entity.HexagonDAO.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for entity.HexagonDAO.java


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package entity;

import org.apache.commons.math3.stat.descriptive.rank.Percentile;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.JsonArray;
import com.google.gson.JsonObject;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import java.sql.Connection;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import connection.ConnectionManager;
import java.sql.PreparedStatement;
import java.sql.ResultSet;
import java.sql.SQLException;
import java.util.*;

 * @author Zheng Boyang
public class HexagonDAO {

    private ArrayList<Hexagon> hexagonList;
    private final String TABLE = "REALIS_2013";

    int grid_size = 1859;

    double[] all_hawkercentre_distance;
    double[] all_childcare_distance;
    double[] all_chasclinic_distance;
    double[] all_mrtstation_distance;
    double[] all_primaryschool_distance;
    double[] all_shoppingcentre_distance;
    double[] all_score;

    Percentile percentile = new Percentile();

    double hawkercentre_20;
    double hawkercentre_40;
    double hawkercentre_60;
    double hawkercentre_80;

    double childcare_20;
    double childcare_40;
    double childcare_60;
    double childcare_80;

    double chasclinic_20;
    double chasclinic_40;
    double chasclinic_60;
    double chasclinic_80;

    double mrtstation_20;
    double mrtstation_40;
    double mrtstation_60;
    double mrtstation_80;

    double primaryschool_20;
    double primaryschool_40;
    double primaryschool_60;
    double primaryschool_80;

    double shoppingcentre_20;
    double shoppingcentre_40;
    double shoppingcentre_60;
    double shoppingcentre_80;

    double total_20;
    double total_40;
    double total_60;
    double total_80;

    // constructor
     * Create an empty TransactionDAO
    public HexagonDAO() {
        hexagonList = new ArrayList<Hexagon>();

    // retrieve ALL
     * retrieve ALL transactions
     * @return an ArrayList of Transaction
    public ArrayList<Hexagon> retrieve(String[] facility_list) {
        Connection conn = null;
        PreparedStatement ps = null;
        ResultSet rs = null;
        String sql = "";

        try {
            conn = ConnectionManager.getConnection();

            // 6, instead of 3 tables query
            String hawkercentre_table = " hawkercentre_table AS (" + " SELECT grid_centroid.gid as grid_id, "
                    + "       hawkercentre.gid, "
                    + "       ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, hawkercentre.geom) as hawkercentre_distance, "
                    + "       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY grid_centroid.gid "
                    + "                           ORDER BY ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, hawkercentre.geom) ASC"
                    + "                         ) AS hawkercentre_row_number" + " FROM grid_centroid, hawkercentre"
                    + " ) ";
            String childcare_table = " childcare_table AS (" + " SELECT grid_centroid.gid as grid_id,  "
                    + "       childcare.gid,  "
                    + "       ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, childcare.geom) as childcare_distance, "
                    + "       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY grid_centroid.gid "
                    + "                           ORDER BY ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, childcare.geom) ASC"
                    + "                          )AS childcare_row_number" + " FROM grid_centroid, childcare"
                    + " ) ";
            String chasclinic_table = " chasclinic_table AS (" + " SELECT grid_centroid.gid as grid_id,  "
                    + "       chasclinic.gid,  "
                    + "       ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, chasclinic.geom) as chasclinic_distance, "
                    + "       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY grid_centroid.gid "
                    + "                          ORDER BY ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, chasclinic.geom) ASC"
                    + "                         ) AS chasclinic_row_number" + " FROM grid_centroid, chasclinic"
                    + " ) ";

