Java tutorial
/* This file is part of RUbioSeq-GUI. RUbioSeq-GUI is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. RUbioSeq-GUI is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with RUbioSeq-GUI. If not, see <>. */ package es.uvigo.ei.sing.rubioseq.gui.view.models.experiments; import; import; import; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import org.jdom2.JDOMException; import org.jdom2.input.SAXBuilder; import org.jdom2.output.Format; import org.jdom2.output.XMLOutputter; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.rubioseq.gui.macros.InvalidRUbioSeqFile; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.rubioseq.gui.macros.RUbioSeqFile; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.rubioseq.gui.util.Utils; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.rubioseq.gui.view.models.progress.Measurable; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.rubioseq.gui.view.models.progress.RUbioSeqEvent; /** * * @author hlfernandez * */ public class MethylationExperiment implements Measurable, RUbioSeqExperiment { public static final String CONFIG_DATA = "configData"; public static final String REFERENCEPATH = "referencePath"; public static final String INTERVALS = "intervals"; public static final String PLATTFORM = "platform"; public static final String PROJECT_COMPLETE_PATH = "projectCompletePath"; public static final String SAMPLE1 = "sample1"; public static final String SAMPLE2 = "sample2"; public static final String READSPATH = "readsPath"; public static final String SEED_LENGTH = "seed_length"; public static final String NUM_MIS = "num_mis"; public static final String TRIMTAGLENGTH = "trimTagLength"; public static final String MINQUAL = "minQual"; public static final String DEPTHFILTER = "depthFilter"; public static final String METHYLTYPE = "methylType"; public static final String CONTEXT = "context"; public static final String MULTIEXEC = "multiexec"; public static final String FASTQC = "fastqc"; public static final String QUEUESGEPROJECT = "queueSGEProject"; private RUbioSeqFile referencePath; private RUbioSeqFile intervalsPath; private RUbioSeqFile intervalsPath_DV = null; private PlattformTech plattform; private RUbioSeqFile projectCompletePath; private List<MethylationSample> samples = new LinkedList<MethylationSample>(); private RUbioSeqFile readsPath; private Integer seedLength = 28; /* Minimum: 5 */ private Integer seedLength_DV = 28; private Integer numMis = 2; /* 0..3 */ private Integer numMis_DV = 2; private String trimTagLength = ""; private String trimTagLength_DV = ""; private Double minQual = 0.0; private Double minQual_DV = 0.0; private Double depthFilter = 0.0; private Double depthFilter_DV = 0.0; private MethylType methylType; private ContextType contextType = ContextType.ALL; private ContextType contextType_DV = ContextType.ALL; private Integer multiExec = 0; private Integer multiExec_DV = 0; private Integer fastqc = 0; private Integer fastqc_DV = 0; private String queueSGEProject = ""; private String queueSGEProject_DV = ""; public List<Integer> getMultiExecValues() { return Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 0, 1 }); } public List<Integer> getFastqcValues() { return Arrays.asList(new Integer[] { 0, 1 }); } public enum ContextType { ALL("ALL"), CPG("CpG"), CHG("CHG"), CHH("CHH"); private final String displayName; private ContextType(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } } public List<ContextType> getContextTypeValues() { return Arrays.asList(ContextType.values()); } public enum MethylType { LISTER("Lister"), COKUS("Cokus"); private final String displayName; private MethylType(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } } public List<MethylType> getMethylTypeValues() { return Arrays.asList(MethylType.values()); } public enum PlattformTech { ILLUMINA("illumina"), FASTQ("fastq"); private final String displayName; private PlattformTech(String displayName) { this.displayName = displayName; } public String getDisplayName() { return displayName; } } public List<PlattformTech> getPlattformValues() { return Arrays.asList(PlattformTech.values()); } public RUbioSeqFile