Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Empresa desarrolladora: GUADALTEL S.A.
 * Autor: Junta de Andaluca
 * Derechos de explotacin propiedad de la Junta de Andaluca.
 * Este programa es software libre: usted tiene derecho a redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo los trminos de la
 * Licencia EUPL European Public License publicada por el organismo IDABC de la Comisin Europea, en su versin 1.0.
 * o posteriores.
 * Este programa se distribuye de buena fe, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANT?A, incluso sin las presuntas garantas implcitas
 * de USABILIDAD o ADECUACIN A PROPSITO CONCRETO. Para mas informacin consulte la Licencia EUPL European Public
 * License.
 * Usted recibe una copia de la Licencia EUPL European Public License junto con este programa, si por algn motivo no
 * le es posible visualizarla, puede consultarla en la siguiente URL:
 * You should have received a copy of the EUPL European Public License along with this program. If not, see
 * Vous devez avoir reu une copie de la EUPL European Public License avec ce programme. Si non, voir
 * Sie sollten eine Kopie der EUPL European Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm. Wenn nicht, finden Sie da
package es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.presentacion.controlador.impl;

import java.util.Collections;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
import java.util.Set;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.jackrabbit.webdav.DavException;
import org.apache.log4j.Logger;
import org.jboss.seam.ScopeType;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.AutoCreate;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.In;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Name;
import org.jboss.seam.annotations.Scope;
import org.richfaces.event.UploadEvent;
import org.richfaces.model.UploadItem;

import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.exception.PanelException;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.servicios.DataBaseService;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.servicios.RemoteDataBaseService;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.servicios.SchemaService;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.servicios.TableService;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.servicios.TaskService;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.servicios.impl.RemoteDataBaseServiceImpl;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.JDBCConnector;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.PanelSettings;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.SourceNameComparator;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.TaskUtils;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.TasksQueue;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.Utils;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.WebDavExplorer;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.vo.ColumnVO;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.vo.TaskVO;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.DataBase;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.FileType;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Schema;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Source;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Status;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Table;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Task;
import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.utiles.Repository;

 * Seam controller that manages the new geographic information
 * uploads and the geographic information management
 * @author GUADALTEL S.A
public class NewGIController implements Serializable {

     * Private logger
    private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(NewGIController.class);

     * Generated version UID
    private static final long serialVersionUID = -6842369023227810965L;

     * Size limit for local files (MB)
    private int fileLimit = 10;

     * Refresh interval for task progress in milliseconds
    private final Integer updatingInterval = PanelSettings.taskProgressInterval;

     * Service which manages DataBase entities
    private DataBaseService dataBaseService;

     * Service which manages Schema entities
    private SchemaService schemaService;

     * Service which manages Table entities
    private TableService tableService;

     * Service which manages Task entities
    private TaskService taskService;

     * Task for the geographic information configuration
    private TaskVO taskvo;

     * Selected data base
    private DataBase dataBase;

     * Schemas of the selected data base
    private List<Schema> schemas;

     * Selected schema
    private Schema schema;

     * Name of the new schema to create
    private String schemaName;

     * List of tables of the selected schema
    private List<Table> tables;

     * Selected table
    private Table table;

     * Name of the new table to create
    private String tableName;

     * Url of the repository
    private String repositoryUrl;

     * User name who will connect to the repository
    private String repositoryUser;

     * User password used to connect to the repository
    private String repositoryPassword;

     * flag which indicates if the user
     * specified a new repository
    private boolean newRepository;

     * flag which indicates if the user
     * specified a new schema
    private boolean newSchema;

     * Flag which indicates if the selected table
     * or the table name is valid
    private boolean validTable;

     * Repositories configured in the settings file
    private final List<Repository> repositories = PanelSettings.predefinedRepositories;

     * Repository where the user connected to
    private Repository repository;

     * Available files from the selected repository
    private List<Source> repositoryFiles;

     * Configured column types in the settings file
    private final Map<String, Integer> dbTypes = PanelSettings.dataBaseTypes;

