Java tutorial
/* This file is part of GeneCommittee. GeneCommittee is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. GeneCommittee is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with GeneCommittee. If not, see <>. */ package es.uvigo.ei.sing.gc.view.models.committee; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.zkoss.bind.BindUtils; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Command; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.GlobalCommand; import org.zkoss.bind.annotation.Init; import org.zkoss.zhtml.Messagebox; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.Executions; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.Event; import org.zkoss.zk.ui.event.EventListener; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.gc.execution.ExecutionEngine; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.gc.execution.GlobalEvents; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.gc.model.entities.Committee; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.gc.model.entities.CommitteeStatus; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.gc.model.entities.User; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.gc.utils.HibernateUtil; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.gc.view.models.UserTasksViewModel; import es.uvigo.ei.sing.gc.view.models.UserViewModel; public abstract class CommitteeViewModel extends UserTasksViewModel { private static final String GC_UPDATE_EXECUTIONS = "updateExecutions"; public static final String DATA_SET_STEP = "dataSet"; public static final String GENE_SET_STEP = "geneSet"; public static final String ENRICHMENT_STEP = "enrichment"; public static final String CLASSIFIERS_STEP = "classifiers"; public static final String EVALUATION_STEP = "evaluation"; public static final String SUMMARY_STEP = "summary"; public static final String DATA_SET_PATH = "/committee/dataSet.zul"; public static final String GENE_SET_PATH = "/committee/geneSet.zul"; public static final String ENRICHMENT_PATH = "/committee/enrichment.zul"; public static final String CLASSIFIERS_PATH = "/committee/classifiers.zul"; public static final String EVALUATION_PATH = "/committee/evaluation.zul"; public static final String SUMMARY_PATH = "/committee/summary.zul"; static { GlobalEvents.fullActionRegisterGlobalCommand(GlobalEvents.ACTION_SCHEDULED, CommitteeViewModel.GC_UPDATE_EXECUTIONS); GlobalEvents.fullActionRegisterGlobalCommand(GlobalEvents.ACTION_STARTED, CommitteeViewModel.GC_UPDATE_EXECUTIONS); GlobalEvents.fullActionRegisterGlobalCommand(GlobalEvents.ACTION_FINISHED, CommitteeViewModel.GC_UPDATE_EXECUTIONS); GlobalEvents.fullActionRegisterGlobalCommand(GlobalEvents.ACTION_ABORTED, CommitteeViewModel.GC_UPDATE_EXECUTIONS); } private final static String[] NAVIGATION_PROPERTIES = new String[] { "dataSetCompleted", "geneSetCompleted", "enrichmentCompleted", "classifiersCompleted", "evaluationCompleted", "userTaskRunning" }; private Committee committee; private Integer committeeId; @Init public void init() { super.init(); final User user = UserViewModel.getUser(); if (user.getActiveCommittee() == null) { final Committee newCommittee = new Committee(); user.addCommittee(newCommittee); final Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); session.persist(newCommittee); session.flush(); } this.committee = user.getActiveCommittee(); this.committeeId = this.committee.getId(); } public Integer getCommitteeId() { return this.committeeId; } public Committee getCommittee() { return this.getCommittee(true); } public Committee getCommittee(boolean refresh) { if (refresh) { // HibernateUtil.currentSession().refresh(this.committee); this.refreshCommittee(); } return this.committee; } private void refreshCommittee() { final Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); this.committee = (Committee) session.get(Committee.class, this.getCommitteeId()); } protected boolean isCompleted(CommitteeStatus state) { return this.getCommittee().isCompleted(state); } public boolean isDataSetCompleted() { return this.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.DATA_SET); } public boolean isGeneSetCompleted() { return this.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.RANKED_GENES); } public boolean isEnrichmentCompleted() { return this.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.GENE_SETS_SELECTED); } public boolean isClassifiersCompleted() { return this.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.EVALUATOR); } public boolean isEvaluationCompleted() { return this.