Java tutorial
/*************************************************************************** * * * Organization: Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) * * Directorate: Computation * * Department: Computing Applications and Research * * Division: S&T Global Security * * Matrix: Atmospheric, Earth and Energy Division * * Program: PCMDI * * Project: Earth Systems Grid Federation (ESGF) Data Node Software * * First Author: Gavin M. Bell ( * * * **************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2009, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. * * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory * * Written by: Gavin M. Bell ( * * LLNL-CODE-420962 * * * * All rights reserved. This file is part of the: * * Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) Data Node Software Stack * * * * For details, see * * Please also read this link * * * * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * * conditions are met: * * * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * * notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. * * * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * * notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer (as noted below) * * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * * distribution. * * * * Neither the name of the LLNS/LLNL nor the names of its contributors * * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * * software without specific prior written permission. * * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL LAWRENCE * * LIVERMORE NATIONAL SECURITY, LLC, THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OR * * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * * SUCH DAMAGE. * * * ***************************************************************************/ /** Description: This class also MANAGES peer proxy object(s) (ex:BasicPeer) that communicate OUT (egress) to the peer(s). **/ package esg.node.connection; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.*; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Map; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Properties; import java.util.Random; import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicLong; import esg.common.Utils; import esg.common.util.ESGFProperties; import esg.common.service.ESGRemoteEvent; import esg.node.core.ESGPeerListener; import esg.node.core.AbstractDataNodeManager; import esg.node.core.ESGDataNodeManager; import esg.node.core.AbstractDataNodeComponent; import esg.node.core.DataNodeComponent; import esg.node.core.ESGEvent; import esg.node.core.ESGEventHelper; import esg.node.core.ESGJoinEvent; import esg.node.core.ESGPeerEvent; import esg.node.core.ESGPeer; import esg.node.core.BasicPeer; import esg.node.core.ESGCallableEvent; import esg.node.core.ESGCallableFutureEvent; import esg.common.generated.registration.*; import esg.node.components.registry.RegistryUpdateDigest; public class ESGConnectionManager extends AbstractDataNodeComponent implements ESGPeerListener { private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ESGConnectionManager.class); private Properties props = null; private AtomicLong lastDispatchTime = null; private Map<String, ESGPeer> peers = null; private Map<String, ESGPeer> unavailablePeers = null; private RegistryUpdateDigest lastRud = null; private ESGPeer defaultPeer = null; private boolean shutdownHookLatch = false; public ESGConnectionManager(String name) { super(name);"Instantiating ESGConnectionManager..."); } //Bootstrap the rest of the subsystems... (ESGDataNodeServiceImpl really bootstraps) public void init() {"Initializing ESGFConnectionManager..."); lastDispatchTime = new AtomicLong(-1L); //NOTE: //Just to make sure we have these guys if we decide to re-register. //since we did such a good job cleaning things out with we unregister. //Once could imagine wanting to re-establish the connection manager. if (peers == null) peers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, ESGPeer>()); if (unavailablePeers == null) unavailablePeers = Collections.synchronizedMap(new HashMap<String, ESGPeer>()); try { props = new ESGFProperties(); periodicallyPingToPeers(); periodicallyRegisterToPeers(); } catch ( e) { System.out.println("Damn, ESGConnectionManager, can't fire