Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010 Grupo Integrado de Ingeniera * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.evaluate.EvaluationStrategy; import; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.operator.OperatorChain; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.operator.evaluate.EvaluationOperator; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.operator.replace.ReplaceOperator; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.operator.reproduction.ReproductionOperator; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.operator.selection.SelectionOperator; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.population.Individual; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.population.Population; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.productTrader.specification.BestIndividualSpecification; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.productTrader.specification.WorstIndividualSpecification; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.algorithm.restart.RestartStrategy; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.config.Configurable; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.problem.Problem; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.stoptest.CompositeStopTest; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.stoptest.EvolveGenerationsStopTest; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.stoptest.FEsStopTest; import es.udc.gii.common.eaf.stoptest.StopTest; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Observable; import org.apache.commons.configuration.Configuration; /* * This class represents an evolutionary algorithm. This algorithm it will be used to resolve a * problem. <p/> * * @author Grupo Integrado de Ingeniera (<a href=""></a>) @since * 1.0 */ public abstract class EvolutionaryAlgorithm extends Observable implements Configurable { //Estado inicial: en el que se genera la poblacion inicial. public final static int INIT_STATE = 0; // Rafa: Cambio los atributos de clase a final para que sean constantes. //Evaluacion de la poblacion inicial: public final static int INIT_EVALUATE_STATE = 1; //Antes de la seleccion: public final static int SELECT_STATE = 2; public final static int REPRODUCTION_STATE = 3; public final static int EVALUATE_STATE = 4; public final static int REPLACE_STATE = 5; public final static int FINAL_STATE = 6; public final static int CLOSE_LOGS_STATE = 7; public final static int PRE_EVALUATION_STATE = 8; protected int state; private Population population; private Population new_population; private EvaluationStrategy evaluationStrategy; private RestartStrategy restartStrategy; private OperatorChain<SelectionOperator> selectionChain; private OperatorChain<ReproductionOperator> reproductionChain; private OperatorChain<ReplaceOperator> replaceChain; private OperatorChain<EvaluationOperator> evalChain; private Problem problem; protected int generations; private int FEs = 1; private boolean finish = false; private int maxGenerations = 0; private int maxEvaluations = 0; private FitnessComparator<Individual> comparator = null; private StopTest stopTest; private StopTest restartTest; private String userTag = ""; // This allows the user to use a custom init population instead of a // random one private boolean useCustomInitPopulation = false; private List<Individual> fitness_history; private int fitness_history_capacity = -1; //27-02-2010: se implementa el mtodo best_ever para cuando haya //tcnica de reemplazo que se guarde //el mejor individuo que se haya encontrado hasta ese momento. //getBestIndividual sigue devolviendo //el mejor de la poblacin, pero bestEver devuelve el mejor. private Individual best_ever_individual; //04-09-2013: "debug" boolean parameter to indicate if debug messages are printed or not. //false by default private boolean debug = false; public EvolutionaryAlgorithm() { } public String getUserTag() { return userTag; } public void setUserTag(String userTag) { this.userTag = userTag; } public Population getPopulation() { return population; } public void setPopulation(Population population) { this.population = population; } public EvaluationStrategy getEvaluationStrategy() { return evaluationStrategy; } public void setEvaluationStrategy(EvaluationStrategy