     * Configured projections in the settings file
    private final List<String> projections = PanelSettings.projections;

     * the NorDirGeoDir application url
    private final String nordirGeodirUrl = PanelSettings.nordirGeodirUrl;

     * Ticket of the task which is updating the
     * selected table if it exists
    private String runningTaskTableTicket;

     * Flag that indicates the user is on
     * reading head file phase
    private boolean readFilePhase;

     * Flag that indicates the user is on
     * processing file phase
    private boolean processFilePhase;

     * Flag that indicates the user is on
     * uploading file phase
    private boolean uploadingFilePhase;

     * Text of an error related with uploading
     * local file
    private String localFileError;

     * Column of the new coordinate of a
     * CSV file
    private ColumnVO coordinateColumn;

     * Main constructor
    public NewGIController() {
        schemas = new LinkedList<Schema>();
        tables = new LinkedList<Table>();
        taskvo = new TaskVO();

     * This function manages the local file upload
     * @param event upload event sent by the richfaces
     * uploadfile control
    public void processLocalFile(UploadEvent event) {
        localFileError = null;

        // gets its type
        UploadItem uploadFileItem = event.getUploadItem();

        String fileName = uploadFileItem.getFileName();
        String contentType = uploadFileItem.getContentType();
        boolean compressed = Utils.isCompressedFile(contentType);
        FileType type = Utils.getTypeFromContentType(contentType);
        if (type == FileType.UNKNOW) {
            type = Utils.getTypeFromName(fileName);
        // no type defined or Shapefile uncompressed
        if ((type == null) || ((type == FileType.SHAPEFILE) && !compressed)) {
            localFileError = "Tipo de archivo invlido: " + contentType;
            localFileError = localFileError.concat(". Slo se permiten archivos CSV o comprimidos");
        } else {
            // assigns the source to the task
            Source source = new Source();


            // NEXT PHASE --> READ FILE
            readFilePhase = true;

     * This method selects the file from the listed
     * files of the repository
     * @param file the selected file from the repository
    public void selectFile(Source file) {
        // set the source

        // remove and add

        // NEXT PHASE --> READ FILE
        readFilePhase = true;

     * This method initializes the task which reads the file
     * and counts the number of lines
    public void initTask() {

        if (validTable) {
            try {
                // if it is a new schema then creates a new one
                if (isNewSchema()) {
                    schema = new Schema();

                // if it is a new table then creates a new one
                if (!taskvo.getTaskEntity().isUpdate()) {
                    table = new Table();

                // assigns the table to the task entity
                // initializes the task

                // NEXT PHASE --> PROCESS FILE
                processFilePhase = true;
                uploadingFilePhase = false;
            } catch (IOException e) {
                String errorMsg = e.getLocalizedMessage();
                StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errorMsg = "Error al iniciar la tarea: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
                StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);

     * This method starts the task which
     * will process the file
    public void runTask() {
        // generates the ticket

        // checks if the table is valid
        if (validTable) {
            // prepares file columns
            try {

                // no columns
                if (taskvo.getFileColumns().isEmpty()) {
                    StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, "Debe seleccionar al menos una columna");
                } else {
                    // prepare location of the file

                    // assings the task service to update tasks

                    // appends the task to the thread queue

                    // NEXT STATE
                    uploadingFilePhase = true;

            } catch (PanelException e) {
                String errorMsg = "Error al ejecutar la tarea: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
                StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errorMsg = "Error al ejecutar la tarea: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
                StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);

     * This method creates the location for the
     * specified source in this task
     * @throws Exception 
    private void prepareLocation() throws Exception {
        if (table != null) {
            // creates remote schema
            boolean schemaCreated = taskvo.createSchema(schema);
            if (schemaCreated) {
                // updates the application model
            if (!taskvo.getTaskEntity().isUpdate()) {
                boolean tableCreated = taskvo.createTable(table);
                if (tableCreated) {
                    // updates the application model

