Java tutorial
/** * Empresa desarrolladora: GUADALTEL S.A. * * Autor: Junta de Andaluca * * Derechos de explotacin propiedad de la Junta de Andaluca. * * Este programa es software libre: usted tiene derecho a redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo los trminos de la * * Licencia EUPL European Public License publicada por el organismo IDABC de la Comisin Europea, en su versin 1.0. * o posteriores. * * Este programa se distribuye de buena fe, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANT?A, incluso sin las presuntas garantas implcitas * de USABILIDAD o ADECUACIN A PROPSITO CONCRETO. Para mas informacin consulte la Licencia EUPL European Public * License. * * Usted recibe una copia de la Licencia EUPL European Public License junto con este programa, si por algn motivo no * le es posible visualizarla, puede consultarla en la siguiente URL: * * You should have received a copy of the EUPL European Public License along with this program. If not, see * * * Vous devez avoir reu une copie de la EUPL European Public License avec ce programme. Si non, voir * * * Sie sollten eine Kopie der EUPL European Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm. Wenn nicht, finden Sie da * */ package es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.vo; import; import; import; import java.math.BigDecimal; import java.math.RoundingMode; import java.sql.Types; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.UUID; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.opengis.feature.simple.SimpleFeature; import; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.exception.PanelException; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.servicios.RemoteDataBaseService; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.servicios.TaskService; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.servicios.impl.RemoteDataBaseServiceImpl; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.JDBCConnector; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.PanelSettings; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.Utils; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.file.FileProcessor; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.file.csv.CSVFileProcessor; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.file.shape.ShapeFileProcessor; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.FileType; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Schema; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Source; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Status; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Table; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Task; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.TaskState; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.utiles.TableUtils; /** * Associated bean to manage the task operations * * @author GUADALTEL S.A */ public class TaskVO implements Callable<TaskVO>, Serializable { private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(TaskVO.class); /** * Generated serial version UID */ private static final long serialVersionUID = -3735877896567374764L; /** * read columns from the uploaded file */ private List<ColumnVO> columns; private List<ColumnVO> tableColumns; private List<ColumnVO> fileColumns; private RemoteDataBaseService remoteDataBaseService; private TaskService taskService; private FileProcessor fileProcessor; private File localSourceData; private Task taskEntity; private String shapeSrs; private boolean firstLineHeader; /** * Main constructor */ public TaskVO() { super(); taskEntity = new Task(); taskEntity.setSource(new Source()); } public void init() throws Exception { createFileProcessor(); columns = fileProcessor.readColumns(); // if it updates the table then filter columns if (taskEntity.isUpdate()) { tableColumns = remoteDataBaseService.getAllColumnsExceptPKeyGeom(taskEntity.getTable()); } } private void createFileProcessor() throws Exception { // close current file processor if (fileProcessor != null) { try { fileProcessor.end(); } catch (IOException e) { // none } } // create the connector for dataBase JDBCConnector connector = new JDBCConnector(taskEntity.getTable().getSchema()); remoteDataBaseService = new RemoteDataBaseServiceImpl(connector); Source source = taskEntity.getSource(); if (source.getType() == FileType.CSV) { fileProcessor = new CSVFileProcessor(source, localSourceData); } else if (source.getType() == FileType.SHAPEFILE) { String ticket = getTaskTicket(); fileProcessor = new ShapeFileProcessor(shapeSrs, source, ticket, localSourceData); /* * if the user is updating a table then it checks * if the SRS specified on the table is equals to * the SRS specified for the shape file. * If the user is creating a new table then set the SRS * on the table entity */ CoordinateReferenceSystem prjCRS = ((ShapeFileProcessor) fileProcessor).getCRS(); if (getTaskEntity().isUpdate()) { // user is updating the table String epsg = getTaskEntity().getTable().getEpsg(); Integer tableSRID = Utils.getSRID(epsg); Integer prjSRID = Utils.getSRID(prjCRS); if (tableSRID.intValue() != prjSRID.intValue()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("La proyeccin '".concat(Utils.getEPSG(prjSRID)) .concat("' del shapefile no coincide con la proyeccin '").concat(epsg) .concat("' de la tabla '").concat(getTaskEntity().getTable().getName()).concat("'")); } } else { String epsg = Utils.getEPSG(prjCRS); getTaskEntity().getTable().setEpsg(epsg); } } } public void preareFileColumns() throws PanelException { fileColumns = new LinkedList<ColumnVO>(); if (taskEntity.isUpdate()) { for (ColumnVO column : tableColumns) { if ((column.getFilePosition() >= 0) || column.isFromCoordinates()) { fileColumns.add(column); } } } else { for (ColumnVO column : columns) { if (column.isInTable()) { // checks valid column name String columnNameOnTable = column.getNameOnTable(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(columnNameOnTable)) { columnNameOnTable = column.getText(); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(columnNameOnTable)) { throw new PanelException("nombre de columna vaco"); } else if (!Utils.isValidName(columnNameOnTable)) { throw new PanelException("nombre de columna invlido: " + columnNameOnTable); } String dbType = column.getType(); Integer sqlType = PanelSettings.dataBaseTypes.get(dbType); if (sqlType == Types.OTHER) { // geometry type if (Pattern.compile(".*\\s*(X|lat)\\s*.*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(dbType) .matches()) { column.setCoordinateX(true); } else if (!Pattern.matches("geometry", dbType.toLowerCase()) && Pattern.compile(".*\\s*(Y|lon)\\s*.*", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE).matcher(dbType) .matches()) { column.setCoordinateY(true); } else { getTaskEntity().getTable().setGeomField(column.getNameOnTable()); } } column.setSqlType(sqlType); fileColumns.add(column); } } } } @Override public TaskVO call() throws Exception { try { // initialize state changeStatusTo(Status.RUNNING); // it does a backup of the current table backupTable(); // remove the old rows from the table cleanTable(); // process the file processFile(); // removes the backup done try { removeBackupTable(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error al intentar eliminar el backup de la tabla realizado: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } catch (Throwable t) { // manages the error manageError(t); } finally { // closes the file manager closeFileManager(); try { // saves the state saveTask(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error al intentar guardar el estado de la tarea: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } return this; } private void removeBackupTable() throws Exception { if (getTaskEntity().isUpdate()) { Table table = getTaskEntity().getTable(); remoteDataBaseService.removeBackup(table); } } /** * This method does a backup of the current table * if the task will update a selected table by the user * * @throws Exception if there was any error doing the backup */ private void backupTable() throws Exception { if (getTaskEntity().isUpdate()) { Table table = getTaskEntity().getTable(); remoteDataBaseService.backup(table); } } private void closeFileManager() { if (fileProcessor != null) { try { fileProcessor.end(); } catch (IOException e) { log.warn("Error al intentar cerrar el procesador de archivo" + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } } private void manageError(Throwable t) { taskEntity.getState().setStatus(Status.ERROR); taskEntity.getState() .setDescription("Error en la lnea ".concat(String.valueOf(fileProcessor.getNumCurrentEntry())) .concat(": ").concat(t.getLocalizedMessage())); // gets ticket String taskTicket = null; if (getTaskEntity() != null) { taskTicket = getTaskEntity().getTicket(); } try { saveTask(); } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error al intentar guardar el estado de la tarea '".concat(taskTicket).concat("': ") + e.getLocalizedMessage()); } log.error("Error en la ejecucin de la tarea '".concat(taskTicket).concat("': ") .concat(t.getLocalizedMessage())); } private void processFile() throws Throwable { if (taskEntity.getSource().getType() == FileType.CSV) { processCSVFile(); } else if (taskEntity.getSource().getType() == FileType.SHAPEFILE) { processShapeFile(); } } private void processShapeFile() throws Throwable { Table table = taskEntity.getTable(); Integer srid = Utils.getSRID(table.getEpsg()); String schemaTableName = TableUtils.getSchemaTable(table); BigDecimal totalFeatures = BigDecimal.valueOf(fileProcessor.getNumEntries()); int saveLine = 0; while (taskEntity.getState().getStatus() != Status.FINISHED) { insertShapeFeature(schemaTableName, fileColumns, srid); updateShapeProgress(totalFeatures); // save the task state every 'LINES_TO_SAVE' lines processed if (saveLine == PanelSettings.taskLinesToSave) { saveTask(); saveLine = 0; } saveLine++; } } private void processCSVFile() throws Throwable { Table table = taskEntity.getTable(); Integer srid = Utils.getSRID(table.getEpsg()); String schemaTableName = TableUtils.getSchemaTable(table); BigDecimal totalSize = BigDecimal.valueOf(fileProcessor.getBytesLength()); int saveLine = 0; /* if the first line is not a header * then it is stored into the table */ if (!firstLineHeader) { insertCSVHeader(schemaTableName, fileColumns, srid); } while (taskEntity.getState().getStatus() != Status.FINISHED) { insertCSVLine(schemaTableName, fileColumns, srid); updateCSVProgress(totalSize); // save the task state every 'LINES_TO_SAVE' lines processed if (saveLine == PanelSettings.taskLinesToSave) { saveTask(); saveLine = 0; } saveLine++; } } private void saveTask() throws Exception { if (taskEntity.getSource().isRemote()) { taskService.update(taskEntity); } } private void updateCSVProgress(BigDecimal totalSize) { if (taskEntity.getState().getStatus() == Status.FINISHED) { finishState(); } else { // gets current data int readLines = fileProcessor.getNumCurrentEntry() + 1; long readBytes = fileProcessor.getReadBytes(); // calculates the current process BigDecimal readBytesBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(readBytes); double progress = readBytesBD.divide(totalSize, 4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) .multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(100)).doubleValue(); // updates the task state taskEntity.getState().setReadLines(readLines); taskEntity.getState().setProgress(progress); // finishes when all bytes were read if (readBytesBD.longValue() == totalSize.longValue()) { finishState(); } } } private void updateShapeProgress(BigDecimal numFeatures) { if (taskEntity.getState().getStatus() == Status.FINISHED) { finishState(); } else { // gets current data int readLines = fileProcessor.getNumCurrentEntry(); int currentNumFeature = fileProcessor.getNumCurrentEntry(); // calculates the progress BigDecimal currentNumFeatureBD = BigDecimal.valueOf(currentNumFeature); double progress = currentNumFeatureBD.divide(numFeatures, 4, RoundingMode.HALF_UP) .multiply(BigDecimal.valueOf(100)).doubleValue(); // updates the task state taskEntity.getState().setReadLines(readLines); taskEntity.getState().setProgress(progress); // finishes when all bytes are read if (currentNumFeatureBD.longValue() == numFeatures.longValue()) { finishState(); } } } private void insertCSVHeader(String schemaTableName, List<ColumnVO> fileColumns2, Integer srid) throws Throwable { String[] columnsLine = ((CSVFileProcessor) fileProcessor).getColumnsLine(); if (columnsLine != null) { boolean insertedLine = remoteDataBaseService.insertCSVLine(schemaTableName, columnsLine, fileColumns, srid); if (!insertedLine) { throw new IllegalStateException("No se ha podido insertar la lnea en la tabla destino"); } } else { finishState(); } } private void insertCSVLine(String schemaTableName, List<ColumnVO> fileColumns, Integer srid) throws Throwable { String[] line = fileProcessor.nextCSVEntry(); if (line != null) { boolean insertedLine = remoteDataBaseService.insertCSVLine(schemaTableName, line, fileColumns, srid); if (!insertedLine) { throw new