            // afdsfsadfsafdsf
            String mrtstation_table = " mrtstation_table AS (" + " SELECT grid_centroid.gid as grid_id,  "
                    + "       mrtstation.gid,  "
                    + "       ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, mrtstation.geom) as mrtstation_distance, "
                    + "       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY grid_centroid.gid "
                    + "                          ORDER BY ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, mrtstation.geom) ASC"
                    + "                         ) AS mrtstation_row_number" + " FROM grid_centroid, mrtstation"
                    + " ) ";
            String primaryschool_table = " primaryschool_table AS (" + " SELECT grid_centroid.gid as grid_id,  "
                    + "       primaryschool.gid,  "
                    + "       ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, primaryschool.geom) as primaryschool_distance, "
                    + "       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY grid_centroid.gid "
                    + "                          ORDER BY ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, primaryschool.geom) ASC"
                    + "                         ) AS primaryschool_row_number"
                    + " FROM grid_centroid, primaryschool" + " ) ";
            String shoppingcentre_table = " shoppingcentre_table AS (" + " SELECT grid_centroid.gid as grid_id,  "
                    + "       shoppingcentre.gid,  "
                    + "       ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, shoppingcentre.geom) as shoppingcentre_distance, "
                    + "       ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY grid_centroid.gid "
                    + "                          ORDER BY ST_Distance(grid_centroid.geom, shoppingcentre.geom) ASC"
                    + "                         ) AS shoppingcentre_row_number"
                    + " FROM grid_centroid, shoppingcentre" + " ) ";

            String base_table = "WITH ";

            String select_list = " SELECT grid_centroid.gid as point, " + "     selected_grid.gid as hexagon, ";

            String from_list = " FROM grid_centroid, " + "     selected_grid, ";

            String where_list = " WHERE selected_grid.gid = grid_centroid.gid ";

            for (int x = 0; x < facility_list.length; x++) {
                String facility_name = facility_list[x];
                if (facility_name.equals("hawkercentre")) {
                    base_table += hawkercentre_table + ",";
                    select_list += "     AVG(hawkercentre_distance) as hawkercentre, ";
                    from_list += "     hawkercentre_table,";
                    where_list += " AND grid_centroid.gid = hawkercentre_table.grid_id"
                            + " AND hawkercentre_row_number <= " + "1";
                if (facility_name.equals("childcare")) {
                    base_table += childcare_table + ",";
                    select_list += "     AVG(childcare_distance) as childcare, ";
                    from_list += "     childcare_table,";
                    where_list += " AND grid_centroid.gid = childcare_table.grid_id "
                            + " AND childcare_row_number <= " + "1";
                if (facility_name.equals("chasclinic")) {
                    base_table += chasclinic_table + ",";
                    select_list += "     AVG(chasclinic_distance) as chasclinic, ";
                    from_list += "     chasclinic_table,";
                    where_list += " AND grid_centroid.gid = chasclinic_table.grid_id "
                            + " AND chasclinic_row_number <= " + "1";
                if (facility_name.equals("mrtstation")) {
                    base_table += mrtstation_table + ",";
                    select_list += "     AVG(mrtstation_distance) as mrtstation, ";
                    from_list += "     mrtstation_table,";
                    where_list += " AND grid_centroid.gid = mrtstation_table.grid_id "
                            + " AND mrtstation_row_number <= " + "1";
                if (facility_name.equals("primaryschool")) {
                    base_table += primaryschool_table + ",";
                    select_list += "     AVG(primaryschool_distance) as primaryschool, ";
                    from_list += "     primaryschool_table,";
                    where_list += " AND grid_centroid.gid = primaryschool_table.grid_id "
                            + " AND primaryschool_row_number <= " + "1";
                if (facility_name.equals("shoppingcentre")) {
                    base_table += shoppingcentre_table + ",";
                    select_list += "     AVG(shoppingcentre_distance) as shoppingcentre, ";
                    from_list += "     shoppingcentre_table,";
                    where_list += " AND grid_centroid.gid = shoppingcentre_table.grid_id "
                            + " AND shoppingcentre_row_number <= " + "1";

            base_table = base_table.substring(0, base_table.length() - 1);
            from_list = from_list.substring(0, from_list.length() - 1);

            select_list += "     ST_AsGeoJSON(ST_Transform(selected_grid.geom, 4326)) as GeoJSON ";

