Java tutorial
//Copyright 2014-2015 Tecnalia. // //Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); //you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. //You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // BETaaS - Building the Environment for the Things as a Service // // Component: Context Manager, TaaS Module // Responsible: Tecnalia /** * This is a wrapper for the MIT WordNet inteface that simplifies basic operations * such as retrieving synonyms and hypernyms for a word. * * @author Izaskun Mendia * */ package eu.betaas.taas.contextmanager.onto.classesExt.wordnet; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.betaas.taas.contextmanager.api.impl.ThingsServiceManagerImpl; public class WordNetUtils { // PUBLIC SECTION // PRIVATE SECTION private static Logger mLogger = Logger.getLogger(ThingsServiceManagerImpl.LOGGER_NAME); private static String WORDNET = ""; private static String PREFIX_WORDNET = ""; private final static String WORDNET_LINUX = "WordNetDictLinux"; private final static String WORDNET_WIN = "WordNetDictWin"; private String sWordnetDirectory = null; private URL urlWordnetDirectory = null; private IDictionary iDictionary = null; private static String OS = System.getProperty("").toLowerCase(); private static String tmpdir1 = System.getProperty("user.home"); private final static String SYNSETID = "synsetID"; private final static String TERM = "term"; private final static String DEFINITION = "definition"; private final static String SYNONYM = "synonym"; private final static String HOLONYM = "holonym"; private final static String HOLOHOLONYM = "holoholonym"; private final static String HYPERHOLONYM = "hyperholonym"; private final static String HYPERNYM = "hypernym"; private final static String HYPERHYPERNYM = "hyperhypernym"; public boolean init() { String[] includedWordnetFiles = null; boolean bCorrect = true; try { mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.checkWordnet. This is a wrapper for the MIT WordNet inteface that simplifies basic operations such as retrieving synonyms for a word."); File fileDestiny = null; String pathWordnetFileName = null; if (isLinux()) { WORDNET = WORDNET_LINUX; } else if (isWindows()) { WORDNET = WORDNET_WIN; } else mLogger.error("ERROR, unknown SO"); PREFIX_WORDNET = "/META-INF/" + WORDNET + "/"; File pathWordnetDirectory = new File(tmpdir1, WORDNET); if (!pathWordnetDirectory.exists() && !pathWordnetDirectory.mkdir()) throw new IOException("Failed to create temporary directory " + pathWordnetDirectory); if (isLinux()) { includedWordnetFiles = new String[] { PREFIX_WORDNET + "adj.exc", PREFIX_WORDNET + "adv.exc", PREFIX_WORDNET + "cntlist", PREFIX_WORDNET + "cntlist.rev", PREFIX_WORDNET + "data.adj", PREFIX_WORDNET + "data.adv", PREFIX_WORDNET + "data.noun", PREFIX_WORDNET + "data.verb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "frames.vrb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.verb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.adj", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.adv", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.noun", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.sense", PREFIX_WORDNET + "lexnames", PREFIX_WORDNET + "log.grind.3.0", PREFIX_WORDNET + "Makefile", PREFIX_WORDNET + "", PREFIX_WORDNET + "", PREFIX_WORDNET + "noun.exc", PREFIX_WORDNET + "sentidx.vrb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "sents.vrb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "verb.exc", PREFIX_WORDNET + "verb.Framestext" }; } else if (isWindows()) { includedWordnetFiles = new String[] { PREFIX_WORDNET + "adj.exc", PREFIX_WORDNET + "adv.exc", PREFIX_WORDNET + "cntlist", PREFIX_WORDNET + "cntlist.rev", PREFIX_WORDNET + "data.adj", PREFIX_WORDNET + "data.adv", PREFIX_WORDNET + "data.noun", PREFIX_WORDNET + "data.verb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "frames.vrb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.verb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.adj", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.adv", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.noun", PREFIX_WORDNET + "index.sense", PREFIX_WORDNET + "log.grind.2.1", PREFIX_WORDNET + "noun.exc", PREFIX_WORDNET + "sentidx.vrb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "sents.vrb", PREFIX_WORDNET + "verb.exc", PREFIX_WORDNET + "verb.Framestext" }; } else mLogger.error("Your OS is not support!!"); ClassLoader wordnetClassLoader = WordNetUtils.class.getClassLoader(); for (String includedWordnetFile : includedWordnetFiles) { URL urlSource = wordnetClassLoader.getResource(includedWordnetFile); InputStream isSource = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(includedWordnetFile); if (urlSource != null) { try { String pathWordnetFile = urlSource.toString(); pathWordnetFileName = pathWordnetFile.substring(pathWordnetFile.lastIndexOf("/") + 1); fileDestiny = new File(tmpdir1, "/" + WORDNET + "/" + pathWordnetFileName); fileDestiny.deleteOnExit(); FileUtils.copyInputStreamToFile(isSource, fileDestiny); isSource.close(); } catch (Exception e) { bCorrect = false; mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.checkWordnet. It has not been executed correctly. Problems with copy InputStream to File. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } finally { isSource.close(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(isSource); isSource = null; System.gc(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.checkWordnet. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return bCorrect; } public ArrayList<String> checkWordnet(String sLemmaToCompare) { ArrayList<String> oListSynonyms = null; try { mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.checkWordnet. Wordnet dictionary path directory: " + PREFIX_WORDNET + "."); IIndexWord idxWord = iDictionary.getIndexWord(sLemmaToCompare, POS.NOUN); IWordID wordID = idxWord.getWordIDs().get(0); IWord word = iDictionary.getWord(wordID); "Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils Module, checkWordnet function. Search synonyms for term: " + sLemmaToCompare + ", with the following WordnetID: " + wordID + "."); mLogger.debug("Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.checkWordnet. The " + sLemmaToCompare + " description is: " + word.getSynset().getGloss() + "."); ISynset synset = word.getSynset();"Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils Module, checkWordnet function. Synonyms: " + synset.toString()); oListSynonyms = new ArrayList<String>(); // iterate over words associated with the synset for (IWord w : synset.getWords()) //TODO podria ser un JSONArray? { mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.checkWordnet. Synonyms: " + w.getLemma()); oListSynonyms.add(w.getLemma()); } } catch (Exception e) { "Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.checkWordnet. It has not been executed correctly. Problems with the dictionary. Probably the dictionary is unreachable or the term is nonexistent. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return oListSynonyms; } public static boolean isWindows() { return (OS.indexOf("win") >= 0); } public static boolean isLinux() { return (OS.indexOf("linux") >= 0); } public JsonArray getSynsets(String sLemma, boolean type) { // type = true sensor // type = false actuator JsonArray jaTempResultValue = null; JsonArray jaTempHolonymValue = null; JsonArray jaTempHypernymValue = null; JsonObject joTempResultValue = null; IIndexWord idxWord = null; try { jaTempResultValue = new JsonArray(); if (type) idxWord = iDictionary.getIndexWord(sLemma, POS.NOUN); else idxWord = iDictionary.getIndexWord(sLemma, POS.VERB); // iterate over senses for (IWordID w : idxWord.getWordIDs()) { joTempResultValue = new JsonObject(); ISynsetID sSynset = w.getSynsetID(); joTempResultValue.addProperty(SYNSETID, sSynset.toString()); IWord word = iDictionary.getWord(w); ISynset iSynset = word.getSynset(); String definition = word.getSynset().getGloss(); joTempResultValue.addProperty(DEFINITION, definition); String synonyms = ""; for (IWord iw : word.getSynset().getWords()) { synonyms = synonyms + iw.getLemma().toUpperCase() + " "; } joTempResultValue.addProperty(SYNONYM, synonyms); if (type) { jaTempHolonymValue = getHolonyms(iDictionary, iSynset); if (jaTempHolonymValue.size() > 0) joTempResultValue.add(HOLONYM, jaTempHolonymValue); jaTempHolonymValue = getHoloHolonyms(iDictionary, iSynset); if (jaTempHolonymValue.size() > 0) joTempResultValue.add(HOLOHOLONYM, jaTempHolonymValue); jaTempHolonymValue = getHyperHolonyms(iDictionary, iSynset); if (jaTempHolonymValue.size() > 0) joTempResultValue.add(HYPERHOLONYM, jaTempHolonymValue); jaTempHypernymValue = getHypernyms(iDictionary, iSynset); if (jaTempHypernymValue.size() > 0) { joTempResultValue.add(HYPERNYM, jaTempHypernymValue); } jaTempHypernymValue = getHyperHypernyms(iDictionary, iSynset); if (jaTempHypernymValue.size() > 0) { joTempResultValue.add(HYPERHYPERNYM, jaTempHypernymValue); } } jaTempResultValue.add(joTempResultValue); } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error("- No synonyms on WordNet."); // mLogger.error("Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.getSynsets. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return jaTempResultValue; } /** * Retrieve a set of holonyms for a word. */ public static JsonArray getHolonyms(IDictionary iDictionary, ISynset iSynset) { JsonArray aHolonyms = new JsonArray(); // multiple holonym chains are possible for a synset for (ISynsetID iSynsetId : iSynset.getRelatedSynsets(Pointer.HOLONYM_PART)) { List<IWord> iWords = iDictionary.getSynset(iSynsetId).getWords(); for (IWord iWord2 : iWords) { String sLemma = iWord2.getLemma(); JsonObject oHolonyms = new JsonObject(); oHolonyms.addProperty(TERM, sLemma); aHolonyms.add(oHolonyms); } } return aHolonyms; } public static JsonArray getHoloHolonyms(IDictionary dict, ISynset iSynset) { JsonArray aHolonyms = new JsonArray(); for (ISynsetID iSynsetId1 : iSynset.getRelatedSynsets(Pointer.HOLONYM_PART)) { for (ISynsetID iSynsetId2 : dict.getSynset(iSynsetId1).getRelatedSynsets(Pointer.HOLONYM_PART)) { List<IWord> iWords = dict.getSynset(iSynsetId2).getWords(); for (IWord iWord2 : iWords) { String sLemma = iWord2.getLemma(); JsonObject oHolonyms = new JsonObject(); oHolonyms.addProperty(TERM, sLemma); aHolonyms.add(oHolonyms); } } } return aHolonyms; } public static JsonArray getHyperHolonyms(IDictionary dict, ISynset iSynset) { JsonArray aHolonyms = new JsonArray(); for (ISynsetID iSynsetId1 : iSynset.getRelatedSynsets(Pointer.HOLONYM_PART)) { for (ISynsetID iSynsetId2 : dict.getSynset(iSynsetId1).getRelatedSynsets(Pointer.HYPERNYM)) { List<IWord> iWords = dict.getSynset(iSynsetId2).getWords(); for (IWord iWord2 : iWords) { String sLemma = iWord2.getLemma(); JsonObject oHolonyms = new JsonObject(); oHolonyms.addProperty(TERM, sLemma); aHolonyms.add(oHolonyms); } } } return aHolonyms; } /** * Retrieve a set of hypernyms for a word. */ public static JsonArray getHypernyms(IDictionary iDictionary, ISynset iSynset) { JsonArray aHypernyms = new JsonArray(); // multiple hypernym chains are possible for a synset for (ISynsetID iSynsetId : iSynset.getRelatedSynsets(Pointer.HYPERNYM)) { List<IWord> iWords = iDictionary.getSynset(iSynsetId).getWords(); for (IWord iWord2 : iWords) { String sLemma = iWord2.getLemma(); JsonObject oHypernyms = new JsonObject(); oHypernyms.addProperty(TERM, sLemma); aHypernyms.add(oHypernyms); } } return aHypernyms; } public static JsonArray getHyperHypernyms(IDictionary dict, ISynset iSynset) { JsonArray aHypernyms = new JsonArray(); for (ISynsetID iSynsetId1 : iSynset.getRelatedSynsets(Pointer.HYPERNYM)) { for (ISynsetID iSynsetId2 : dict.getSynset(iSynsetId1).getRelatedSynsets(Pointer.HYPERNYM)) { List<IWord> iWords = dict.getSynset(iSynsetId2).getWords(); for (IWord iWord2 : iWords) { String sLemma = iWord2.getLemma(); JsonObject oHypernyms = new JsonObject(); oHypernyms.addProperty(TERM, sLemma); aHypernyms.add(oHypernyms); } } } return aHypernyms; } public void loadDictionary() { try { sWordnetDirectory = tmpdir1 + "/" + WORDNET; urlWordnetDirectory = new URL("file", null, sWordnetDirectory); "Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.checkWordnet. Wordnet dictionary path directory: " + PREFIX_WORDNET + "."); iDictionary = new Dictionary(urlWordnetDirectory);; } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error("Component CM perform operation WordNetUtils.loadDictionary. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } } }