Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010, Emergya ( * * @author <a href="">Juan Lus Rodrguez</a> * @author <a href="">Mara Arias</a> * * This file is part of GoFleet * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As a special exception, if you link this library with other files to * produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the * executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ package es.emergya.ui.plugins; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.ComponentAdapter; import java.awt.event.ComponentEvent; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import javax.swing.BoxLayout; import javax.swing.JCheckBox; import javax.swing.JDialog; import javax.swing.JLabel; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.JScrollPane; import javax.swing.SwingWorker; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.gofleet.context.GoClassLoader; import org.gofleet.context.GoWired; import org.gofleet.internacionalization.I18n; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.MemoryTileCache; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer; import es.emergya.actions.Authentication; import es.emergya.actions.UsuarioAdmin; import es.emergya.bbdd.bean.CapaInformacion; import es.emergya.bbdd.bean.CapaInformacionUsuario; import es.emergya.cliente.constants.LogicConstants; import es.emergya.consultas.CapaConsultas; import es.emergya.consultas.UsuarioConsultas; import es.emergya.ui.base.BasicWindow; import es.emergya.ui.gis.CustomMapView; import es.emergya.ui.gis.WmsTileSource; import es.emergya.ui.gis.layers.MapViewerLayer; public class LayerSelectionDialog extends JDialog implements ActionListener { private static final long serialVersionUID = 7032893596071705890L; static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(LayerSelectionDialog.class); private List<LayerElement> layers; private CustomMapView mv; private JPanel list; JLabel actualizando; JDialog self; private static final org.apache.commons.logging.Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(LayerSelectionDialog.class); @GoWired public I18n i18n; /** * @return the i18n */ public I18n getI18n() { return i18n; } /** * @param i18n the i18n to set */ public void setI18n(I18n i18n) { this.i18n = i18n; } public LayerSelectionDialog(CustomMapView gmv) { super(); self = this; this.setTitle("Otras Capas"); actualizando = new JLabel(LogicConstants.getIcon("anim_actualizando")); this.setAlwaysOnTop(true); = gmv; this.layers = new ArrayList<LayerElement>(); try { setIconImage(((BasicWindow) GoClassLoader.getGoClassLoader().load(BasicWindow.class)).getIconImage()); } catch (Throwable e1) { LOG.error("Couldn't find icon image", e1); } JPanel base = new JPanel(); base.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(240, 150)); base.setBackground(Color.WHITE); base.setLayout(new BoxLayout(base, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); base.add(new JLabel(i18n.getString("map.layers.avaliable"))); list = new JPanel(); list.setLayout(new BoxLayout(list, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); list.add(actualizando); list.setBackground(Color.WHITE); // list.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(100, 100)); final JScrollPane scrollPane = new JScrollPane(list); scrollPane.setBackground(Color.WHITE); base.add(scrollPane); mv.addComponentListener(new ComponentAdapter() { @Override public void componentShown(ComponentEvent e) { } }); add(base); pack(); } public void init() { initOptions(list); addLayers(); } private void initOptions(final JPanel list) { SwingWorker<Object, Object> sw = new SwingWorker<Object, Object>() { @Override protected Object doInBackground() throws Exception { publish(new Object[0]); for (CapaInformacion ci : CapaConsultas.getAllOrderedByOrden()) { if (ci.getOpcional() && ci.getHabilitada()) { layers.add(new LayerElement(ci.getNombre(), ci.getUrl(), wasVisible(ci))); } } return null; } @Override protected void process(List<Object> chunks) { actualizando.setIcon(es.emergya.cliente.constants.LogicConstants.getIcon("anim_actualizando")); } @Override protected void done() { super.done(); actualizando.setIcon(null); list.setLayout(new BoxLayout(list, BoxLayout.Y_AXIS)); for (LayerElement le : layers) { JCheckBox cb = new JCheckBox(,; cb.setBackground(Color.WHITE); cb.addActionListener(LayerSelectionDialog.this); list.add(cb); list.revalidate(); } // self.pack(); } }; sw.execute(); } private void addLayers() { for (LayerElement le : layers) { if ( { enableLayer(le); log.debug("cargando capa: " +; } } } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { String name = e.getActionCommand(); for (LayerElement le : layers) { if ( { if (((JCheckBox) e.getSource()).isSelected()) { enableLayer(le); } else { if (le.layer == null) { for (Layer l : mv.getAllLayers()) { if ( { le.layer = l; break; } } } if (le.layer != null) { le.layer.visible = false; } = false; } save(name,; mv.repaint(); } } } private void enableLayer(LayerElement le) { if (le.layer == null) { for (Layer l : mv.getAllLayers()) { if ( { le.layer = l; break; } } if (le.layer == null) le.layer = new MapViewerLayer(, new WmsTileSource(le.url), new MemoryTileCache(), 6); // le.layer = new WMSLayer(, le.url, null, mv); mv.addLayer(le.layer, false); } le.layer.visible = true; = true; } private void save(String layerName, boolean visible) { CapaInformacionUsuario cu = null; for (CapaInformacionUsuario c : UsuarioConsultas.getCapas(Authentication.getUsuario())) { if (c.getCapaInformacion().getNombre().equals(layerName)) { cu = c; } } if (cu == null) { cu = new CapaInformacionUsuario(); // Creamos una nueva relacion CapaInformacion capa = CapaConsultas.getByNombre(layerName); cu.setVisibleHistorico(false); // la iniciamos todo a falso y con // sus valores cu.setVisibleGPS(false); cu.setCapaInformacion(capa); cu.setUsuario(Authentication.getUsuario()); } // XXX Esto es malvado y petara tarde o temprano // if (mv.getParent() instanceof HistoryMapViewer) { cu.setVisibleHistorico(visible); // } else if (mv.getParent() instanceof FleetControlMapViewer) { // cu.setVisibleGPS(visible); // } log.debug("guardando estado de la capa " + cu.toString()); UsuarioAdmin.updateCapasInformacion(cu); } private boolean wasVisible(CapaInformacion capa) { for (CapaInformacionUsuario c : UsuarioConsultas.getCapas(Authentication.getUsuario())) { if (c.getCapaInformacion().getNombre().equals(capa.getNombre())) { log.debug("Comprobando si la capa" + capa.getNombre() + " estaba activa"); // XXX Esto es malvado y petara tarde o temprano // if (mv.getParent() instanceof HistoryMapViewer) { return c.getVisibleHistorico(); // } else if (mv.getParent() instanceof FleetControlMapViewer) { // return c.getVisibleGPS(); // } } } return false; } private class LayerElement { boolean active; String name; String url; Layer layer; public LayerElement(String name, String url, boolean active) { = active; = name; this.url = url; for (Layer l : mv.getAllLayers()) { if ( { layer = l; = layer.visible; break; } } } } }