Java tutorial
/** * Empresa desarrolladora: GUADALTEL S.A. * * Autor: Junta de Andaluca * * Derechos de explotacin propiedad de la Junta de Andaluca. * * Este programa es software libre: usted tiene derecho a redistribuirlo y/o modificarlo bajo los trminos de la * * Licencia EUPL European Public License publicada por el organismo IDABC de la Comisin Europea, en su versin 1.0. * o posteriores. * * Este programa se distribuye de buena fe, pero SIN NINGUNA GARANT?A, incluso sin las presuntas garantas implcitas * de USABILIDAD o ADECUACIN A PROPSITO CONCRETO. Para mas informacin consulte la Licencia EUPL European Public * License. * * Usted recibe una copia de la Licencia EUPL European Public License junto con este programa, si por algn motivo no * le es posible visualizarla, puede consultarla en la siguiente URL: * * You should have received a copy of the EUPL European Public License along with this program. If not, see * * * Vous devez avoir reu une copie de la EUPL European Public License avec ce programme. Si non, voir * * * Sie sollten eine Kopie der EUPL European Public License zusammen mit diesem Programm. Wenn nicht, finden Sie da * */ /** * */ package es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.geosearch; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Set; import javax.xml.parsers.ParserConfigurationException; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathConstants; import javax.xml.xpath.XPathExpressionException; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.w3c.dom.DOMException; import org.w3c.dom.Element; import org.w3c.dom.Node; import org.w3c.dom.NodeList; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.exception.GeosearchException; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.PanelSettings; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.utiles.Utils; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.vo.GeosearchFieldVO; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.vo.GeosearchTableVO; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.negocio.vo.XMLFileVO; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.DataBase; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Schema; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.entidades.Table; import es.juntadeandalucia.panelGestion.persistencia.utiles.TableUtils; public class GeosearchDataImportWriter extends GeosearchFileWriter { private Node dataConfig; public GeosearchDataImportWriter(List<GeosearchTableVO> tables, String core) throws GeosearchException, ParserConfigurationException, XPathExpressionException { super(tables, core); dataConfig = getDataConfigNode(); } public XMLFileVO write() throws XPathExpressionException { // data sources elements addDataSources(); // entity elements addEntities(); XMLFileVO dataImport = new XMLFileVO(); dataImport.setName(PanelSettings.geosearchMaster.getFiles().getDataImport().getFileName()); dataImport.setXml(dataImportXML); return dataImport; } private Node getDocumentNode() throws XPathExpressionException { Node document = null; document = (Node) xpath.compile("/dataConfig/document").evaluate(dataImportXML, XPathConstants.NODE); if (document == null) { document = dataConfig.getOwnerDocument().createElement("document"); dataConfig.appendChild(document); } return document; } private void addDataSources() throws XPathExpressionException, DOMException { Set<Schema> addedSchemas = new HashSet<Schema>(); for (GeosearchTableVO geosearchTable : tables) { Schema schema = geosearchTable.getTable().getSchema(); /* * creates datasource if it has not been added already and * it does not exist on the dataImport.xml */ if (!addedSchemas.contains(schema) && !existsDataSource(schema)) { Element dataSource = generateDataSource(schema); dataConfig.appendChild(dataSource); insertSchemaNameComment(dataConfig, schema.getName(), dataSource); addedSchemas.add(schema); } } } private boolean existsDataSource(Schema schema) throws XPathExpressionException { boolean exists = false; String dataSourceName = getDataSourceName(schema); Node dataSource = getDataSource(dataSourceName); exists = (dataSource != null); return exists; } private void addEntities() throws XPathExpressionException { Node document = getDocumentNode(); for (GeosearchTableVO geosearchTable : tables) { Element entity = generateEntity(geosearchTable, document); if (entity != null) { /* * checks if the entity already exists. In that case, duplicates the * entity with other name and adds a comment */ boolean existsEntity = existsEntity(entity); if (existsEntity) { String entityName = entity.getAttribute("name"); int numSameEntities = getNumOfSameEntities(entity); entityName = entityName.concat("_duplicated_").concat(String.valueOf(numSameEntities)); entity.setAttribute("name", entityName); } document.appendChild(entity); insertTableNameComment(document, geosearchTable.getTable().getName(), entity); if (existsEntity) { String comment = "IMPORTANTE: Esta entidad ya se encuentra duplicada en el fichero dataImport." .concat(" Revise la configuracin ya que es posible que exista informacin duplicada"); insertComment(document, entity, comment); } } } } private int getNumOfSameEntities(Element entity) throws XPathExpressionException { int numSameEntities = 0; String entityName = entity.getAttribute("name"); NodeList entities = getEntities(entityName); if (entities != null) { numSameEntities = entities.getLength(); } return