Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2005-2009 the original author or authors. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package eu.annocultor.converters.geonames; import; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Stack; import; import; import; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import eu.annocultor.context.Concepts; import eu.annocultor.context.Concepts.SKOS; import eu.annocultor.context.Namespaces; import eu.annocultor.tagger.terms.Term; import eu.annocultor.tagger.terms.TermList; import eu.annocultor.tagger.vocabularies.VocabularyOfTerms; import eu.annocultor.triple.LiteralValue; import eu.annocultor.triple.Property; import eu.annocultor.triple.ResourceValue; import eu.annocultor.triple.Triple; import eu.annocultor.utils.SesameWriter; /** * Text-level parser of the Geonames file. * In this file 6.5 mln small RDF files, one per feature (this is how they call their geo-objects) * are merged in a single txt file, separated with the id of the feature * described in each small file. * * @author Borys Omelayenko * */ public class GeonamesCsvToRdf { private static final String NS_GEONAMES_INSTANCES = ""; private static final String NS_GEONAMES_ONTOLOGY = ""; private static final String NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA = ""; private static final String NS_WGS_SCHEMA = ""; public static Properties countryToContinent = new Properties(); public static int geonameid = 0; // integer id of record in geonames database public static int name = 1; // name of geographical point (utf8) varchar(200) public static int asciiname = 2; // name of geographical point in plain ascii characters, varchar(200) public static int alternatenames = 3; // alternatenames, comma separated varchar(5000) public static int latitude = 4; // latitude in decimal degrees (wgs84) public static int longitude = 5; // longitude in decimal degrees (wgs84) public static int featureClass = 6; // see http////, char(1) public static int featureCode = 7; // see http////, varchar(10) public static int countryCode = 8; // ISO-3166 2-letter country code, 2 characters public static int cc2 = 9; // alternate country codes, comma separated, ISO-3166 2-letter country code, 60 characters public static int admin1code = 10; // fipscode (subject to change to iso code), see exceptions below, see file admin1Codes.txt for display names of this code; varchar(20) public static int admin2code = 11; // code for the second administrative division, a county in the US, see file admin2Codes.txt; varchar(80) public static int admin3code = 12; // code for third level administrative division, varchar(20) public static int admin4code = 13; // code for fourth level administrative division, varchar(20) public static int population = 14; // bigint (4 byte int) public static int elevation = 15; // in meters, integer public static int gtopo30 = 16; // average elevation of 30'x30' (ca 900mx900m) area in meters, integer public static int timezone = 17; // the timezone id (see file timeZone.txt) public static int modificationDate = 18; // date of last modification in yyyy-MM-dd format public boolean includeRecordInConversion(String featureCode, String population) { final long MIN_POPULATION = 10000; final String P_PPL = "P.PPL"; final String allowedFeatureCodePrefixes[] = { "A", P_PPL, //"P.PPLC", //"P.PPLA", "S.CSTL", // there are too many churches in US // "S.CH", "S.ANS", "S.MNMT", "S.LIBR", "S.HSTS", "S.OPRA", "S.AMTH", "S.TMPL", "T.ISL" }; //, "P", "S"}; if (featureCode.isEmpty()) { return false; } for (String prefix : allowedFeatureCodePrefixes) { if (featureCode.startsWith(prefix)) { if (prefix.equals(P_PPL)) { return (!population.isEmpty() && StringUtils.isNumeric(population) && Integer.parseInt(population) > MIN_POPULATION); } else { return true; } } } return false; } public void write(String country, Triple triple, boolean isDescriptionOfCountry) throws Exception { String continent = countryToContinent.getProperty(country); if (isDescriptionOfCountry) { if (allCountries == null) { Namespaces namespaces = new Namespaces(); namespaces.addNamespace(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA, "europeana"); allCountries = SesameWriter.createRDFXMLWriter(new File(root, continent + "-all-countries.rdf"), namespaces, continent + "_" + country, "Selected fields pulled from Geonames about " + country + " done on " + new Date(), 1024, 1024, "This dataset was selected and converted from Geonames", "that is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License,", "see", "The Data is