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Copyright 2013 Universidad Politcnica de Madrid - Center for Open Middleware (
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.
package es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Arrays;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Properties;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.xerces.util.XML11Char;
import org.jdom2.Namespace;


import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.conversion.RegexOptimizer;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.conversion.converterimpl.optimization.RegexOptimizersFactory;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.datastructures.Schema;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.exceptions.BadCommandLineException;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.exceptions.InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.exceptions.InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.exceptions.XSDConfigurationException;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.TypeNameInferencer;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.extractorImpl.FullPathTypeNameInferencer;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.extractorImpl.KLocalTypeNameInferencer;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.extraction.extractorImpl.NameTypeNameInferencer;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.AttributeListComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.ChildrenPatternComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.EnumComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.attribute.EqualsAttributeComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.attribute.MergeAttributeComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.attribute.SameAttributeComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.attribute.StrictAttributeComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.children.EqualsPatternComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.children.NodeBasedPatternComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.children.NodeSubsumptionPatternComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.children.ReducePatternComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.children.SubsumptionPatternComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.enumeration.MinIntersectionBidirectionalEnumComparator;
import es.upm.dit.xsdinferencer.merge.mergerimpl.enumeration.MinIntersectionUnidirectionalEnumComparator;

 * Objects of this class represent inference configurations.
 * Constructors, constants and auxiliar methods are provided in order to 
 * help at configurations building
 * @author Pablo Alonso Rodriguez (Center for Open Middleware)
public class XSDInferenceConfiguration {
     * Main namespace of the inference.
     * If it is not set, it will be guessed at runtime (look at {@link Schema#guessMainNamespace(XSDInferenceConfiguration)} for details).
     * A skipped namespace may never be the main namespace.
     * Ignored at JSON inference.
    private String mainNamespace = null;
     * A list of namespaces whose schema must not be inferenced.
     * Note that, if a namespace is skipped, a correct schema of that namespace should be 
     * available if the generated XSDs are going to be used to validate XML files, otherwise, 
     * the validation would fail. 
     * It is important to remark, that XML Schema instance namespace ( 
     * WILL always be skipped, regardless of it is present at this list or not (in fact, it will be completely ignored 
     * by the inferencer).
     * Ignored at JSON inference.
    private List<String> skipNamespaces = new ArrayList<String>();
     * The type name inferencer to use
    private TypeNameInferencer typeNameInferencer;
     * The simple type inferencer to use (the implementation to instantiate).
    private String simpleTypeInferencer = VALUE_SIMPLE_TYPE_INFERENCER_DEFAULTIMPL;
     * The attribute list inferencer to use.
    private String attributeListInferencer = VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_INFERENCER_DEFAULTIMPL;
     * Flag to indicate whether enumerations must be generated or not
    private boolean generateEnumerations = false;
     * Minimum number of distinct values of a single type to generate an enumeration
    private int minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = 0;
     * Maximum number of distinct values of a single type to generate an enumeration
    private int maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = 10;
     * Children comparator that compares the children structures (automatons) of two complex types 
     * and decides if they are similar enough, according to its own criterion.
     * If it was null, there would not be any merge of complex types.
    private ChildrenPatternComparator childrenPatternComparator = null;
     * Attribute comparator that compares the attributes list of two complex types 
     * and decides if they are similar enough, according to its own criterion.
     * If it was null, there would not be any merge of complex types.
    private AttributeListComparator attributeListComparator = null;
     * Children comparator that compares the children structures (automatons) of two complex types 
     * and decides if they are similar enough, according to its own criterion.
     * This one is the one used in the first phase of type merge, when complex types such that 
     * some of their source elements have the same name are mixed after comparing them with different comparators.
     * If childrenPatternComparator or attributeComparator were null, there would be no merge and this 
     * setting would not have any effect.
     * If it was null but snAttributeComparator is not, childrenPatternComparator would be used instead.
     * If both snChildrenPatternComparator and snAttributeComparator were null, there would not be any 
     * the first phase of merging complex types of elements with the same name would not take place.
    private ChildrenPatternComparator snChildrenPatternComparator = null;
     * Attribute comparator that compares the attributes list of two complex types 
     * and decides if they are similar enough, according to its own criterion.
     * This one is the one used in the first phase of type merge, when complex types such that 
     * some of their source elements have the same name are mixed after comparing them with different comparators.
     * If childrenPatternComparator or attributeComparator were null, there would be no merge and this 
     * setting would not have any effect.
     * If it was null but snChildrenComparator is not, attributeComparator would be used instead.
     * If both snChildrenPatternComparator and snAttributeComparator were null, there would not be any 
     * the first phase of merging complex types of elements with the same name would not take place.
    private AttributeListComparator snAttributeListComparator = null;

     * The comparator used to decide if two enums are 
     * similar enough to be merged. 
     * If it was null, there would be no enum merging.
    private EnumComparator enumsComparator = null;

     * The comparator used to decide if two enums which appear in two elements with the same name are 
     * similar enough to be merged. 
     * This one is the one used in the first phase of type merge, when complex types such that 
     * some of their source elements have the same name are mixed after comparing them with different comparators.
     * If it was null, there would be no enum merging.
    private EnumComparator snEnumsComparator = null;
     * If this flag is true, the converter won't not try to infer a SORE but will directly try to 
     * infer an eCHARE or a CHARE, according to the value of tryECHARE.
    private boolean avoidSORE = false;
     * When a SORE conversion fails (or avoidSORE is true), if this flag is true, the converter 
     * would try to infer an eCHARE, else, the converter would try to infer a CHARE.
    private boolean tryECHARE = true;
     * A list of the optimizers that should be run on the optimization step of the converter.
    private List<RegexOptimizer> optimizers = new ArrayList<RegexOptimizer>();
     * If this flags is true, elements and attributes in namespaces which are not the main namespace 
     * will be surrounded by groups and not declared as global elements in order to avoid them to become 
     * valid root elements and to allow them to have distinct complex types when they have same names.
     * If this flag was false when there are multiple namespaces, the only allowed TypeNameInferencer 
     * would be NameTypeInferencer because it is not possible to declare two global elements with the 
     * same name or a global element with two types.
     * Ignored at JSON inference.
    private boolean strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround = true;
     * If this flag is true, elements are generated globally in the XSD and referenced with ref when necessary.
     * If this flag was true, the only allowed TypeNameInferencer would be NameTypeInferencer because it is 
     * not possible to declare two global elements with the same name or a global element with two types. 
     * Ignored at JSON inference.
    private boolean elementsGlobal = false;
     * If this flag is true, complexType tags will be declared globally and referenced when necessary. 
     * If this flag is false, each complexType will be included into each element tag which represents 
     * an element of that complex type.
     * Ignored at JSON inference.
    private boolean complexTypesGlobal = true;
     * If this flag is true, simpleType tags referring to enumerations will be declared globally and 
     * referenced when necessary. 
     * If this flag is false, each element or attribute whose simpleType is an inferred enumeration 
     * will include into its corresponding tag a simpleType tag describing the enumeration.
     * No simpleType tag will be created to refer to a built-in type. 
     * Ignored at JSON inference.
    private boolean simpleTypesGlobal = true;
     * Separator used to build type names based on ancestors and in some other information. 
     * For example, a KLocalTypeNameInferencer with k=1 would build a type name like "ancestor-element" 
     * if typeNamesSeparator is "-".
     * It must be a valid NCName substring (made of non-first characters allowed in NCNames).  
    private String typeNamesAncestorsSeparator = "-";
     * Separator used to build type names of merged types. 
     * For example, if the types "ancestor1-element1" and "ancestor2-element2" are mixed, 
     * the name of the new type will be "ancestor1-element1_and_ancestor2-element2" if the separator 
     * is "_and_".
     * It must be a valid NCName substring (made of non-first characters allowed in NCNames).
    private String mergedTypesSeparator = "_and_";

