Java tutorial
/** * AC - A source-code copy detector * * For more information please visit: * * **************************************************************************** * * This file is part of AC, version 2.0 * * AC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * AC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with AC. If not, see <>. */ /* * * * Created on May 22, 2006, 6:59 PM * Original Author: Manuel Freire ( */ package es.ucm.fdi.clover.layout; import es.ucm.fdi.clover.model.BaseGraph; import java.awt.geom.Rectangle2D; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import java.util.StringTokenizer; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom2.Element; /** * Stores previous layouts in a mixed LRU/max-available-mem approach * * @author mfreire */ public class LayoutCache { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(LayoutCache.class); /** max elements in strong cache */ private int maxSize; /** lru bookkeeping for strong cache */ private TreeSet<SavedLayout> lru; /** the cache itself (lru'd + memory-bounded) */ private HashMap<CacheKey, SavedLayout> cache; /** default size, used if nobody cares */ private static int defaultSize = 10; /** * Internal class that represents a cached view; cached views always use * layout coordinates. */ private static class SavedLayout implements Comparable { protected int lastAccess; protected CacheKey key; protected HashMap<Object, Rectangle2D> data; /** global 'time' counter */ private static int currentTime = 0; private SavedLayout(CacheKey key, HashMap<Object, Rectangle2D> data) { lastAccess = Integer.MIN_VALUE; updateAccess(); this.key = key; = data; } public void updateAccess() { lastAccess = currentTime++; } public CacheKey getKey() { return key; } public HashMap<Object, Rectangle2D> getData() { return data; } public int compareTo(Object o) { return lastAccess - ((SavedLayout) o).lastAccess; } } /** * Creates a new instance, with default lru-enforced size */ public LayoutCache() { this(defaultSize); } /** * Creates a new instance of LayoutCache */ public LayoutCache(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; lru = new TreeSet<SavedLayout>(); cache = new HashMap<CacheKey, SavedLayout>(); } /** * Change the max number of elements in strong cache */ public void setSize(int maxSize) { this.maxSize = maxSize; while (lru.size() > maxSize) { lru.remove(lru.first()); } } /** * Internal class to represent a cache hit. Includes both the actual hit * data and the score that this match achieved */ public static class CacheHit { private HashMap<Object, Rectangle2D> data; private double score; public CacheHit(HashMap<Object, Rectangle2D> data, double score) { = data; this.score = score; } public HashMap<Object, Rectangle2D> getData() { return data; } public double getScore() { return score; } } /** * Find a match for a previous layout. Uses key to look for exact matches, * and vertices to look for worse matches. If no perfect match and no * sloppy match better than minScore is found, returns 'null'. */ public CacheHit get(CacheKey key, double minScore) { SavedLayout currentLayout = null; double currentScore; log.debug("Looking up key = " + key); currentLayout = cache.get(key); if (currentLayout == null) { log.debug("\tCache *near* miss, reverting to sloppy matching"); } else { log.debug("\tCache hit; but checking secondary"); currentScore = currentLayout.getKey().scoreAgainst(key); if (currentScore >= minScore) { log.debug("\tCache hit confirmed; score = " + currentScore); hit(currentLayout); return new CacheHit(currentLayout.getData(), currentScore); } } // sloppy match SavedLayout bestLayout = null; double bestScore = Double.MIN_VALUE; for (SavedLayout current : cache.values()) { if (current == null) { continue; } currentScore = current.getKey().scoreAgainst(key); if (currentScore > bestScore) { bestScore = currentScore; bestLayout = current; log.debug("\tBest sloppy is: " + bestScore); } } if (bestLayout == null || bestScore < minScore) { log.debug("\tCache miss is final: nothing, or not good enough (" + bestScore + ")"); return null; } else { log.debug("\tSloppy is good enough, returning; score = " + bestScore); hit(bestLayout); return new CacheHit(bestLayout.getData(), bestScore); } } /** * Add a new layout */ public void put(CacheKey key, HashMap<Object, Rectangle2D> layout) { log.debug("Added/refreshed layout for key " + key); SavedLayout toSave = new SavedLayout(key, layout); hit(toSave); cache.put(key, toSave); } /** * Hit a layout: * - if in lru, remove it * - if size is exceeded, remove least-recently-used until size ok * - update timestamp * - add again to lru list */ private void hit(SavedLayout sl) { lru.remove(sl); while (lru.size() >= maxSize) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Limit reached; removed:" + dumpSingle(lru.first())); } lru.remove(lru.first()); } sl.updateAccess(); ArrayList<SavedLayout> toRemove = new ArrayList<SavedLayout>(); for (SavedLayout saved : lru) { if (cache.get(saved.getKey()) != saved) { toRemove.add(saved); } } lru.removeAll(toRemove); lru.add(sl); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Added:" + dumpSingle(sl)); } } /** * Dumps the current contents of the layout cache - * good for debugging purposes */ public String dump(BaseGraph g) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); int i = 0; int check = 0; for (SavedLayout current : cache.values()) { i++; for (Rectangle2D r : current.getData().values()) { check += r.getCenterX() - r.getCenterY(); } sb.append("" + i + ": " + current.lastAccess + " (" + check + ") - " + + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } public String dumpSingle(SavedLayout sl) { int check = 0; for (Rectangle2D r : sl.getData().values()) { check += r.getCenterX() - r.getCenterY(); } return sl.lastAccess + " (" + check + ") - " + sl.getKey() + "\n"; } /** * Save a layoutCache to a jdom element */ public void save(Element e, BaseGraph g) { e.setAttribute("maxSize", "" + maxSize); for (CacheKey key : cache.keySet()) { SavedLayout sl = cache.get(key); if (sl == null) continue; Element entry = new Element("entry"); entry.setAttribute("key",; for (Object o : sl.getData().keySet()) { Rectangle2D r = sl.getData().get(o); Element box = new Element("box"); box.setAttribute("id", "" + g.getId(o)); box.setAttribute("x", "" + r.getX()); box.setAttribute("y", "" + r.getY()); box.setAttribute("w", "" + r.getWidth()); box.setAttribute("h", "" + r.getHeight()); entry.addContent(box); } e.addContent(entry); } } /** * Load a layoutCache from a JDom element */ public void restore(Element e, BaseGraph g) { setSize(Integer.parseInt(e.getAttributeValue("maxSize"))); for (Element entry : (List<Element>) e.getChildren()) { CacheKey key = new CacheKey(entry.getAttributeValue("key"), g); // System.err.println("processing "+entry.getAttributeValue("key")); HashMap<String, Object> idToVertex = key.getIdMappings(g); HashMap<Object, Rectangle2D> boxes = new HashMap<Object, Rectangle2D>(); for (Element box : (List<Element>) entry.getChildren()) { Object o = idToVertex.get(box.getAttributeValue("id")); Rectangle2D rect = new Rectangle2D.Float(Float.parseFloat(box.getAttributeValue("x")), Float.parseFloat(box.getAttributeValue("y")), Float.parseFloat(box.getAttributeValue("w")), Float.parseFloat(box.getAttributeValue("h"))); boxes.put(o, rect); } put(key, boxes); } } /** * Empties the cache from all saved views */ public void clear() { lru.clear(); cache.clear(); } }