            String group_by = " GROUP BY point, hexagon " + " ORDER BY point; ";
            String query = select_list + from_list + where_list + group_by;

            // final sql
            sql = base_table + query;

            ps = conn.prepareStatement(sql);
            rs = ps.executeQuery();

            all_hawkercentre_distance = new double[grid_size];
            all_childcare_distance = new double[grid_size];
            all_chasclinic_distance = new double[grid_size];
            all_mrtstation_distance = new double[grid_size];
            all_primaryschool_distance = new double[grid_size];
            all_shoppingcentre_distance = new double[grid_size];

            int counter = 0;
            while (rs.next()) {

                //Retrieve by column name
                int id = rs.getInt("point");
                String geojson = rs.getString("geojson");

                HashMap hm = new HashMap();

                for (int p = 0; p < facility_list.length; p++) {
                    String facility_name = facility_list[p];
                    if (facility_name.equals("hawkercentre")) {
                        double hawkercentre = rs.getDouble("hawkercentre");
                        hm.put("hawkercentre", hawkercentre);
                        all_hawkercentre_distance[counter] = hawkercentre;
                    if (facility_name.equals("childcare")) {
                        double childcare = rs.getDouble("childcare");
                        hm.put("childcare", childcare);
                        all_childcare_distance[counter] = childcare;
                    if (facility_name.equals("chasclinic")) {
                        double chasclinic = rs.getDouble("chasclinic");
                        hm.put("chasclinic", chasclinic);
                        all_chasclinic_distance[counter] = chasclinic;
                    if (facility_name.equals("mrtstation")) {
                        double mrtstation = rs.getDouble("mrtstation");
                        hm.put("mrtstation", mrtstation);
                        all_mrtstation_distance[counter] = mrtstation;
                    if (facility_name.equals("primaryschool")) {
                        double primaryschool = rs.getDouble("primaryschool");
                        hm.put("primaryschool", primaryschool);
                        all_primaryschool_distance[counter] = primaryschool;
                    if (facility_name.equals("shoppingcentre")) {
                        double shoppingcentre = rs.getDouble("shoppingcentre");
                        hm.put("shoppingcentre", shoppingcentre);
                        all_shoppingcentre_distance[counter] = shoppingcentre;

                Hexagon h = new Hexagon(id, hm, geojson);

                counter = counter + 1;

        } catch (SQLException e) {
        } finally {
            ConnectionManager.close(conn, ps, rs);

        // populate all percentile threshold values

        return hexagonList;

    // return Json of all Transaction
     * return Json of all Transaction
     * @return Json of all Transaction
    public JsonArray toJSON(ArrayList<Hexagon> result, String[] facility_list, int[] weight_list) {

        JsonArray resultArray = new JsonArray();

        all_score = new double[grid_size];

        for (int i = 0; i < result.size(); i++) {

            // add properties
            JsonObject properties = new JsonObject();
            HashMap hm = result.get(i).get_hm();

            double hawkercentre = -1;
            double childcare = -1;
            double chasclinic = -1;
            double mrtstation = -1;
            double primaryschool = -1;
            double shoppingcentre = -1;

            for (int p = 0; p < facility_list.length; p++) {
                String facility_name = facility_list[p];
                if (facility_name.equals("hawkercentre")) {
                    hawkercentre = (Double) hm.get("hawkercentre");
                if (facility_name.equals("childcare")) {
                    childcare = (Double) hm.get("childcare");
                if (facility_name.equals("chasclinic")) {
                    chasclinic = (Double) hm.get("chasclinic");
                if (facility_name.equals("mrtstation")) {
                    mrtstation = (Double) hm.get("mrtstation");
                if (facility_name.equals("primaryschool")) {
                    primaryschool = (Double) hm.get("primaryschool");
                if (facility_name.equals("shoppingcentre")) {
                    shoppingcentre = (Double) hm.get("shoppingcentre");