     * This is the working format of the inferencer. Two values are allowed:
     * <ul>
     * <li>xml: Input files are XML files and output files are XSDs (default value)</li>
     * <li>json: Input files are JSON files and the output is a single JSON Schema file</li>
     * </ul>
    private String workingFormat = "xml";
     * Prefix to escape keys at JSON objects matching ARRAY_ELEMENT_NAME, to prevent problems.
    public static final String ARRAY_ELEMENT_ESCAPING_PREFIX = "a";
     * Element name for JSON objects created to store arrays to prevent strange behaviors while nesting arrays.
    public static final String ARRAY_ELEMENT_NAME = "array";
     * Name of the root element using to enclose results from converting XML to JSON. 
     * This is necessary to ensure that the resulting XML is well-formed. 
     * Namespace will be different depending on whether the element comes from 
     * an array or an object.
    public static final String XML_ROOT_NAME = "root";
     * This namespace acts as a mark to point that an element of an XML created
     * from a JSON is the array root of a JSON document. This helps to prevent that a
     * key called like {@link XML_ROOT_NAME} produce a hell-mismatch in our internal
     * XML-thinking during JSON Schema inference
    public static final Namespace NAMESPACE_ROOT_ARRAY = Namespace.getNamespace("rootArray",
     * This namespace acts as a mark to point that an element of an XML created
     * from a JSON is the object root of a JSON document. This helps to prevent that a
     * key called like {@link XML_ROOT_NAME} produce a hell-mismatch in our internal
     * XML-thinking during JSON Schema inference
    public static final Namespace NAMESPACE_ROOT_OBJECT = Namespace.getNamespace("rootObject",
     * Namespace to distinguish between <array/> elements comming from an 
     * array which is not a value for a key (for instance, inside other arrays 
     * or as a root) from <array/> elements comming from values of an "array" key 
     * of a JSON object.
    public static final Namespace NAMESPACE_ARRAY_ELEMENT = Namespace.getNamespace("arrayElement",

     * XSI (XML Schema Instance) namespace URI.
    public static final String XSI_NAMESPACE_URI = "";

     * XSD Namespace URI
    public static final String XSD_NAMESPACE_URI = "";

     * XML Namespace (browse the URI for more info)
    public static final String XML_NAMESPACE_URI = "";

     * Namespace prefix for the XSD XML tags, which must be used as prefix of builtin simple types.
     * It MUST end with :
    public static final String XSD_NAMESPACE_PREFIX = "xs:";

    //Some default values for completely optional parameters
    public static final String DEFAULT_REDUCE_THRESHOLD = "0.7";
    public static final String DEFAULT_ENUM_COMPARATORS_THRESHOLD = "0.9";

    //Constants for the name of the keys in the properties file
    //KEY_MULTIPLE means that multiple properties starting with the given value are valid 
    public static final String KEY_MAIN_NAMESPACE = "mainNamespace";
    public static final String KEY_MULTIPLE_SKIP_NAMESPACES = "skipNamespace";
    public static final String KEY_TYPE_NAME_INFERENCER = "typeNameInferencer";
    public static final String KEY_TYPE_NAME_INFERENCER_LOCALITY = "locality";
    public static final String KEY_GENERATE_ENUMERATIONS = "generateEnumerations";
    public static final String KEY_MIN_NUMBER_OF_DISTINCT_VALUES_TO_ENUM = "minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum";
    public static final String KEY_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DISTINCT_VALUES_TO_ENUM = "maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum";
    public static final String KEY_SIMPLE_TYPE_INFERENCER = "simpleTypeInferencer";
    public static final String KEY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_INFERENCER = "attributeListInferencer";
    public static final String KEY_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR = "childrenPatternComparator";
    public static final String KEY_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_REDUCE_THRESHOLD = "reduceThreshold";
    public static final String KEY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR = "attributeListComparator";
    public static final String KEY_SAME_NAME_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR = "snChildrenPatternComparator";
    public static final String KEY_SAME_NAME_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_REDUCE_THRESHOLD = "snReduceThreshold";
    public static final String KEY_SAME_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR = "snAttributeListComparator";
    public static final String KEY_ENUMS_COMPARATOR = "enumsComparator";
    public static final String KEY_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_THRESHOLD = "enumsComparatorThreshold";
    public static final String KEY_SAME_NAME_ENUMS_COMPARATOR = "snEnumsComparator";
    public static final String KEY_SAME_NAME_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_THRESHOLD = "snEnumsComparatorThreshold";
    public static final String KEY_AVOID_SORE = "avoidSORE";
    public static final String KEY_TRY_ECHARE = "tryECHARE";
    public static final String KEY_MULTIPLE_OPTIMIZERS = "optimizer";
    public static final String KEY_STRICT_VALID_ROOT_DEFINITION_WORKAROUND = "strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround";
    public static final String KEY_ELEMENTS_GLOBAL = "elementsGlobal";
    public static final String KEY_COMPLEX_TYPES_GLOBAL = "complexTypesGlobal";
    public static final String KEY_SIMPLE_TYPES_GLOBAL = "simpleTypesGlobal";
    public static final String KEY_TYPE_NAMES_ANCESTORS_SEPARATOR = "typeNamesAncestorsSeparator";
    public static final String KEY_MERGED_TYPES_SEPARATOR = "mergedTypesSeparator";
    public static final String KEY_WORKING_FORMAT = "workingFormat";
    //Special key to indicate via the command line the path at which the properties file that must be loaded as a configuration.
    public static final String KEY_CONFIG_FILE = "configFile";

    //Constants for the allowed values on some parameters
    public static final String VALUE_TYPE_INFERENCER_NAME = "name";
    public static final String VALUE_TYPE_INFERENCER_KLOCAL = "klocal";
    public static final String VALUE_TYPE_INFERENCER_FULLPATH = "fullpath";
    public static final String VALUE_SIMPLE_TYPE_INFERENCER_DEFAULTIMPL = "SimpleTypeInferencerImpl";
    public static final String VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_INFERENCER_DEFAULTIMPL = "AttributeListInferencerImpl";
    public static final String VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NO = "no";
    public static final String VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_EQUALS = "equals";
    public static final String VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NODEBASED = "nodebased";
    public static final String VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NODESUBSUMED = "nodesubsumed";
    public static final String VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_REDUCE = "reduce";
    public static final String VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_SUBSUMED = "subsumed";
    public static final String VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_NO = "no";
    public static final String VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_EQUALS = "equals";
    public static final String VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_MERGE = "merge";
    public static final String VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_SAME = "same";
    public static final String VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_STRICT = "strict";
    public static final String VALUE_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_NO = "no";
    public static final String VALUE_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_MIN_INTERSECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL = "minIntersectionBidirectional";
    public static final String VALUE_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_MIN_INTERSECTION_UNIDIRECTIONAL = "minIntersectionUnidirectional";
    public static final String VALUE_WORKING_FORMAT_XML = "xml";
    public static final String VALUE_WORKING_FORMAT_JSON = "json";

