Java tutorial
/* * * * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more contributor license agreements. * See the NOTICE file distributed with this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to You under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use * this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is * distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License. * * */ package eu.amidst.core.inference; import eu.amidst.core.Main; import eu.amidst.core.models.BayesianNetwork; import eu.amidst.core.utils.BayesianNetworkGenerator; import eu.amidst.core.utils.Utils; import eu.amidst.core.variables.Assignment; import eu.amidst.core.variables.HashMapAssignment; import eu.amidst.core.variables.Variable; import org.apache.commons.lang3.ArrayUtils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.List; import java.util.Random; /** * Created by dario on 01/06/15. */ public class MAPInferenceExperiments { private static Assignment randomEvidence(long seed, double evidenceRatio, BayesianNetwork bn) throws UnsupportedOperationException { if (evidenceRatio <= 0 || evidenceRatio >= 1) { throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Error: invalid ratio"); } int numVariables = bn.getVariables().getNumberOfVars(); Random random = new Random(seed); //1823716125 int numVarEvidence = (int) Math.ceil(numVariables * evidenceRatio); // Evidence on 20% of variables //numVarEvidence = 0; //List<Variable> varEvidence = new ArrayList<>(numVarEvidence); double[] evidence = new double[numVarEvidence]; Variable aux; HashMapAssignment assignment = new HashMapAssignment(numVarEvidence); int[] indexesEvidence = new int[numVarEvidence]; //indexesEvidence[0]=varInterest.getVarID(); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(variable.getVarID()); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Evidence:"); for (int k = 0; k < numVarEvidence; k++) { int varIndex = -1; do { varIndex = random.nextInt(bn.getNumberOfVars()); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(varIndex); aux = bn.getVariables().getVariableById(varIndex); double thisEvidence; if (aux.isMultinomial()) { thisEvidence = random.nextInt(aux.getNumberOfStates()); } else { thisEvidence = random.nextGaussian(); } evidence[k] = thisEvidence; } while (ArrayUtils.contains(indexesEvidence, varIndex)); indexesEvidence[k] = varIndex; //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(Arrays.toString(indexesEvidence)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Variable " + aux.getName() + " = " + evidence[k]); assignment.setValue(aux, evidence[k]); } if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); return assignment; } /** * The class constructor. * @param args Array of options: "filename variable a b N useVMP" if variable is continuous or "filename variable w N useVMP" for discrete */ public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { String filename = ""; //Filename with the Bayesian Network //filename = "networks/"; //BayesianNetworkGenerator.generateBNtoFile(nDiscrete, nStates, nContin, nLinks, seedNetwork, filename); //BayesianNetwork bn = BayesianNetworkLoader.loadFromFile(filename); // int seedNetwork = 61236719 + 123; // // int nDiscrete = 20; // int nStates = 2; // int nContin = 0; // int nLinks = (int)Math.round(1.3*(nDiscrete+nContin)); // // // BayesianNetworkGenerator.setSeed(seedNetwork); // BayesianNetworkGenerator.setNumberOfGaussianVars(nContin); // BayesianNetworkGenerator.setNumberOfMultinomialVars(nDiscrete, nStates); // BayesianNetworkGenerator.setNumberOfLinks(nLinks); // // BayesianNetwork bn = BayesianNetworkGenerator.generateBayesianNetwork(); // // // int seed = seedNetwork + 2315; // // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(bn.getDAG()); // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(bn.toString()); // // // // MAPInference mapInference = new MAPInference(); // mapInference.setModel(bn); // mapInference.setParallelMode(true); // mapInference.setSampleSize(1); // // List<Variable> causalOrder = Utils.getTopologicalOrder(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getDAG()); // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("CausalOrder: " + Arrays.toString(Utils.getTopologicalOrder(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getDAG()).stream().map(Variable::getName).toArray())); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // int parallelSamples=20; // int samplingMethodSize=50000; // mapInference.setSampleSize(parallelSamples); // // // // long timeStart; // long timeStop; // double execTime; // Assignment mapEstimate; // // // /*********************************************** // * INCLUDING EVIDENCE // ************************************************/ // // double observedVariablesRate = 0.05; // Assignment evidence = randomEvidence(seed, observedVariablesRate, bn); // // mapInference.setEvidence(evidence); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(evidence.outputString()); // // // // /*********************************************** // * VARIABLES OF INTEREST // ************************************************/ // // Variable varInterest1 = causalOrder.get(6); // Variable varInterest2 = causalOrder.get(7); // // // List<Variable> varsInterest = new ArrayList<>(); // varsInterest.add(varInterest1); // varsInterest.add(varInterest2); // mapInference.setMAPVariables(varsInterest); // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP Variables of Interest: " + Arrays.toString(; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // /*********************************************** // * SIMULATED ANNEALING // ************************************************/ // // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH SIMULATED ANNEALING, MOVING ALL VARIABLES EACH TIME // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(1); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SA.All): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with (unnormalized) probability: " + mapInference.getMAPestimateProbability()); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().iterator().)