Java tutorial
//Copyright 2014-2015 Tecnalia. // //Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); //you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. //You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software // distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, // WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. // See the License for the specific language governing permissions and // limitations under the License. // BETaaS - Building the Environment for the Things as a Service // // Component: Context Manager, TaaS Module // Responsible: Tecnalia package eu.betaas.taas.contextmanager.api.impl; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.osgi.framework.BundleContext; import org.osgi.framework.InvalidSyntaxException; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceEvent; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceListener; import org.osgi.framework.ServiceReference; import; import; import; import; import; import eu.betaas.taas.bigdatamanager.database.service.IBigDataDatabaseService; import eu.betaas.taas.bigdatamanager.database.service.ThingsData; import eu.betaas.taas.contextmanager.api.ThingsServiceManager; import; import; import; import eu.betaas.taas.contextmanager.onto.classesExt.wordnet.WordNetUtils; import eu.betaas.taas.contextmanager.onto.core.OntoBetaas; public class ThingsServiceManagerImpl implements ThingsServiceManager { // PUBLIC SECTION public final static String LOGGER_NAME = "betaas.taas"; // PROTECTED SECTION private final static String SYNSETID = "synsetID"; private final static String DEFINITION = "definition"; private final static String HOLONYM = "holonym"; private final static String HOLOHOLONYM = "holoholonym"; private final static String HYPERHOLONYM = "hyperholonym"; private final static String HYPERNYM = "hypernym"; private final static String HYPERHYPERNYM = "hyperhypernym"; private final static String SYNONYMS = "synonyms"; private final static String DISAMBIGUATION = "disambiguation"; private final static String SYNONYM = "synonym"; private final static String TERM = "term"; private String lSynonyms = ""; private String sBroaderTerm = ""; private static Logger mLogger = Logger.getLogger(LOGGER_NAME); private IBigDataDatabaseService service; private BundleContext mBundleContext; private ServiceListener sl; private static ThingsServiceManagerImpl thing = null; private static OntoBetaas oOntoBetaas = null; private WordNetUtils oWordNetUtils = null; private String mGWID; private String PRESENCE = "presence"; private String PREFIX_BETAAS = ""; private String LIST = "list"; private String LIST_EQ = "eq_list"; private String OPERATOR = "operator"; private ThingsServiceManagerImpl() { super(); } public static ThingsServiceManagerImpl getInstance() { if (thing == null) { thing = new ThingsServiceManagerImpl(); } return thing; } public JsonObject getMeasurementCM(String sThingServiceName) { mLogger.debug("Component CM perform operation getMeasurementCM."); SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; boolean bPropertyLocation = false; String sThingValue = ""; String sAltitude = ""; String sLatitude = ""; String sLongtitude = ""; int i; JsonObject joResultValue = new JsonObject(); try { String sQuery = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "PREFIX rdfs: <> " + "SELECT DISTINCT ?value ?property ?altitude ?latitude ?longitude WHERE { " + "?observation a BETaaS:Observation; " + "BETaaS:observedProperty ?property; " + "BETaaS:measurement ?value; " + "BETaaS:observedBy ?sensor. " + "OPTIONAL {?observation BETaaS:hasPoint ?point.} " + "?sensor a ?Device; " + "BETaaS:hasService BETaaS:" + sThingServiceName + ". " + "?point a ?Point; " + "BETaaS:altitude ?altitude; " + "BETaaS:latitude ?latitude; " + "BETaaS:longitude ?longitude; " + "}"; oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); if (sparqlResultsList.size() < 1) { mLogger.warn("Component CM perform operation getMeasurementCM. The ThingService does not exist."); return null; } for (i = 0; i < sparqlResultsList.size(); i++) { SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(i); ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); if (sVarName.equals("value")) { String sTmpThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); sThingValue = sTmpThingValue.substring(sTmpThingValue.indexOf("#") + 1); } if (sVarName.equals("property")) { String sTmpThingProperty = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); String sThingProperty = sTmpThingProperty.substring(sTmpThingProperty.indexOf("#") + 1); if (sThingProperty.equals("location")) bPropertyLocation = true; } if (sVarName.equals("altitude") && bPropertyLocation) sAltitude = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); if (sVarName.equals("latitude") && bPropertyLocation) sLatitude = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); if (sVarName.equals("longitude") && bPropertyLocation) sLongtitude = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); } } if (bPropertyLocation) { joResultValue.addProperty("altitude", sAltitude); joResultValue.addProperty("latitude", sLatitude); joResultValue.addProperty("longitude", sLongtitude); } else joResultValue.addProperty("value", sThingValue); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getMeasurementCM. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); }"Component CM perform operation getMeasurementCM. Results: " + sThingServiceName + " Value: " + joResultValue.toString()); return joResultValue; } public String getContextualMeasurement(String sThingServiceName) { mLogger.debug("Component CM perform operation getContextualMeasurement. " + "ThingServiceName: " + sThingServiceName + "."); ThingsData oThingsData = null; SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; int i; try { String sQuery = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "PREFIX rdf: <> " + "PREFIX rdfs: <> " + "SELECT * WHERE { " + "?service rdf:type ?type. " + "?type rdfs:subClassOf* BETaaS:PhysicalService. " + "?service BETaaS:environment ?environment. " + "?service BETaaS:thingserviceID ?thingserviceID. " + "FILTER( CONTAINS(?thingserviceID, '" + sThingServiceName + "') ). " + "?sensor BETaaS:hasService ?service. " + "OPTIONAL{?sensor BETaaS:thingID ?thingID. ?sensor BETaaS:maximum_response_time ?max. ?sensor BETaaS:digital ?digital. ?sensor BETaaS:output ?output.} " + "OPTIONAL{?sensor BETaaS:hasHwProperties ?hw. ?hw BETaaS:connection_description ?connection_description. ?hw BETaaS:battery_level ?battery_level. ?hw BETaaS:battery_cost ?battery_cost. ?hw BETaaS:memory_status ?memory_status. ?hw BETaaS:computational_cost ?computational_cost.} " + "OPTIONAL{?sensor BETaaS:hasService ?service. ?service BETaaS:environment ?environment.