getReferencePath() { return referencePath; } public void setReferencePath(RUbioSeqFile referencePath) { this.referencePath = referencePath; } public RUbioSeqFile getIntervalsPath() { return intervalsPath; } public void setIntervalsPath(RUbioSeqFile intervalsPath) { this.intervalsPath = intervalsPath; } public PlattformTech getPlattform() { return plattform; } public void setPlattform(PlattformTech plattform) { this.plattform = plattform; } public RUbioSeqFile getProjectCompletePath() { return projectCompletePath; } public void setProjectCompletePath(RUbioSeqFile projectCompletePath) { this.projectCompletePath = projectCompletePath; } public List<MethylationSample> getSamples() { return samples; } public void setSamples(List<MethylationSample> samples) { this.samples = samples; } public RUbioSeqFile getReadsPath() { return readsPath; } public void setReadsPath(RUbioSeqFile readsPath) { this.readsPath = readsPath; } public Integer getSeedLength() { return seedLength; } public void setSeedLength(Integer seedLength) { this.seedLength = seedLength; } public Integer getSeedLength_DV() { return seedLength_DV; } public Integer getNumMis() { return numMis; } public void setNumMis(Integer numMis) { this.numMis = numMis; } public Double getMinQual() { return minQual; } public void setMinQual(Double minQual) { this.minQual = minQual; } public Double getDepthFilter() { return depthFilter; } public void setDepthFilter(Double depthFilter) { this.depthFilter = depthFilter; } public MethylType getMethylType() { return methylType; } public void setMethylType(MethylType methylType) { this.methylType = methylType; } public ContextType getContextType() { return contextType; } public void setContextType(ContextType contextType) { this.contextType = contextType; } public Integer getMultiExec() { return multiExec; } public void setMultiExec(Integer multiExec) { this.multiExec = multiExec; } public Integer getFastqc() { return fastqc; } public void setFastqc(Integer fastqc) { this.fastqc = fastqc; } public String getQueueSGEProject() { return queueSGEProject; } public void setQueueSGEProject(String queueSGEProject) { this.queueSGEProject = queueSGEProject; } public RUbioSeqFile getIntervalsPath_DV() { return intervalsPath_DV; } public Integer getNumMis_DV() { return numMis_DV; } public Double getMinQual_DV() { return minQual_DV; } public Double getDepthFilter_DV() { return depthFilter_DV; } public ContextType getContextType_DV() { return contextType_DV; } public Integer getMultiExec_DV() { return multiExec_DV; } public Integer getFastqc_DV() { return fastqc_DV; } public String getQueueSGEProject_DV() { return queueSGEProject_DV; } public String getTrimTagLength() { return trimTagLength; } public void setTrimTagLength(String trimTagLength) { this.trimTagLength = trimTagLength; } public String getTrimTagLength_DV() { return trimTagLength_DV; } public void generateXMLConfigurationFile(File output) throws IOException { Document configurationFile = new Document(); Element configData = new Element(CONFIG_DATA); configurationFile.setRootElement(configData); configData.setAttribute(ExperimentUtils.BRANCH, ExperimentUtils.BRANCH_METHYLATION); Element referencePath = new Element(REFERENCEPATH); referencePath.addContent(this.getReferencePath().getFile().getAbsolutePath()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(referencePath); Element readsPath = new Element(READSPATH); readsPath.addContent(this.getReadsPath().getFile().getAbsolutePath()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(readsPath); Element projectCompletePath = new Element(PROJECT_COMPLETE_PATH); projectCompletePath.addContent(this.getProjectCompletePath().getFile().getAbsolutePath()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(projectCompletePath); Element plattform = new Element(PLATTFORM); plattform.addContent(this.getPlattform().getDisplayName()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(plattform); Element methylType = new Element(METHYLTYPE); methylType.addContent(this.getMethylType().toString()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(methylType); for (MethylationSample ms : this.getSamples()) { Element