "follow"; String json = (new FollowOperation(accountThatUnfollows, accountToUnfollow, Arrays.asList(FollowType.UNDEFINED))).toJson(); CustomJsonOperation customJsonOperation = new CustomJsonOperation(null, requiredPostingAuths, id, json); ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); operations.add(customJsonOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); } /** * Use this method to reblog a post. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * reblog operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} that will resteem * the post defined by the <code>accountThatResteemsThePost</code> and * <code>authorOfThePostToResteem</code> parameters. - If no default account * has been provided, this method will throw an error. If you do not want to * configure the following account as a default account, please use the * {@link #reblog(AccountName, Permlink)} method and provide the account who * wants to reblog the post separately.</li> * <li>Please be aware that there is no way to undo a reblog operation - If * a post has been reblogged it has been reblogged. * </ul> * * @param authorOfThePostToReblog * The author of the post to reblog. * @param permlinkOfThePostToReblog * The permlink of the post to reblog. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void reblog(AccountName authorOfThePostToReblog, Permlink permlinkOfThePostToReblog) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } reblog(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), authorOfThePostToReblog, permlinkOfThePostToReblog); } /** * This method is equivalent to the {@link #reblog(AccountName, Permlink)} * method, but lets you define the <code>accountThatReblogsThePost</code> * account separately instead of using the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount}. * * @param accountThatReblogsThePost * The account who wants to reblog the post defined by the * <code>accountThatResteemsThePost</code> and * <code>authorOfThePostToResteem</code> parameters. * @param authorOfThePostToReblog * The author of the post to reblog. * @param permlinkOfThePostToReblog * The permlink of the post to reblog. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void reblog(AccountName accountThatReblogsThePost, AccountName authorOfThePostToReblog, Permlink permlinkOfThePostToReblog) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); ReblogOperation reblogOperation = new ReblogOperation(accountThatReblogsThePost, authorOfThePostToReblog, permlinkOfThePostToReblog); ArrayList<AccountName> requiredPostingAuths = new ArrayList<>(); requiredPostingAuths.add(accountThatReblogsThePost); CustomJsonOperation customJsonReblogOperation = new CustomJsonOperation(null, requiredPostingAuths, "reblog", reblogOperation.toJson()); operations.add(customJsonReblogOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); } /** * Use this method to create a new post. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * create post operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>In case the {@link SteemJConfig#getSteemJWeight() SteemJWeight} is * set to a positive value this method will add a comment options operation. * Due to this, the {@link SteemJConfig#getSteemJWeight() SteemJWeight} * percentage will be paid to the SteemJ account.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the account * that will publish the post - If no default account has been provided, * this method will throw an error. If you do not want to configure the * author account as a default account, please use the * {@link #createPost(AccountName, String, String, String[])} method and * provide the author account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @param title * The title of the post to publish. * @param content * The content of the post to publish. * @param tags * A list of tags while the first tag in this list is the main * tag. You can provide up to five tags but at least one needs to * be provided. * @return The {@link CommentOperation} which has been created within this * method. The returned Operation allows you to access the generated * values. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public CommentOperation createPost(String title, String content, String[] tags) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } return createPost(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), title, content, tags); } /** * This method is equivalent to the * {@link #createPost(String, String, String[])} method, but lets you define * the <code>authorThatPublishsThePost</code> account separately instead of * using the {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount}. * * @param authorThatPublishsThePost * The account who wants to publish the post. * @param title * The title of the post to publish. * @param content * The content of the post to publish. * @param tags * A list of tags while the first tag in this list is the main * tag. You can provide up to five tags but at least one needs to * be provided. * @return The {@link CommentOperation} which has been created within this * method. The returned Operation allows you to access the generated * values. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public CommentOperation createPost(AccountName authorThatPublishsThePost, String title, String content, String[] tags) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (tags == null || tags.length < 1 || tags.length > 5) { throw new InvalidParameterException(TAG_ERROR_MESSAGE); } ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); // Generate the permanent link from the title by replacing all unallowed // characters. Permlink permlink = new Permlink(CondenserUtils.createPermlinkString(title)); // On new posts the parentPermlink is the main tag. Permlink parentPermlink = new Permlink(tags[0]); // One new posts the parentAuthor is empty. AccountName parentAuthor = new AccountName(""); String jsonMetadata = CondenserUtils.generateSteemitMetadata(content, tags, SteemJConfig.getSteemJAppName() + "/" + SteemJConfig.getSteemJVersion(), MARKDOWN); CommentOperation commentOperation = new CommentOperation(parentAuthor, parentPermlink, authorThatPublishsThePost, permlink, title, content, jsonMetadata); operations.add(commentOperation); boolean allowVotes = true; boolean allowCurationRewards = true; short percentSteemDollars = (short) 10000; Asset maxAcceptedPayout = new Asset(1000000000, AssetSymbolType.SBD); CommentOptionsOperation commentOptionsOperation; // Only add a BeneficiaryRouteType if it makes sense. if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getSteemJWeight() > 0) { BeneficiaryRouteType beneficiaryRouteType = new BeneficiaryRouteType(SteemJConfig.getSteemJAccount(), SteemJConfig.getInstance().getSteemJWeight()); ArrayList<BeneficiaryRouteType> beneficiaryRouteTypes = new ArrayList<>(); beneficiaryRouteTypes.add(beneficiaryRouteType); CommentPayoutBeneficiaries commentPayoutBeneficiaries = new CommentPayoutBeneficiaries(); commentPayoutBeneficiaries.setBeneficiaries(beneficiaryRouteTypes); ArrayList<CommentOptionsExtension> commentOptionsExtensions = new ArrayList<>(); commentOptionsExtensions.add(commentPayoutBeneficiaries); commentOptionsOperation = new CommentOptionsOperation(authorThatPublishsThePost, permlink, maxAcceptedPayout, percentSteemDollars, allowVotes, allowCurationRewards, commentOptionsExtensions); } else { commentOptionsOperation = new CommentOptionsOperation(authorThatPublishsThePost, permlink, maxAcceptedPayout, percentSteemDollars, allowVotes, allowCurationRewards, null); } operations.add(commentOptionsOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); return commentOperation; } /** * Use this method to create a new comment. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * create comment operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>In case the {@link SteemJConfig#getSteemJWeight() SteemJWeight} is * set to a positive value this method will add a comment options operation. * Due to this, the {@link SteemJConfig#getSteemJWeight() SteemJWeight} * percentage will be paid to the SteemJ account.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the account * that will publish the comment - If no default account has been provided, * this method will throw an error. If you do not want to configure the * author account as a default account, please use the * {@link #createComment(AccountName, AccountName, Permlink, String, String[])} * method and provide the author account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @param authorOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo * The author of the post or comment to reply to. * @param permlinkOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo * The permlink of the post or comment to reply to. * @param content * The content to publish. * @param tags * A list of tags while the first tag in this list is the main * tag. You can provide up to five tags but at least one needs to * be provided. * @return The {@link CommentOperation} which has been created within this * method. The returned Operation allows you to access the generated * values. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public CommentOperation createComment(AccountName authorOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo, Permlink permlinkOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo, String content, String[] tags) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } return createComment(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), authorOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo, permlinkOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo, content, tags); } /** * This method is equivalent to the * {@link #createComment(AccountName, Permlink, String, String[])} method, * but lets you define the <code>authorThatPublishsTheComment</code> account * separately instead of using the {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() * DefaultAccount}. * * @param authorThatPublishsTheComment * The account that wants to publish the comment. * @param authorOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo * The author of the post or comment to reply to. * @param permlinkOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo * The permlink of the post or comment to reply to. * @param content * The content to publish. * @param tags * A list of tags while the first tag in this list is the main * tag. You can provide up to five tags but at least one needs to * be provided. * @return The {@link CommentOperation} which has been created within this * method. The returned Operation allows you to access the generated * values. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public CommentOperation createComment(AccountName authorThatPublishsTheComment, AccountName authorOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo, Permlink permlinkOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo, String content, String[] tags) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (tags == null || tags.length < 1 || tags.length > 5) { throw new InvalidParameterException(TAG_ERROR_MESSAGE); } ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); // Generate the permanent link by adding the current timestamp and a // UUID. Permlink permlink = new Permlink("re-" + authorOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo.getName().replaceAll("\\.", "") + "-" + permlinkOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo.getLink() + "-" + System.currentTimeMillis() + "t" + UUID.randomUUID().toString() + "uid"); String jsonMetadata = CondenserUtils.generateSteemitMetadata(content, tags, SteemJConfig.getSteemJAppName() + "/" + SteemJConfig.getSteemJVersion(), MARKDOWN); CommentOperation commentOperation = new CommentOperation(authorOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo, permlinkOfThePostOrCommentToReplyTo, authorThatPublishsTheComment, permlink, "", content, jsonMetadata); operations.add(commentOperation); boolean allowVotes = true; boolean allowCurationRewards = true; short percentSteemDollars = (short) 10000; Asset maxAcceptedPayout = new Asset(1000000000, AssetSymbolType.SBD); CommentOptionsOperation commentOptionsOperation; // Only add a BeneficiaryRouteType if it makes sense. if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getSteemJWeight() > 0) { BeneficiaryRouteType beneficiaryRouteType = new BeneficiaryRouteType(SteemJConfig.getSteemJAccount(), SteemJConfig.getInstance().getSteemJWeight()); ArrayList<BeneficiaryRouteType> beneficiaryRouteTypes = new ArrayList<>(); beneficiaryRouteTypes.add(beneficiaryRouteType); CommentPayoutBeneficiaries commentPayoutBeneficiaries = new CommentPayoutBeneficiaries(); commentPayoutBeneficiaries.setBeneficiaries(beneficiaryRouteTypes); ArrayList<CommentOptionsExtension> commentOptionsExtensions = new ArrayList<>(); commentOptionsExtensions.add(commentPayoutBeneficiaries); commentOptionsOperation = new CommentOptionsOperation(authorThatPublishsTheComment, permlink, maxAcceptedPayout, percentSteemDollars, allowVotes, allowCurationRewards, commentOptionsExtensions); } else { commentOptionsOperation = new CommentOptionsOperation(authorThatPublishsTheComment, permlink, maxAcceptedPayout, percentSteemDollars, allowVotes, allowCurationRewards, null); } operations.add(commentOptionsOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); return commentOperation; } /** * Use this method to update an existing post. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>Updating a post only works if Steem can identify the existing post - * If this is not the case, this operation will create a new post instead of * updating the existing one. The identification is based on the * <code>permlinkOfThePostToUpdate</code> and the first tag of the * <code>tags</code> array to be the same ones as of the post to update. * </li> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * update post operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the author of * the post to update - If no default account has been provided, this method * will throw an error. If you do not want to configure the author account * as a default account, please use the * {@link #updatePost(AccountName, Permlink, String, String, String[])} * method and provide the author account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @param permlinkOfThePostToUpdate * The permlink of the post to update. <b>Attention</b> If the * permlink is not configured currently, SteemJ could accidently * create a new post instead of updating an existing one. * @param title * The new title of the post to set. * @param content * The new content of the post to set. * @param tags * The new tags of the post. <b>Attention</b> The first tag still * needs to be the same as before otherwise SteemJ could * accidently create a new post instead of updating an existing * one. * @return The {@link CommentOperation} which has been created within this * method. The returned Operation allows you to access the generated * values. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public CommentOperation updatePost(Permlink permlinkOfThePostToUpdate, String title, String content, String[] tags) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } return updatePost(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), permlinkOfThePostToUpdate, title, content, tags); } /** * This method is equivalent to the * {@link #updatePost(Permlink, String, String, String[])} method, but lets * you define the <code>authorOfThePostToUpdate</code> account separately * instead of using the {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() * DefaultAccount}. * * @param authorOfThePostToUpdate * The account that wants to perform the update. In most cases, * this should be the author of the already existing post. * @param permlinkOfThePostToUpdate * The permlink of the post to update. <b>Attention</b> If the * permlink is not configured currently, SteemJ could accidently * create a new post instead of updating an existing one. * @param title * The new title of the post to set. * @param content * The new content of the post to set. * @param tags * The new tags of the post. <b>Attention</b> The first tag still * needs to be the same as before otherwise SteemJ could * accidently create a new post instead of updating an existing * one. * @return The {@link CommentOperation} which has been created within this * method. The returned Operation allows you to access the generated * values. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public CommentOperation updatePost(AccountName authorOfThePostToUpdate, Permlink permlinkOfThePostToUpdate, String title, String content, String[] tags) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (tags == null || tags.length < 1 || tags.length > 5) { throw new InvalidParameterException(TAG_ERROR_MESSAGE); } ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); AccountName parentAuthor = new AccountName(""); Permlink parentPermlink = new Permlink(tags[0]); String jsonMetadata = CondenserUtils.generateSteemitMetadata(content, tags, SteemJConfig.getSteemJAppName() + "/" + SteemJConfig.getSteemJVersion(), MARKDOWN); CommentOperation commentOperation = new CommentOperation(parentAuthor, parentPermlink, authorOfThePostToUpdate, permlinkOfThePostToUpdate, title, content, jsonMetadata); operations.add(commentOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); return commentOperation; } /** * Use this method to update an existing comment. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>Updating a comment only works if Steem can identify the existing * comment - If this is not the case, this operation will create a new * comment instead of updating the existing one. The identification is based * on the <code>originalPermlinkOfYourComment</code>, the * <code>parentAuthor</code>, the <code>parentPermlink</code> and the first * tag of the <code>tags</code> array to be the same ones as of the post to * update.</li> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * update comment operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the author of * the comment to update - If no default account has been provided, this * method will throw an error. If you do not want to configure the author * account as a default account, please use the * {@link #updateComment(AccountName, AccountName, Permlink, Permlink, String, String[])} * method and provide the author account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @param parentAuthor * The author of the post or comment that you initially replied * to. * @param parentPermlink * The permlink of the post or comment that you initially replied * to. * @param originalPermlinkOfTheCommentToUpdate * The permlink of the comment to update. * @param content * The new content of the comment to set. * @param tags * The new tags of the comment. <b>Attention</b> The first tag * still needs to be the same as before otherwise SteemJ could * accidently create a new comment instead of updating an * existing one. * @return The {@link CommentOperation} which has been created within this * method. The returned Operation allows you to access the generated * values. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public CommentOperation updateComment(AccountName parentAuthor, Permlink parentPermlink, Permlink originalPermlinkOfTheCommentToUpdate, String content, String[] tags) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } return updateComment(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), parentAuthor, parentPermlink, originalPermlinkOfTheCommentToUpdate, content, tags); } /** * This method is like the * {@link #updateComment(AccountName, Permlink, Permlink, String, String[])} * method, but allows you to define the * <code>originalAuthorOfTheCommentToUpdate</code> account separately * instead of using the {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() * DefaultAccount}. * * @param originalAuthorOfTheCommentToUpdate * The account that wants to perform the update. In most cases, * this should be the author of the already existing comment. * @param parentAuthor * The author of the post or comment that you initially replied * to. * @param parentPermlink * The permlink of the post or comment that you initially replied * to. * @param originalPermlinkOfTheCommentToUpdate * The permlink of the comment to update. * @param content * The new content of the comment to set. * @param tags * The new tags of the comment. <b>Attention</b> The first tag * still needs to be the same as before otherwise SteemJ could * accidently create a new comment instead of updating an * existing one. * @return The {@link CommentOperation} which has been created within this * method. The returned Operation allows you to access the generated * values. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public CommentOperation updateComment(AccountName originalAuthorOfTheCommentToUpdate, AccountName parentAuthor, Permlink parentPermlink, Permlink originalPermlinkOfTheCommentToUpdate, String content, String[] tags) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (tags == null || tags.length < 1 || tags.length > 5) { throw new InvalidParameterException(TAG_ERROR_MESSAGE); } ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); String jsonMetadata = CondenserUtils.generateSteemitMetadata(content, tags, SteemJConfig.getSteemJAppName() + "/" + SteemJConfig.getSteemJVersion(), MARKDOWN); CommentOperation commentOperation = new CommentOperation(parentAuthor, parentPermlink, originalAuthorOfTheCommentToUpdate, originalPermlinkOfTheCommentToUpdate, "", content, jsonMetadata); operations.add(commentOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); return commentOperation; } /** * Use this method to remove a comment or a post. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * voting operation the private posting key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the author of * the comment or post to remove - If no default account has been provided, * this method will throw an error. If you do not want to configure the * author as a default account, please use the * {@link #deletePostOrComment(AccountName, Permlink)} method and provide * the author account separately.</li> * </ul> * * * @param postOrCommentPermlink * The permanent link of the post or the comment to delete. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new Permlink("steemj-v0-2-4-has-been-released-update-9")</code> * </p> * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void deletePostOrComment(Permlink postOrCommentPermlink) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } deletePostOrComment(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), postOrCommentPermlink); } /** * This method is like the {@link #deletePostOrComment(Permlink)} method, * but allows you to define the author account separately instead of using * the {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount}. * * @param postOrCommentAuthor * The author of the post or the comment to vote for. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new AccountName("dez1337")</code> * </p> * @param postOrCommentPermlink * The permanent link of the post or the comment to delete. * <p> * Example:<br> * <code>new Permlink("steemj-v0-2-4-has-been-released-update-9")</code> * </p> * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public void deletePostOrComment(AccountName postOrCommentAuthor, Permlink postOrCommentPermlink) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { DeleteCommentOperation deleteCommentOperation = new DeleteCommentOperation(postOrCommentAuthor, postOrCommentPermlink); ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); operations.add(deleteCommentOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); } /** * Transfer the currency of your choice from * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} to recipient. * Amount is automatically converted from normalized representation to base * representation. For example, to transfer 1.00 SBD to another account, * simply use: * <code>SteemJ.transfer(new AccountName("accountb"), new Asset(1.0, AssetSymbolType.SBD), "My memo");</code> * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain. As all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. For a * transfer operation the private active key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the account to * transfer from. If no default account has been provided, this method will * throw an error. If you do not want to configure the following account as * a default account, please use the * {@link #transfer(AccountName, AccountName, Asset, String)} method and * provide the <code>from</code> account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @param to * The account name of the account the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} should * transfer currency to. * @param amount * An {@link Asset} object containing the Asset type (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.enums.AssetSymbolType} * and the amount to transfer. * @param memo * Message include with transfer (255 char max) * @return The TransferOperation broadcast. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public TransferOperation transfer(AccountName to, Asset amount, String memo) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } return transfer(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), to, amount, memo); } /** * Transfer currency from specified account to recipient. Amount is * automatically converted from normalized representation to base * representation. For example, to transfer 1.00 SBD to another account, * simply use: * <code>SteemJ.transfer(new AccountName("accounta"), new AccountName("accountb"), AssetSymbolType.SBD, 1.0, "My memo");</code> * * <b>Attention</b> This method will write data on the blockchain. As all * writing operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. * For a transfer operation the private active key of the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} needs to be * configured in the {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() * PrivateKeyStorage}. * * @param from * The account from which to transfer currency. * @param to * The account to which to transfer currency. * @param amount * An {@link Asset} object containing the Asset type (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.protocol.enums.AssetSymbolType} * and the amount to transfer. * @param memo * Message include with transfer (255 char max) * @return The TransferOperation broadcast. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. * @throws InvalidParameterException * If one of the provided parameters does not fulfill the * requirements described above. */ public TransferOperation transfer(AccountName from, AccountName to, Asset amount, String memo) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { TransferOperation transferOperation = new TransferOperation(from, to, amount, memo); ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); operations.add(transferOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); return transferOperation; } /** * Claim all available Steem, SDB and VEST (Steam Power) rewards for the * default account. * * <b>Attention</b> * <ul> * <li>This method will write data on the blockchain if a reward balance is * available to be claimed. As with all writing operations, a private key is * required to sign the transaction. See * {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() PrivateKeyStorage}.