} " + "?sensor BETaaS:onPlatform ?platform. " + "?platform BETaaS:deviceID ?deviceID. " + "?observation BETaaS:observedBy ?sensor. " + "OPTIONAL{?observation BETaaS:hasUnit ?unit.} ?observation BETaaS:hasLocation ?place. ?place BETaaS:location_keyword ?location_keyword. ?place BETaaS:location_identifier ?location_identifier. " + "OPTIONAL{?place BETaaS:isInFloor ?floor. ?floor BETaaS:level ?level.} OPTIONAL{?observation BETaaS:hasPoint ?point. ?point BETaaS:altitude ?altitude; BETaaS:latitude ?latitude; BETaaS:longitude ?longitude.} " + "?observation BETaaS:observedProperty ?property. OPTIONAL{?observation BETaaS:measurement ?measurement.} " + "}"; oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); if (sparqlResultsList.size() < 1) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextualMeasurement. The ThingService does not exist."); return null; } else { for (i = 0; i < sparqlResultsList.size(); i++) { SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(i); ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); oThingsData = new ThingsData(); for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); if (sVarName.equals("output")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); if (sThingValue.equals("true")) oThingsData.setOutput(true); else if (sThingValue.equals("false")) oThingsData.setOutput(false); } if (sVarName.equals("digital")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); if (sThingValue.equals("true")) oThingsData.setDigital(true); else if (sThingValue.equals("false")) oThingsData.setDigital(false); } if (sVarName.equals("max")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setMaximumResponseTime(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("memory_status")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setMemoryStatus(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("computational_cost")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setComputationalCost(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("battery_level")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setBatteryLevel(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("battery_cost")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setBatteryCost(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("measurement")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setMeasurement(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("connection_description")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setProtocol(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("deviceID")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setDeviceID(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("thingID")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setThingId(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("property")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); sThingValue = sThingValue.substring(sThingValue.indexOf("#") + 1); oThingsData.setType(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("unit")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setUnit(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("environment")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); if (sThingValue.equals("public")) oThingsData.setEnvironment(true); else if (sThingValue.equals("private")) oThingsData.setEnvironment(false); } if (sVarName.equals("latitude")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setLatitude(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("longitude")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setLongitude(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("altitude")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setAltitude(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("level")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setFloor(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("location_keyword")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setLocationKeyword(sThingValue); } if (sVarName.equals("location_identifier")) { String sThingValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); oThingsData.setLocationIdentifier(sThingValue); } } } } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextualMeasurement. It has not been executed correctly. Possible deviceID null value. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); }"Component CM perform operation getContextualMeasurement. Results: " + sThingServiceName); return oThingsData.getJsonRepresentation(); } public String getContextThingServices(String sParameter, String sLocationIdentifier, String sLocationKeyword, String sFloor) { String sResults = ""; try { mLogger.debug("Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. " + "Parameter: " + sParameter + ", sLocationIdentifier:" + sLocationIdentifier + ", sLocationKeyword: " + sLocationKeyword + ", sFloor: " + sFloor + "."); if ((sParameter == null) || (sLocationIdentifier == null) || (sLocationKeyword == null) || (sFloor == null)) mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. No NULL values are expected."); else sResults = getContextThingServices_searchingGWs(false, sParameter, sLocationIdentifier.trim(), sLocationKeyword.trim(), sFloor.trim(), "", "", ""); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); }"Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. Result: " + sResults); return sResults; } public String getContextThingServices(String sParameter, String sLocationIdentifier, String sLocationKeyword, String sLatitude, String sLongitude, String sAltitude, String sRadius) { String sResults = ""; try { mLogger.debug("Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. " + "Parameter: " + sParameter + ", sLocationIdentifier:" + sLocationIdentifier + ", sLocationKeyword: " + sLocationKeyword + ", sLatitude: " + sLatitude + ", sLongitude: " + sLongitude + ", sAltitude: " + sAltitude + ", sRadius: " + sRadius + "."); if ((sParameter == null) || (sLocationIdentifier == null) || (sLocationKeyword == null) || (sLatitude == null) || (sLongitude == null) || (sAltitude == null) || (sRadius == null)) mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. No NULL values are expected."); else sResults = getContextThingServices_searchingGWs(true, sParameter, sLocationIdentifier.trim(), sLocationKeyword.trim(), sLatitude, sLongitude, sAltitude, sRadius); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); }"Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. Result: " + sResults); return sResults; } public String getContextThingServices_searchingGWs(boolean bEnvironment, String sParameter, String sLocationIdentifier, String sLocationKeyword, String sLatitude, String sLongitude, String sAltitude, String sRadius) { boolean bConcat = false; String sjoThingServiceNameList = null; String sjoThingServiceNameList_local = null; String sjoThingServiceNameList_remote = null; JsonObject joThingServiceNameList = new JsonObject(); try { String filter = "(&(service.imported=*)(objectClass=" + ThingsServiceManager.class.getName() + "))"; ServiceReference[] srl = mBundleContext.getServiceReferences((String) null, filter); if (srl != null) { for (int i = 0; srl != null && i < srl.length; i++) { mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_searchingGWs. How many CM resources?: " + (srl.length + 1) + "."); sl.serviceChanged(new ServiceEvent(ServiceEvent.REGISTERED, srl[i])); sjoThingServiceNameList_remote = getContextThingServices_remote(srl[i], bEnvironment, sParameter, sLocationIdentifier, sLocationKeyword, sLatitude, sLongitude, sAltitude, sRadius); if (bConcat) joThingServiceNameList = setContextThingServices(sjoThingServiceNameList_remote, joThingServiceNameList); else { JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonObject joThingServiceNameList_remote = (JsonObject) jp .parse(sjoThingServiceNameList_remote); joThingServiceNameList = joThingServiceNameList_remote; } mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_searchingGWs. The REMOTE THINGSERVICESLIST is: " + sjoThingServiceNameList_remote); bConcat = true; } } else { mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_searchingGWs. How many CM resources?: Just one. ME!"); bConcat = false; } sjoThingServiceNameList_local = getContextThingServices_local(sParameter, bEnvironment, sLocationIdentifier, sLocationKeyword, sLatitude, sLongitude, sAltitude, sRadius); mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_searchingGWs. The LOCAL THINGSERVICESLIST is: " + sjoThingServiceNameList_local); if (bConcat) { joThingServiceNameList = setContextThingServices(sjoThingServiceNameList_local, joThingServiceNameList); mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_searchingGWs. The COMPLETE THINGSERVICESLIST is: " + joThingServiceNameList.toString()); sjoThingServiceNameList = joThingServiceNameList.toString(); } else sjoThingServiceNameList = sjoThingServiceNameList_local; } catch (InvalidSyntaxException ise) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_searchingGWs. It has not been executed correctly. InvalidSyntaxException: " + ise.getMessage() + "."); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_searchingGWs. It has not been executed correctly. Possible deviceID null value. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return sjoThingServiceNameList; } private JsonObject setContextThingServices(String sjoThingServiceNameList_new, JsonObject joThingServiceNameList) { JsonParser jp = new JsonParser(); JsonObject joThingServiceNameList_new = (JsonObject) jp.parse(sjoThingServiceNameList_new); JsonArray jaThingServiceNameList_old = new JsonArray(); JsonArray jaThingServiceNameList_new_list = (JsonArray) joThingServiceNameList_new.get(LIST); jaThingServiceNameList_old = joThingServiceNameList.getAsJsonArray(LIST); jaThingServiceNameList_old.addAll(jaThingServiceNameList_new_list); joThingServiceNameList.add(LIST, jaThingServiceNameList_old); JsonArray jaThingServiceNameList_new_listEq = (JsonArray) joThingServiceNameList_new.get(LIST_EQ); joThingServiceNameList.getAsJsonArray(LIST_EQ).addAll(jaThingServiceNameList_new_listEq); return joThingServiceNameList; } private String getContextThingServices_remote(ServiceReference sr, boolean bEnvironment, String sParameter, String sLocationIdentifier, String sLocationKeyword, String sLatitude, String sLongitude, String sAltitude, String sRadius) { String sjoThingServiceNameList_remote = null; try { ThingsServiceManager taasCMResource = (ThingsServiceManager) mBundleContext.getService(sr); if (taasCMResource == null) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_remote. Taas Context Manager resource is null"); return null; } String sGwIdRemote = taasCMResource.getGwId(); String sGwIdLocal = getGwId(); mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_remote. sGwIdRemote: " + sGwIdRemote); mLogger.debug( "-Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_remote. sGwIdLocal: " + sGwIdLocal); if (sGwIdLocal != sGwIdRemote) { sjoThingServiceNameList_remote = taasCMResource.getContextThingServices_local(sParameter, bEnvironment, sLocationIdentifier, sLocationKeyword, sLatitude, sLongitude, sAltitude, sRadius); } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_remote. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return sjoThingServiceNameList_remote; } public String getContextThingServices_local(String sParameter, boolean bEnvironment, String sLocationIdentifier, String sLocationKeyword, String sLatitude, String sLongitude, String sAltitude, String sRadius) { String sQuery = ""; String sResults = ""; sParameter = sParameter.toLowerCase(); String sTypeThing = sParameter.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sParameter.substring(1); sTypeThing = "<" + PREFIX_BETAAS + "#" + sTypeThing + "Sensor>"; sLocationIdentifier = sLocationIdentifier.toLowerCase(); sLocationIdentifier = sLocationIdentifier.replace(" ", ""); sLocationKeyword = sLocationKeyword.toLowerCase(); sLocationKeyword = sLocationKeyword.replace(" ", ""); String sLocation = sLocationIdentifier + sLocationKeyword; if (bEnvironment) { sQuery = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "SELECT DISTINCT ?service ?altitude ?longitude ?latitude WHERE { " + "?observation BETaaS:hasPoint ?point. " + "?point BETaaS:altitude ?altitude. " + "?point BETaaS:longitude ?longitude. " + "?point BETaaS:latitude ?latitude. " + "?observation BETaaS:observedBy ?sensor. " + "?sensor a " + sTypeThing + "." + "?sensor BETaaS:hasService ?service. "; // + "?service a BETaaS:ActuatorService. "; // + "?service a BETaaS:SensorService. "; if (sLocationKeyword.isEmpty()) sQuery = sQuery + "} "; else { sQuery = sQuery + "?service BETaaS:thingserviceID ?thingserviceID. " + "FILTER( "; if (!((sLocationIdentifier.isEmpty()) || (sLocationIdentifier.equals("null")))) { sLocationIdentifier = sLocationIdentifier.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sLocationIdentifier.substring(1); sQuery = sQuery + "CONTAINS(?thingserviceID, '" + sLocationIdentifier + "' ) && "; } // WordNetUtils wn = new WordNetUtils(); // ArrayList<String> oListSynonyms = wn.checkWordnet(sLocationKeyword.toLowerCase()); ArrayList<String> oListSynonyms = oWordNetUtils.checkWordnet(sLocationKeyword.toLowerCase()); for (int y = 0; y < oListSynonyms.size(); y++) { String sLocationKeywordName = oListSynonyms.get(y); sLocationKeywordName = sLocationKeywordName.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase() + sLocationKeywordName.substring(1); sQuery = sQuery + "CONTAINS(?thingserviceID, '" + sLocationKeywordName + "' )"; if (!