     * Default constructor. It initializes the the default values
    public XSDInferenceConfiguration() {
        typeNameInferencer = new KLocalTypeNameInferencer(2);

     * Adds the default optimizers to the optimizers list. The list may be cleared before adding or not.
     * @param clearPrevious Whether the list of optimizers should be cleared before adding the new ones or not
    protected void addSetDefaultOptimizers(boolean clearPrevious) {
        if (clearPrevious)
        RegexOptimizersFactory regexOptimizersFactory = RegexOptimizersFactory.getInstance();

     * Constructor. It builds a configuration from a base file.
     * @param file
     * @throws IOException
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException
    public XSDInferenceConfiguration(File file) throws IOException, XSDConfigurationException {

     * Constructor from command line. It parses a command line to set the parameters. 
     * If a configuration file was found, it would be parsed and its values would be loaded 
     * PRIOR TO parse the command line, so any value present at the command line would override 
     * the one present at the file, if both were present.
     * @param args a list with the contents of the args parameter of the main method
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if there is an error at parsing the command line or any invalid or inconsistent parameter is found
     * @throws IOException if there are problems when reading a configuration file (if one was specified via the command line)
    public XSDInferenceConfiguration(List<String> args) throws XSDConfigurationException, IOException {

     * Constructor from command line. It parses a command line to set the parameters. 
     * If a configuration file was found, it would be parsed and its values would be loaded 
     * PRIOR TO parse the command line, so any value present at the command line would override 
     * the one present at the file, if both were present.
     * @param args an array with the contents of the args parameter of the main method
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if there is an error at parsing the command line or any invalid or inconsistent parameter is found
     * @throws IOException if there are problems when reading a configuration file (if one was specified via the command line)
    public XSDInferenceConfiguration(String[] args) throws XSDConfigurationException, IOException {

     * Loads a configuration from a properties file. Any value which was not present at the file would remain 
     * at its previous value (which might be the default value) 
     * @param file File object representing the properties file
     * @throws IOException If there is an I/O error related to the properties file.
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if a value of a parameter is not valid or if a value of any parameter is inconsistent 
     *                                              with the value of another parameter
    protected void loadFromFile(File file) throws IOException, XSDConfigurationException {
        FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(file);
        Properties properties = new Properties();
        String readMainNamespace = properties.getProperty(KEY_MAIN_NAMESPACE);
        if (readMainNamespace != null) {
            mainNamespace = readMainNamespace;

        Set<String> foundSkipNamespacesKeys = Sets.filter(properties.stringPropertyNames(),
                Predicates.containsPattern("^\\Q" + KEY_MULTIPLE_SKIP_NAMESPACES + "\\E.*$"));
        if (!foundSkipNamespacesKeys.isEmpty()) {
        for (String skipNamespace : foundSkipNamespacesKeys) {

        String readTypeInferencer = properties.getProperty(KEY_TYPE_NAME_INFERENCER);
        String localityStr = properties.getProperty(KEY_TYPE_NAME_INFERENCER_LOCALITY);

        if (readTypeInferencer != null) {
            setTypeInferencer(readTypeInferencer, localityStr);

        String readGenerateEnumerations = properties.getProperty(KEY_GENERATE_ENUMERATIONS);
        if (readGenerateEnumerations != null) {

        String readWorkingFormat = properties.getProperty(KEY_WORKING_FORMAT);
        if (readWorkingFormat != null) {

        String readMinNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = properties
        if (readMinNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum != null) {
            minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = Integer.parseInt(readMinNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum);

        String readMaxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = properties
        if (readMaxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum != null) {
            maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = Integer.parseInt(readMaxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum);

        String readSimpleTypeInferencer = properties.getProperty(KEY_SIMPLE_TYPE_INFERENCER);
        if (readSimpleTypeInferencer != null) {

        String readAttributeListInferencer = properties.getProperty(KEY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_INFERENCER);
        if (readAttributeListInferencer != null) {

        String readChildrenPatternComparator = properties.getProperty(KEY_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR);
        String readAttributeListComparator = properties.getProperty(KEY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR);
        String readReduceThreshold = properties.getProperty(KEY_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_REDUCE_THRESHOLD,

        if ((readChildrenPatternComparator == null && readAttributeListComparator != null)
                || (readChildrenPatternComparator != null && readAttributeListComparator == null)) {
            throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                    "If a 'childrenPatternComparator' is specified, an 'attributeListComparator' must be specified as well and vice versa");
        } else if (readChildrenPatternComparator != null && readAttributeListComparator != null) {
            if ((readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NO)
                    && !readAttributeListComparator.equals(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_NO))
                    || (!readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NO)
                            && readAttributeListComparator.equals(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_NO))) {
                throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                        "If a 'childrenPatternComparator' is specified to no, 'attributeListComparator' must be specified as well to no and vice versa");
            setChildrenPatternComparator(readChildrenPatternComparator, readReduceThreshold);

        String snReadChildrenPatternComparator = properties.getProperty(KEY_SAME_NAME_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR);
        String snReadAttributeListComparator = properties.getProperty(KEY_SAME_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR);
        String snReadReduceThreshold = properties
        if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator != null || snReadAttributeListComparator != null) {

            if ((readAttributeListComparator == null || attributeListComparator == null)
                    && !(snReadChildrenPatternComparator != null && snReadAttributeListComparator != null)) {
                throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                        "If same name comparators are defined when normal comparators are not defined, both same name comparators must be defined");
            setSnChildrenPatternComparator(snReadChildrenPatternComparator, snReadReduceThreshold);

        String readEnumsComparator = properties.getProperty(KEY_ENUMS_COMPARATOR);
        String readEnumComparatorThreshold = properties.getProperty(KEY_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_THRESHOLD,
        if (readEnumsComparator != null) {
            setEnumsComparator(readEnumsComparator, readEnumComparatorThreshold);

        String readSnEnumsComparator = properties.getProperty(KEY_SAME_NAME_ENUMS_COMPARATOR);
        String readSnEnumComparatorThreshold = properties.getProperty(KEY_SAME_NAME_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_THRESHOLD,
        if (readSnEnumsComparator != null) {
            setSnEnumsComparator(readSnEnumsComparator, readSnEnumComparatorThreshold);

        String readAvoidSore = properties.getProperty(KEY_AVOID_SORE);
        if (readAvoidSore != null) {

        String readTryECHARE = properties.getProperty(KEY_TRY_ECHARE);
        if (readTryECHARE != null) {