</li> * <li>This method will automatically use the * {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount} as the account * that will follow the <code>accountToFollow</code> - If no default account * has been provided, this method will throw an error. If you do not want to * configure the following account as a default account, please use the * {@link #follow(AccountName, AccountName)} method and provide the * following account separately.</li> * </ul> * * @return The ClaimOperation for reward balances found. This will only have * been broadcast if one of the balances is non-zero. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. */ public ClaimRewardBalanceOperation claimRewards() throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } return claimRewards(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount()); } /** * Claim all available Steem, SDB and VEST (Steam Power) rewards for the * specified account. * * <b>Attention</b> This method will write data on the blockchain if a * reward balance is available to be claimed. As with all writing * operations, a private key is required to sign the transaction. See * {@link SteemJConfig#getPrivateKeyStorage() PrivateKeyStorage}. * * @param accountName * The account to claim rewards for. * @return The ClaimOperation for reward balances found. This will only have * been broadcast if one of the balances is non-zero. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. */ public ClaimRewardBalanceOperation claimRewards(AccountName accountName) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { // Get extended account info to determine reward balances ExtendedAccount extendedAccount = this.getAccounts(Lists.newArrayList(accountName)).get(0); Asset steemReward = extendedAccount.getRewardSteemBalance(); Asset sbdReward = extendedAccount.getRewardSdbBalance(); Asset vestingReward = extendedAccount.getRewardVestingBalance(); // Create claim operation based on available reward balances ClaimRewardBalanceOperation claimOperation = new ClaimRewardBalanceOperation(accountName, steemReward, sbdReward, vestingReward); // Broadcast claim operation if there are any balances available if (steemReward.getAmount() > 0 || sbdReward.getAmount() > 0 || vestingReward.getAmount() > 0) { ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); operations.add(claimOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); } return claimOperation; } /** * Use this method to delegate Steem Power (Vesting Shares) from the default * account to the <code>delegatee</code> account. The vesting shares are * still owned by the original account, but content voting rights and * bandwidth allocation are transferred to the receiving account. This sets * the delegation to `vesting_shares`, increasing it or decreasing it as * needed. (i.e. a delegation of 0 removes the delegation) When a delegation * is removed the shares are placed in limbo for a week to prevent a satoshi * of VESTS from voting on the same content twice. * * @param delegatee * The account that the vesting shares are delegated to. * @param vestingShares * The amount of vesting shares. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. */ public void delegateVestingShares(AccountName delegatee, Asset vestingShares) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { if (SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount().isEmpty()) { throw new InvalidParameterException(NO_DEFAULT_ACCOUNT_ERROR_MESSAGE); } delegateVestingShares(SteemJConfig.getInstance().getDefaultAccount(), delegatee, vestingShares); } /** * This method is like the * {@link #delegateVestingShares(AccountName, AccountName, Asset)} method, * but allows you to define the author account separately instead of using * the {@link SteemJConfig#getDefaultAccount() DefaultAccount}. * * @param delegator * The account that will delegate the vesting shares. * @param delegatee * The account that the vesting shares are delegated to. * @param vestingShares * The amount of vesting shares. * @throws SteemCommunicationException * <ul> * <li>If the server was not able to answer the request in the * given time (see * {@link eu.bittrade.libs.steemj.configuration.SteemJConfig#setResponseTimeout(int) * setResponseTimeout}).</li> * <li>If there is a connection problem.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemResponseException * <ul> * <li>If the SteemJ is unable to transform the JSON response * into a Java object.</li> * <li>If the Server returned an error object.</li> * </ul> * @throws SteemInvalidTransactionException * If there is a problem while signing the transaction. */ public void delegateVestingShares(AccountName delegator, AccountName delegatee, Asset vestingShares) throws SteemCommunicationException, SteemResponseException, SteemInvalidTransactionException { DelegateVestingSharesOperation delegateVestingSharesOperation = new DelegateVestingSharesOperation( delegator, delegatee, vestingShares); ArrayList<Operation> operations = new ArrayList<>(); operations.add(delegateVestingSharesOperation); DynamicGlobalProperty globalProperties = this.getDynamicGlobalProperties(); SignedTransaction signedTransaction = new SignedTransaction(globalProperties.getHeadBlockId(), operations, null); signedTransaction.sign(); this.broadcastTransaction(signedTransaction); } }