IllegalStateException("No se ha podido insertar la lnea en la tabla destino"); } } else { finishState(); } } private void insertShapeFeature(String schemaTableName, List<ColumnVO> fileColumns, Integer srid) throws Throwable { SimpleFeature feature = fileProcessor.nextShapeEntry(); if (feature != null) { boolean insertedFeature = remoteDataBaseService.insertShapeFeature(schemaTableName, feature, fileColumns, srid); if (!insertedFeature) { throw new IllegalStateException("No se ha podido insertar el feature en la tabla destino"); } } else { finishState(); } } public void changeStatusTo(Status status) throws Exception { if (status == Status.NEW) { initializeState(); } else if (status == Status.RUNNING) { runningState(); } else if (status == Status.FINISHED) { finishState(); } saveTask(); } private void finishState() { int numProcessedEntries = fileProcessor.getNumCurrentEntry(); if ((taskEntity.getSource().getType() == FileType.CSV) && firstLineHeader) { numProcessedEntries--; } taskEntity.getState().setStatus(Status.FINISHED); taskEntity.getState().setDescription("La tarea ha finalizado de forma satisfactoria. Se han cargado " + numProcessedEntries + " lneas en la tabla '" + taskEntity.getTable().getName() + "'"); taskEntity.getState().setProgress(100); } private void runningState() { taskEntity.getState().setStatus(Status.RUNNING); taskEntity.getState().setDescription("La informacin geogrfica est siendo cargada en la tabla '" + getTaskEntity().getTable().getName() + "'"); taskEntity.getState().setProgress(0); } private void initializeState() { TaskState state = new TaskState(); state.setProgress(0); state.setTask(taskEntity); state.setStatus(Status.NEW); state.setDescription("A la espera de procesar el archivo."); taskEntity.setState(state); } public boolean createSchema(Schema schema) throws Exception { return remoteDataBaseService.createSchema(schema); } public boolean cleanTable() throws Exception { Table table = taskEntity.getTable(); return remoteDataBaseService.cleanTable(table); } public boolean createTable(Table table) throws Exception { return remoteDataBaseService.createTable(table, fileColumns); } public boolean existsTableWithName(String schemaName, String tableName) throws Exception { return remoteDataBaseService.existsTable(schemaName, tableName); } public String getTaskTicket() { String ticket = getTaskEntity().getTicket(); if (ticket == null) { // generates the ticket UUID uuid = UUID.randomUUID(); ticket = uuid.toString(); getTaskEntity().setTicket(ticket); } return ticket; } /** * This method creates a new source * object */ public void resetSource() { localSourceData = null; } /** * @return the columns */ public List<ColumnVO> getColumns() { return columns; } /** * @param columns the columns to set */ public void setColumns(List<ColumnVO> columns) { this.columns = columns; } /** * @return the localSourceData */ public File getLocalSourceData() { return localSourceData; } /** * @param localSourceData the localSourceData to set */ public void setLocalSourceData(File localSourceData) { this.localSourceData = localSourceData; } /** * @return the tableColumns */ public List<ColumnVO> getTableColumns() { return tableColumns; } /** * @param tableColumns the tableColumns to set */ public void setTableColumns(List<ColumnVO> tableColumns) { this.tableColumns = tableColumns; } /** * @return the taskEntity */ public Task getTaskEntity() { return taskEntity; } /** * @param taskEntity the taskEntity to set */ public void setTaskEntity(Task taskEntity) { this.taskEntity = taskEntity; } /** * @param taskService the taskService to set */ public void setTaskService(TaskService taskService) { this.taskService = taskService; } /** * @return the fileColumns */ public List<ColumnVO> getFileColumns() { return fileColumns; } /** * @param fileColumns the fileColumns to set */ public void setFileColumns(List<ColumnVO> fileColumns) { this.fileColumns = fileColumns; } /** * @return the shapeSrs */ public String getShapeSrs() { return shapeSrs; } /** * @param shapeSrs the shapeSrs to set */ public void setShapeSrs(String shapeSrs) { this.shapeSrs = shapeSrs; } /** * @return the firstLineHeader */ public boolean isFirstLineHeader() { return firstLineHeader; } /** * @param firstLineHeader the firstLineHeader to set */ public void setFirstLineHeader(boolean firstLineHeader) { this.firstLineHeader = firstLineHeader; } }