up... :-("); log.error(e); } Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread() { public void run() { if (ESGConnectionManager.this.shutdownHookLatch) { System.out.println("Running Connection Manager Shutdown Hook"); ESGConnectionManager.this.dispatchUnRegisterToPeers(); System.out.println("Bye!"); } ESGConnectionManager.this.shutdownHookLatch = true; } }); } //-------------------------------------------- // Status Methods //-------------------------------------------- public int numAvailablePeers() { return peers.size(); } public int numUnavailablePeers() { return unavailablePeers.size(); } private void periodicallyPingToPeers() { log.trace("Launching ping timer..."); long delay = Long.parseLong(props.getProperty("", "5")); long period = Long.parseLong(props.getProperty("", "30")); log.trace("connection ping delay: " + delay + " sec"); log.trace("connection ping period: " + period + " sec"); Timer timer = new Timer("Peer-Sweep-Timer"); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public final void run() { ESGConnectionManager.this.pingToPeers(); } }, delay * 1000, period * 1000); } //TODO: Instead of making this a sync'ed method, turn this into a //"future" tracking invocation and 'catch' responses or lack there //of without locking things up. private void pingToPeers() { java.util.Vector<ESGPeer> peers_ = new java.util.Vector<ESGPeer>(); peers_.addAll(unavailablePeers.values()); for (ESGPeer peer : peers_) { log.trace("Inspecting [" + peers_.size() + "] marked peers"); if (peer.equals(defaultPeer)) log.trace("(default peer)"); //TODO: put in random selection and or heartbeat/leasing here... //this is where the relationship maintenance code goes //and detecting when folks fall out of the system. //maybe ping should be expanded to put in lease negotiation proper.; } peers_.clear(); peers_ = null; //gc niceness... } //Does a brute force check (pings) against all known peers //By doing so we are left with a list of peers that are all active (responding positively) //return value of true means that some pruning did take place. public boolean prune() { log.trace("prune() ..."); int pruneCount = 0; java.util.Vector<ESGPeer> peers_ = new java.util.Vector<ESGPeer>(); peers_.addAll(peers.values()); log.trace("Inspecting [" + peers_.size() + "] currently known peers"); for (ESGPeer peer : peers_) { if (peer.equals(defaultPeer)) log.trace("(default peer)"); if (! { pruneCount++; log.trace("Pruning out unresponsive peer: (" + pruneCount + ") " + peer.getServiceURL()); } } log.trace("Total number of pruned peers: [" + pruneCount + "] / [" + peers_.size() + "]"); peers_.clear(); peers_.addAll(unavailablePeers.values()); log.trace("Inspecting [" + peers_.size() + "] currently dead peers"); for (ESGPeer peer : peers_) { log.trace("Purging dead peer: " + peer); peer.unregister(); } peers_.clear(); peers_ = null; //gc niceness... log.trace("--> returning " + (pruneCount > 0)); return (pruneCount > 0); } private void periodicallyRegisterToPeers() { log.trace("Launching connection manager's registration push timer..."); long delay = Long.parseLong(props.getProperty("conn.mgr.initialDelay", "10")); final long period = Long.parseLong(props.getProperty("conn.mgr.period", "30")); final long slop_bounds = 15000; //represents 15000ms or 15 seconds of slop.... slop/period is the ratio of period misses final Random random = new Random(System.currentTimeMillis()); log.trace("connection registration delay: " + delay + " sec"); log.trace("connection registration period: " + period + " sec"); Timer timer = new Timer("Reg-Repush-Timer"); //This will transition from active map to inactive map timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { public final void run() { log.debug("(Timer) Re-Pushing My Last Registry State (Event)"); long elapsedTime = (System.currentTimeMillis() - ESGConnectionManager.this.lastDispatchTime.longValue()); long window = ((period * 1000) + (Math.abs(random.nextLong()) % slop_bounds)); //milliseconds log.trace("Re-push: elapsedTime=" + elapsedTime + "ms >? window=" + window + "ms"); if (elapsedTime > window) { ESGConnectionManager.this.getESGEventQueue().enqueueEvent(new ESGCallableFutureEvent<Boolean>( ESGConnectionManager.this, Boolean.valueOf(false), "Registration Re-push Event") { public boolean call(DataNodeComponent contextComponent) { log.trace("Registration Re-push \"Call\"'ed..."); boolean handled = false; try { //Note: since "Boolean" generic, setData needs to take a value of that type //"handled" plays *two* roles. 