evaluationStrategy) { this.evaluationStrategy = evaluationStrategy; } public RestartStrategy getRestartStrategy() { return restartStrategy; } public void setRestartStrategy(RestartStrategy restartStrategy) { this.restartStrategy = restartStrategy; } public OperatorChain<SelectionOperator> getSelectionChain() { return selectionChain; } public void setSelectionChain(OperatorChain<SelectionOperator> selectionChain) { this.selectionChain = selectionChain; } public OperatorChain<ReproductionOperator> getReproductionChain() { return reproductionChain; } public void setReproductionChain(OperatorChain<ReproductionOperator> reproductionChain) { this.reproductionChain = reproductionChain; } public OperatorChain<ReplaceOperator> getReplaceChain() { return this.replaceChain; } public void setReplaceChain(OperatorChain<ReplaceOperator> replaceChain) { this.replaceChain = replaceChain; } public OperatorChain<EvaluationOperator> getEvalChain() { return evalChain; } public void setEvalChain(OperatorChain<EvaluationOperator> evalChain) { this.evalChain = evalChain; } public int getGenerations() { return generations; } public int getMaxGenerations() { return this.maxGenerations; } public int getMaxEvaluations() { return this.maxEvaluations; } protected void setMaxEvaluations(int evaluations) { this.maxEvaluations = evaluations; } protected void setMaxGenerations(int generations) { this.maxGenerations = (int) generations; } protected void setMaxEvaluations(StopTest objective) { List<StopTest> stopTests; this.maxEvaluations = -Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (objective instanceof CompositeStopTest) { stopTests = ((CompositeStopTest) objective).getStopTests(); } else { stopTests = (new ArrayList<StopTest>()); stopTests.add(objective); } for (int i = 0; i < stopTests.size(); i++) { if (stopTests.get(i) instanceof FEsStopTest) { this.maxEvaluations = Math.max(this.maxEvaluations, ((FEsStopTest) stopTests.get(i)).getFEs(this)); } } if (this.maxEvaluations == -Integer.MAX_VALUE) { this.maxEvaluations = Math.abs(this.maxEvaluations); } } protected void setMaxGenerations(StopTest objective) { List<StopTest> stopTests; this.maxGenerations = -Integer.MAX_VALUE; if (objective instanceof CompositeStopTest) { stopTests = ((CompositeStopTest) objective).getStopTests(); } else { stopTests = (new ArrayList<StopTest>()); stopTests.add(objective); } for (int i = 0; i < stopTests.size(); i++) { if (stopTests.get(i) instanceof EvolveGenerationsStopTest) { this.maxGenerations = Math.max(this.maxGenerations, ((EvolveGenerationsStopTest) stopTests.get(i)).getGenerations()); } } if (this.maxGenerations == -Integer.MAX_VALUE) { this.maxGenerations = Math.abs(this.maxGenerations); } } public void setProblem(Problem problem) { this.problem = problem; } public Problem getProblem() { return this.problem; } public int getState() { return this.state; } public String getStateString() { switch (this.state) { case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.INIT_STATE: return "INIT_STATE"; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.INIT_EVALUATE_STATE: return "INIT_EVALUATE_STATE"; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.SELECT_STATE: return "SELECT_STATE"; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.REPRODUCTION_STATE: return "REPRODUCTION_STATE"; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.PRE_EVALUATION_STATE: return "PRE_EVALUATION_STATE"; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.EVALUATE_STATE: return "EVALUATE_STATE"; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.REPLACE_STATE: return "REPLACE_STATE"; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.FINAL_STATE: return "FINAL_STATE"; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.CLOSE_LOGS_STATE: return "CLOSE_LOGS_STATE"; default: return ""; } } public void resolve(StopTest objective, int maxGenerations) { this.maxGenerations = maxGenerations; this.resolve(objective); } public void resolve(StopTest objective) { this.generations = 0; this.FEs = 0; this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.INIT_STATE; //TODO: Cambiar esto para que se encargue la factoria de establecerlo: this.stopTest = objective;;; while (objective == null || !objective.isReach(this) /*&& !this.finish*/) { this.step(); };; this.finish = true; } /* * This method allow to execute one step of a generation according to the current state of the * algorithm. If state == EvolutionaryAlgorithm.INIT_STATE: init() If state * ==EvolutionaryAlgorithm.INIT_EVALUATE_STATE: evaluate() If state == * EvolutionaryAlgorithm.SELECT_STATE: select() If state == * EvolutionaryAlgorithm.REPRODUCTION_STATE: reproduce() If state == * EvolutionaryAlgorithm.EVALUATE_STATE: evaluate() If state * ==EvolutionaryAlgorithm.REPLACE_STATE: replace() If state == * EvolutionaryAlgorithm.FINAL_STATE: notify to the observers. If state == * EvolutionaryAlgorithm.CLOSE_LOGS_STATE: notify to the observers. */ public void next() { switch (this.state) { case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.INIT_STATE: this.init(); this.notifyChanges(); this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.INIT_EVALUATE_STATE; this.notifyChanges(); break; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.INIT_EVALUATE_STATE: this.evaluate(this.problem, this.getPopulation()); this.new_population = new Population(); this.notifyChanges(); this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.SELECT_STATE; break; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.SELECT_STATE:; this.notifyChanges(); this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.REPRODUCTION_STATE; break; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.REPRODUCTION_STATE: this.reproduce(this.new_population); this.notifyChanges(); this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.PRE_EVALUATION_STATE; this.notifyChanges(); this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.EVALUATE_STATE; break; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.EVALUATE_STATE: this.evaluate(this.problem, new_population); this.notifyChanges(); this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.REPLACE_STATE; break; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.REPLACE_STATE: this.replace(this.new_population); this.notifyChanges(); //Despus de replace hay que comprobar el test de parada this.generations++; this.problem.resetObjectiveFunctions(); //01 - 07 - 2011 - Aadidas las estrategias de restart, en esta //ltima fase de la generacin se comprueban si se cumple alguna //si se cumple se aplica la estrategia de restart que es la //encargada de poner el nuevo estado del algoritmo. if (this.restartStrategy != null && this.restartTest != null && this.restartTest.isReach(this)) { this.restartStrategy.restart(this); } else if (this.stopTest == null || !this.stopTest.isReach(this)) { this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.SELECT_STATE; } else { this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.FINAL_STATE; //this.finish = true; } break; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.FINAL_STATE: this.notifyChanges(); this.state = EvolutionaryAlgorithm.CLOSE_LOGS_STATE; break; case EvolutionaryAlgorithm.CLOSE_LOGS_STATE: this.notifyChanges(); break; } } /* * This method allows to execute one complete generation. */ public void step() { if (this.state == EvolutionaryAlgorithm.INIT_STATE) { //One step for the init state and the other one for the init_evaluate:;; } do {; } while (this.state != EvolutionaryAlgorithm.SELECT_STATE && this.state != EvolutionaryAlgorithm.FINAL_STATE); } private void notifyChanges() { this.setChanged(); this.notifyObservers(); this.clearChanged(); } protected void init() { if (this.maxGenerations == 0) { this.setMaxGenerations(this.stopTest); } if (this.maxEvaluations == 0) { this.setMaxEvaluations(this.stopTest); } if (!this.useCustomInitPopulation) { this.getPopulation().generate(); } } protected void evaluate(Problem problem, Population population) { if (getEvalChain() != null && getEvalChain().getOperators() != null && !getEvalChain().getOperators().isEmpty()) { population.setIndividuals(getEvalChain().execute(this, population)); this.setFEs(this.getFEs() + population.getSize()); } else if (this.getEvaluationStrategy() != null) { //21 - 06 - 2011 : Se aade la posibilidad de que no exista //evaluacin en el algoritmo. this.getEvaluationStrategy().evaluate(this, population.getIndividuals(), problem.getObjectiveFunctions(), problem.getConstraints()); this.setFEs(this.getFEs() + population.getSize()); } //16 - 02 - 2012: Se aade el histrico de