(y == (oListSynonyms.size() - 1))) sQuery = sQuery + " || "; } sQuery = sQuery + " ). }"; } } else { if (sLatitude.equals("")) { // getContextThingServices("Temperature","Main","Bathroom","") sQuery = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "SELECT ?service WHERE { " + " ?observation a BETaaS:Observation;" + " BETaaS:hasLocation BETaaS:_" + sLocation + ";"// _mainbathroom;" + " BETaaS:observedBy ?sensor." + "?sensor a " + sTypeThing + ";"// <>;" + " BETaaS:hasService ?service." + " }"; } else // getContextThingServices("Temperature","","","1") { String sFloor = "floor_" + sLatitude; sQuery = "" + " PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + " SELECT ?service " + " WHERE { " + " ?observation BETaaS:hasLocation ?loc. " + " ?loc BETaaS:isInFloor BETaaS:" + sFloor + ". " + " ?observation BETaaS:observedBy ?sensor. " + " ?sensor a " + sTypeThing + "."// <>;" + " ?sensor BETaaS:hasService ?service. " + " }"; } } sResults = getContextThingServices_query(sParameter, sQuery, sLatitude, sLongitude, sAltitude, sRadius); return sResults; } public String getContextThingServices_query(String sParameter, String sQuery, String sLatitude, String sLongitude, String sAltitude, String sRadius) { int i; String sThingServiceName = null; String sTmpThingServiceName = null; String sThingServiceNameEq = null; String sTmpThingServiceNameEq = null; String sThingType = null; String sOperator = null; String sAltitudeSensor = null; String sLongitudeSensor = null; String sLatitudeSensor = null; ArrayList<String> CMThingServicesList = new ArrayList<String>(); HashMap<String, String> hmTmpCMThingServicesList = new HashMap<String, String>(); JsonObject joThingServiceNameList = new JsonObject(); JsonArray jaThingServiceNameList = new JsonArray(); SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; try { oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); for (i = 0; i < sparqlResultsList.size(); i++) { SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(i); ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); boolean bServ = false; boolean bAlt = false; boolean bLong = false; boolean bLat = false; boolean bRadius = false; for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); if (sVarName.equals("service")) { String sTmpThingType = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); sThingType = "_" + sTmpThingType.substring(sTmpThingType.indexOf("#") + 1); bServ = true; } if (sVarName.equals("altitude")) { sAltitudeSensor = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); bAlt = true; } if (sVarName.equals("longitude")) { sLongitudeSensor = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); bLong = true; } if (sVarName.equals("latitude")) { sLatitudeSensor = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); bLat = true; } if (bAlt && bLong && bLat && !sRadius.isEmpty()) { bRadius = checkDistancePoints(sLatitudeSensor, sLongitudeSensor, sLatitude, sLongitude, sRadius); if (bRadius) bServ = true; else bServ = false; } } if (bServ) { String sTmpThingType = sLongitudeSensor + ":" + sLatitudeSensor + sThingType; CMThingServicesList.add(sTmpThingType); sThingType = sThingType.substring(sThingType.indexOf("_") + 1); jaThingServiceNameList.add(new JsonPrimitive(sThingType)); } } joThingServiceNameList.add(LIST, jaThingServiceNameList); // GET eqTHINGSERVICESLIST for (i = 0; i < CMThingServicesList.size(); i++) { hmTmpCMThingServicesList.put(CMThingServicesList.get(i), "NO_EQ"); } JsonArray jaThingServiceNameListEq = new JsonArray(); for (Entry<String, String> entry : hmTmpCMThingServicesList.entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equals("NO_EQ")) { sTmpThingServiceName = entry.getKey(); sThingServiceName = sTmpThingServiceName.substring(0, sTmpThingServiceName.lastIndexOf("_")); JsonArray jaThingServiceNameEq = new JsonArray(); for (i = 0; i < CMThingServicesList.size(); i++) { sTmpThingServiceNameEq = CMThingServicesList.get(i); sThingServiceNameEq = sTmpThingServiceNameEq.substring(0, sTmpThingServiceNameEq.lastIndexOf("_")); if (sThingServiceName.equals(sThingServiceNameEq)) { hmTmpCMThingServicesList.put(sTmpThingServiceNameEq, "EQ"); sTmpThingServiceNameEq = sTmpThingServiceNameEq .substring(sTmpThingServiceNameEq.indexOf("_") + 1); jaThingServiceNameEq.add(new JsonPrimitive(sTmpThingServiceNameEq)); } } jaThingServiceNameListEq.add(jaThingServiceNameEq); } } joThingServiceNameList.add(LIST_EQ, jaThingServiceNameListEq); mLogger.debug( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. The EQUIVALENT THINGSERVICESLIST is: " + jaThingServiceNameListEq.toString()); // GET OPERATOR if (sParameter.equals(PRESENCE)) { sOperator = "OR"; } else sOperator = "AVERAGE"; joThingServiceNameList.addProperty(OPERATOR, sOperator); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices_query. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } mLogger.debug("Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. Result: " + joThingServiceNameList.toString()); return joThingServiceNameList.toString(); } private boolean checkDistancePoints(String sLatitudeSensor, String sLongitudeSensor, String sLatitude, String sLongitude, String sRadius) { // Haversine function // boolean bResults = true; int distance = calculateDistanceByHaversineFormula(sLongitudeSensor, sLatitudeSensor, sLongitude, sLatitude); float fDiameter = Float.parseFloat(sRadius) * 2; int iDiameter = Math.round(fDiameter); int distancePoints = iDiameter - distance; if (distancePoints > 0) bResults = true; else bResults = false; return bResults; } private int calculateDistanceByHaversineFormula(String sLongitudeSensor, String sLatitudeSensor, String sLongitude, String sLatitude) { Double lat1 = Double.parseDouble(sLatitudeSensor); Double lon1 = Double.parseDouble(sLongitudeSensor); Double lat2 = Double.parseDouble(sLatitude); Double lon2 = Double.parseDouble(sLongitude); double earthRadius = 6371; // km lat1 = Math.toRadians(lat1); lon1 = Math.toRadians(lon1); lat2 = Math.toRadians(lat2); lon2 = Math.toRadians(lon2); double dlon = (lon2 - lon1); double dlat = (lat2 - lat1); double sinlat = Math.sin(dlat / 2); double sinlon = Math.sin(dlon / 2); double a = (sinlat * sinlat) + Math.cos(lat1) * Math.cos(lat2) * (sinlon * sinlon); double c = 2 * Math.asin(Math.min(1.0, Math.sqrt(a))); double distanceInMeters = earthRadius * c * 1000; return (int) distanceInMeters; } public String getContextThingServices() { JsonObject joThingServiceNameList = new JsonObject(); JsonArray jaThingServiceName = new JsonArray(); SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; int i; mLogger.debug("Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices."); try { String sQuery = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "PREFIX rdf: <> " + "PREFIX rdfs: <> " + "SELECT ?service WHERE { " + "?service rdf:type ?type. " + "?type rdfs:subClassOf* BETaaS:PhysicalService. " + "}"; oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); for (i = 0; i < sparqlResultsList.size(); i++) { SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(i); ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); if (sVarName.equals("service")) { String sTmpThingType = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); String sThingType = sTmpThingType.substring(sTmpThingType.indexOf("#") + 1); jaThingServiceName.add(new JsonPrimitive(sThingType)); } } } joThingServiceNameList.add("list", jaThingServiceName); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); }"Component CM perform operation getContextThingServices. Results: " + joThingServiceNameList.toString()); return joThingServiceNameList.toString(); } // ADAPTATION MODULE INTERFACE public void sparqlUpdate(String sSparqlUpdate) { try { oOntoBetaas.sparqlUpdate(sSparqlUpdate); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation sparqlUpdate. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } } public String sparqlRemoveDevice(String sInstance) { String sThingService = null; try { sThingService = sparqRemoveStatementThingServices(sInstance); int i = sThingService.indexOf("#"); if (i > 0) sThingService = sThingService.substring(i + 1); String subject = "" + sInstance; sparqlRemoveStatement(subject); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation sparqlUpdate. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return sThingService; } private String sparqRemoveStatementThingServices(String sThing) { SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; String sThingService = null; int i; try { String sQuery = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "SELECT ?service WHERE { BETaaS:" + sThing + " BETaaS:hasService ?service. " + "}"; oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); for (i = 0; i < sparqlResultsList.size(); i++) { SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(i); ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); if (sVarName.equals("service")) { sThingService = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); this.sparqlRemoveStatement(sThingService); } } } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation sparqlRemoveStatementCascade. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return sThingService; } public boolean sparqlRemoveStatement(String sInstance) { try { String sQueryUpdate = "DELETE WHERE { <" + sInstance + "> ?p ?o .}"; sparqlUpdate(sQueryUpdate); sQueryUpdate = "DELETE WHERE { ?p ?o <" + sInstance + "> .}"; sparqlUpdate(sQueryUpdate); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation sparqlRemoveStatement. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return true; } public boolean sparqlRemoveAllStatements() { try { String sQueryUpdate = "" + "PREFIX owl: <> " + "DELETE {?member ?p ?o} " + "WHERE { " + "?class a owl:Class . " + "?member a ?class . " + "?member ?p ?o . " + "}"; sparqlUpdate(sQueryUpdate); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error("Component CM perform operation sparqlRemoveAllStatements." + " It has not been executed correctly the call to method sparqlRemoveStatement. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return true; } public boolean checkSubscribeService(String sNewThingServiceName) { SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; String sSuscription = "false"; boolean bResult = false; int i; try { String sQuery = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "SELECT ?subscription WHERE " + "{ " + "?service a BETaaS:SensorService; " + "BETaaS:subscription ?subscription; " + "BETaaS:thingserviceID ?servicename. " + "FILTER(CONTAINS(?servicename, '" + sNewThingServiceName + "')). " + "}"; oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); for (i = 0; i < sparqlResultsList.size(); i++) { SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(i); ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); if (sVarName.equals("subscription")) { sSuscription = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); } } } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation checkSubscribeService. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } if (sSuscription.equals("true")) bResult = true; else bResult = false; return bResult; } // TAAS QoS MONITORING MODULE INTERFACE public String getMaximumResponseTime(String sThingServiceName) { SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; String sMaximumResponseTime = ""; int i; try { String sQuery = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "SELECT ?max " + "WHERE { " + "?sensor BETaaS:hasService BETaaS:" + sThingServiceName + ". " + "?sensor BETaaS:maximum_response_time ?max. " + "}"; oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); for (i = 0; i < sparqlResultsList.size(); i++) { SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(i); ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); if (sVarName.equals("max")) sMaximumResponseTime = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); } } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation getMaximumResponseTime. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return sMaximumResponseTime; } public boolean checkAvailability(String sThingServiceName) { SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; String sThingService = ""; boolean bResults = false; int i; try { String sQuery = "" + "PREFIX BETaaS: <> " + "PREFIX rdf: <> " + "PREFIX rdfs: <> " + "SELECT ?service " + "WHERE { " + "BETaaS:" + sThingServiceName + " rdf:type ?type. " + "?type rdfs:subClassOf* BETaaS:PhysicalService. " + "BETaaS:" + sThingServiceName + " BETaaS:thingserviceID ?service. " + "}"; oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); for (i = 0; i < sparqlResultsList.size(); i++) { SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(i); ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); if (sVarName.equals("service")) { sThingService = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); if (sThingService.equals(sThingServiceName)) bResults = true; } } } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation checkAvailability. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } return bResults; } // ZOOKEEPER REGISTRATION public void setMyServiceRegistered() { try { sl = new ServiceListener() { public void serviceChanged(ServiceEvent ev) { ServiceReference sr = ev.getServiceReference(); switch (ev.getType()) { case ServiceEvent.REGISTERED: { //"ServiceEvent.REGISTERED, GwId : " + // taasCMResource.getGwId()); // comment } break; case ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING: { //"ServiceEvent.UNREGISTERING, GwId : " + // taasCMResource.getGwId()); // comment mBundleContext.ungetService(sr); sr = null; } break; default: //"ServiceEvent.DEFAULT, GwId : " + // taasCMResource.getGwId()); // comment break; } } }; String filter = "(&(service.imported=*)(objectClass=" + ThingsServiceManager.class.getName() + "))"; mBundleContext.addServiceListener(sl, filter); } catch (InvalidSyntaxException ise) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation setMyServiceRegistered function. It has not been executed correctly. InvalidSyntaxException: " + ise.