     * This method explores the selected repository
     * and lists the public files
    public void browseRepository() {

        localFileError = null;

        repositoryFiles = new LinkedList<Source>();

        try {
            // creates the new repository and gets its files
            if (newRepository) {
                Repository repository = new Repository();
                repositoryFiles = WebDavExplorer.getFilesFrom(repository);
            } else {
                // simply gets its files
                repositoryFiles = WebDavExplorer.getFilesFrom(repository);
            Collections.sort(repositoryFiles, new SourceNameComparator());

            // PREVIOUS STATE
            readFilePhase = false;
            processFilePhase = false;
            uploadingFilePhase = false;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            String errorMsg = "Error al conectar con el repositorio: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
            StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);
        } catch (DavException e) {
            String errorMsg = "Error al conectar con el repositorio: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
            StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);
        } catch (PanelException e) {
            String errorMsg = "Error al conectar con el repositorio: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
            StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);

     * Gets the schemas from the selected
     * data base
    public void loadSchemas() {
        schemas = new LinkedList<Schema>();
        if (dataBase != null) {
            schemas = schemaService.getSchemasFromDB(dataBase);
            if (schemas.isEmpty()) {
                newSchema = true;
        processFilePhase = false;
        uploadingFilePhase = false;


     * Gets the tables from the selected
     * schema
    public void loadTables() {
        tables = new LinkedList<Table>();
        if (schema != null) {
            tables = tableService.getTablesFromSchema(schema);
        processFilePhase = false;
        uploadingFilePhase = false;

     * Prepares the new repository form
    public void changeRepository() {
        this.newRepository = !this.newRepository;
        if (this.newRepository) {
            this.repositoryUrl = "http://";
        processFilePhase = false;
        uploadingFilePhase = false;

     * Prepares the new schema form
    public void changeSchema() {
        this.newSchema = !this.newSchema;
        if (this.newSchema) {
            schema = new Schema();

            table = new Table();
        processFilePhase = false;
        uploadingFilePhase = false;

     * Prepares the new table form
    public void changeTable() {
        if (taskvo.getTaskEntity().isUpdate()) {
            table = new Table();
        } else {
            validTable = true;

        processFilePhase = false;
        uploadingFilePhase = false;

     * Indicates if the selected table
     * or the table name is valid, that is, the selected
     * table is not being updated by an running task or the
     * new table name is not being used by any existing table
    public void checkValidTable() {
        validTable = true;
        runningTaskTableTicket = null;

        // checks if the name is a valid name
        if (!taskvo.getTaskEntity().isUpdate() && StringUtils.isEmpty(tableName)) {
            validTable = false;
            String errorMsg = "Nombre de la tabla vaco";
            StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);
        } else if (!taskvo.getTaskEntity().isUpdate() && !Utils.isValidName(tableName)) {
            validTable = false;
            String errorMsg = "Nombre de la tabla invlido: " + tableName;
            StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);
        } else {
            /* if the user is updating a table gets all the running
             * and failed tasks and checks if they are updating the
             * selected table */
            if (taskvo.getTaskEntity().isUpdate() && (table != null)) {
                // checks running tasks
                List<Runnable> runningTasks = TasksQueue.getInstance().getAllRunningTasks();
                for (Runnable r : runningTasks) {
                    TaskVO task = TaskUtils.getTaskVOFromRunnable(r);
                    if (task != null) {
                        Table taskTable = task.getTaskEntity().getTable();
                        if (table.getId() == taskTable.getId()) {
                            validTable = false;
                            runningTaskTableTicket = task.getTaskEntity().getTicket();
                // checks failed tasks
                List<Task> failedTasks = taskService.getFailedTasks();
                for (Task task : failedTasks) {
                    Table taskTable = task.getTable();
                    if (table.getId() == taskTable.getId()) {
                        validTable = false;
                        runningTaskTableTicket = task.getTicket();
            } else if ((!newSchema) && (schema != null)) {
                try {
                    // checks if exists a table with the selected name in the remote data base
                    JDBCConnector connector = new JDBCConnector(schema);
                    RemoteDataBaseService remoteDataBase = new RemoteDataBaseServiceImpl(connector);
                    String schemaName = schema.getName();
                    if (remoteDataBase.existsTable(schemaName, tableName)) {
                        validTable = false;
                        String errorMsg = "Ya existe una tabla con el nombre '" + tableName + "' en el esquema '"
                                + schemaName + "'";
                        StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);
                } catch (Exception e) {
                    String errorMsg = "Error conectando con la base de datos: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
                    StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);