sample1 = new Element(SAMPLE1); sample1.addContent(ms.getSample1().getFile().getName()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(sample1); } for (MethylationSample ms : this.getSamples()) { if (ms.getSample2() != null) { Element sample2 = new Element(SAMPLE2); sample2.addContent(ms.getSample2().getFile().getName()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(sample2); } } if (!this.getSeedLength().equals(seedLength_DV)) { Element seedLength = new Element(SEED_LENGTH); seedLength.addContent(this.getSeedLength().toString()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(seedLength); } if (!this.getNumMis().equals(numMis_DV)) { Element numMiss = new Element(NUM_MIS); numMiss.addContent(this.getNumMis().toString()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(numMiss); } if (this.getIntervalsPath() != intervalsPath_DV) { Element intervalsPath = new Element(INTERVALS); intervalsPath.addContent(this.getIntervalsPath().getFile().getAbsolutePath()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(intervalsPath); } if (!this.getContextType().equals(contextType_DV)) { Element contextType = new Element(CONTEXT); contextType.addContent(this.getContextType().toString()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(contextType); } if (!this.getTrimTagLength().equals(trimTagLength_DV)) { Element trimTagLength = new Element(TRIMTAGLENGTH); trimTagLength.addContent(this.getTrimTagLength()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(trimTagLength); } if (!this.getMinQual().equals(minQual_DV)) { Element minQual = new Element(MINQUAL); minQual.addContent(this.getMinQual().toString()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(minQual); } if (!this.getFastqc().equals(fastqc_DV)) { Element fastqc = new Element(FASTQC); fastqc.addContent(this.getFastqc().toString()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(fastqc); } if (!this.getDepthFilter().equals(depthFilter_DV)) { Element depthFilter = new Element(DEPTHFILTER); depthFilter.addContent(this.getDepthFilter().toString()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(depthFilter); } if (!this.getQueueSGEProject().equals(queueSGEProject_DV)) { Element queueProject = new Element(QUEUESGEPROJECT); queueProject.addContent(this.getQueueSGEProject().toString()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(queueProject); } if (!this.getMultiExec().equals(multiExec_DV)) { Element multiExec = new Element(MULTIEXEC); multiExec.addContent(this.getMultiExec().toString()); configurationFile.getRootElement().addContent(multiExec); } XMLOutputter xmlOutput = new XMLOutputter(); xmlOutput.setFormat(Format.getPrettyFormat()); xmlOutput.output(configurationFile, new FileWriter(output)); } public static String getWorkingDirectory(File inputFile) { SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); try { Document document =; Element configData = document.getRootElement(); Element projectCompletePath = configData.getChild(PROJECT_COMPLETE_PATH); return projectCompletePath.getValue(); } catch (JDOMException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } return ""; } public String getWorkingDirectory() { return this.getProjectCompletePath().getFile().getAbsolutePath(); } public boolean validElement(Element e) { return e != null && e.getValue() != null && !e.getValue().equals(""); } public void loadDataFromFile(File editFile) throws InvalidRubioSeqParameterException { SAXBuilder saxBuilder = new SAXBuilder(); try { Document document =; Element configData = document.getRootElement(); Element referencePath = configData.getChild(REFERENCEPATH); if (validElement(referencePath)) { this.setReferencePath(Utils.getRUbioSeqFile(referencePath.getValue())); } Element intervals = configData.getChild(INTERVALS); if (validElement(intervals)) { this.setIntervalsPath(Utils.getRUbioSeqFile(intervals.getValue())); } Element plattform = configData.getChild(PLATTFORM); if (validElement(plattform)) { String plattformValue = plattform.getValue().toLowerCase(); if (plattformValue.equals("illumina")) { this.setPlattform(PlattformTech.ILLUMINA); } else if (plattformValue.equals("fastq")) { this.setPlattform(PlattformTech.FASTQ); } } Element