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH SIMULATED ANNEALING, SOME VARIABLES EACH TIME // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(0); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SA.Some): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with (unnormalized) probability: " + mapInference.getMAPestimateProbability()); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().iterator().)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // /*********************************************** // * HILL CLIMBING // ************************************************/ // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH HILL CLIMBING, MOVING ALL VARIABLES EACH TIME // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(3); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (HC.All): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with (unnormalized) probability: " + mapInference.getMAPestimateProbability()); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH HILL CLIMBING, SOME VARIABLES EACH TIME // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(2); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (HC.Some): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with (unnormalized) probability: " + mapInference.getMAPestimateProbability()); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // /*********************************************** // * SAMPLING // ************************************************/ // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH SIMULATION AND PICKING MAX // mapInference.setSampleSize(samplingMethodSize); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(-1); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SAMPLING): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + mapInference.getMAPestimateProbability()); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // // // // PROBABILITIES OF INDIVIDUAL CONFIGURATIONS // // // double s1 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest) + " with prob. " + s1); // // mapEstimate.setValue(varInterest2, 1); // double s2 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest) + " with prob. " + s2); // // mapEstimate.setValue(varInterest1, 1); // mapEstimate.setValue(varInterest2, 0); // double s3 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest) + " with prob. " + s3); // // mapEstimate.setValue(varInterest2, 1); // double s4 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest) + " with prob. " + s4); // // double sumNonStateless = s1+s2+s3+s4; // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Sum = " + sumNonStateless + "; Normalized probs: [V1=0,V2=0]=" + s1/sumNonStateless + ", [V1=0,V2=1]=" + s2/sumNonStateless + ", [V1=1,V2=0]=" + s3/sumNonStateless + ", [V1=1,V2=1]=" + s4/sumNonStateless ); int seedNetwork = 1253473; int nDiscrete = 50; int nStates = 2; int nContin = 50; int nLinks = (int) Math.round(1.3 * (nDiscrete + nContin)); BayesianNetworkGenerator.setSeed(seedNetwork); BayesianNetworkGenerator.setNumberOfGaussianVars(nContin); BayesianNetworkGenerator.setNumberOfMultinomialVars(nDiscrete, nStates); BayesianNetworkGenerator.setNumberOfLinks(nLinks); BayesianNetwork bn = BayesianNetworkGenerator.generateBayesianNetwork(); int seed = seedNetwork + 23715; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(bn.getDAG()); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(bn.toString()); MAPInference mapInference = new MAPInference(); mapInference.setModel(bn); mapInference.setParallelMode(true); mapInference.setSampleSize(1); List<Variable> causalOrder = Utils.getTopologicalOrder(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getDAG()); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("CausalOrder: " + Arrays.toString(Utils.getTopologicalOrder(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getDAG()).stream() .map(Variable::getName).toArray())); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); int parallelSamples = 20; int samplingMethodSize = 100000; mapInference.setSampleSize(parallelSamples); long timeStart; long timeStop; double execTime; Assignment mapEstimate; /*********************************************** * INCLUDING EVIDENCE ************************************************/ double observedVariablesRate = 0.05; Assignment evidence = randomEvidence(seed, observedVariablesRate, bn); mapInference.setEvidence(evidence); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(evidence.outputString()); /*********************************************** * VARIABLES OF INTEREST ************************************************/ Variable varInterest1 = causalOrder.get(6); Variable varInterest2 = causalOrder.get(7); Variable varInterest3 = causalOrder.get(60); List<Variable> varsInterest = new ArrayList<>(); varsInterest.add(varInterest1); varsInterest.add(varInterest2); varsInterest.add(varInterest3); mapInference.setMAPVariables(varsInterest); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP Variables of Interest: " + Arrays.toString(; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); /*********************************************** * SIMULATED ANNEALING ************************************************/ // MAP INFERENCE WITH SIMULATED ANNEALING, MOVING ALL VARIABLES EACH TIME timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.SA_GLOBAL); mapEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SA.All): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println( "with (unnormalized) probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate())); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().iterator().)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // MAP INFERENCE WITH SIMULATED ANNEALING, MOVING SOME VARIABLES EACH TIME timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.SA_LOCAL); mapEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SA.Some): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println( "with (unnormalized) probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate())); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().iterator().)