        Set<String> foundOptimizersKeys = Sets.filter(properties.stringPropertyNames(),
                Predicates.containsPattern("^\\Q" + KEY_MULTIPLE_OPTIMIZERS + "\\E.*$"));

        if (!foundOptimizersKeys.isEmpty()) {
            Set<String> foundOptimizersValues = new HashSet<String>(foundOptimizersKeys.size());
            for (String foundOptimizerKey : foundOptimizersKeys) {

        String readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround = properties
        if (readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround != null) {

        String readElementsGlobal = properties.getProperty(KEY_ELEMENTS_GLOBAL);
        if (readElementsGlobal != null) {

        String readComplexTypesGlobal = properties.getProperty(KEY_COMPLEX_TYPES_GLOBAL);
        if (readComplexTypesGlobal != null) {

        String readSimpleTypesGlobal = properties.getProperty(KEY_SIMPLE_TYPES_GLOBAL);
        if (readSimpleTypesGlobal != null) {

        String readTypeNamesAncestorSeparator = properties.getProperty(KEY_TYPE_NAMES_ANCESTORS_SEPARATOR);
        if (readTypeNamesAncestorSeparator != null) {

        String readMergedTypesSeparator = properties.getProperty(KEY_MERGED_TYPES_SEPARATOR);
        if (readMergedTypesSeparator != null) {


     * It looks for a parameter value at the parameter list.
     * For example: if the command line looks like <br/>
     * {@value ... --enumsComparator no ...}<br/>
     * {@value --enumsComparator} is at index i and {@value no} is at index i+1
     * If you look for {@value enumsComparator} value, it looks for the index i of {@value --enumsComparator} 
     * and returns {@value no} because it is at index i+1. 
     * @param key the searched key (without the starting --)
     * @param parameterList a List containing all the values of the args parameter of the main method
     * @param defaultValue the value returned if the key is not found
     * @return the value or defaultValue, if the key is not found
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException If the parameter is not followed by its value
    private String getParamValue(String key, List<String> parameterList, String defaultValue)
            throws XSDConfigurationException {

        for (int i = 0; i < parameterList.size(); i++) {
            if (!parameterList.get(i).equalsIgnoreCase("--" + key))
                continue; //This is not the searched key.
            String valueCandidate = "";
            if ((i + 1) >= parameterList.size() || (valueCandidate = parameterList.get(i + 1)).startsWith("--")) {
                throw new BadCommandLineException("A value for parameter '--" + key
                        + "' must be next to it. However, '" + valueCandidate + "' has been found.");
            } else {
                return valueCandidate;

        return defaultValue;

     * It looks for a parameter value at the parameter list.
     * For example: if the command line looks like <br/>
     * {@value ... --enumsComparator no ...}<br/>
     * {@value --enumsComparator} is at index i and {@value no} is at index i+1
     * If you look for {@value enumsComparator} value, it looks for the index i of {@value --enumsComparator} 
     * and returns {@value no} because it is at index i+1. 
     * @param key the searched key (without the starting --)
     * @param parameterList a List containing all the values of the args parameter of the main method
     * @return the value or null, if the key is not found
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException If the parameter is not followed by its value but by another parameter.
    private String getParamValue(String key, List<String> parameterList) throws XSDConfigurationException {
        return getParamValue(key, parameterList, null);

     * Checks if a boolean parameter is checked (--<i>key</i> is present in the command line) or unchecked 
     * (--no<i>key</i>).
     * @param key the parameter to search
     * @param parameterList a List containing all the values of the args parameter of the main method
     * @return an String that is "true" if the parameter is checked, "false" if it is unchecked and null if it is not present. 
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if a parameter is checked and unchecked in the same command line.
    private String getParamIsCheckedOrUnchecked(String key, List<String> parameterList)
            throws XSDConfigurationException {
        String positiveParameter = "--" + key;
        String negativeParameter = "--no" + key;
        boolean containsPositive = false;
        boolean containsNegative = false;
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterList.size(); i++) {
            String value = parameterList.get(i);
            if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(positiveParameter))
                containsPositive = true;
            if (value.equalsIgnoreCase(negativeParameter))
                containsNegative = true;
        if (containsNegative && containsPositive) {
            throw new BadCommandLineException(
                    "Parameter '" + key + "' has been checked and unchecked on the same command line.");
        } else if (containsPositive) {
            return "true";
        } else if (containsNegative) {
            return "false";
        } else {
            return null;

     * Returns the set of values of a multiple parameter. 
     * For example, skipNamespaces is a multiple parameter as it allows to define a set of namespaces to skip and may have any size. 
     * In the command line, it would be represented as follows:<br/>
     * {@value ... --skipNamespace1 namespace1 ... --skipNamespace2 namespace2 ...}
     * (Note that the values do not have to be together and that any key starting with the 
     * parameter key is allowed).
     * This method returns a set that contains all those multiple values.
     * @param key the key of the multiple values
     * @param parameterList a List containing all the values of the args parameter of the main method
     * @return A set of the values of the multiple parameter. If there are no values, it means, the parameter is not present at all, 
     * an empty set is returned.
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if a correct key of this parameter has not a corresponding value (because the 
     *                                   following element of the command line is another parameter).
    private Set<String> getParamValues(String key, List<String> parameterList) throws XSDConfigurationException {
        Set<String> values = new HashSet<String>(parameterList.size() / 3);
        for (int i = 0; i < parameterList.size(); i++) {
            if (!parameterList.get(i).toLowerCase().startsWith("--" + key.toLowerCase()))
                continue; //This is not a searched key.
            String valueCandidate = "";
            if ((i + 1) >= parameterList.size() || (valueCandidate = parameterList.get(i + 1)).startsWith("--")) {
                throw new BadCommandLineException("A value for parameter '--" + key
                        + "' must be next to it. However, '" + valueCandidate + "' has been found.");
            } else {

        return values;

     * Reads a whole configuration from the command line. Each non-found parameter remains at 
     * its previous value (which may be the default value).
     * If a configuration file is specified, it is read PRIOR TO parse any other parameter of the 
     * command line, so the parameters present in the file will always be overridden by the values present 
     * in the command line (those parameters present in the file but not in the command line will 
     * not be overriden).
     * @param parameterList a List containing all the values of the args parameter of the main method
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if there is any error at command line parsing, or either invalid or inconsistent values are found
     * @throws IOException if there are problems when reading the properties file
    protected void loadFromCmdLine(List<String> parameterList) throws XSDConfigurationException, IOException {
        String readConfigurationFile = getParamValue(KEY_CONFIG_FILE, parameterList);
        if (readConfigurationFile != null) {
            File propertiesFile = new File(readConfigurationFile);
            if (!propertiesFile.exists()) {
                throw new FileNotFoundException("Properties file not found");

        String readMainNamespace = getParamValue(KEY_MAIN_NAMESPACE, parameterList);
        if (readMainNamespace != null) {
            mainNamespace = readMainNamespace;

        String readWorkingFormat = getParamValue(KEY_WORKING_FORMAT, parameterList);
        if (readWorkingFormat != null) {

        Set<String> foundSkipNamespaces = getParamValues(KEY_MULTIPLE_SKIP_NAMESPACES, parameterList);
        if (!foundSkipNamespaces.isEmpty()) {

