Source code

Java tutorial


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package etomica.virial.cluster2.mvc.view;

import java.awt.AlphaComposite;
import java.awt.Dimension;
import java.awt.Graphics;
import java.awt.Graphics2D;
import java.awt.image.BufferedImage;

import javax.imageio.ImageIO;
import javax.swing.ImageIcon;
import javax.swing.JCheckBox;
import javax.swing.JPanel;
import javax.swing.JRadioButton;
import javax.swing.LookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.UIManager;
import javax.swing.plaf.metal.MetalLookAndFeel;
import javax.swing.plaf.metal.DefaultMetalTheme;

import com.jgoodies.looks.Options;
import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticLookAndFeel;
import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.PlasticTheme;
import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.theme.DesertBluer;
import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.theme.ExperienceBlue;
import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.theme.ExperienceRoyale;
import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.theme.LightGray;
import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.theme.Silver;
import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.theme.SkyBlue;
import com.jgoodies.looks.plastic.theme.SkyKrupp;

public class ApplicationUI {

     * The constants below provide a number of choices for each of the configurable options
     * of the application.
    // Icon Size options
    public static final Dimension IS_DIM1 = new Dimension(18, 18);
    // Look and Feel options
    public static final String LF_WINDOWS = "Windows";
    public static final String LF_PLASTIC = "Plastic";
    public static final String LF_PLASTIC3D = "Plastic3D";
    public static final String LF_PLASTICXP = "PlasticXP";
    // Theme options
    public static final String THM_DESERTBR = "DesertBluer";
    public static final String THM_EXPERIENCEB = "ExperienceBlue";
    public static final String THM_EXPERIENCER = "ExperienceRoyale";
    public static final String THM_LIGHTGRAY = "LightGray";
    public static final String THM_SILVER = "Silver";
    public static final String THM_SKYBLUE = "SkyBlue";
    public static final String THM_SKYKRUPP = "SkyKrupp";
    // Resource relative base folder
    public static final String RESOURCE_BASE_FOLDER = "images/";
     * The constants below define the actual values for each of the configurable options
     * above.
    // Default Icon Size
    public static final Dimension DF_ICON_SIZE = IS_DIM1;
    // Look and Feel
    public static final String LF_CHOICE = LF_PLASTIC3D;
    // Look and Feel
    public static final String THM_CHOICE = THM_EXPERIENCER;
    // use the theme's control background color for our custom dialogs instead of the
    // theme's dialog background
    public static boolean overrideDialogBackground = false;
    // UI standard settings
    public static final JGoodiesSettings uiSettings = defaultUISettings();

     * Configures the user interface; requests Swing settings and JGoodies Looks options
     * from the launcher.
    public static void configure() {

        // UIManager.put("ToolTip.hideAccelerator", Boolean.FALSE);
        // Global options
        UIManager.put(Options.POPUP_DROP_SHADOW_ENABLED_KEY, uiSettings.isPopupDropShadowEnabled());
        // Swing Settings
        LookAndFeel selectedLaf = uiSettings.getSelectedLookAndFeel();
        if (selectedLaf instanceof PlasticLookAndFeel) {
        } else if (selectedLaf.getClass() == MetalLookAndFeel.class) {
            MetalLookAndFeel.setCurrentTheme(new DefaultMetalTheme());
        // Work around caching in MetalRadioButtonUI
        JRadioButton radio = new JRadioButton();
        JCheckBox checkBox = new JCheckBox();
        // try setting the look and feel
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            System.out.println("Can't change the look and feel: " + e);

     * Configures the default UI settings, including look and feel and theme.
    protected static JGoodiesSettings defaultUISettings() {

        JGoodiesSettings settings = JGoodiesSettings.createDefault();
        settings.setSelectedTheme(getTheme()); // PlasticLookAndFeel.createMyDefaultTheme()
        // Configure more settings here.
        UIManager.put("Application.useSystemFontSettings", Boolean.TRUE);
        UIManager.put(Options.USE_SYSTEM_FONTS_APP_KEY, Boolean.TRUE);
        return settings;