1) It is the Data that is being retrieved and stored //by whatever process is coded (in this case calling sendOutRegistryState()). //2) It is also setting the return value for this "call" method being implemented //that indicates if this call was successfully handled. The former has its type //dictated by the generic. The latter is always a boolean. setData(handled = ((ESGConnectionManager) contextComponent).sendOutRegistryState()); } finally {"Registration Re-push completed [" + handled + "]"); } return handled; } }); } else { log.debug("NOT performing re-push - last message sent approx " + (elapsedTime / 1000) + "secs ago < " + (window / 1000) + "secs"); } } }, delay * 1000, period * 1000); } //We will consider this communications closed (essentially making //this unavailable for ingress communication) if there are no //peers to communicate with. That would be because: //1) There are no peer proxy objects available for us to use //2) If the peer proxy objects we DO have are no longer valid //(we just need one to be valid for us to be available) //NOTE (TODO): review this policy! *for now* good enough as we are //only planning on having a 1:1 between data node and peers... but //we could imagine that it would only take just having one peer //that is valid holding open the door for us to be DOS-ed by folks //maliciously sending us huge events that flood our system. public boolean amAvailable() { //boolean amAvailable = false; //boolean haveValidPeerProxies = false; //if (peers.isEmpty()) { amAvailable = false; return false; } //Collection<? extends ESGPeer> peers_ = peers.values(); //for(ESGPeer peer: peers_) { // haveValidPeerProxies |= peer.isAvailable(); //} //amAvailable = (amAvailable || haveValidPeerProxies ); //return amAvailable; return true; } public void unregister() { //TODO: Be nice and send all the peers termination events //clear out my datastrutures of node proxies peers.clear(); peers = null; //gc niceness unavailablePeers.clear(); unavailablePeers = null; //gc niceness super.unregister(); } //------- //quick helper method //------- private boolean checkEvent(ESGEvent event) { ESGRemoteEvent rEvent = null; if ((rEvent = event.getRemoteEvent()) == null) { log.warn( "The encountered event does not contain a remote event, which is needed for egress routing [event dropped]"); event = null; //gc hint! return false; } if (!rEvent.isValid()) { log.warn("Will NOT send invalid RemoteEvent " + rEvent); return false; } return true; } //------- //Cached last registry data and checksum in lastRud. //Send out the same info to another random pair of neighbors. private synchronized boolean sendOutRegistryState() { //Bootstrap condition... if (lastRud == null && defaultPeer != null) { //Damnit, I didn't want this dependency..!!! esg.node.components.registry.RegistrationGleaner ephemeralGleaner = new esg.node.components.registry.RegistrationGleaner(); String registration = null; try { registration = ephemeralGleaner.loadMyRegistration().toString(); } catch (Throwable t) { System.err.println( "CONN MGR: no registration available (this thread may have jumped the gun) no worries..."); log.error(t); } if (registration == null) { log.warn("(bootstrapping) Sorry no registration information yet available... check again later"); return false; } defaultPeer.handleESGRemoteEvent(new ESGRemoteEvent(Utils.getMyServiceUrl(), ESGRemoteEvent.REGISTER, registration, ephemeralGleaner.getMyChecksum(), Utils.nextSeq(), 5));"Bootstrapping... sending out my registration... "); log.trace("My Registration is:" + registration); ephemeralGleaner = null; //gc niceness. return true; } //delagate through with no so "new" state :-) if (lastRud != null) { log.trace("Using cached state..."); return this.sendOutNewRegistryState(this.lastRud.xmlDocument(), this.lastRud.xmlChecksum()); } return false; } //Helper method containing the details of the Gossip protocol dispatch logic //Basically - choose two random peers (that are not me) to send my state to. private synchronized boolean sendOutNewRegistryState(String xmlDocument, String xmlChecksum) { log.trace("Sending out registry state..."); if ((peers.size() < 1) && (defaultPeer == null)) { "No one to send to... you