     * This method rests the local o remote
     * sources
    public void resetSources() {
        if (taskvo != null) {
        if (repositoryFiles != null) {

        readFilePhase = false;
        processFilePhase = false;
        uploadingFilePhase = false;

    public void removeNewTable() {
        Task task = taskvo.getTaskEntity();
        try {
            TaskUtils.removeNewTable(task, taskService, tableService);
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errorMsg = "Se ha producido un error al intentar eliminar la tabla: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
            StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);

    public void restoreBackup() {
        Task task = taskvo.getTaskEntity();
        try {
            // restore the table backup copy
            if (task.isUpdate()) {
            // updates data model
            taskvo.setTaskEntity(new Task());
        } catch (Exception e) {
            String errorMsg = "Se ha producido un error al intentar restaurar la copia de la tabla: "
                    + e.getLocalizedMessage();
            StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);

    public void checkCurrentTask() {
        Task task = taskvo.getTaskEntity();
        if ((task.getState().getStatus() == Status.ERROR) && uploadingFilePhase) {
            if (task.isUpdate()) {
            } else {

            try {
                // initializes the task again
                Source source = task.getSource();
                Table table = task.getTable();
                boolean update = task.isUpdate();

                Task newTask = new Task();


                // shows message
                String errorMsg = task.getState().getDescription();
                if (task.isUpdate()) {
                    errorMsg = errorMsg.concat(". Se han restaurado los datos anteriores.");
                StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);
            } catch (Exception e) {
                String errorMsg = "Error al iniciar la tarea: " + e.getLocalizedMessage();
                StatusMessages.instance().add(Severity.ERROR, errorMsg);


     * @return the schemas
    public List<Schema> getSchemas() {
        return schemas;

     * @return the tables
    public List<Table> getTables() {
        return tables;

     * resets the form
    public void reset() {
        dataBase = null;
        schema = null;
        schemaName = null;
        table = null;
        tableName = null;
        repositoryUrl = null;
        repositoryUser = null;
        repositoryPassword = null;
        newRepository = false;
        newSchema = false;
        validTable = false;
        repository = null;
        runningTaskTableTicket = null;
        readFilePhase = false;
        processFilePhase = false;
        uploadingFilePhase = false;
        localFileError = null;
        schemas = new LinkedList<Schema>();
        tables = new LinkedList<Table>();
        repositoryFiles = new LinkedList<Source>();
        taskvo = new TaskVO();

     * @return the dataBases
    public List<DataBase> getDataBases() {
        return dataBaseService.getDataBases();

     * @return the fileLimit
    public int getFileLimit() {
        return fileLimit;

     * @param fileLimit the fileLimit to set
    public void setFileLimit(int fileLimit) {
        this.fileLimit = fileLimit;

     * @return the repositoryUrl
    public String getRepositoryUrl() {
        return repositoryUrl;

     * @param repositoryUrl the repositoryUrl to set
    public void setRepositoryUrl(String repositoryUrl) {
        this.repositoryUrl = repositoryUrl;

     * @return the newRepository
    public boolean isNewRepository() {
        return newRepository;

     * @param newRepository the newRepository to set
    public void setNewRepository(boolean newRepository) {
        this.newRepository = newRepository;

     * @return the newSchema
    public boolean isNewSchema() {
        return newSchema;

     * @param newSchema the newSchema to set
    public void setNewSchema(boolean newSchema) {
        this.newSchema = newSchema;

     * @return the repositories
    public List<Repository> getRepositories() {
        return repositories;

     * @return the repositoryFiles
    public List<Source> getRepositoryFiles() {
        return repositoryFiles;

     * @param repositoryFiles the repositoryFiles to set
    public void setRepositoryFiles(List<Source> repositoryFiles) {
        this.repositoryFiles = repositoryFiles;

