Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2010, Emergya ( * * @author <a href="">Juan Lus Rodrguez</a> * @author <a href="">Mara Arias</a> * @author <a href="">Flix del Ro Beningno</a> * * This file is part of GoFleet * * This software is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This software is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA * * As a special exception, if you link this library with other files to * produce an executable, this library does not by itself cause the * resulting executable to be covered by the GNU General Public License. * This exception does not however invalidate any other reasons why the * executable file might be covered by the GNU General Public License. */ /* * 01/07/2009 */ package es.emergya.ui.gis.layers; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Component; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Point; import javax.swing.Icon; import javax.swing.SwingUtilities; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.JMapViewer; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.JobDispatcher; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.MemoryTileCache; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.OsmFileCacheTileLoader; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.OsmMercator; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.OsmTileLoader; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.OsmTileSource; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.Tile; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.TileCache; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.TileLoaderListener; import org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.TileSource; import org.openstreetmap.josm.Main; import; import; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MapView; import org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.layer.Layer; import es.emergya.cliente.constants.LogicConstants; import es.emergya.ui.gis.CustomMapView; /** * Tries to add a raster tiles layer. Uses the code on {@link JMapViewer} by Jan * Peter Stotz * * @author fario * */ public class MapViewerLayer extends Layer implements TileLoaderListener { private static final Log LOG = LogFactory.getLog(MapViewerLayer.class); /** * Vectors for clock-wise tile painting */ protected static final Point[] move = { new Point(1, 0), new Point(0, 1), new Point(-1, 0), new Point(0, -1) }; protected OsmTileLoader tileLoader; protected TileCache tileCache; protected TileSource tileSource; protected boolean tileGridVisible; /** * x- and y-position of the center of this map-panel on the world map * denoted in screen pixel regarding the current zoom level. */ protected Point center; /** * Current zoom level */ protected int zoom; JobDispatcher jobDispatcher; protected CustomMapView parent; /** * @param name */ public MapViewerLayer(String name) { this(name, new MemoryTileCache(), 4); } public MapViewerLayer(String name, TileCache tileCache, int downloadThreadCount) { this(name, new OsmTileSource.Mapnik(), tileCache, downloadThreadCount); } public MapViewerLayer(String name, TileSource tileSource, TileCache tileCache, int downloadThreadCount) { super(name); if (tileCache instanceof MemoryTileCache) ((MemoryTileCache) tileCache).setCacheSize(LogicConstants.getInt("MAXTILESCACHED", 50)); this.tileSource = tileSource; tileLoader = new OsmTileLoader(this); this.tileCache = tileCache; jobDispatcher = JobDispatcher.getInstance(); tileGridVisible = false; this.background = true; } public MapViewerLayer(String name, TileSource tileSource, TileCache tileCache, boolean osmFileCache) { super(name); this.tileSource = tileSource; if (osmFileCache) { this.tileLoader = new OsmFileCacheTileLoader(this); } else { this.tileLoader = new OsmTileLoader(this); } this.tileCache = tileCache; jobDispatcher = JobDispatcher.getInstance(); tileGridVisible = false; this.background = true; } @Override public void paint(Graphics g, MapView mv) { parent = (CustomMapView) mv; int iMove = 0; zoom = mv.zoom(); LatLon cen = Main.proj.eastNorth2latlon(mv.getCenter()); center = new Point(OsmMercator.LonToX(cen.getX(), zoom), OsmMercator.LatToY(cen.getY(), zoom)); int tilex = center.x / Tile.SIZE; int tiley = center.y / Tile.SIZE; int off_x = (center.x % Tile.SIZE); int off_y = (center.y % Tile.SIZE); int w2 = mv.getWidth() / 2; int h2 = mv.getHeight() / 2; int posx = w2 - off_x; int posy = h2 - off_y; int diff_left = off_x; int diff_right = Tile.SIZE - off_x; int diff_top = off_y; int diff_bottom = Tile.SIZE - off_y; boolean start_left = diff_left < diff_right; boolean start_top = diff_top < diff_bottom; if (start_top) { if (start_left) { iMove = 2; } else { iMove = 3; } } else { if (start_left) { iMove = 1; } else { iMove = 0; } } // calculate the visibility borders int x_min = -Tile.SIZE; int y_min = -Tile.SIZE; int x_max = mv.getWidth(); int y_max = mv.getHeight(); // paint the tiles in a spiral, starting from center of the map boolean painted = true; int x = 0; while (painted) { painted = false; for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++) { if (i % 2 == 0) { x++; } for (int j = 0; j < x; j++) { if (x_min <= posx && posx <= x_max && y_min <= posy && posy <= y_max) { // tile is visible Tile tile = getTile(tilex, tiley, zoom); if (tile != null) { painted = true; tile.paint(g, posx, posy); if (tileGridVisible) { g.drawString(tile.getXtile() + ", " + tile.getYtile(), posx, posy + 12); g.drawRect(posx, posy, Tile.SIZE, Tile.SIZE); } } } Point p = move[iMove]; posx += p.x * Tile.SIZE; posy += p.y * Tile.SIZE; tilex += p.x; tiley += p.y; } iMove = (iMove + 1) % move.length; } } // outer border of the map int mapSize = Tile.SIZE << zoom; g.drawRect(w2 - center.x, h2 - center.y, mapSize, mapSize); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { g.setColor(Color.LIGHT_GRAY); g.drawString("Tiles in cache: " + tileCache.getTileCount(), 50, 15); } // g.fillRect(0, 100, 300, 55); // g.setColor(Color.BLACK); // g.drawString("center: " + center.x + ", " + center.y, 5, 120); // g.drawString("zoom: " + zoom + " for scale:" + mv.getScale(), 5, // 150); } @Override public void visitBoundingBox(BoundingXYVisitor v) { } /** * retrieves a tile from the cache. If the tile is not present in the cache * a load job is added to the working queue of * {@link JobDispatcher.JobThread}. * * @param tilex * @param tiley * @param zoom * @return specified tile from the cache or <code>null</code> if the tile * was not found in the cache. */ protected Tile getTile(int tilex, int tiley, int zoom) { int max = (1 << zoom); if (tilex < 0 || tilex >= max || tiley < 0 || tiley >= max) { return null; } Tile tile = tileCache.getTile(tileSource, tilex, tiley, zoom); if (tile == null) { tile = new Tile(tileSource, tilex, tiley, zoom); tileCache.addTile(tile); tile.loadPlaceholderFromCache(tileCache); } if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace("Numero de intentos para " + tile.getKey() + ": " + tile.getNumIntentos()); } if (!tile.isLoaded() && tile.getNumIntentos() < Tile.MAX_NUM_INTENTOS) { jobDispatcher.addJob(tileLoader.createTileLoaderJob(tileSource, tilex, tiley, zoom)); } return tile; } @Override public TileCache getTileCache() { return tileCache; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @seeorg.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.interfaces.TileLoaderListener# * tileLoadingFinished(org.openstreetmap.gui.jmapviewer.Tile, boolean) */ @Override public void tileLoadingFinished(Tile tile, boolean success) { if (success) { SwingUtilities.invokeLater(new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { parent.repaint(); } }); } } /** * @return The maximum zoom level that the associated tilesource offers */ public int getMaxZoomLevel() { return tileSource.getMaxZoom(); } /** * @return The minimum zoom level that the associated tilesource offers */ public int getMinZoomLevel() { return tileSource.getMinZoom(); } // === Methods to add the editor user interface, that we won't use === @Override public Icon getIcon() { return null; } @Override public Object getInfoComponent() { return null; } @Override public Component[] getMenuEntries() { return null; } @Override public String getToolTipText() { return null; } // ====== // === We wont let them merge with the background === @Override public boolean isMergable(Layer other) { return false; } @Override public void mergeFrom(Layer from) { } // ====== }