        String readTypeInferencer = getParamValue(KEY_TYPE_NAME_INFERENCER, parameterList);
        String localityStr = getParamValue(KEY_TYPE_NAME_INFERENCER_LOCALITY, parameterList);

        if (readTypeInferencer != null) {
            setTypeInferencer(readTypeInferencer, localityStr);

        String readGenerateEnumerations = getParamIsCheckedOrUnchecked(KEY_GENERATE_ENUMERATIONS, parameterList);
        if (readGenerateEnumerations != null) {

        String readMinNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = getParamValue(KEY_MIN_NUMBER_OF_DISTINCT_VALUES_TO_ENUM,
        if (readMinNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum != null) {
            minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = Integer.parseInt(readMinNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum);

        String readMaxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = getParamValue(KEY_MAX_NUMBER_OF_DISTINCT_VALUES_TO_ENUM,
        if (readMaxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum != null) {
            maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = Integer.parseInt(readMaxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum);

        String readSimpleTypeInferencer = getParamValue(KEY_SIMPLE_TYPE_INFERENCER, parameterList);
        if (readSimpleTypeInferencer != null) {

        String readAttributeListInferencer = getParamValue(KEY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_INFERENCER, parameterList);
        if (readAttributeListInferencer != null) {

        String readChildrenPatternComparator = getParamValue(KEY_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR, parameterList);
        String readAttributeListComparator = getParamValue(KEY_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR, parameterList);
        String readReduceThreshold = getParamValue(KEY_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_REDUCE_THRESHOLD, parameterList,

        if (((readChildrenPatternComparator == null && childrenPatternComparator == null)
                && readAttributeListComparator != null)
                || (readChildrenPatternComparator != null
                        && (readAttributeListComparator == null && attributeListComparator == null))) {
            throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                    "If a 'childrenPatternComparator' is specified, an 'attributeListComparator' must be specified as well via command line or properties file and vice versa");
        } else if (readChildrenPatternComparator != null || readAttributeListComparator != null) {
            if ((readChildrenPatternComparator != null && readAttributeListComparator != null))
                if ((readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NO)
                        && !readAttributeListComparator.equals(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_NO))
                        || (!readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NO)
                                && readAttributeListComparator.equals(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_NO))) {
                    throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                            "If a 'childrenPatternComparator' is specified to no, 'attributeListComparator' must be specified as well to no and vice versa");
            if (readChildrenPatternComparator != null)
                setChildrenPatternComparator(readChildrenPatternComparator, readReduceThreshold);
            if (readAttributeListComparator != null)

        String snReadChildrenPatternComparator = getParamValue(KEY_SAME_NAME_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR,
        String snReadAttributeListComparator = getParamValue(KEY_SAME_NAME_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR,
                parameterList, DEFAULT_REDUCE_THRESHOLD);
        if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator != null || snReadAttributeListComparator != null) {

            if ((childrenPatternComparator == null || attributeListComparator == null)
                    && !((snReadChildrenPatternComparator != null && snChildrenPatternComparator == null)
                            && (snReadAttributeListComparator != null && snAttributeListComparator == null))) {
                throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                        "If same name comparators are defined when normal comparators are not defined, both same name comparators must be defined via properties file or command line");

            if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator != null)
                setSnChildrenPatternComparator(snReadChildrenPatternComparator, snReadReduceThreshold);
            if (snReadAttributeListComparator != null)

        String readEnumsComparator = getParamValue(KEY_ENUMS_COMPARATOR, parameterList);
        String readEnumComparatorThreshold = getParamValue(KEY_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_THRESHOLD, parameterList,
        if (readEnumsComparator != null) {
            setEnumsComparator(readEnumsComparator, readEnumComparatorThreshold);

        String readSnEnumsComparator = getParamValue(KEY_SAME_NAME_ENUMS_COMPARATOR, parameterList);
        String readSnEnumComparatorThreshold = getParamValue(KEY_SAME_NAME_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_THRESHOLD,
                parameterList, DEFAULT_ENUM_COMPARATORS_THRESHOLD);
        if (readSnEnumsComparator != null) {
            setSnEnumsComparator(readSnEnumsComparator, readSnEnumComparatorThreshold);

        String readAvoidSore = getParamIsCheckedOrUnchecked(KEY_AVOID_SORE, parameterList);
        if (readAvoidSore != null) {

        String readTryECHARE = getParamIsCheckedOrUnchecked(KEY_TRY_ECHARE, parameterList);
        if (readTryECHARE != null) {

        Set<String> foundOptimizersValues = getParamValues(KEY_MULTIPLE_OPTIMIZERS, parameterList);
        if (!foundOptimizersValues.isEmpty()) {

        String readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround = getParamIsCheckedOrUnchecked(
        if (readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround != null) {

        String readElementsGlobal = getParamIsCheckedOrUnchecked(KEY_ELEMENTS_GLOBAL, parameterList);
        if (readElementsGlobal != null) {

        String readComplexTypesGlobal = getParamIsCheckedOrUnchecked(KEY_COMPLEX_TYPES_GLOBAL, parameterList);
        if (readComplexTypesGlobal != null) {

        String readSimpleTypesGlobal = getParamIsCheckedOrUnchecked(KEY_SIMPLE_TYPES_GLOBAL, parameterList);
        if (readSimpleTypesGlobal != null) {

        String readTypeNamesAncestorSeparator = getParamValue(KEY_TYPE_NAMES_ANCESTORS_SEPARATOR, parameterList);
        if (readTypeNamesAncestorSeparator != null) {

        String readMergedTypesSeparator = getParamValue(KEY_MERGED_TYPES_SEPARATOR, parameterList);
        if (readMergedTypesSeparator != null) {

     * Iterates over a set of Strings and, according to the found values, adds 
     * the correct optimizers. If an invalid value is found, an exception is thrown.
     * @param foundOptimizersValues
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException
     * @throws NullPointerException if foundOptimizerValues is null
    public void addOptimizersFromStringsSet(Set<String> foundOptimizersValues)
            throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException {
        if (foundOptimizersValues == null)
            throw new NullPointerException("'foundOptimizersValues' must not be null");
        Set<RegexOptimizer> tempOptimizers = new HashSet<RegexOptimizer>(foundOptimizersValues.size());
        for (String foundOptimizer : foundOptimizersValues) {
            try {
            } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
                throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException("Unknown optimizer: " + foundOptimizer);
            //         if(foundOptimizer.equalsIgnoreCase(RegexOptimizersFactory.VALUE_OPTIMIZERS_CHOICE)){
            //            tempOptimizers.add(new ChoiceOptimizer());
            //         }
            //         else if(foundOptimizer.equalsIgnoreCase(RegexOptimizersFactory.VALUE_OPTIMIZERS_EMPTYCHILD)){
            //            tempOptimizers.add(new EmptyChildOptimizer());
            //         }
            //         else if(foundOptimizer.equalsIgnoreCase(RegexOptimizersFactory.VALUE_OPTIMIZERS_EMPTY)){
            //            tempOptimizers.add(new EmptyOptimizer());
            //         }
            //         else if(foundOptimizer.equalsIgnoreCase(RegexOptimizersFactory.VALUE_OPTIMIZERS_SINGULAR_REGULAR_EXPRESSION)){
            //            tempOptimizers.add(new SingularRegularExpressionOptimizer());
            //         }
            //         else if(foundOptimizer.equalsIgnoreCase(RegexOptimizersFactory.VALUE_OPTIMIZERS_SEQUENCE)){
            //            tempOptimizers.add(new SequenceOptimizer());
            //         }
            //         else if(foundOptimizer.equalsIgnoreCase(RegexOptimizersFactory.VALUE_OPTIMIZERS_SINGLETON)){
            //            tempOptimizers.add(new SingletonOptimizer());
            //         }
            //         else{
            //            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException("Unknown optimizer: "+foundOptimizer);
            //         }

     * Sets the tryECHARE parameter from a read String
     * @param readTryECHARE
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException if the read String is not valid
     * @throw NullPointerException if a null value is provided
    public void setTryECHARE(String readTryECHARE) throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException {
        if (readTryECHARE == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (!(readTryECHARE.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || readTryECHARE.equalsIgnoreCase("false")))
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    "'tryECHARE' must be a valid boolean: true or false.\n" + readTryECHARE + " is not valid");
        tryECHARE = Boolean.parseBoolean(readTryECHARE);

     * Sets avoidSORE from a read String
     * @param readAvoidSore
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException if the read String is not valid
     * @throw NullPointerException if a null value is provided
    public void setAvoidSORE(String readAvoidSore) throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException {
        if (readAvoidSore == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (!(readAvoidSore.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || readAvoidSore.equalsIgnoreCase("false")))
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    "'readAvoidSore' must be a valid boolean: true or false" + readAvoidSore + " is not valid");
        avoidSORE = Boolean.parseBoolean(readAvoidSore);

     * Sets snEnumsComparator from read Strings. 
     * If a null value is provided, it is set to the same value than enumsComparator.
     * @param readSnEnumsComparator
     * @param readSnEnumsComparatorThreshold threshold value for those comparators that need it. Only mandatory for those comparators.
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException If an unknown value is provided or a null value of readSnEnumComparatorThreshold is given when the comparator needs it.
    public void setSnEnumsComparator(String readSnEnumsComparator, String readSnEnumsComparatorThreshold)
            throws XSDConfigurationException {
        if (readSnEnumsComparator == null) {
            snEnumsComparator = enumsComparator;
        if (readSnEnumsComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_MIN_INTERSECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL)) {
            snEnumsComparator = new MinIntersectionBidirectionalEnumComparator(
        } else if (readSnEnumsComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_MIN_INTERSECTION_UNIDIRECTIONAL)) {
            snEnumsComparator = new MinIntersectionUnidirectionalEnumComparator(
        } else if (readSnEnumsComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_NO)) {
            snEnumsComparator = null;
        } else {
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    "Unknown enumsComparator: " + readSnEnumsComparator);

     * Sets enumsComparator from read Strings
     * @param readEnumsComparator
     * @param readEnumsComparatorThreshold threshold value for those comparators that need it. Only mandatory for those comparators.
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException If an unknown value is provided or a null value of readEnumComparatorThreshold is given when the comparator needs it.
     * @throws NullPointerException if a null readEnumsComparator is provided
    public void setEnumsComparator(String readEnumsComparator, String readEnumsComparatorThreshold)
            throws XSDConfigurationException {
        if (readEnumsComparator == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (readEnumsComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_MIN_INTERSECTION_BIDIRECTIONAL)) {
            enumsComparator = new MinIntersectionBidirectionalEnumComparator(
        } else if (readEnumsComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_MIN_INTERSECTION_UNIDIRECTIONAL)) {
            enumsComparator = new MinIntersectionUnidirectionalEnumComparator(
        } else if (readEnumsComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ENUMS_COMPARATOR_NO)) {
            enumsComparator = null;
        } else {
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException("Unknown enumsComparator: " + readEnumsComparator);

     * Sets snAttributeComparator from a read String.
     * If a null value is provided, snAttributeComparator is set to the same value that attributeComparator.
     * @param snReadAttributeListComparator
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException if an invalid value is provided
    public void setSnAttributeListComparator(String snReadAttributeListComparator)
            throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException {

        if (snReadAttributeListComparator == null) {
            snAttributeListComparator = attributeListComparator;
        } else if (snReadAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_EQUALS)) {
            snAttributeListComparator = new EqualsAttributeComparator();
        } else if (snReadAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_MERGE)) {
            snAttributeListComparator = new MergeAttributeComparator();
        } else if (snReadAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_SAME)) {
            snAttributeListComparator = new SameAttributeComparator();
        } else if (snReadAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_STRICT)) {
            snAttributeListComparator = new StrictAttributeComparator();
        } else if (snReadAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_NO)) {
            snAttributeListComparator = null;
        } else {
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException("Unknown same name attribute list comparator");

     * Sets snChildrenPatternComparator from a read String.
     * If a null value is provided, it is set to the same value than childrenPatternComparator.
     * @param snReadChildrenPatternComparator
     * @param snReadReduceThreshold
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if an invalid value is provided or a reduce pattern comparator is chosen without providing a threshold.
    public void setSnChildrenPatternComparator(String snReadChildrenPatternComparator, String snReadReduceThreshold)
            throws XSDConfigurationException {
        if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator == null) {
            snChildrenPatternComparator = childrenPatternComparator;
        } else if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_EQUALS)) {
            snChildrenPatternComparator = new EqualsPatternComparator();
        } else if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NODEBASED)) {
            snChildrenPatternComparator = new NodeBasedPatternComparator();
        } else if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator
            snChildrenPatternComparator = new NodeSubsumptionPatternComparator();
        } else if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_REDUCE)) {
            if (snReadReduceThreshold == null)
                throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                        "Reduce children pattern comparator has been chosen without providing a threshold");
            snChildrenPatternComparator = new ReducePatternComparator(Float.parseFloat(snReadReduceThreshold));
        } else if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_SUBSUMED)) {
            snChildrenPatternComparator = new SubsumptionPatternComparator();
        } else if (snReadChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NO)) {
            snAttributeListComparator = null;
        } else {
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException("Unknown same name children pattern comparator");

     * Sets attributeListComparator from a read String
     * @param readAttributeListComparator
    public void setAttributeListComparator(String readAttributeListComparator) {
        if (readAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_NO)) {
            attributeListComparator = null;
        } else if (readAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_EQUALS)) {
            attributeListComparator = new EqualsAttributeComparator();
        } else if (readAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_MERGE)) {
            attributeListComparator = new MergeAttributeComparator();
        } else if (readAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_SAME)) {
            attributeListComparator = new SameAttributeComparator();
        } else if (readAttributeListComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_COMPARATOR_STRICT)) {
            attributeListComparator = new StrictAttributeComparator();

     * Sets childrenPatternComparator from a read String.
     * @param readChildrenPatternComparator
     * @param readReduceThreshold
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException if an invalid value is provided or a threshold value is not given when a reduce comparator is chosen.
    public void setChildrenPatternComparator(String readChildrenPatternComparator, String readReduceThreshold)
            throws XSDConfigurationException {
        if (readChildrenPatternComparator == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NO)) {
            childrenPatternComparator = null;
        } else if (readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_EQUALS)) {
            childrenPatternComparator = new EqualsPatternComparator();
        } else if (readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NODEBASED)) {
            childrenPatternComparator = new NodeBasedPatternComparator();
        } else if (readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_NODESUBSUMED)) {
            childrenPatternComparator = new NodeSubsumptionPatternComparator();
        } else if (readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_REDUCE)) {
            childrenPatternComparator = new ReducePatternComparator(Float.parseFloat(readReduceThreshold));
        } else if (readChildrenPatternComparator.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_CHILDREN_PATTERN_COMPARATOR_SUBSUMED)) {
            childrenPatternComparator = new SubsumptionPatternComparator();
        } else {
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException("Unknown children pattern comparator");

     * Sets generateEnumerations from a read String
     * @param readGenerateEnumerations
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException if an invalid value is provided 
    public void setGenerateEnumerations(String readGenerateEnumerations)
            throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException {
        if (!(readGenerateEnumerations.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
                || readGenerateEnumerations.equalsIgnoreCase("false")))
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    "'generateEnumerations' must be a valid boolean: true or false");
        generateEnumerations = Boolean.parseBoolean(readGenerateEnumerations);

     * Sets typeInferencer from a read String
     * @param readTypeInferencer
     * @param localityStr
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if an unknown value is provided or localityStr is null when klocal is chosen.
     * @throws NullPointerException if a null value is passed
    public void setTypeInferencer(String readTypeInferencer, String localityStr) throws XSDConfigurationException {
        if (readTypeInferencer == null) {
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (readTypeInferencer.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_TYPE_INFERENCER_NAME)) {
            typeNameInferencer = new NameTypeNameInferencer();
        } else if ((readTypeInferencer.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_TYPE_INFERENCER_FULLPATH)
                || readTypeInferencer.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_TYPE_INFERENCER_KLOCAL))
                && (elementsGlobal || !strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround)) {
            throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                    "Only a 'name' type name inferencer may be used if elementsGlobal is true or the workaround is disabled. Change it to false prior to set another type name inferencer");
        } else if (readTypeInferencer.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_TYPE_INFERENCER_FULLPATH)) {
            typeNameInferencer = new FullPathTypeNameInferencer();
        } else if (readTypeInferencer.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_TYPE_INFERENCER_KLOCAL)) {
            if (localityStr == null)
                throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                        "A 'klocal' type name inferencer has been specified but the 'locality' parameter is missing");
            typeNameInferencer = new KLocalTypeNameInferencer(Integer.parseInt(localityStr));
        } else {
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    "The value for 'typeNameInferencer' must be: 'klocal', 'name' or 'fullpath' (case-insensitive)");

     * Sets strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround
     * @param readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaroundStr read value as string
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException if an invalid value is given
     * @throws InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException if the workaround is false and the current type name inferencer is not name based.
     * @throws NullPointerException if a null value is passed
    public void setStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround(String readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaroundStr)
            throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException, InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException {
        if (readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaroundStr == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (!(readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaroundStr.equalsIgnoreCase("true")
                || readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaroundStr.equalsIgnoreCase("false")))
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    "'strictValidRootDefinition' must be a valid boolean: true or false");
        boolean readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround = Boolean
        if (!readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround && !(typeNameInferencer instanceof NameTypeNameInferencer)) {
            throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                    "The workaround cannot be false if the type name inferencer is not name based");
        strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround = readStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround;

     * Sets elementsGlobal from a read String
     * @param readElementsGlobalStr
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException if an invalid value is given
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException If the given parameter cannot be set due to a configuration error
     * @throws NullPointerException if a null value is passed
    public void setElementsGlobal(String readElementsGlobalStr)
            throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException, XSDConfigurationException {
        if (readElementsGlobalStr == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (!(readElementsGlobalStr.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || readElementsGlobalStr.equalsIgnoreCase("false")))
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    "'elementsGlobal' must be a valid boolean: true or false");
        boolean readElementsGlobal = Boolean.parseBoolean(readElementsGlobalStr);
        if (readElementsGlobal && !(typeNameInferencer instanceof NameTypeNameInferencer)) {
            throw new InconsistentXSDConfigurationParametersException(
                    "elementsGlobal cannot be set to true if the type name inferencer is not a 'name' type name inferencer.");
        elementsGlobal = readElementsGlobal;

     * Sets complexTypesGlobal from a read String
     * @param readComplexTypesGlobal
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException
     * @throws NullPointerException if a null value is passed
    public void setComplexTypesGlobal(String readComplexTypesGlobal)
            throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException {
        if (readComplexTypesGlobal == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();
        if (!(readComplexTypesGlobal.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || readComplexTypesGlobal.equalsIgnoreCase("false")))
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    "'elementsGlobal' must be a valid boolean: true or false");
        complexTypesGlobal = Boolean.parseBoolean(readComplexTypesGlobal);

     * Sets simpleTypesGlobal from a read String
     * @param readSimpleTypesGlobal
     * @throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException
     * @throws NullPointerException if a null value is passed
    public void setSimpleTypesGlobal(String readSimpleTypesGlobal)
            throws InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException {
        if (readSimpleTypesGlobal == null)
            throw new NullPointerException();

        if (!(readSimpleTypesGlobal.equalsIgnoreCase("true") || readSimpleTypesGlobal.equalsIgnoreCase("false")))
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    "'elementsGlobal' must be a valid boolean: true or false");
        simpleTypesGlobal = Boolean.parseBoolean(readSimpleTypesGlobal);

    public XSDInferenceConfiguration(File file, String[] cmdLineArgs) {


     * @return the mainNamespace
    public String getMainNamespace() {
        return mainNamespace;

     * @return the skipNamespaces
    public List<String> getSkipNamespaces() {
        return skipNamespaces;

     * @return the typeNameInferencer
    public TypeNameInferencer getTypeNameInferencer() {
        return typeNameInferencer;

     * @return the simpleTypeInferencer
    public String getSimpleTypeInferencer() {
        return simpleTypeInferencer;

     * @return the attributeListInferencer
    public String getAttributeListInferencer() {
        return attributeListInferencer;

     * @return the generateEnumerations
    public boolean getGenerateEnumerations() {
        return generateEnumerations;

     * @return the minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum
    public int getMinNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum() {
        return minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum;

     * @return the maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum
    public int getMaxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum() {
        return maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum;

     * @return the childrenPatternComparator
    public ChildrenPatternComparator getChildrenPatternComparator() {
        return childrenPatternComparator;

     * @return the attributeComparator
    public AttributeListComparator getAttributeListComparator() {
        return attributeListComparator;

     * @return the snChildrenPatternComparator
    public ChildrenPatternComparator getSnChildrenPatternComparator() {
        return snChildrenPatternComparator;

     * @return the snAttributeComparator
    public AttributeListComparator getSnAttributeListComparator() {
        return snAttributeListComparator;