projectCompletePath = configData.getChild(PROJECT_COMPLETE_PATH); if (validElement(projectCompletePath)) { this.setProjectCompletePath(Utils.getRUbioSeqFile(projectCompletePath.getValue(), false)); } Element readsPath = configData.getChild(READSPATH); if (validElement(readsPath)) { this.setReadsPath(Utils.getRUbioSeqFile(readsPath.getValue())); } Iterator<Element> sample1It = configData.getChildren(SAMPLE1).iterator(); Iterator<Element> sample2It = configData.getChildren(SAMPLE2).iterator(); this.samples = new LinkedList<MethylationSample>(); while (sample1It.hasNext()) { MethylationSample newMS = new MethylationSample(); Element sample1 =; if (validElement(sample1)) { newMS.setSample1(Utils.getRUbioSeqFile( Utils.getDirectoryNameWithFinalSlash(this.getReadsPath().getFile().getAbsolutePath()) + sample1.getValue())); } if (sample2It.hasNext()) { Element sample2 =; if (validElement(sample2)) { newMS.setSample2(Utils.getRUbioSeqFile(Utils.getDirectoryNameWithFinalSlash( this.getReadsPath().getFile().getAbsolutePath()) + sample2.getValue())); } } this.getSamples().add(newMS); } Element seedLength = configData.getChild(SEED_LENGTH); if (validElement(seedLength)) { this.setSeedLength(Integer.valueOf(seedLength.getValue())); } Element numMiss = configData.getChild(NUM_MIS); if (validElement(numMiss)) { this.setNumMis(Integer.valueOf(numMiss.getValue())); } Element minQual = configData.getChild(MINQUAL); if (validElement(minQual)) { this.setNumMis(Integer.valueOf(minQual.getValue())); } Element depthFilter = configData.getChild(DEPTHFILTER); if (validElement(depthFilter)) { this.setDepthFilter(Double.valueOf(depthFilter.getValue())); } Element methylType = configData.getChild(METHYLTYPE); if (validElement(methylType)) { String methylTypeValue = methylType.getValue().toUpperCase(); if (methylTypeValue.equals("LISTER")) { this.setMethylType(MethylType.LISTER); } else if (methylTypeValue.equals("COKUS")) { this.setMethylType(MethylType.COKUS); } } Element contextType = configData.getChild(CONTEXT); if (validElement(contextType)) { String contextTypeValue = contextType.getValue(); if (contextTypeValue.equals("ALL")) { this.setContextType(ContextType.ALL); } else if (contextTypeValue.equals("CpG")) { this.setContextType(ContextType.CPG); } else if (contextTypeValue.equals("CHG")) { this.setContextType(ContextType.CHG); } else if (contextTypeValue.equals("CHH")) { this.setContextType(ContextType.CHH); } } Element multiExec = configData.getChild(MULTIEXEC); if (validElement(multiExec)) { this.setMultiExec(Integer.valueOf(multiExec.getValue())); } Element trimTagLenght = configData.getChild(TRIMTAGLENGTH); if (validElement(trimTagLenght)) { this.setTrimTagLength(trimTagLenght.getValue()); } Element fastqc = configData.getChild(FASTQC); if (validElement(fastqc)) { this.setFastqc(Integer.valueOf(fastqc.getValue())); } Element queueSGEProject = configData.getChild(QUEUESGEPROJECT); if (validElement(queueSGEProject)) { this.setQueueSGEProject(queueSGEProject.getValue()); } } catch (JDOMException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new InvalidRubioSeqParameterException(InvalidRubioSeqParameterException.DEFAULT_MESSAGE); } } public boolean checkSamples() { int countSample1Instances = 0; int countSample2Instances = 0; for (MethylationSample ms : this.getSamples()) { if (ms.getSample1() == null) { return false; } else { countSample1Instances++; } if (ms.getSample2() != null) { countSample2Instances++; } } if (countSample2Instances == 0) { return true; } else { return countSample1Instances == countSample2Instances; } } @Override public List<String> getPathsToWatch() { List<String> pathsToWatch = new LinkedList<String>(); String workingDirectory = this.getWorkingDirectory(); if (this.getMultiExec().equals(1) && this.getSamples().size() > 1) { // Joint multisample mode --> All logs go to "multi" pathsToWatch.add(workingDirectory + "/" + "multi"); } else { // Must watch one directory by <SampleName> for (MethylationSample s : this.getSamples()) { pathsToWatch.add(workingDirectory + "/" + s.getSample1().getFile().getName()); } } return pathsToWatch; } @Override