Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2015 Marius Filip. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package enumj; import java.util.Optional; import java.util.Random; import java.util.function.BiConsumer; import java.util.function.Consumer; import java.util.function.Function; import java.util.function.IntFunction; import java.util.function.Predicate; import; import org.apache.commons.lang3.tuple.Pair; public abstract class StreamComparator<T, E> { private final Random rnd; private final int depth; private final int length; public Stream<T> lhs; public E rhs; private boolean built; protected StreamComparator(Random rnd, int maxDepth, int maxLength) { assert rnd != null; assert maxDepth >= 0; assert maxLength > 0; this.rnd = rnd; this.depth = maxDepth; this.length = maxLength; this.lhs = lhs; this.rhs = rhs; } protected void rndSpin() { rndSpin(depth + length); } protected void rndSpin(int times) { assert times > 0; times = rnd.nextInt(times); while (times > 0) { rnd.nextInt(); --times; } } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // public StreamComparatorStatistics statistics; public void build() { if (built) { return; } for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i) { final Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> transf = getFuns(); lhs = transf.getLeft().apply(lhs); rhs = transf.getRight().apply(rhs); } built = true; } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getFuns() { final int limit = 7 + (depth > 0 ? 2 : 0); switch (rnd.nextInt(limit)) { case 0: return getDistinctFuns(); case 1: return getFilterFuns(); case 2: return getLimitFuns(); case 3: return getMapFuns(); case 4: return getPeekFuns(); case 5: return getSkipFuns(); case 6: return getSortedFuns(); /* deep */ case 7: return getConcatFuns(); case 8: return getFlatMapFuns(); default: assert false; return null; } } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getDistinctFuns() { final Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>> lhs = s -> s.distinct(); final Function<E, E> rhs = e -> distinct(e); if (statistics != null) { statistics.distinct(); } return Pair.of(lhs, rhs); } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getFilterFuns() { final int seed = rnd.nextInt(); final Predicate<T> filter = predicateOfSeed.apply(seed); final Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>> lhs = s -> s.filter(filter); final Function<E, E> rhs = e -> filter(e, filter); if (statistics != null) { statistics.filter(); } return Pair.of(lhs, rhs); } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getLimitFuns() { final int seed = rnd.nextInt(); final long limit = limitOfSeed.apply(seed); final Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>> lhs = s -> s.limit(limit); final Function<E, E> rhs = e -> limit(e, limit); if (statistics != null) { statistics.limit(); } return Pair.of(lhs, rhs); } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getMapFuns() { final int seed = rnd.nextInt(); final Function<T, T> mapper = mapperOfSeed.apply(seed); final Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>> lhs = s ->; final Function<E, E> rhs = e -> map(e, mapper); if (statistics != null) {; } return Pair.of(lhs, rhs); } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getPeekFuns() { final int seed = rnd.nextInt(); final Consumer<T> peeker = peekConsumerOfSeed.apply(seed); final Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>> lhs = s -> s.peek(peeker); final Function<E, E> rhs = e -> peek(e, peeker); if (statistics != null) { statistics.peek(); } return Pair.of(lhs, rhs); } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getSkipFuns() { final int seed = rnd.nextInt(); final long n = this.skipLimitOfSeed.apply(seed); final Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>> lhs = s -> s.skip(n); final Function<E, E> rhs = e -> skip(e, n); if (statistics != null) { statistics.skip(); } return Pair.of(lhs, rhs); } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getSortedFuns() { final Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>> lhs = s -> s.sorted(); final Function<E, E> rhs = e -> sorted(e); if (statistics != null) { statistics.sorted(); } return Pair.of(lhs, rhs); } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getConcatFuns() { rndSpin(); final StreamComparator<T, E> sub = subComparator(new Random(rnd.nextInt()), depth - 1, length); sub.statistics = statistics;; rndSpin(); final Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>> lhs = s -> Stream.concat(s.limit(length / 2), sub.lhs.skip(length / 2)); final Function<E, E> rhs = e -> concat(limit(e, length / 2), skip(sub.rhs, length / 2)); if (statistics != null) { statistics.concat(); } return Pair.of(lhs, rhs); } private Pair<Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>>, Function<E, E>> getFlatMapFuns() { rndSpin(); final int seed = rnd.nextInt(); final Function<Stream<T>, Stream<T>> lhs = s -> s.flatMap(x -> { final StreamComparator<T, E> sub = subComparator(new Random(seed), depth - 1, length); sub.statistics = statistics;; return sub.lhs.limit(2); }); final Function<E, E> rhs = e -> flatMap(e, x -> { final StreamComparator<T, E> sub = subComparator(new Random(seed), depth - 1, length);; return limit(sub.rhs, 2); }); rndSpin(); if (statistics != null) { statistics.flatMap(); } return Pair.of(lhs, rhs); } // - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - // public void test(BiConsumer<T, Optional<T>> elemAssert, Runnable lengthMismatchAsserter) { if (!built) { build(); } lhs.forEach(x -> elemAssert.accept(x, Optional.ofNullable(rhsHasNext() ? rhsNext() : null))); if (rhsHasNext()) {; } } protected abstract boolean rhsHasNext(); protected abstract T rhsNext(); // ---------------------------------------------------------------------- // public IntFunction<Predicate<T>> predicateOfSeed; public IntFunction<Long> limitOfSeed; public IntFunction<Function<T, T>> mapperOfSeed; public IntFunction<Consumer<T>> peekConsumerOfSeed; public IntFunction<Long> skipLimitOfSeed; protected abstract StreamComparator<T, E> subComparator(Random rnd, int maxDepth, int maxLength); protected abstract E concat(E first, E second); protected abstract E distinct(E en); protected abstract E filter(E en, Predicate<T> filter); protected abstract E flatMap(E en, Function<T, E> flatMap); protected abstract E limit(E en, long limit); protected abstract E map(E en, Function<T, T> mapper); protected abstract E peek(E en, Consumer<T> peekConsumer); protected abstract E skip(E en, long n); protected abstract E sorted(E en); }