Java tutorial
/** * AC - A source-code copy detector * * For more information please visit: * * **************************************************************************** * * This file is part of AC, version 2.0 * * AC is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the * terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, * or (at your option) any later version. * * AC is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with AC. If not, see <>. */ package; import; import; import; import; import es.ucm.fdi.util.FileUtils; import es.ucm.fdi.util.XMLSerializable; import; import; import java.nio.file.Files; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.tree.TreePath; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.jdom2.Element; /** * Describes a source and a filters used to arrive to a set of * submissions to analyze. * * @author mfreire */ public class SourceSet implements XMLSerializable { private static final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(SourceSet.class); private final ArrayList<FileTreeNode> sourceRoots = new ArrayList<FileTreeNode>(); private final CompositeFilter rootFilter = new CompositeFilter(); private final CompositeFilter sourceFilter = new CompositeFilter(); private FileTreeNode filteredTree = null; public SourceSet() { } public SourceSet(File d) { sourceRoots.add(new FileTreeNode(d, null)); } /** * The ugly way to initialize a sourceSet. Discards all filter * information, and exports everything to a temporary folder. * @param dn */ public SourceSet(FileTreeNode dn) throws IOException { File d = Files.createTempDirectory("ac-").toFile(); d.deleteOnExit(); export(dn, d);"Exported sources to " + d.getAbsolutePath()); FileTreeModel roots = new FileTreeModel(); for (FileTreeNode root : sourceRoots) { roots.addSource(root); } filteredTree = (FileTreeNode) roots.getRoot(); } public Element saveToXML() throws IOException { Element sourcesElement = new Element("sources"); // Create and add roots node Hasher h = new Hasher(); Element rootsElement = new Element("roots"); for (FileTreeNode sourceRoot : sourceRoots) { // Create node Element rootElement = new Element("root"); rootElement.setAttribute("path", sourceRoot.toString()); rootElement.setAttribute("sha1", h.showBytes(h.hash(sourceRoot.getFile()).getSha1())); // Add node rootsElement.addContent(rootElement); } sourcesElement.addContent(rootsElement); Element mainFilterElement; // Create and add rootFilter node Element rootFilterElement = new Element("rootFilter"); mainFilterElement = rootFilter.saveToXML(); mainFilterElement.setName("filter"); rootFilterElement.addContent(mainFilterElement); sourcesElement.addContent(rootFilterElement); // Create and add fileFilter node Element fileFilterElement = new Element("fileFilter"); mainFilterElement = sourceFilter.saveToXML(); mainFilterElement.setName("filter"); fileFilterElement.addContent(mainFilterElement); sourcesElement.addContent(fileFilterElement); return sourcesElement; } private void loadFilter(Element filterElement, CompositeFilter target) throws IOException { target.clear(); target.loadFromXML(filterElement); } public void loadFromXML(Element element) throws IOException { // Load sources Element rootsElement = element.getChild("roots"); loadRoots(rootsElement); // Load root & source filters loadFilter(element.getChild("rootFilter"), rootFilter); loadFilter(element.getChild("rootFilter"), sourceFilter); filteredTree = null; } /** * Applies all filters. May be expensive, depending on the filters. */ public void buildFilteredTree() { FileTreeModel roots = new FileTreeModel(); for (FileTreeNode root : sourceRoots) { roots.addSource(root); } // Filter roots to reach actual inputs HashSet<FileTreeNode> valid = new HashSet<>(); for (TreePath tp : roots.findWithFilter(rootFilter, false, false)) { valid.add((FileTreeNode) tp.getLastPathComponent()); } FileTreeModel subTree = new FileTreeModel(); for (FileTreeNode sn : valid) {"Valid root: " + sn.getLabel()); subTree.addSource(sn); } // Filter unnecessary files from each submission valid.clear(); for (TreePath tp : subTree.findWithFilter(sourceFilter, true, false)) { valid.add((FileTreeNode) tp.getLastPathComponent()); } boolean removedSomething = true; while (removedSomething) { removedSomething = false; ArrayList<FileTreeNode> leaves = subTree.getAllTerminals(); for (FileTreeNode ln : leaves) { if (!valid.contains(ln)) {"Removing bad: " + ln.getFile().getName()); subTree.removeNodeFromParent(ln); removedSomething = true; } } } filteredTree = (FileTreeNode) subTree.getRoot(); } /** * @return the filtered tree. If you suspect that it may not be up-to-date, * run buildFilteredTree first. */ public FileTreeNode getFilteredTree() { if (filteredTree == null) { buildFilteredTree(); } return filteredTree; } /** * Writes (exports) a FileTreeNode's contents to a directory. * This allows all filters and roots to be discarded on the result. * @param sourceTree to export * @param targetDirectory where it will be saved * @throws IOException */ public void export(FileTreeNode sourceTree, File targetDirectory) throws IOException { for (FileTreeNode dn : sourceTree.getChildren()) { // each of these first-level nodes will be a source root File dir = new File(targetDirectory, dn.getLabel()); dir.mkdir(); FileTreeNode newRoot = new FileTreeNode(dir, null); sourceRoots.add(newRoot); for (FileTreeNode fn : dn.getLeafChildren()) {"child for root " + dn.getLabel() + ": " + fn.getLabel()); File target = new File(dir, fn.getLabel()); FileUtils.copy(fn.getFile(), target); FileTreeNode newNode = new FileTreeNode(target, newRoot); newRoot.insert(newNode, newRoot.getChildCount()); } } } /** * Load mount points given the roots element in sources node. After this * call, every file under each mount point will be added to the sources field of * this instance. * * @param rootsElement roots element in sources node * @throws if mount points can't be loaded, for example * when a wrong digest is found. */ private void loadRoots(Element rootsElement) throws IOException { sourceRoots.clear(); Hasher h = new Hasher(); List<Element> roots = rootsElement.getChildren(); for (Element e : roots) { try { File path = new File(e.getAttributeValue("path")); // Check mount point digest String sha1 = e.getAttributeValue("sha1"); String digest = h.showBytes(h.hash(path).getSha1()); if (!sha1.equals(digest)) { System.err.println("sha is: " + digest); throw new IOException("Wrong checksum for " + path + ". Found something starting with " + digest.substring(0, 10) + ", but expected " + sha1); } else if (!path.exists()) { throw new IOException("Mount point '" + path.getAbsolutePath() + "' not found."); } if (!path.isDirectory()) { System.err.println( "Found mount point '" + path.getAbsolutePath() + "' but it isn't a directory."); } // Add all roots: they'll be filtered afterwards sourceRoots.add(new FileTreeNode(path, null)); } catch (IOException ex) { throw new IOException("Error loading roots", ex); } } } }