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation setMyServiceRegistered. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INFER FAMILIES OF TYPES OF THINGS // - // SKOS THING TYPES // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// @SuppressWarnings("unused") public JsonObject checkThingType(String term, boolean type) { // true sensor // false actuator boolean bCorrect = true; JsonObject joTempResultValue = new JsonObject(); JsonObject joSynonymO = null; JsonObject joSynonymW = null; JsonArray jaSynonymsO = new JsonArray(); JsonArray jaSynonymsW = new JsonArray(); term = term.toLowerCase(); mLogger.debug("Term: " + term.toUpperCase() + "."); try { // 1.- Verify if the term already exists on the ontology joTempResultValue = verifyTermOnOntology(term); if (!(joTempResultValue == null)) mLogger.debug("- The term " + term.toUpperCase() + " is on the ontology. "); else { // The term is not in the ontology mLogger.debug("- The term " + term.toUpperCase() + " is NOT on the ontology. "); // Get all the synsets related with that term JsonArray aSynset = oWordNetUtils.getSynsets(term, type); mLogger.debug("- Different senses for the term " + term.toUpperCase() + ": "); if (aSynset.size() < 1) mLogger.debug(" No Synsets on Wordnet."); jaSynonymsO = new JsonArray(); jaSynonymsW = new JsonArray(); for (JsonElement sSynset : aSynset) { JsonObject joLemma = sSynset.getAsJsonObject(); // SYNSETID String sTotalSynset = joLemma.get(SYNSETID).toString(); String search4DigitSynset = sTotalSynset.substring(5, 9); String search8DigitSynset = sTotalSynset.substring(5, 13); bCorrect = verifySynset(search4DigitSynset); // SYNONYMS String sSynonyms = joLemma.get(SYNONYM).toString().replace("\\\"", ""); // DEFINITION String sDefinition = joLemma.get(DEFINITION).toString().replace("\\\"", ""); mLogger.debug(" Synset: " + sTotalSynset); mLogger.debug(" Synonyms: " + sSynonyms); mLogger.debug(" Definition: " + sDefinition); // Already exists some synonyms on the ontology if (bCorrect) { joSynonymO = new JsonObject(); joSynonymO.addProperty(SYNSETID, search8DigitSynset); joSynonymO.addProperty(SYNONYM, sSynonyms); joSynonymO.addProperty(DEFINITION, sDefinition); mLogger.debug(" YES, on the ontology you can find synomyns to the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " with synset " + sTotalSynset + "."); mLogger.debug(" The synonym common pattern is: " + search4DigitSynset); mLogger.debug(" Synonyms on the ontology: " + lSynonyms.toUpperCase()); jaSynonymsO.add(joSynonymO); } else { joSynonymW = new JsonObject(); joSynonymW.addProperty(SYNSETID, search8DigitSynset); joSynonymW.addProperty(SYNONYM, sSynonyms); joSynonymW.addProperty(DEFINITION, sDefinition); mLogger.debug(" NO, on the ontology you can't find synomyns to the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " with synset " + sTotalSynset + ". The synonym common pattern is: " + search4DigitSynset); jaSynonymsW.add(joSynonymW); } mLogger.debug(""); } joTempResultValue = new JsonObject(); joTempResultValue.add(TERM, new JsonPrimitive(term)); // NO, on the ontology you can't find synomyns to the term if (jaSynonymsO.size() < 1) { joTempResultValue.add(DISAMBIGUATION, new JsonPrimitive(true)); joTempResultValue.add(SYNONYMS, jaSynonymsW); } else { // YES, on the ontology you can find synomyns to the term if (jaSynonymsO.size() > 1) { joTempResultValue.add(DISAMBIGUATION, new JsonPrimitive(true)); joTempResultValue.add(SYNONYMS, jaSynonymsO); } else if (jaSynonymsO.size() == 1) { joTempResultValue.add(DISAMBIGUATION, new JsonPrimitive(false)); joTempResultValue.add(SYNONYMS, jaSynonymsO); JsonObject joTempResult = jaSynonymsO.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); addThingType(sBroaderTerm, term, joTempResult.get(SYNSETID).toString(), joTempResult.get(DEFINITION).toString()); } } }"- Sending JSON to disambiguate to the TA.");" JSON: " + joTempResultValue.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error("CheckThingType " + e.getMessage() + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + " " + e.getCause()); } return joTempResultValue; } // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // INFER RELATIONS AMONG LOCATIONS OF THINGS // - // SKOS LOCATION // ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// public JsonObject checkThingLocation(String term) { // true:sensor // false:actuator boolean bCorrect = true; boolean firstSenseOnly = false; JsonObject oTerm = null; JsonObject joTempResultValue = null; JsonObject joSynonymO = null; JsonObject joSynonymW = null; JsonArray jaSynonymsO = new JsonArray(); JsonArray jaSynonymsW = new JsonArray(); term = term.toLowerCase(); mLogger.debug("Term: " + term.toUpperCase() + "."); try { // 1.- Verify if the term already exists on the ontology joTempResultValue = verifyTermOnOntology(term); if (!(joTempResultValue == null)) mLogger.debug("- The term " + term.toUpperCase() + " is on the ontology. "); else { // The term is not in the ontology mLogger.debug("- The term " + term.toUpperCase() + " is NOT on the ontology. "); // 2.- Get all the synsets related with that term JsonArray aSynset = oWordNetUtils.getSynsets(term, true); mLogger.debug("- Different senses for the term " + term.toUpperCase() + ": "); if (aSynset.size() < 1) mLogger.debug(" No Synsets on Wordnet."); jaSynonymsO = new JsonArray(); jaSynonymsW = new JsonArray(); for (JsonElement sSynset : aSynset) { JsonObject joLemma = sSynset.getAsJsonObject(); // SYNSETID String sTotalSynset = joLemma.get(SYNSETID).toString(); String search4DigitSynset = sTotalSynset.substring(5, 9); String search8DigitSynset = sTotalSynset.substring(5, 13); // 3.- Check synonyms on the ontology bCorrect = verifySynset(search4DigitSynset); mLogger.debug(" Synset: " + sTotalSynset); // SYNONYMS String sSynonyms = joLemma.get(SYNONYM).toString().replace("\\\"", ""); mLogger.debug(" Synonyms: " + sSynonyms); // DEFINITION String sDefinition = joLemma.get(DEFINITION).toString().replace("\\\"", ""); mLogger.debug(" Definition: " + sDefinition); // Already exists some synonyms on the ontology if (bCorrect) { joSynonymO = new JsonObject(); joSynonymO.addProperty(SYNSETID, search8DigitSynset); joSynonymO.addProperty(SYNONYM, sSynonyms); joSynonymO.addProperty(DEFINITION, sDefinition); mLogger.debug(" YES, on the ontology you can find synomyns to the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " with synset " + sTotalSynset + "."); mLogger.debug(" The synonym common pattern is: " + search4DigitSynset); mLogger.debug(" Synonyms on the ontology: " + lSynonyms.toUpperCase()); jaSynonymsO.add(joSynonymO); } else { joSynonymW = new JsonObject(); joSynonymW.addProperty(SYNSETID, search8DigitSynset); joSynonymW.addProperty(SYNONYM, sSynonyms); joSynonymW.addProperty(DEFINITION, sDefinition); mLogger.debug(" NO, on the ontology you can't find synomyns to the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " with synset " + sTotalSynset + ". The synonym common pattern is: " + search4DigitSynset); jaSynonymsW.add(joSynonymW); // HOLONYMS JsonArray aHolonym = joLemma.getAsJsonArray(HOLONYM); if (aHolonym == null) {// mLogger.debug(" NO, there is not holonyms for the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on WORDNET."); // HYPERNYMS JsonArray aHypernym = joLemma.getAsJsonArray(HYPERNYM); if (aHypernym == null) mLogger.debug(" NO, there is not hypernyms for the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on WORDNET."); else { mLogger.debug(" YES, there are hypernyms for the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on WORDNET. Hypernyms: " + aHypernym.toString().toUpperCase()); for (JsonElement eHypernym : aHypernym) { JsonObject jobject = eHypernym.getAsJsonObject(); String sHypernym = jobject.get(TERM).toString().replace("\"", ""); oTerm = verifyTermOnOntology(sHypernym); if (!(oTerm == null)) { mLogger.debug(" YES, the term " + sHypernym.toString() + " is on the ONTOLOGY. Hypernyms: " + aHypernym.toString().toUpperCase()); mLogger.debug(" Add term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on the ONTOLOGY. Term related with the hypernym " + sHypernym.toUpperCase()); this.addThingType(sHypernym, term, search8DigitSynset, sDefinition); firstSenseOnly = true; joTempResultValue = oTerm; break; } else { mLogger.debug(" NO, the term " + sHypernym.toUpperCase() + " is not on the ONTOLOGY."); // HYPERHYPERNYMS JsonArray aHyperHypernym = joLemma.getAsJsonArray(HYPERHYPERNYM); if (aHyperHypernym == null) mLogger.debug(" NO, there is not hyperhypernyms for the term " + sHypernym.toUpperCase() + " on WORDNET."); else { mLogger.debug(" YES, there are hyperhypernyms for the term " + sHypernym.toUpperCase() + " on WORDNET. Hyperhypernyms: " + aHyperHypernym.toString().toUpperCase()); for (JsonElement eHyperHypernym : aHyperHypernym) { JsonObject jobject2 = eHyperHypernym.getAsJsonObject(); String sHyperHypernym = jobject2.get(TERM).toString().replace("\"", ""); oTerm = verifyTermOnOntology(sHyperHypernym); if (!(oTerm == null)) { mLogger.debug( " YES, the term " + sHyperHypernym.toString() + " is on the ONTOLOGY. HyperHypernyms: " + aHyperHypernym.toString().toUpperCase()); mLogger.debug(" Add term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on the ONTOLOGY. Term related with the hyperhypernym " + sHyperHypernym.toUpperCase()); this.addThingType(sHyperHypernym, term, search8DigitSynset, sDefinition); firstSenseOnly = true; joTempResultValue = oTerm; break; } else mLogger.debug( " NO, the term " + sHyperHypernym.toUpperCase() + " is not on the ONTOLOGY."); } } } } } } else { mLogger.debug(" YES, there are holonyms for the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on WORDNET. Holonyms: " + aHolonym.toString().toUpperCase()); for (JsonElement eHolonym : aHolonym) { JsonObject jobject = eHolonym.getAsJsonObject(); String sHolonym = jobject.get(TERM).toString().replace("\"", ""); oTerm = verifyTermOnOntology(sHolonym); if (!(oTerm == null)) { mLogger.debug(" YES, the term " + sHolonym.toUpperCase() + " is on the ONTOLOGY. Holonyms: " + aHolonym.toString().toUpperCase()); mLogger.debug(" Add term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on the ONTOLOGY. Term related with the holonym " + sHolonym.toUpperCase()); this.addThingType(sHolonym, term, search8DigitSynset, sDefinition); firstSenseOnly = true; joTempResultValue = oTerm; break; } else { mLogger.debug(" NO, the term " + sHolonym.toUpperCase() + " is not on the ONTOLOGY."); // HYPERHOLONYMS JsonArray aHyperHolonym = joLemma.getAsJsonArray(HYPERHOLONYM); if (aHyperHolonym == null) {// mLogger.debug(" NO, there is not hyperholonyms for the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on WORDNET."); } else { mLogger.debug(" YES, there are hyperholonyms for the term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on WORDNET. Hyperholonyms: " + aHyperHolonym.toString().toUpperCase()); for (JsonElement eHyperHolonym : aHyperHolonym) { JsonObject jobject1 = eHyperHolonym.getAsJsonObject(); String sHyperHolonym = jobject1.get(TERM).toString().replace("\"", ""); oTerm = verifyTermOnOntology(sHyperHolonym); if (!(oTerm == null)) { mLogger.debug(" YES, the term " + sHyperHolonym.toUpperCase() + " is on the ONTOLOGY. HyperHolonyms: " + aHyperHolonym.toString().toUpperCase()); mLogger.debug(" Add term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on the ONTOLOGY. Term related with the hyperholonym " + sHyperHolonym.toUpperCase()); this.addThingType(sHyperHolonym, term, search8DigitSynset, sDefinition); firstSenseOnly = true; joTempResultValue = oTerm; break; } else mLogger.debug(" NO, the term " + sHyperHolonym.toUpperCase() + " is not on the ONTOLOGY."); } } } } } // // // HOLOHOLONYMS // JsonArray aHoloHolonym = joLemma.getAsJsonArray(HOLOHOLONYM); // if (aHoloHolonym == null) {// //" NO, there is not holoholonyms for the term "+ term.toUpperCase()+ " on WORDNET."); // // //// HYPERNYMS // // } else { //" YES, there are holoholonyms for the term "+ term.toUpperCase()+ " on WORDNET. Holonyms: "+ aHoloHolonym.toString().toUpperCase()); // for (JsonElement eHoloHolonym : aHoloHolonym) { // JsonObject jobject = eHoloHolonym.getAsJsonObject(); // String sHoloHolonym = jobject.get(TERM).toString().replace("\"", ""); // // JsonObject oTerm = verifyTermOnOntology(sHoloHolonym); // if (!