calidad, es una FIFO, //si existe se inserta la calidad del mejor individuo: if (this.fitness_history != null) { if (this.fitness_history.size() == this.fitness_history_capacity) { this.fitness_history.set(this.getGenerations() % this.fitness_history_capacity, this.getBestIndividual()); } else { this.fitness_history.add(this.getBestIndividual()); } } } protected void select(Population toPopulation) { if (this.getSelectionChain() != null) { toPopulation.setIndividuals(this.getSelectionChain().execute(this, this.getPopulation())); } else { toPopulation.setIndividuals(this.getPopulation().getIndividualsCopy()); } } protected void reproduce(Population population) { population.setIndividuals(this.getReproductionChain().execute(this, population)); } protected void replace(Population toPopulation) { if (this.getReplaceChain() != null) { this.getPopulation().setIndividuals(this.getReplaceChain().execute(this, toPopulation)); } else { this.getPopulation().setIndividuals(toPopulation.getIndividuals()); } updateBestEver(); } public void evaluate(Individual individual) { this.evaluationStrategy.evaluate(this, individual, this.problem.getObjectiveFunctions(), this.problem.getConstraints()); this.setFEs(this.getFEs() + 1); } public void evaluate(List<Individual> individuals) { this.evaluationStrategy.evaluate(this, individuals, this.problem.getObjectiveFunctions(), this.problem.getConstraints()); this.setFEs(this.getFEs() + individuals.size()); } public int getFEs() { return FEs; } public void setFEs(int FEs) { this.FEs = FEs; } public void setFinish(boolean finish) { this.finish = finish; } @Override public void configure(Configuration conf) { try { setComparator((FitnessComparator) Class.forName(conf.getString("Comparator")).newInstance()); setUseCustomInitPopulation(conf.containsKey("UseCustomRandomInitPopulation")); setDebug(conf.containsKey("Debug")); if (conf.containsKey("FitnessHistoryCapacity")) { this.fitness_history_capacity = conf.getInt("FitnessHistoryCapacity"); this.fitness_history = new ArrayList<Individual>(); } else { this.fitness_history = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { System.exit(0); } } public boolean isDebug() { return debug; } public void setDebug(boolean debug) { this.debug = debug; } public boolean isUseCustomInitPopulation() { return useCustomInitPopulation; } public void setUseCustomInitPopulation(boolean useCustomInitPopulation) { this.useCustomInitPopulation = useCustomInitPopulation; } public boolean getFinish() { return this.finish; } public void updateParameters() { } public String getAlgorithmID() { return "EA"; } public FitnessComparator<Individual> getComparator() { return comparator; } public void setComparator(FitnessComparator<Individual> comparator) { this.comparator = comparator; } public StopTest getStopTest() { return stopTest; } public void setStopTest(StopTest stopTest) { this.stopTest = stopTest; } public StopTest getRestartTest() { return restartTest; } public void setRestartTest(StopTest restartTest) { this.restartTest = restartTest; } public Individual getBestIndividual() { BestIndividualSpecification spec = new BestIndividualSpecification(); return spec.get(this.population.getIndividuals(), 1, this.comparator).get(0); } public Individual getWorstIndividual() { WorstIndividualSpecification spec = new WorstIndividualSpecification(); return spec.get(this.population.getIndividuals(), 1, this.comparator).get(0); } public void setState(int state) { this.state = state; } public List<Individual> getFitnessHistory() { return this.fitness_history; } public void setFitnessHistory(List<Individual> fitness_history) { this.fitness_history = fitness_history; } public void setFitnessHistoryCapacity(int fitnessHistoryCapacity) { this.fitness_history_capacity = fitnessHistoryCapacity; } public void setPopulationSize(int new_pop_size) { this.getPopulation().modifyPopulationSize(new_pop_size); } private void updateBestEver() { if (this.best_ever_individual == null) { this.best_ever_individual = this.getBestIndividual(); } else { if (, this.getBestIndividual()) >= 1) { this.best_ever_individual = (Individual) this.getBestIndividual().clone(); } } } public Individual getBestEverIndividual() { return this.best_ever_individual; } public Population getNewPopulation() { return this.new_population; } }