Java tutorial
/*************************************************************************** * * * Organization: Lawrence Livermore National Lab (LLNL) * * Directorate: Computation * * Department: Computing Applications and Research * * Division: S&T Global Security * * Matrix: Atmospheric, Earth and Energy Division * * Program: PCMDI * * Project: Earth Systems Grid Federation (ESGF) Data Node Software * * First Author: Gavin M. Bell ( * * * **************************************************************************** * * * Copyright (c) 2009, Lawrence Livermore National Security, LLC. * * Produced at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory * * Written by: Gavin M. Bell ( * * LLNL-CODE-420962 * * * * All rights reserved. This file is part of the: * * Earth System Grid Federation (ESGF) Data Node Software Stack * * * * For details, see * * Please also read this link * * * * * * * Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or * * without modification, are permitted provided that the following * * conditions are met: * * * * * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright * * notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer below. * * * * * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright * * notice, this list of conditions and the disclaimer (as noted below) * * in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the * * distribution. * * * * Neither the name of the LLNS/LLNL nor the names of its contributors * * may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this * * software without specific prior written permission. * * * * THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS * * "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT * * LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS * * FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL LAWRENCE * * LIVERMORE NATIONAL SECURITY, LLC, THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY OR * * CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, * * SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT * * LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF * * USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND * * ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, * * OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT * * OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF * * SUCH DAMAGE. * * * ***************************************************************************/ package; /** Description: Top level class for ESGF Shell implementation... **/ import static esg.common.CPrint.*; import jline.*; import*; import java.util.*; import; import; import; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import org.apache.commons.cli.*; import esg.common.ESGException; import esg.common.ESGRuntimeException; import*; import esg.common.util.ESGFProperties; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.apache.commons.logging.impl.*; import static*; public class ESGFShell { private static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ESGFShell.class); public static final Character MASK = '*'; public static final String PIPE_RE = "\\|"; public static final String SEMI_RE = ";"; private static final Pattern commandLineParsingPattern = Pattern .compile("((?<=(\"))[\\w-? ]*(?=(\"(\\s|$))))|((?<!\")[-]*[\\w-?]+(?!\"))", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private final Matcher commandLineMatcher = commandLineParsingPattern.matcher(""); private static final String commandTypeRegex = "^[ ]*\\[([a-zA-Z]*)\\][ ]*$"; private static final Pattern commandTypePattern = Pattern.compile(commandTypeRegex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private final Matcher typeMatcher = commandTypePattern.matcher(""); private static final String commandEntryRegex = "[ ]*([a-zA-Z0-9-_]*)[ ]*(?:->|=)[ ]*([a-zA-Z0-9-_./]*)[ ]*$"; private static final Pattern commandEntryPattern = Pattern.compile(commandEntryRegex, Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); private final Matcher entryMatcher = commandEntryPattern.matcher(""); String commandName = null; String resource = null; private Map<String, ESGFCommand> commandMap = null; private List<Completor> completors = null; public ESGFShell(ESGFEnv env) { loadCommands(); completors = new LinkedList<Completor>(); completors.add(new SimpleCompletor(commandMap.keySet().toArray(new String[] {}))); env.getReader().addCompletor(new ArgumentCompletor(completors)); } /** This is where we look through the command list and load up the commands made available by this shell */ private void loadCommands() { System.out.print("Loading ESGF Builtin Shell Commands "); commandMap = new HashMap<String, ESGFCommand>(); //commandMap.put("test",new; //now loaded as contrib command commandMap.put("clear", new; commandMap.put("ls", new; commandMap.put("set", new { public String getCommandName() { return "set"; } public void doInitOptions() { } public ESGFEnv doEval(CommandLine line, ESGFEnv env) { log.trace("inside the \"set\" command's doEval"); try { env.putContext(DEFAULT, line.getArgs()[0], line.getArgs()[1]); } catch (Throwable t) { } return env; } }); commandMap.put("unset", new { public String getCommandName() { return "unset"; } public void doInitOptions() { } public ESGFEnv doEval(CommandLine line, ESGFEnv env) { log.trace("inside the \"unset\" command's doEval"); try { env.removeContext(DEFAULT, line.getArgs()[0]); } catch (Throwable t) { } return env; } }); //--- //security / administrative commands //(NOTE: Class loading these because they are apart of the esgf-security project... not resident to the node-manager. // Avoids circular dependencies between esgf-security and esgf-node-manager...) //See loadCommand method below... //--- loadCommand("useradd ->"); loadCommand("userdel ->"); loadCommand("usermod ->"); loadCommand("groupadd ->"); loadCommand("groupdel ->"); loadCommand("groupmod ->"); loadCommand("roleadd ->"); loadCommand("roledel ->"); loadCommand("rolemod ->"); loadCommand("associate ->"); loadCommand("passwd ->"); loadCommand("show ->"); //--- //search //--- //This command must live on the index server node... loadCommand("ingest ->"); //loadCommand("search -> new"); //--- //copy / replication commands //--- //commandMap.put("cpds" ,new; //commandMap.put("realize" ,new; //commandMap.put("replicate",new; //Help command... commandMap.put("help", new { public String getCommandName() { return "help"; } public String getInfo() { return "prints this command list"; } public void doInitOptions() { } public ESGFEnv doEval(CommandLine line, ESGFEnv env) { log.trace("inside the \"help\" command's doEval"); try { for (String commandName : ESGFShell.this.commandMap.keySet()) { env.getWriter().println( commandName + " --- " + ESGFShell.this.commandMap.get(commandName).getInfo()); //formatter.printUsage(env.getWriter(), // env.getReader().getTermwidth(), // commandName, // ESGFShell.this.commandMap.get(commandName).getOptions()); } env.getWriter().flush(); } catch (Throwable t) { } return env; } }); commandMap.put("?", commandMap.get("help")); System.out.println(); loadCommandsFromFile(); System.out.println();"(" + commandMap.size() + ") commands loaded"); } private void loadCommandsFromFile() { System.out.print("Loading ESGF Contrib Shell Commands "); String configDir = null; String line = null; String commandType = null; if (null != (configDir = System.getenv().get("ESGF_HOME"))) { configDir = configDir + File.separator + "config"; BufferedReader in = null; try { File commandList = new File(configDir + File.separator + "esgf_contrib_commands"); if (commandList.exists()) { in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(commandList)); try { while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); if (line.isEmpty() || line.startsWith("#")) continue; //skip blank and comment lines... //Regex for pulling out [commandType] //if the regex gets a hit, set the commandType accordingly. typeMatcher.reset(line); if (typeMatcher.find()) { String foundCommandType =; if (foundCommandType != null) { commandType = foundCommandType; log.trace("command implementation = [" + commandType + "]"); } continue; } if (commandType == null) continue; loadCommand(commandType, line); } } catch ( ex) { log.error(ex); } finally { if (null != in) in.close(); } } else { log.trace("Could not find command file: [" + commandList.getPath() + "]"); } } catch (Throwable t) { log.error(t); } } else { log.warn("ESGF_HOME not found in environment"); } } /** Loads commands into the shell */ private void loadCommand(String line) { this.loadCommand("java", line); } private void loadCommand(String commandType, String line) { //Regex to parse the line for commandName and resource information... System.out.print("."); entryMatcher.reset(line); if (entryMatcher.find()) { commandName =; resource =; log.trace("preparing to load [" + commandName + "] -> [" + resource + "]"); } else { log.warn("Malformed shell command entry: [" + line + "]"); return; } //----- //NOTE: yes yes, I know... there is a sexier way to do this //with enums, but I have to Brody this right now son. //----- if (commandType.equalsIgnoreCase("java")) { loadJavaCommand(commandName, resource); } else if (commandType.equalsIgnoreCase("clojure")) { loadClojureCommand(commandName, resource); } else if (commandType.equalsIgnoreCase("scala")) { loadScalaCommand(commandName, resource); } else if (commandType.equalsIgnoreCase("jython")) { loadJythonCommand(commandName, resource); } else if (commandType.equalsIgnoreCase("groovy")) { loadGroovyCommand(commandName, resource); } else if (commandType.equalsIgnoreCase("beanshell")) { loadBeanShellCommand(commandName, resource); } else { log.warn("Unknown command implementation language [" + commandType + "]"); } } //Handles (loads) Java shell command entries private void loadJavaCommand(String commandName, String resource) { try { commandMap.put(commandName, (ESGFCommand) (Class.forName(resource).newInstance())); } catch (Exception e) { log.trace(" unable to load " + commandName + ": " + e.getMessage()); } } private void loadClojureCommand(String commandName, String resource) { log.warn("Clojure commands not yet supported [" + commandName + "]->[" + resource + "]"); } private void loadScalaCommand(String commandName, String resource) { log.warn("Scala commands not yet supported [" + commandName + "]->[" + resource + "]"); } private void loadJythonCommand(String commandName, String resource) { log.warn("Jython commands not yet supported [" + commandName + "]->[" + resource + "]"); } private void loadGroovyCommand(String commandName, String resource) { log.warn("Groovy commands not yet supported [" + commandName + "]->[" + resource + "]"); } private void loadBeanShellCommand(String commandName, String resource) { log.warn("BeanShell commands not yet supported [" + commandName + "]->[" + resource + "]"); } public static void usage() { System.out.println("Usage: java " + ESGFShell.class.getName() + " yadda yadda yadda"); } private void eval(String[] commands, ESGFEnv env) throws ESGException, IOException { //------------------------- // "quit/exit" command //------------------------- if (commands[0].equalsIgnoreCase("quit") || commands[0].equalsIgnoreCase("exit")) { if (getMode(env) == null) { System.exit(0); } else { clearMode(env); clearUserName(env); env.removeContext(SYS, "auth"); return; } } //------------------------- // "su" command //------------------------- if (commands[0].compareTo("su") == 0) { String password = null; while ((password = env.getReader().readLine("password> ", MASK)) != null) { if (env.getEnv().getAdminPassword().equals(password) /*password.equals("foobar")*/) { env.putContext(SYS, "", "rootAdmin"); env.putContext(SYS, "auth", true); env.putContext(USER, "mode", "admin"); break; } else { env.getWriter().println("incorrect password :-("); env.getWriter().flush(); } } env.getWriter().println(); env.getWriter().flush(); return; } //------------------------- // "id" command //------------------------- if (commands[0].compareTo("id") == 0) { env.getWriter().println(getUserName(env) + ":" + env.getContext(SYS, "auth")); env.getWriter().flush(); return; } //------------------------- // show env object //------------------------- if (commands[0].compareTo("env") == 0) { env.getWriter().println(env); env.getWriter().flush(); return; } //------------------------- // reload commands //------------------------- if (commands[0].compareTo("rehash") == 0) { loadCommands(); return; } //------------------------- for (String commandLine : commands) { log.trace("======> commandLine [" + commandLine + "] "); commandLineMatcher.reset(commandLine); List<String> argsList = new ArrayList<String>(); String commandName = null; for (int i = 0; commandLineMatcher.find(); i++) { if (i == 0) { commandName =; log.trace("Command: " + commandName); } else { argsList.add(; log.trace("arg(" + (i - 1) + "): " + argsList.get(i - 1)); } } if ((commandName == null) || (commandName.equals(""))) continue; log.trace("======> command [" + commandName + "] args " + argsList); ESGFCommand command = commandMap.get(commandName); if (null == command) { env.getWriter().println(commandName + ": command not found :-("); continue; } command.init(env); command.eval(argsList.toArray(new String[] {}), env); } env.getWriter().flush(); } //------------------------ // Helper Methods for common tasks... //------------------------ //helper method to encapsulate common task of getting username public String getUserName(ESGFEnv env) { String whoami = null; if ((whoami = (String) env.getContext(SYS, "")) == null) { whoami = clearUserName(env); } return whoami; } //helper method to encapsulate common task of clearing (resetting) username public String clearUserName(ESGFEnv env) { String whoami = System.getProperty(""); env.putContext(SYS, "", whoami); return whoami; } //helper method to encapsulate common task of getting mode public String getMode(ESGFEnv env) { String mode = null; if ((mode = (String) env.getContext(USER, "mode")) == null) { clearMode(env); } return mode; } //helper method to encapsulate common task of clearing mode public void clearMode(ESGFEnv env) { env.putContext(USER, "mode", null); } //------------------------ //------------------------ public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if ((args.length > 0) && (args[0].equals("--help"))) { usage(); return; } String hostname = "<?>"; try { hostname ="\\.", 2)[0]; } catch ( e) { log.error(e); } ConsoleReader reader = new ConsoleReader(); reader.setBellEnabled(false); //String debugFile = System.getProperty("")+File.separator+"writer.debug"; //log.trace("("+debugFile+")"); //reader.setDebug(new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(debugFile, true))); PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(System.out); ESGFProperties esgfProperties = null; try { esgfProperties = new ESGFProperties(); } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println(t.getMessage()); } ESGFEnv env = new ESGFEnv(reader, writer, esgfProperties); ESGFShell shell = new ESGFShell(env); String mode = null; String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine(yellow(shell.getUserName(env) + "@" + hostname) + ":[" + red("esgf-sh") + "]" + (((mode = shell.getMode(env)) == null) ? "" : ":[" + green(mode) + "]") + white_b("> "))) != null) { try { shell.eval(line.trim().split(SEMI_RE), env); } catch (Throwable t) { System.out.println(t.getMessage()); //t.printStackTrace(); env.getWriter().flush(); } } } }