(oTerm == null)) { //" YES, the term "+ sHoloHolonym.toUpperCase()+ " is on the ONTOLOGY. Holonyms: "+ aHoloHolonym.toString().toUpperCase()); //" Add term "+ term.toUpperCase()+ " on the ONTOLOGY. Term related with the holonym "+ sHoloHolonym.toUpperCase()); // } else //" NO, the term "+ sHoloHolonym.toUpperCase()+ " is not on the ONTOLOGY."); // } // } } mLogger.debug(""); } if (!firstSenseOnly) { joTempResultValue = new JsonObject(); joTempResultValue.add(TERM, new JsonPrimitive(term)); // NO, on the ontology you can't find synomyns to the term if (jaSynonymsO.size() < 1) { if (jaSynonymsW.size() == 1) { joTempResultValue.add(DISAMBIGUATION, new JsonPrimitive(false)); mLogger.debug(" Add term " + term.toUpperCase() + " on the ONTOLOGY. "); // this.addThingType(null, term, search8DigitSynset, sDefinition); } else joTempResultValue.add(DISAMBIGUATION, new JsonPrimitive(true)); joTempResultValue.add(SYNONYMS, jaSynonymsW); } else { // YES, on the ontology you can find synomyns to the term if (jaSynonymsO.size() > 1) { joTempResultValue.add(DISAMBIGUATION, new JsonPrimitive(true)); joTempResultValue.add(SYNONYMS, jaSynonymsO); } else if (jaSynonymsO.size() == 1) { joTempResultValue.add(DISAMBIGUATION, new JsonPrimitive(false)); joTempResultValue.add(SYNONYMS, jaSynonymsO); JsonObject joTempResult = jaSynonymsO.get(0).getAsJsonObject(); addThingType(sBroaderTerm, term, joTempResult.get(SYNSETID).toString(), joTempResult.get(DEFINITION).toString()); } } } }"- Sending JSON to disambiguate to the TA.");" JSON: " + joTempResultValue.toString()); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "CheckThingLocation " + e.getMessage() + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + " " + e.getCause()); } return joTempResultValue; } private void addThingType(String sBroaderConcept, String sConcept, String sAltLabel, String sDefinition) { try { int i = sBroaderConcept.indexOf("#"); if (i > 0) sBroaderConcept = sBroaderConcept.substring(i + 1);"- Add Resource. BroaderConcept: " + sBroaderConcept.substring(sBroaderConcept.indexOf("#") + 1).toUpperCase() + ", Concept: " + sConcept.toUpperCase() + ", ID: " + sAltLabel + ", Definition: " + sDefinition + "."); oOntoBetaas.addResource(sBroaderConcept, sConcept, sAltLabel, sDefinition); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error("AddThingType " + e.getMessage() + " " + e.getLocalizedMessage() + " " + e.getCause()); } } private boolean verifySynset(String altLabel) { boolean bCorrect = true; SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; try { String sQuery = "" + "PREFIX owl: <> " + "PREFIX rdf: <> " + "PREFIX skos: <> " + "SELECT DISTINCT * WHERE { " + "?broaderTerm rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual; " + " skos:definition ?definition; " + " skos:altLabel ?altLabel. " + " OPTIONAL{?broaderTerm skos:narrower ?term.}" + " FILTER strstarts(?altLabel,'" + altLabel + "') " + "}"; oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); if (sparqlResultsList.size() < 1) { bCorrect = false; } else { bCorrect = true; lSynonyms = ""; for (int z = 0; z < sparqlResultsList.size(); z++) { SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(z); ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); String sVarValue = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); // if (sVarName.equals("term")) { // String sTerm = sVarValue.substring(sVarValue.lastIndexOf("#") + 1); // lSynonyms = lSynonyms + sTerm + " "; // } if (sVarName.equals("altLabel")) { lSynonyms = lSynonyms + "" + sVarValue + " "; } if (sVarName.equals("broaderTerm")) { int i = sVarValue.lastIndexOf("#"); if (i > 0) sVarValue = sVarValue.substring(i + 1); //TODO Synonyms on the ontology: 05018103 LUMINOSITY - 05018785 LUMINESCENCE - 05018103 BRIGHTNESS - 05018103 LIGHT - 05018103 LIGHT - 05018103 LIGHT - 05018103 LIGHT - lSynonyms = lSynonyms + "" + sVarValue + " - "; sBroaderTerm = sVarValue; } } } } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation verifySynset. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } return bCorrect; } private JsonObject verifyTermOnOntology(String term) { boolean bCorrect = true; JsonObject joTempResultValue = new JsonObject(); JsonArray jaSynonyms = null; JsonObject joSynonym = null; SparqlResultSet oSparqlResultSet = null; String synsetID = null; String description = null; try { String sQuery = "" + "PREFIX owl: <> " + "PREFIX rdf: <> " + "PREFIX skos: <> " + "SELECT DISTINCT * " + "WHERE " + "{ " + "?term rdf:type owl:NamedIndividual; " + " skos:prefLabel ?label; " + " skos:definition ?definition; " + " skos:altLabel ?altLabel. " + " FILTER strends(?label,'" + term + "') " + "}"; oSparqlResultSet = oOntoBetaas.sparqlQuery(sQuery); ArrayList<SparqlResult> sparqlResultsList = new ArrayList<SparqlResult>(); sparqlResultsList = oSparqlResultSet.getSparqlResultsList(); if (sparqlResultsList.size() < 1) { bCorrect = false; joTempResultValue = null; } else { bCorrect = true; SparqlResult results = (SparqlResult) sparqlResultsList.get(0);// OJO ArrayList<SparqlVariable> sparqlVariablesList = new ArrayList<SparqlVariable>(); sparqlVariablesList = results.getSparqlVariablesList(); jaSynonyms = new JsonArray(); joSynonym = new JsonObject(); for (int y = 0; y < sparqlVariablesList.size(); y++) { String sVarName = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableName(); if (sVarName.equals("altLabel")) { synsetID = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); joSynonym.addProperty(SYNSETID, synsetID); } if (sVarName.equals(DEFINITION)) { description = sparqlVariablesList.get(y).getSparqlVariableValue(); joSynonym.addProperty(DEFINITION, description); } } jaSynonyms.add(joSynonym); joTempResultValue.add(TERM, new JsonPrimitive(term)); joTempResultValue.add(DISAMBIGUATION, new JsonPrimitive(false)); joTempResultValue.add(SYNONYMS, jaSynonyms); } } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation verifyTermOnOntology. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage()); } return joTempResultValue; } // BLUEPRINT METHODS public void startService() { try {"Component CM has started."); oOntoBetaas = new OntoBetaas(); boolean bCorrect = oOntoBetaas.connectToRepository(); if (bCorrect == false) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation startService. It has not been executed correctly the call to method OntoBetaas.init(...)."); } oWordNetUtils = new WordNetUtils(); bCorrect = oWordNetUtils.init(); if (bCorrect == false) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation startService. It has not been executed correctly the call to method WordNetUtils.init(...)."); } oWordNetUtils.loadDictionary(); setMyServiceRegistered(); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "Component CM perform operation startService. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } } public void closeService() { try { oOntoBetaas.exportOwl(); oOntoBetaas.close(); oOntoBetaas = null; mBundleContext.removeServiceListener(sl); = null;"Component CM has stopped."); } catch (Exception e) { mLogger.error( "[CM] TaaS Context Manager, closeService function. It has not been executed correctly. Exception: " + e.getMessage() + "."); } } public void setService(IBigDataDatabaseService service) { this.service = service; } public IBigDataDatabaseService getService() { return this.service; } public void setContext(BundleContext context) { mBundleContext = context; } public BundleContext getContext() { return mBundleContext; } public void setGwId(String gwId) { // If the gwID need to have a concrete number of digits, use: // gwId = String.format("%02d", Integer.parseInt(gwId)); mGWID = gwId; } public String getGwId() { return mGWID; } }