     * @return the snEnumsComparator
    public EnumComparator getSnEnumsComparator() {
        return snEnumsComparator;

     * @return the tryECHARE
    public boolean getTryECHARE() {
        return tryECHARE;

     * @return the avoidSORE
    public boolean getAvoidSORE() {
        return avoidSORE;

     * @return the optimizers
    public List<RegexOptimizer> getOptimizers() {
        return optimizers;

     * @return the strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround
    public boolean getStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround() {
        return strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround;

     * @return the elementsGlobal
    public boolean getElementsGlobal() {
        return elementsGlobal;

     * @return the complexTypesGlobal
    public boolean getComplexTypesGlobal() {
        return complexTypesGlobal;

     * @return the simpleTypesGlobal
    public boolean getSimpleTypesGlobal() {
        return simpleTypesGlobal;

     * @return the typeNamesAncestorsSeparator
    public String getTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator() {
        return typeNamesAncestorsSeparator;

     * @return the mergedTypesSeparator
    public String getMergedTypesSeparator() {
        return mergedTypesSeparator;

     * @param mainNamespace the mainNamespace to set
    public void setMaintNamespace(String mainNamespace) {
        this.mainNamespace = mainNamespace;

     * @param skipNamespaces the skipNamespaces to set
    public void setSkipNamespaces(List<String> skipNamespaces) {
        this.skipNamespaces = skipNamespaces;

     * @param typeNameInferencer the typeNameInferencer to set
    public void setTypeNameInferencer(TypeNameInferencer typeNameInferencer) {
        this.typeNameInferencer = typeNameInferencer;

     * @param simpleTypeInferencer the simpleTypeInferencer to set
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException If the provided value would lead to an error.
    public void setSimpleTypeInferencer(String simpleTypeInferencer) throws XSDConfigurationException {
        if (!simpleTypeInferencer.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_SIMPLE_TYPE_INFERENCER_DEFAULTIMPL))
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException("Unknown simple type inferencer");
        this.simpleTypeInferencer = simpleTypeInferencer;

     * @param attributeListInferencer the attributeListInferencer to set
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException If the provided value would lead to an error.
    public void setAttributeListInferencer(String attributeListInferencer) throws XSDConfigurationException {
        if (!attributeListInferencer.equalsIgnoreCase(VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_INFERENCER_DEFAULTIMPL))
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException("Unknown attribute list inferencer");
        this.attributeListInferencer = VALUE_ATTRIBUTE_LIST_INFERENCER_DEFAULTIMPL;

     * @param generateEnumerations the generateEnumerations to set
    public void setGenerateEnumerations(boolean generateEnumerations) {
        this.generateEnumerations = generateEnumerations;

     * @param minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum the minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum to set
    public void setMinNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum(int minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum) {
        this.minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = minNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum;

     * @param maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum the maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum to set
    public void setMaxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum(int maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum) {
        this.maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum = maxNumberOfDistinctValuesToEnum;

     * @param childrenPatternComparator the childrenPatternComparator to set
    public void setChildrenPatternComparator(ChildrenPatternComparator childrenPatternComparator) {
        this.childrenPatternComparator = childrenPatternComparator;

     * @param attributeComparator the attributeComparator to set
    public void setAttributeListComparator(AttributeListComparator attributeComparator) {
        this.attributeListComparator = attributeComparator;

     * @param snChildrenPatternComparator the snChildrenPatternComparator to set
    public void setSnChildrenPatternComparator(ChildrenPatternComparator snChildrenPatternComparator) {
        this.snChildrenPatternComparator = snChildrenPatternComparator;

     * @param snAttributeComparator the snAttributeComparator to set
    public void setSnAttributeListComparator(AttributeListComparator snAttributeComparator) {
        this.snAttributeListComparator = snAttributeComparator;

     * @param snEnumsComparator the snEnumsComparator to set
    public void setSnEnumsComparator(EnumComparator snEnumsComparator) {
        this.snEnumsComparator = snEnumsComparator;

     * @param tryECHARE the tryECHARE to set
    public void setTryECHARE(boolean tryECHARE) {
        this.tryECHARE = tryECHARE;

     * @param avoidSORE the avoidSORE to set
    public void setAvoidSORE(boolean avoidSORE) {
        this.avoidSORE = avoidSORE;

     * @param optimizers the optimizers to set
    public void setOptimizers(List<RegexOptimizer> optimizers) {
        this.optimizers = optimizers;

     * @param strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround the strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround to set
    public void setStrictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround(boolean strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround) {
        this.strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround = strictValidRootDefinitionWorkaround;

     * @param elementsGlobal the elementsGlobal to set
    public void setElementsGlobal(boolean elementsGlobal) {
        this.elementsGlobal = elementsGlobal;

     * @param complexTypesGlobal the complexTypesGlobal to set
    public void setComplexTypesGlobal(boolean complexTypesGlobal) {
        this.complexTypesGlobal = complexTypesGlobal;

     * @param simpleTypesGlobal the simpleTypesGlobal to set
    public void setSimpleTypesGlobal(boolean simpleTypesGlobal) {
        this.simpleTypesGlobal = simpleTypesGlobal;

     * @param typeNamesAncestorsSeparator the typeNamesAncestorsSeparator to set
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if the value provided is not a valid NCName
    public void setTypeNamesAncestorsSeparator(String typeNamesAncestorsSeparator)
            throws XSDConfigurationException {
        if (!XML11Char.isXML11ValidNCName("a" + typeNamesAncestorsSeparator))//Workaround so that all the characters are treated as non-first characters
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(
                    typeNamesAncestorsSeparator + " is not a valid NCName");
        this.typeNamesAncestorsSeparator = typeNamesAncestorsSeparator;

     * @param mergedTypesSeparator the mergedTypesSeparator to set
     * @throws XSDConfigurationException if the value provided is not a valid NCName
    public void setMergedTypesSeparator(String mergedTypesSeparator) throws XSDConfigurationException {
        if (!XML11Char.isXML11ValidNCName("a" + mergedTypesSeparator))//Workaround so that all the characters are treated as non-first characters
            throw new InvalidXSDConfigurationParameterException(mergedTypesSeparator + " is not a valid NCName");
        this.mergedTypesSeparator = mergedTypesSeparator;

     * @return the enumsComparator
    public EnumComparator getEnumsComparator() {
        return enumsComparator;

     * @param enumsComparator the enumsComparator to set
    public void setEnumsComparator(EnumComparator enumsComparator) {
        this.enumsComparator = enumsComparator;

     * @return the workingFormat
    public String getWorkingFormat() {
        return workingFormat;

     * @param workingFormat the workingFormat to set (only "xml" and "json" values are allowed and are converted to lower case)
    public void setWorkingFormat(String workingFormat) {
        String workingFormatLC = workingFormat.toLowerCase();
        if (!(workingFormatLC.equals(VALUE_WORKING_FORMAT_XML)
                || workingFormatLC.equals(VALUE_WORKING_FORMAT_JSON))) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "Provided value " + workingFormat + " is not either 'xml' or 'json' and it should.");
        this.workingFormat = workingFormatLC;