     * @return the dbTypes
    public Set<String> getDbTypes() {
        return dbTypes.keySet();

     * @return the projections
    public List<String> getProjections() {
        return projections;

     * @return the dataBase
    public DataBase getDataBase() {
        return dataBase;

     * @param dataBase the dataBase to set
    public void setDataBase(DataBase dataBase) {
        this.dataBase = dataBase;

     * @return the schema
    public Schema getSchema() {
        return schema;

     * @param schema the schema to set
    public void setSchema(Schema schema) {
        this.schema = schema;

     * @return the table
    public Table getTable() {
        return table;

     * @param table the table to set
    public void setTable(Table table) {
        this.table = table;

     * @return the tableName
    public String getTableName() {
        return tableName;

     * @param tableName the tableName to set
    public void setTableName(String tableName) {
        this.tableName = tableName;

     * @return the updatingInterval
    public int getUpdatingInterval() {
        return updatingInterval;

     * @return the repository
    public Repository getRepository() {
        return repository;

     * @param repository the repository to set
    public void setRepository(Repository repository) {
        this.repository = repository;

     * @return the schemaName
    public String getSchemaName() {
        return schemaName;

     * @param schemaName the schemaName to set
    public void setSchemaName(String schemaName) {
        this.schemaName = schemaName;

     * @return the taskvo
    public TaskVO getTaskvo() {
        return taskvo;

     * @param taskvo the taskvo to set
    public void setTaskvo(TaskVO taskvo) {
        this.taskvo = taskvo;

     * @return the repositoryUser
    public String getRepositoryUser() {
        return repositoryUser;

     * @param repositoryUser the repositoryUser to set
    public void setRepositoryUser(String repositoryUser) {
        this.repositoryUser = repositoryUser;

     * @return the repositoryPassword
    public String getRepositoryPassword() {
        return repositoryPassword;

     * @param repositoryPassword the repositoryPassword to set
    public void setRepositoryPassword(String repositoryPassword) {
        this.repositoryPassword = repositoryPassword;

     * @return the validTable
    public boolean isValidTable() {
        return validTable;

     * @param validTable the validTable to set
    public void setValidTable(boolean validTable) {
        this.validTable = validTable;

     * @return the nordirGeodirUrl
    public String getNordirGeodirUrl() {
        return nordirGeodirUrl;

     * @return the runningTaskTableTicket
    public String getRunningTaskTableTicket() {
        return runningTaskTableTicket;

     * @param runningTaskTableTicket the runningTaskTableTicket to set
    public void setRunningTaskTableTicket(String runningTaskTableTicket) {
        this.runningTaskTableTicket = runningTaskTableTicket;

     * @return the readFile
    public boolean isReadFilePhase() {
        return readFilePhase;

     * @param readFilePhase the readFilePhase to set
    public void setReadFilePhase(boolean readFilePhase) {
        this.readFilePhase = readFilePhase;

     * @return the processFilePhase
    public boolean isProcessFilePhase() {
        return processFilePhase;

     * @param processFilePhase the processFilePhase to set
    public void setProcessFilePhase(boolean processFilePhase) {
        this.processFilePhase = processFilePhase;

     * @return the uploadingFilePhase
    public boolean isUploadingFilePhase() {
        return uploadingFilePhase;

     * @param uploadingFilePhase the uploadingFilePhase to set
    public void setUploadingFilePhase(boolean uploadingFilePhase) {
        this.uploadingFilePhase = uploadingFilePhase;

     * @return the localFileError
    public String getLocalFileError() {
        return localFileError;

     * @param localFileError the localFileError to set
    public void setLocalFileError(String localFileError) {
        this.localFileError = localFileError;

     * @return the coordinateColumn
    public ColumnVO getCoordinateColumn() {
        return coordinateColumn;

     * @param coordinateColumn the coordinateColumn to set
    public void setCoordinateColumn(ColumnVO coordinateColumn) {
        this.coordinateColumn = coordinateColumn;