have no peers. Nothing further to do. waiting to be contacted... (I am probably my own default peer)"); return false; } ESGRemoteEvent myRegistryState = new ESGRemoteEvent(Utils.getMyServiceUrl(), ESGRemoteEvent.REGISTER, xmlDocument, xmlChecksum, Utils.nextSeq(), 5); return dispatchToRandomPeers(myRegistryState); } //-------------------------------------------- //Remote Event Dispatching //-------------------------------------------- private boolean dispatchToRandomPeers(ESGEvent event) { return dispatchToRandomPeers(event.getRemoteEvent()); } private boolean dispatchToRandomPeers(ESGRemoteEvent remoteEvent) { //------------ //If we have no peers we have to resort to using our defaultPeer... if ((peers.size() == 0) && (defaultPeer != null)) {"You have no peers - resorting to harassing the default peer [" + defaultPeer.getServiceURL() + "]"); defaultPeer.handleESGRemoteEvent(remoteEvent); return true; } //------------ if (!remoteEvent.checkTTL()) { log.trace("The buck stops here... will not propagate an event with exhausted TTL [" + remoteEvent.getTTL() + "]"); return true; } int networkSizeLimit = 10000; //Essentially the total number of nodes to randomly choose from is between 0 and networkSizeLimit+1 int retries = 3; //how many times to try to get this event to [branchFactor] peers int numDispatchedPeers = 0; //how many peers have successfully had events sent to them. int branchFactor = 2; //how many peers we need to send to on the next hop int idx = -1; // index into list of peer (stub) objects int lastIdx = -1; //the last index value that you choose. int rechooseLimit = 4; //number of times to select a peer that you haven't selected before List<ESGPeer> peerList = new ArrayList<ESGPeer>(peers.values()); for (int i = 0; i < retries; i++) { //It is possible, to randomly keep getting the same index //number again and again to prevent that we try up to //[rechooseLimit] times to select a different peer If we hit //the limit we re-try again up to [retries] times. //So if you are tremendously unlucky or in a situation //where there is less than 1 other peer to send to, you //will do this reselection a bounded number of times. //Also if you have selected [branchFactor] distinct number //of peers to dispatch to but they both were "bad" then //you int rechooseIndexCount = 0; while ((numDispatchedPeers < branchFactor)) { //Randomly select a peer to send our state to... if (peerList.size() == 0) { log.warn("no peers"); break; } idx = ((int) (Math.random() * networkSizeLimit)) % peerList.size(); //Notice that the following single step check works //well because our branching factor is 2 otherwise //we'd have to check in a SET of previously selected //values or something if (lastIdx == idx) { if ((++rechooseIndexCount % rechooseLimit) == 0) { log.trace("exhaused attempts [" + rechooseLimit + "] to select a different peer"); break; } log.trace("already choose that peer...."); continue; } rechooseIndexCount = 0; //NOTE: I can't check for "success" of the message //getting to the peer so there could be the case where //my bad luck has choosen two dead beat peers and I //would not know and thus the message propagation //would stop dead in its tracks. Though, if I did //such a thing the peers would send a signal to purge //themselves from the active list, but still be in the //node managers peer list.... so I thinkI need to //recant the preceding paragraph. I do want some //reasonable notion that I am not sending messages to //dead machines.... Okay I have convinced myself to //use the local active data structure... Rule of //thumb, keep things local to this object as much as //you can. And try to stay on the stack not heap (yes, //in Java it's hard) ESGPeer chosenPeer = peerList.get(idx); log.debug("Selected Peer: " + chosenPeer.getName()); chosenPeer.handleESGRemoteEvent(ESGEventHelper.createRelayedOutboundEvent(remoteEvent)); lastIdx = idx; numDispatchedPeers++; } if (numDispatchedPeers >= branchFactor) break; } lastDispatchTime.set(System.currentTimeMillis()); log.trace("resetting last dispatch time to: " + lastDispatchTime.longValue()); return (numDispatchedPeers > 1); //I was at least able to get one off! } private boolean dispatchResponseToSource(ESGEvent event) { if (!checkEvent(event)) return false; ESGRemoteEvent remoteEvent = event.getRemoteEvent(); String targetAddress = null; ESGPeer targetPeer = null; //Responding back to message source... if ((targetPeer = peers.get(targetAddress = remoteEvent.getSource())) == null) { targetPeer = unavailablePeers.get(targetAddress); log.error("Specified source peer named by [" + targetAddress + "] is " + ((targetPeer == null) ? "unknown " : "unavailable ") + "[event dropped]"); return false; }"Dispatching Event Back To Source: " + targetAddress); targetPeer.handleESGRemoteEvent(ESGEventHelper.createResponseOutboundEvent(event)); return true; } private boolean dispatchResponseToOrigin(ESGEvent event) { if (!checkEvent(event)) return false; ESGRemoteEvent remoteEvent = event.getRemoteEvent(); String targetAddress = null; ESGPeer targetPeer = null; //Responding back to message origin... if ((targetPeer = peers.get(targetAddress = remoteEvent.getOrigin())) == null) { targetPeer = unavailablePeers.get(targetAddress); log.error("Specified origin peer named by [" + targetAddress + "] is " + ((targetPeer == null) ? "unknown " : "unavailable ") + "[event dropped]"); return false; }"Dispatching Event Back To Origin: " + targetAddress); targetPeer.handleESGRemoteEvent(ESGEventHelper.createResponseOutboundEvent(event)); return true; } private boolean dispatchUnRegisterToPeers() { System.out.println("I am dispatching UnRegister Event To Peers"); String now = (System.currentTimeMillis() + ""); //yeah... ugly... conversion :- \ ESGRemoteEvent unregisterEvent = new ESGRemoteEvent(Utils.getMyServiceUrl(), ESGRemoteEvent.UNREGISTER, now, Utils.hashSum(now), Utils.nextSeq()); System.out.println(unregisterEvent); return dispatchToRandomPeers(unregisterEvent); } //-------------------------------------------- //Event handling... //-------------------------------------------- public boolean handleESGQueuedEvent(ESGEvent event) { log.trace("[" + getName() + "]:[" + this.getClass().getName() + "]: Got A QueuedEvent!!!!: " + event); //-------------------- //Routing Registration Update Events ONLY... //-------------------- if (event.getData() instanceof RegistryUpdateDigest) { log.trace("Getting update information regarding internal representation of the federation"); RegistryUpdateDigest rud = (RegistryUpdateDigest) event.getData(); //Add all the newly discovered peers that I don't already //know first hand are active... but they are not fully "available" //yet. ESGPeer peer = null; String peerServiceUrl = null; Set<Node> updatedNodes = null; if (null != (updatedNodes = rud.updatedNodes())) { for (Node node : updatedNodes) { //Scenario A: //This was the first way... Where we enforced the service url... maybe not a bad idea? //peer = peers.get(peerServiceUrl = Utils.asServiceUrl(node.getHostname())); //Scenario B: Get the service endpoint advertised by the peer in their registration... //Check this node to see if it has an entry for a node manager... (required); peer = null; peerServiceUrl = null; try { peerServiceUrl = node.getNodeManager().getEndpoint(); if (Boolean.valueOf(props.getProperty("node.use.ssl", "false"))) { log.trace("Changing standard Url " + peerServiceUrl + " into SSL Url..."); peerServiceUrl = Utils.asSSLUrl(peerServiceUrl); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn(node.getHostname() + " does not seem to be running a node manager thus, not qualified to be a peer... dropping'em"); continue; } peer = peers.get(peerServiceUrl); //If we don't have you in our peer list then we'll add //you... (indirectly) The act of registering this new //peer fires off a join event which is caught and //handled below in the implementation of //this.handleESGEvent where the peer is then added to //the peers datastructure (map). try { //shall never store myself as a peer. if (Utils.getMyServiceUrl().equals(peerServiceUrl)) { log.warn("I should not be even attempting to store myself as my own peer!"); continue; } if (peer == null) { getDataNodeManager().registerPeer(new BasicPeer(peerServiceUrl, ESGPeer.PEER)); } } catch ( e) { log.error(e); log.error( "This url was not recognized as a node manager url, no need to go further - Drop it like it's hot..."); return false; } } } lastRud = rud; if (rud != null) { return sendOutNewRegistryState(rud.xmlDocument(), rud.xmlChecksum()); //dispatch method } else { log.warn("Sorry rud is: [" + rud + "] will not attempt to send out registration"); } } else { //-------------------- //Routing of events... //-------------------- boolean handled = false; if (event.hasRemoteEvent()) { int eventType = event.getRemoteEvent().getMessageType(); switch (eventType) { case ESGRemoteEvent.REGISTER: if (log.isTraceEnabled() && event.getRemoteEvent().getTTL() > 0) { log.trace("Forwarding REGISTER event to next random peers"); } log.trace(event); return dispatchToRandomPeers(event.getRemoteEvent()); case ESGRemoteEvent.UNREGISTER: if (log.isTraceEnabled() && event.getRemoteEvent().getTTL() > 0) { log.trace("Forwarding UNREGISTER event to next random peers"); } log.trace(event); return dispatchToRandomPeers(event.getRemoteEvent()); default: log.warn("UnHandled event type: [" + event.getRemoteEvent().getMessageType() + "] from " + event.getRemoteEvent().getSource()); log.trace(event); break; } } else if (event instanceof ESGJoinEvent) { log.trace("Handling Queueed Join Event -->> delegating to handling method handlePeerJoinEvent()"); if (handled = this.handlePeerJoinEvent((ESGJoinEvent) event)) ; } else if (event instanceof ESGCallableEvent) { log.trace("ConnMgr: got Callable event: " + event); ((ESGCallableEvent) event).doCall(this); } } event = null; //gc hint! return false; } //(for JOIN events that happens in the ESGDataNodeManager via it's superclass AbstractDataNodeManager) public void handleESGEvent(ESGEvent esgEvent) { //we only care about join events if (!(esgEvent instanceof ESGJoinEvent)) return; //should not be called but here for completeness... handlePeerJoinEvent((ESGJoinEvent) esgEvent); } private boolean handlePeerJoinEvent(ESGJoinEvent event) { //we only care bout ESGPeers joining if (!(event.getJoiner() instanceof ESGPeer)) return false; //manage the data structure for peer 'stubs' locally while //object is a participating managed component. if (event.hasJoined()) { log.trace("6)) Detected That A Peer Component Has Joined: " + event.getJoiner().getName()); ESGPeer peer = (ESGPeer) event.getJoiner(); String peerUrl = peer.getServiceURL(); if (Utils.getMyServiceUrl().equals(peerUrl)) { log.warn("I may not be my own peer ;-)"); return true; } if (peerUrl != null) { //Have the newly joined peer (stub) attempt to contact //it's endpoint to establish notification. By adding //"this" connection manager, the peer stub can now //send us an event if the notify call to the endpoint //was successful or not.(see handlePeerEvent below) peer.addPeerListener(this); peers.put(peer.getName(), peer); if (peer.getPeerType() == ESGPeer.DEFAULT_PEER) defaultPeer = peer; } else { log.warn("Dropping " + peer + "... (no null service urls accepted)"); } log.trace("Number of active service managed peers == " + peers.size()); } else { log.trace("Detected That A Peer Component Has Left: " + event.getJoiner().getName()); peers.remove(event.getJoiner().getName()); unavailablePeers.remove(event.getJoiner().getName()); log.trace("Number of active service managed peers = " + peers.size()); } return false; } //-------------------------------------------- //Special Event handling channel... //(for peer events directly from managed peer stub objects) //-------------------------------------------- public void handlePeerEvent(ESGPeerEvent evt) { log.trace("Got Peer Event: " + evt); //TODO: I know I know... use generics in the event!!! (todo) ESGPeer peer = (ESGPeer) evt.getSource(); switch (evt.getEventType()) { case ESGPeerEvent.CONNECTION_BUSY: log.trace("Got ESGPeerEVent.CONNECTION_BUSY from: " + peer.getName()); case ESGPeerEvent.CONNECTION_FAILED: log.trace("Got ESGPeerEVent.CONNECTION_FAILED from: " + peer.getName()); if (peers.remove(peer.getName()) != null) { log.trace("Transfering from active -to-> inactive list"); unavailablePeers.put(peer.getName(), peer); } else if (unavailablePeers.remove(peer.getName()) != null) { log.trace("Transfering from inactive -to-> outta here! :-)"); peer.unregister(); } break; case ESGPeerEvent.CONNECTION_AVAILABLE: log.trace("Got ESGPeerEVent.CONNECTION_AVAILABLE from: " + peer.getName()); if (unavailablePeers.remove(peer.getName()) != null) { log.trace("Transfering from inactive -to-> active list"); peers.put(peer.getName(), peer); } else { log.trace("no status change for " + peer.getName()); } break; default: break; } log.trace("Available Peers: [" + peers.size() + "] Unavailable: [" + unavailablePeers.size() + "]"); } }