     * Looks up and returns an icon for the specified filename suffix.
    public static ImageIcon readImageIcon(String filename) {

        URL url = ApplicationUI.class.getResource(RESOURCE_BASE_FOLDER + filename);
        return new ImageIcon(url);

    public static class ImagePanel extends JPanel {

        private static final long serialVersionUID = -7302863849251794527L;
        private BufferedImage image;
        private static int arNum = 10;
        private static int arDen = 20;
        private static final int delta = 10;
        private static final float transparency = 0.4f;

        public ImagePanel(final URL resourceURL) {

            try {
                BufferedImage memImage =;
                image = new BufferedImage(memImage.getWidth(), memImage.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TRANSLUCENT);
                // Get the image's graphics
                Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics();
                // Set the Graphics composite to Alpha
                g.setComposite(AlphaComposite.getInstance(AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER, transparency));
                // Draw the LOADED image onto the actual image
                g.drawImage(memImage, null, 0, 0);
                // let go of all system resources in this Graphics
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                // handle exception...

        public ImagePanel(final String resourceName) {

            this(ApplicationUI.class.getResource(RESOURCE_BASE_FOLDER + resourceName));

        public void paintComponent(Graphics g) {

            int arWidth = image.getWidth();
            int arHeight = image.getHeight();
            Dimension prefSize = new Dimension(arWidth, arHeight);
            if (image.getWidth() > (arNum * getWidth() / arDen)) {
                prefSize.width = arNum * getWidth() / arDen;
                prefSize.height = prefSize.width * arHeight / arWidth;
            } else if (image.getHeight() > (arNum * getHeight() / arDen)) {
                prefSize.height = arNum * getHeight() / arDen;
                prefSize.width = prefSize.height * arWidth / arHeight;
            // System.out.println(getWidth() + ":" + getHeight() + ":"
            // + image.getWidth() + ":" + image.getHeight() + ":"
            // + prefSize.getWidth() + ":" + prefSize.getHeight());
            g.drawImage(image, getWidth() - prefSize.width - delta, getHeight() - prefSize.height - delta,
                    prefSize.width, prefSize.height, null);
            // System.err.println("components: " + getComponentCount());
            // for (int i = 0; i < getComponentCount(); i++) {
            // System.err.println("component #" + i + ": " +
            // getComponent(i).getClass().getName());
            // }

     * Translates the THM_CHOICE field into a PlasticThem class instance.
    public static PlasticTheme getTheme() {

        if (THM_DESERTBR.equalsIgnoreCase(THM_CHOICE)) {
            return new DesertBluer();
        } else if (THM_EXPERIENCEB.equalsIgnoreCase(THM_CHOICE)) {
            return new ExperienceBlue();
        } else if (THM_EXPERIENCER.equalsIgnoreCase(THM_CHOICE)) {
            return new ExperienceRoyale();
        } else if (THM_LIGHTGRAY.equalsIgnoreCase(THM_CHOICE)) {
            return new LightGray();
        } else if (THM_SILVER.equalsIgnoreCase(THM_CHOICE)) {
            return new Silver();
        } else if (THM_SKYBLUE.equalsIgnoreCase(THM_CHOICE)) {
            return new SkyBlue();
        } else {
            return new SkyKrupp();

     * Translates the LF_CHOICE field into a LookAndFeel class name.
    private static String getLookAndFeel() {

        if (LF_WINDOWS.equalsIgnoreCase(LF_CHOICE)) {
            return Options.JGOODIES_WINDOWS_NAME;
        } else if (LF_PLASTIC.equalsIgnoreCase(LF_CHOICE)) {
            return Options.PLASTIC_NAME;
        } else if (LF_PLASTIC3D.equalsIgnoreCase(LF_CHOICE)) {
            return Options.PLASTIC3D_NAME;
        } else if (LF_PLASTICXP.equalsIgnoreCase(LF_CHOICE)) {
            return Options.PLASTICXP_NAME;
        } else {
            return LF_CHOICE;