provided \"as is\" without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness."); allCountries.startRDF(); } allCountries.handleTriple(triple); } SesameWriter writer = files.get(country); if (writer == null) { Namespaces namespaces = new Namespaces(); namespaces.addNamespace(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA, "europeana"); writer = SesameWriter.createRDFXMLWriter(new File(root, continent + "/" + country + ".rdf"), namespaces, continent + "_" + country, "Selected fields pulled from Geonames about " + country + " done on " + new Date(), 1024, 1024, "This dataset was selected and converted from Geonames", "that is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 License,", "see", "The Data is provided \"as is\" without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness.", "Technical note: isPartOf may refer to concepts that are not described in these files."); files.put(country, writer); writer.startRDF(); } writer.handleTriple(triple); } String continentToConvert = "EU"; File root = new File("input_source"); MultiValueMap altLabels = new MultiValueMap(); MultiValueMap links = new MultiValueMap(); MultiValueMap broader = new MultiValueMap(); Map<String, SesameWriter> files = new HashMap<String, SesameWriter>(); SesameWriter allCountries = null; void labels() throws Exception { System.out.println("Loading alt names"); //Map<String, List<XmlValue>> altLabels = new HashMap<String, List<XmlValue>(); LineIterator it = FileUtils.lineIterator(new File(root, "alternateNames.txt"), "UTF-8"); try { while (it.hasNext()) { String text = it.nextLine(); String[] fields = text.split("\t"); // if (fields.length != 4) { // throw new Exception("Field names mismatch on " + text); // } String uri = fields[1]; String lang = fields[2]; String label = fields[3]; if ("link".equals(lang)) { // wikipedia links links.put(uri, label); } else { if (lang.length() < 3) { altLabels.put(uri, new LiteralValue(label, lang.isEmpty() ? null : lang)); } else { // mostly postcodes //System.out.println("LANG: " + lang + " on " + label); } } } } finally { LineIterator.closeQuietly(it); } } Map<String, String> countryCodeToGeonamesCode = new HashMap<String, String>(); void collectCountries() throws Exception { String query = "PREFIX europeana: <> " + "SELECT ?code ?label " + "WHERE { ?code europeana:country ?label } "; VocabularyOfTerms vocabulary = new VocabularyOfTerms("countries", null); vocabulary.loadTermsSPARQL(query, new File("cache"), new File("../vocabularies/places/countries"), "*.rdf"); for (TermList terms : vocabulary.listAllByCode()) { for (Term term : terms) { countryCodeToGeonamesCode.put(term.getLabel(), term.getCode()); } } } void collectParents() throws Exception { System.out.println("Loading parents"); LineIterator it = FileUtils.lineIterator(new File(root, "hierarchy.txt"), "UTF-8"); try { while (it.hasNext()) { String text = it.nextLine(); String[] fields = text.split("\t"); String parent = NS_GEONAMES_INSTANCES + fields[0] + "/"; String child = NS_GEONAMES_INSTANCES + fields[1] + "/"; broader.put(child, parent); } } finally { LineIterator.closeQuietly(it); } } Set<String> allParents(String uri, String country) { Set<String> all = new HashSet<String>(); Collection<String> directParents = broader.getCollection(uri); Stack<String> toCheckForParents = new Stack<String>(); if (directParents != null) { toCheckForParents.addAll(directParents); } while (!toCheckForParents.isEmpty()) { String parent = toCheckForParents.pop(); if (parent != null && all.add(parent)) { Collection<String> parents = broader.getCollection(parent); if (parents != null) { toCheckForParents.addAll(directParents); } } } String countryUri = countryCodeToGeonamesCode.get(country); if (countryUri != null) { all.add(countryUri); } return all; } void features() throws Exception { System.out.println("Parsing features"); // load country-continent match countryToContinent.load( (new GeonamesCsvToRdf("EU")).getClass().getResourceAsStream("/")); createDirsForContinents(); long counter = 0; LineIterator it = FileUtils.lineIterator(new File(root, "allCountries.txt"), "UTF-8"); try { while (it.hasNext()) { String text = it.nextLine(); String[] fields = text.split("\t"); if (fields.length != 19) { throw new Exception("Field names mismatch on " + text); } // progress counter++; if (counter % 100000 == 0) { System.out.print("*"); } String country = fields[countryCode]; String continent = countryToContinent.getProperty(country); if (continent != null && continent.startsWith(continentToConvert)) { String id = fields[geonameid]; String