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); /*********************************************** * HILL CLIMBING ************************************************/ // MAP INFERENCE WITH HILL CLIMBING, MOVING ALL VARIABLES EACH TIME timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.HC_GLOBAL); mapEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (HC.All): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println( "with (unnormalized) probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate())); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // MAP INFERENCE WITH HILL CLIMBING, MOVING SOME VARIABLES EACH TIME timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.HC_LOCAL); mapEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (HC.Some): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println( "with (unnormalized) probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate())); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); /*********************************************** * SAMPLING ************************************************/ // MAP INFERENCE WITH SIMULATION AND PICKING MAX mapInference.setSampleSize(samplingMethodSize); timeStart = System.nanoTime(); mapInference.runInference(MAPInference.SearchAlgorithm.SAMPLING); mapEstimate = mapInference.getEstimate(); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SAMPLING): " + mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getLogProbabilityOfEstimate())); timeStop = System.nanoTime(); execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // PROBABILITIES OF INDIVIDUAL CONFIGURATIONS double s1 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest) + " with prob. " + s1); mapEstimate.setValue(varInterest2, 1); double s2 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest) + " with prob. " + s2); mapEstimate.setValue(varInterest1, 1); mapEstimate.setValue(varInterest2, 0); double s3 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest) + " with prob. " + s3); mapEstimate.setValue(varInterest2, 1); double s4 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString(varsInterest) + " with prob. " + s4); double sum = s1 + s2 + s3 + s4; if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Sum = " + sum + "; Normalized probs: [V1=0,V2=0]=" + s1 / sum + ", [V1=0,V2=1]=" + s2 / sum + ", [V1=1,V2=0]=" + s3 / sum + ", [V1=1,V2=1]=" + s4 / sum); // long timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(1); // // Assignment mapEstimate1 = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // List<Variable> modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfVariables(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate: " + mapEstimate1.toString()); //toString(modelVariables); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate1))); // long timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // double execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().iterator().)); // // // // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH A BIG SAMPLE TO CHECK // mapInference.setSampleSize(50000); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(-1); // // Assignment mapEstimate2 = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfVariables(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (huge sample): " + mapEstimate2.toString()); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate2))); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // // // // // DETERMINISTIC SEQUENTIAL SEARCH ON DISCRETE VARIABLES // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(-2); // // Assignment mapEstimate3 = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfVariables(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (sequential): " + mapEstimate3.toString()); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate3))); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); //mapInference.changeCausalOrder(bn,evidence); /*// AD-HOC MAP mapEstimate.setValue(bn.getVariables().getVariableByName("GaussianVar0"),-0.11819702417804305); mapEstimate.setValue(bn.getVariables().getVariableByName("GaussianVar1"),-1.706); mapEstimate.setValue(bn.getVariables().getVariableByName("GaussianVar2"),4.95); mapEstimate.setValue(bn.getVariables().getVariableByName("GaussianVar3"),14.33); mapEstimate.setValue(bn.getVariables().getVariableByName("GaussianVar4"),11.355); modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfParamaterVariables(); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Other estimate: " + mapEstimate.toString(modelVariables)); if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate))); */ // // // // // // BayesianNetwork bn = BayesianNetworkLoader.loadFromFile("./networks/"); // //BayesianNetwork bn = BayesianNetworkLoader.loadFromFile("./networks/"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(bn.getDAG()); // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(bn.toString()); // // // MAPInference mapInference = new MAPInference(); // mapInference.setModel(bn); // mapInference.setParallelMode(true); // // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("CausalOrder: " + Arrays.toString( -> v.getName()).toArray())); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // Including evidence: // Variable variable1 = mapInference.causalOrder.get(1); // causalOrder: A, S, L, T, E, X, B, D // Variable variable2 = mapInference.causalOrder.get(2); // //Variable variable3 = mapInference.causalOrder.get(11); // Variable variable3 = mapInference.causalOrder.get(4); // // int var1value=0; // int var2value=1; // //double var3value=1.27; // int var3value=1; // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Evidence: Variable " + variable1.getName() + " = " + var1value + ", Variable " + variable2.getName() + " = " + var2value + " and Variable " + variable3.getName() + " = " + var3value); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // HashMapAssignment evidenceAssignment = new HashMapAssignment(3); // // evidenceAssignment.setValue(variable1,var1value); // evidenceAssignment.setValue(variable2,var2value); // evidenceAssignment.setValue(variable3,var3value); // // mapInference.setEvidence(evidenceAssignment); // // List<Variable> modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfVariables(); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(evidenceAssignment.outputString(modelVariables)); // // // // long timeStart; // long timeStop; // double execTime; // Assignment mapEstimate; // // // /* // // MAP INFERENCE WITH A SMALL SAMPLE AND SIMULATED ANNEALING // mapInference.setSampleSize(100); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(1); // // // Assignment mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SA): " + mapEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); //toString(modelVariables) // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate))); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().iterator().)