public double getIncrement(RUbioSeqEvent event, int numStages) { System.err.print("\t[MethylationExperiment] Get increment of execution level " + event.getExecutionLevel()); int k = event.getTotalSteps(); switch (event.getExecutionLevel()) { case 0: return 0; case 1: /* * Stage 1. Sequence alignment and methylation calling. * By sample. This phase may have an optional extra substage if trimTagLength parameter has been * configured. * Possible cases: * Without trimming: Total should be incremented in (1 / (samples x stages x k) ) x 100 * With trimming: Total should be incremented in (1 / (samples x stages x k) ) x 100 * In this case, if the experiment is not paired the number of samples should be samples*2 (one step * for trim and another for aligment and duplicates marking) while if the experiment is paired the number * of samples should be samples*2 (one step for trim pair1, another for trim pair2 and another one for the * alignment and duplicates marking). */ if (!this.getTrimTagLength().equals("")) { if (this.isPaired()) { System.err.println("\t" + (double) 100 / (double) (3 * getNumSamples() * numStages * k) + " [With trimming + Paired]"); return (double) 100 / (double) (3 * getNumSamples() * numStages * k); } else { System.err.println("\t" + (double) 100 / (double) (2 * getNumSamples() * numStages * k) + " [With trimming + Not Paired]"); return (double) 100 / (double) (2 * getNumSamples() * numStages * k); } } else { System.err.println( "\t" + (double) 100 / (double) (getNumSamples() * numStages * k) + " [Without trimming]"); return (double) 100 / (double) (getNumSamples() * numStages * k); } case 2: /* * 2. Methylation calls extraction. * This stage has two substages (two log files): extraction of methylation calls and formatting of * methylation files so that increment should be divided by two. * Two possible cases: By sample if multiExec = 0 and by group of samples if multiExec = 1 * By sample Total should be incremented in (1 / (2 x samples x stages x k) ) x 100 (becauase formatting is done for each sample) * By group of samples Total should be incremented in (1 / (2 x (samples+1) stages x k) ) x 100 (because formatting is done for all the samples) */ if (getMultiExec().equals(0)) { System.err.println("\t" + 100 / (2 * getNumSamples() * numStages * k) + " [Multiexec = 0]"); return (double) 100 / (double) (2 * getNumSamples() * numStages * k); } else { // if(event.getSampleName().equals("multi")){ // // } System.err.println("\t" + 100 / ((getNumSamples() + 1) * numStages * k) + " [Multiexec = 1]"); return (double) 100 / (double) ((getNumSamples() + 1) * numStages * k); } case 3: /* * 3. Intervals methylation calculation. * Two possible cases: By sample if multiExec = 0 and by group of samples if multiExec = 1 * By sample Total should be incremented in (1 / (samples x stages x k) ) x 100 * By group of samples Total should be incremented in (1 / (stages x k) ) x 100 */ if (getMultiExec().equals(0)) { System.err.println("\t" + 100 / (getNumSamples() * numStages * k) + " [Multiexec = 0]"); return (double) 100 / (double) (getNumSamples() * numStages * k); } else { System.err.println("\t" + 100 / (numStages * k) + " [Multiexec = 1]"); return (double) 100 / (double) (numStages * k); } default: /* * If execution level is not 1,2,3 or 4, we must se if it is an extra stage. */ return 0; } } public boolean isPaired() { return this.getSamples().iterator().next().getSample2() != null; } public int getNumSamples() { return this.getSamples().size(); } public boolean checkPaths() { if (this.getReferencePath() instanceof InvalidRUbioSeqFile || this.getProjectCompletePath() instanceof InvalidRUbioSeqFile || (this.getIntervalsPath() != null && this.getIntervalsPath() instanceof InvalidRUbioSeqFile) || this.getReadsPath() instanceof InvalidRUbioSeqFile) return false; else return true; } @Override public boolean checkConfiguration() { return this.checkPaths(); } @Override public int getStagesCount(int executionLevel) { int stagesCount; if (executionLevel > 0) { stagesCount = 1; } else { stagesCount = 2; if (getIntervalsPath() != null) { stagesCount++; } } return stagesCount; } }