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.EXPERTS_SELECTED); } @GlobalCommand(CommitteeViewModel.GC_UPDATE_EXECUTIONS) public void updateExecutions() { for (String property : NAVIGATION_PROPERTIES) { BindUtils.postNotifyChange(null, null, this, property); } } protected final void dataLostNotification(final String title, final String message, final CommitteeStatus nextStatus, final CommitteeStatus returnToStatus, final Runnable yesCallback) { this.dataLostNotification(title, message, nextStatus, returnToStatus, yesCallback, null, yesCallback); } protected final void dataLostNotification(final String title, final String message, final CommitteeStatus nextStatus, final CommitteeStatus returnToStatus, final Runnable yesCallback, final Runnable noCallback) { this.dataLostNotification(title, message, nextStatus, returnToStatus, yesCallback, noCallback, yesCallback); } protected final void dataLostNotification(final String title, final String message, final CommitteeStatus nextStatus, final CommitteeStatus returnToStatus, final Runnable yesCallback, final Runnable noCallback, final Runnable noDataLost) { final Committee committee = this.getCommittee(); if (committee.isCompleted(nextStatus)) {, title, Messagebox.YES | Messagebox.NO, Messagebox.EXCLAMATION, new EventListener<Event>() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception { if (((Integer) event.getData()) == Messagebox.YES) { final Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); final Committee committee = CommitteeViewModel.this.getCommittee(); committee.returnToState(returnToStatus); session.update(committee); session.flush(); CommitteeViewModel.this.updateExecutions(); if (yesCallback != null); } else { if (noCallback != null); } } }); } else {; } } @Command public void resetToStep() { if (ExecutionEngine.getSingleton().hasTaskRunning(this.getUserId())) { "You can't modify a committee while you have running tasks. Please, abort the execution before modifying the committee", "Delete Committee", Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.ERROR); } else { "Are you sure you want to return the committee to the current step and delete further data?", "Return to Current Step", Messagebox.YES | Messagebox.NO, Messagebox.EXCLAMATION, new EventListener<Event>() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception { if (((Integer) event.getData()) == Messagebox.YES) { final Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); final Committee committee = CommitteeViewModel.this.getCommittee(); committee.returnToState(CommitteeViewModel.this.stepStatus()); session.update(committee); session.flush(); CommitteeViewModel.this.updateExecutions(); } } }); } } @Command public void deleteCommittee() { if (ExecutionEngine.getSingleton().hasTaskRunning(this.getUserId())) { "You can't delete a committee while you have running tasks. Please, abort the execution before deleting the committee", "Delete Committee", Messagebox.OK, Messagebox.ERROR); } else {"Are you sure you want to delete the current committee?", "Delete Committee", Messagebox.YES | Messagebox.NO, Messagebox.EXCLAMATION, new EventListener<Event>() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event) throws Exception { if (((Integer) event.getData()) == Messagebox.YES) { final Session session = HibernateUtil.currentSession(); final Committee committee = CommitteeViewModel.this.getCommittee(); session.delete(committee); session.flush(); Executions.sendRedirect("/home.zul"); } } }); } } protected abstract CommitteeStatus stepStatus(); public abstract String getCurrentStep(); public String getNextHref() { return null; } public String getPreviousHref() { return null; } public boolean getHasNext() { return this.getNextHref() != null; } public boolean getHasPrevious() { return this.getPreviousHref() != null; } public static String getCurrentURL() { final User user = UserViewModel.getUser(); if (user == null) { return null; } else if (user.getActiveCommittee() == null) { return CommitteeViewModel.DATA_SET_PATH; } else { switch (user.getActiveCommittee().getCurrentState()) { case FINISHED: case EXPERTS_SELECTED: return CommitteeViewModel.SUMMARY_PATH; case EXPERT_SELECTION: case EXPERIMENT_EXECUTION: return CommitteeViewModel.EVALUATION_PATH; case EVALUATOR: return CommitteeViewModel.CLASSIFIERS_PATH; case GENE_SETS_SELECTED: case GENE_ENRICHMENT: return CommitteeViewModel.ENRICHMENT_PATH; case RANKED_GENES: case GENE_SELECTION: return CommitteeViewModel.GENE_SET_PATH; case DATA_SET: case INIT: default: return CommitteeViewModel.DATA_SET_PATH; } } } public static boolean isStepCompleted(String step) { final User user = UserViewModel.getUser(); if (user == null) return false; final Committee committee = user.getActiveCommittee(); if (committee == null) return false; if (step.equals(CommitteeViewModel.DATA_SET_STEP)) { return committee.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.DATA_SET); } else if (step.equals(CommitteeViewModel.GENE_SET_STEP)) { return committee.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.RANKED_GENES); } else if (step.equals(CommitteeViewModel.ENRICHMENT_STEP)) { return committee.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.GENE_SETS_SELECTED); } else if (step.equals(CommitteeViewModel.CLASSIFIERS_STEP)) { return committee.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.EVALUATOR); } else if (step.equals(CommitteeViewModel.EVALUATION_STEP)) { return committee.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.EXPERTS_SELECTED); } else if (step.equals(CommitteeViewModel.SUMMARY_STEP)) { return committee.isCompleted(CommitteeStatus.FINISHED); } else { return false; } } }