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH A BIG SAMPLE AND SIMULATED ANNEALING // mapInference.setSampleSize(100); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(1); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().getListOfVariables(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SA): " + mapEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate))); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH A BIG SAMPLE AND SIMULATED ANNEALING ON ONE VARIABLE EACH TIME // mapInference.setSampleSize(100); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(0); // // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SA.1V): " + mapEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); //toString(modelVariables) // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate))); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().iterator().)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH A BIG SAMPLE AND HILL CLIMBING // mapInference.setSampleSize(100); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(3); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().getListOfVariables(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (HC): " + mapEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate))); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH A BIG SAMPLE AND HILL CLIMBING ON ONE VARIABLE EACH TIME // mapInference.setSampleSize(100); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(2); // // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (HC.1V): " + mapEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); //toString(modelVariables) // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate))); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // //if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(.toString(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().iterator().)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // // // MAP INFERENCE WITH SIMULATION AND PICKING MAX // mapInference.setSampleSize(100); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(-1); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().getListOfVariables(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (SAMPLING): " + mapEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate))); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // MAP INFERENCE, DETERMINISTIC // mapInference.setSampleSize(1); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(-2); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getStaticVariables().getListOfVariables(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (DETERM.): " + mapEstimate.outputString(modelVariables)); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + Math.exp(mapInference.getOriginalModel().getLogProbabiltyOf(mapEstimate))); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // */ // // // // // /** // * // * // * MAP OVER SPECIFIC VARIABLES // * // * // */ // // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // Variable varInterest1 = mapInference.causalOrder.get(6); // causalOrder: A, S, L, T, E, X, B, D // Variable varInterest2 = mapInference.causalOrder.get(7); // // // Set<Variable> varsInterest = new HashSet<>(); // varsInterest.add(varInterest1); // varsInterest.add(varInterest2); // mapInference.setMAPVariables(varsInterest); // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP Variables of Interest: " + Arrays.toString(; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // MAP INFERENCE // mapInference.setSampleSize(1); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(1); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfVariables(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate: " + mapEstimate.outputString(new ArrayList(mapInference.MAPvariables))); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + + mapInference.getMAPestimateProbability()); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // // // MAP INFERENCE // mapInference.setSampleSize(100); // timeStart = System.nanoTime(); // mapInference.runInference(-3); // // mapEstimate = mapInference.getMAPestimate(); // modelVariables = mapInference.getOriginalModel().getVariables().getListOfVariables(); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("MAP estimate (-3): " + mapEstimate.outputString(new ArrayList(mapInference.MAPvariables))); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("with probability: " + mapInference.getMAPestimateProbability()); // timeStop = System.nanoTime(); // execTime = (double) (timeStop - timeStart) / 1000000000.0; // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("computed in: " + Double.toString(execTime) + " seconds"); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(); // // // // MAP Assignments // // // double s1 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString() + " with prob. " + s1); // // mapEstimate.setValue((Variable)mapEstimate.getVariables().toArray()[0],1); // double s2 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString() + " with prob. " + s2); // // mapEstimate.setValue((Variable)mapEstimate.getVariables().toArray()[1],1); // double s3 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString() + " with prob. " + s3); // // mapEstimate.setValue((Variable)mapEstimate.getVariables().toArray()[0],0); // double s4 = mapInference.estimateProbabilityOfPartialAssignment(mapEstimate); // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println(mapEstimate.outputString() + " with prob. " + s4); // // double sumNonStateless = s1+s2+s3+s4; // // if (Main.VERBOSE) System.out.println("Probs: " + s1/sumNonStateless + ", " + s2/sumNonStateless + ", " + s3/sumNonStateless + ", " + s4/sumNonStateless + ", suma = " + sumNonStateless ); } }