numSameEntities; } private boolean existsEntity(Element entity) throws XPathExpressionException { return (getNumOfSameEntities(entity) > 0); } private NodeList getEntities(String entityName) throws XPathExpressionException { NodeList entities = null; entities = (NodeList) xpath.compile("/dataConfig/document/entity[@name='".concat(entityName).concat("']")) .evaluate(dataImportXML, XPathConstants.NODESET); return entities; } private Element generateEntity(GeosearchTableVO geosearchTable, Node document) { Element entity = null; Table table = geosearchTable.getTable(); String dataSourceName = getDataSourceName(table.getSchema()); String entityName = getEntityName(table); String query = getEntityQuery(geosearchTable); String keywords = geosearchTable.getKeywords(); List<GeosearchFieldVO> fields = geosearchTable.getFields(); // entity entity = document.getOwnerDocument().createElement("entity"); entity.setAttribute("dataSource", dataSourceName); entity.setAttribute("name", entityName); entity.setAttribute("query", query); entity.setAttribute("transformer", PanelSettings.geosearchMaster.getFiles().getDataImport().getTransformer()); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(keywords)) { entity.setAttribute("keywords", keywords); } // fields String geomField = table.getGeomField(); boolean hasDefinedField = false; for (GeosearchFieldVO field : fields) { if (field.isDefined()) { Element fieldElement = generateField(field, document, geomField); entity.appendChild(fieldElement); hasDefinedField = true; } } // adds the entity if it has defined fields if (!hasDefinedField) { entity = null; } return entity; } private Element generateField(GeosearchFieldVO field, Node document, String geomFieldName) { String column = field.getNameOnTable(); String name = Utils.getFieldName(field); // uses the geometric field name as column name if ((geomFieldName != null) && geomFieldName.equals(column)) { column = name; } Element fieldElement = document.getOwnerDocument().createElement("field"); fieldElement.setAttribute("column", column); fieldElement.setAttribute("name", name); return fieldElement; } private Element generateDataSource(Schema schema) { Element dataSource = null; String dataSourceName = getDataSourceName(schema); String user = schema.getUser(); String password = schema.getPassword(); String url = schema.getDataBase().getConnectionUrl(); dataSource = dataConfig.getOwnerDocument().createElement("dataSource"); dataSource.setAttribute("name", dataSourceName); dataSource.setAttribute("type", PanelSettings.geosearchMaster.getFiles().getDataImport().getType()); dataSource.setAttribute("driver", PanelSettings.geosearchMaster.getFiles().getDataImport().getDriver()); dataSource.setAttribute("url", url); dataSource.setAttribute("user", user); dataSource.setAttribute("password", password); return dataSource; } private String getDataSourceName(Schema schema) { DataBase dataBase = schema.getDataBase(); return dataBase.getAlias().concat("_").concat(schema.getName()); } private String getEntityName(Table table) { String dataBaseName = table.getSchema().getDataBase().getAlias(); String schemaName = table.getSchema().getName(); String tableName = table.getName(); return dataBaseName.concat("_").concat(schemaName).concat("_").concat(tableName); } private String getEntityQuery(GeosearchTableVO tableVO) { StringBuilder query = new StringBuilder("SELECT *"); Table table = tableVO.getTable(); String geomFieldName = getGeomFieldName(tableVO); String tableGeomFieldName = table.getGeomField(); /* * if the table has different SRS applies a ST_Transform * @see */ String tableSrs = table.getEpsg(); if (!tableSrs.equals(PanelSettings.geosearchMaster.getSRS()) || !StringUtils.isEmpty(geomFieldName)) { // comma query.append(", "); /* * SRS * if the table has different SRS applies a ST_Transform * @see */ if (!tableSrs.equals(PanelSettings.geosearchMaster.getSRS())) { Integer srid = Utils.getSRID(tableSrs); query.append(", ST_Transform(").append(tableGeomFieldName).append(", ").append(srid).append(")"); } else { query.append(tableGeomFieldName); } query.append(" AS "); // ALIAS if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(geomFieldName)) { query.append(geomFieldName); } else { query.append(tableGeomFieldName); } } String schemaTable = TableUtils.getSchemaTableDataImport(table); query.append(" FROM ").append(schemaTable); return query.toString(); } private String getGeomFieldName(GeosearchTableVO tableVO) { String geomFieldName = null; String tableGeomFieldName = tableVO.getTable().getGeomField(); for (GeosearchFieldVO field : tableVO.getFields()) { String fieldNameOnTable = field.getNameOnTable(); if (fieldNameOnTable.equals(tableGeomFieldName)) { geomFieldName = field.getName(); break; } } return geomFieldName; } private Node getDataConfigNode() throws XPathExpressionException { Node dataConfig = null; dataConfig = (Node) xpath.compile("/dataConfig").evaluate(dataImportXML, XPathConstants.NODE); if (dataConfig == null) { dataConfig = this.dataImportXML.createElement("dataConfig"); this.dataImportXML.appendChild(dataConfig); } return dataConfig; } private Node getDataSource(String dataSourceName) throws XPathExpressionException { Node dataSource = null; dataSource = (Node) xpath.compile("/dataConfig/dataSource[@name='".concat(dataSourceName).concat("']")) .evaluate(dataImportXML, XPathConstants.NODE); return dataSource; } }