uri = NS_GEONAMES_INSTANCES + id + "/"; String featureCodeField = fields[featureClass] + "." + fields[featureCode]; String populationValue = fields[population]; if (includeRecordInConversion(featureCodeField, populationValue)) { boolean isDescriptionOfCountry = featureCodeField.startsWith("A.PCLI"); if (!fields[name].isEmpty()) { write(country, new Triple(uri, SKOS.LABEL_PREFERRED, new LiteralValue(fields[name]), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); } // String altLabels[] = fields[alternatenames].split(","); // for (String altLabel : altLabels) { // write(country, new Triple(uri, SKOS.LABEL_ALT, new LiteralValue(altLabel), null)); // } Collection<LiteralValue> altLabelCollection = altLabels.getCollection(id); if (altLabelCollection != null) { for (LiteralValue xmlValue : altLabelCollection) { write(country, new Triple(uri, SKOS.LABEL_ALT, xmlValue, null), isDescriptionOfCountry); } altLabels.remove(id); } Collection<String> linkCollection = links.getCollection(id); if (linkCollection != null) { for (String link : linkCollection) { // write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA + "link"), new LiteralValue(link), null)); } linkCollection.remove(fields[geonameid]); } if (fields[population].length() > 1) { write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA + "population"), new LiteralValue(fields[population]), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); } if (!fields[longitude].isEmpty()) { write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_WGS_SCHEMA + "long"), new LiteralValue(fields[longitude]), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); } if (!fields[latitude].isEmpty()) { write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_WGS_SCHEMA + "lat"), new LiteralValue(fields[latitude]), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); } if (!featureCodeField.isEmpty()) { write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA + "division"), new ResourceValue(NS_GEONAMES_ONTOLOGY + featureCodeField), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); } if (!country.isEmpty()) { write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA + "country"), new LiteralValue(country), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); } // alt label as country code if (featureCodeField.startsWith("A.PCL")) { write(country, new Triple(uri, SKOS.LABEL_ALT, new LiteralValue(country), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); } for (String broaderUri : allParents(uri, country)) { write(country, new Triple(uri, Concepts.DCTEMRS.IS_PART_OF, new ResourceValue(broaderUri), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); } // if (!fields[admin1code].isEmpty()) { // write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA + "admin1"), new LiteralValue(fields[admin1code]), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); // } // if (!fields[admin2code].isEmpty()) { // write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA + "admin2"), new LiteralValue(fields[admin2code]), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); // } // if (!fields[admin3code].isEmpty()) { // write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA + "admin3"), new LiteralValue(fields[admin3code]), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); // } // if (!fields[admin4code].isEmpty()) { // write(country, new Triple(uri, new Property(NS_EUROPEANA_SCHEMA + "admin4"), new LiteralValue(fields[admin4code]), null), isDescriptionOfCountry); // } } } } } finally { LineIterator.closeQuietly(it); } System.out.println("Finished conversion, flushing and closing output files"); System.out.flush(); for (Object country : countryToContinent.keySet()) { SesameWriter bf = files.get(country.toString()); if (bf != null) { bf.endRDF(); } } if (allCountries != null) { allCountries.endRDF(); } } private void createDirsForContinents() { for (Object country : countryToContinent.keySet()) { String continent = countryToContinent.getProperty(country.toString()); File dir = new File(root, continent); if (!dir.exists()) { dir.mkdir(); } } } public GeonamesCsvToRdf(String continentToConvert) { super(); this.continentToConvert = continentToConvert; } public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String continents[] = { "EU", "AS", "NA", "SA", "AF", "OC" }; for (String continent : continents) { System.out.println("Converting " + continent); GeonamesCsvToRdf converter = new GeonamesCsvToRdf(continent); converter.collectCountries(); converter.collectParents(); converter.labels(); converter.features(); } } }