            double hawkercentre_score = calculate_hawkercentre(hawkercentre);
            double childcare_score = calculate_childcare(childcare);
            double chasclinic_score = calculate_chasclinic(chasclinic);
            double mrtstation_score = calculate_mrtstation(mrtstation);
            double primaryschool_score = calculate_primaryschool(primaryschool);
            double shoppingcentre_score = calculate_shoppingcentre(shoppingcentre);
            // here

            double[] array = calculate_accessbility(hawkercentre_score, childcare_score, chasclinic_score,
                    mrtstation_score, primaryschool_score, shoppingcentre_score, weight_list);

            double accessibility_score = array[0] / array[1];

            all_score[i] = accessibility_score;
            properties.addProperty("grid_id", result.get(i).get_id());
            properties.addProperty("density", accessibility_score);
            properties.addProperty("result", array[0]);
            properties.addProperty("full_mark", array[1]);

            properties.addProperty("hawkercentre_score", hawkercentre_score);
            properties.addProperty("childcare_score", childcare_score);
            properties.addProperty("chasclinic_score", chasclinic_score);
            properties.addProperty("mrtstation_score", mrtstation_score);
            properties.addProperty("primaryschool_score", primaryschool_score);
            properties.addProperty("shoppingcentre_score", shoppingcentre_score);

            // add coordinates
            String geojson_str = result.get(i).get_geojson();
            Gson gson = new Gson();
            JsonElement je = gson.fromJson(geojson_str, JsonElement.class);
            JsonObject jo = je.getAsJsonObject();

            // add geometry
            JsonObject record = new JsonObject();
            record.addProperty("type", "Feature");
            record.add("properties", properties);
            record.add("geometry", jo);

            // append to resultArray



        return resultArray;


    public double calculate_hawkercentre(double hawkercentre) {

        double hawkercentre_score = -1;

        if (hawkercentre != -1) {
            if (hawkercentre <= hawkercentre_80) {
                hawkercentre_score = 5;
            } else if (hawkercentre <= hawkercentre_60) {
                hawkercentre_score = 4;
            } else if (hawkercentre <= hawkercentre_40) {
                hawkercentre_score = 3;
            } else if (hawkercentre <= hawkercentre_20) {
                hawkercentre_score = 2;
            } else {
                hawkercentre_score = 1;

        return hawkercentre_score;


    public double calculate_childcare(double childcare) {

        double childcare_score = -1;

        if (childcare != -1) {
            if (childcare <= childcare_80) {
                childcare_score = 5;
            } else if (childcare <= childcare_60) {
                childcare_score = 4;
            } else if (childcare <= childcare_40) {
                childcare_score = 3;
            } else if (childcare <= childcare_20) {
                childcare_score = 2;
            } else {
                childcare_score = 1;

        return childcare_score;


    public double calculate_chasclinic(double chasclinic) {

        double chasclinic_score = -1;

        if (chasclinic != -1) {
            if (chasclinic <= chasclinic_80) {
                chasclinic_score = 5;
            } else if (chasclinic <= chasclinic_60) {
                chasclinic_score = 4;
            } else if (chasclinic <= chasclinic_40) {
                chasclinic_score = 3;
            } else if (chasclinic <= chasclinic_20) {
                chasclinic_score = 2;
            } else {
                chasclinic_score = 1;

        return chasclinic_score;


    public double calculate_mrtstation(double mrtstation) {

        double mrtstation_score = -1;

        if (mrtstation != -1) {
            if (mrtstation <= mrtstation_80) {
                mrtstation_score = 5;
            } else if (mrtstation <= mrtstation_60) {
                mrtstation_score = 4;
            } else if (mrtstation <= mrtstation_40) {
                mrtstation_score = 3;
            } else if (mrtstation <= mrtstation_20) {
                mrtstation_score = 2;
            } else {
                mrtstation_score = 1;

        return mrtstation_score;


    public double calculate_primaryschool(double primaryschool) {

        double primaryschool_score = -1;

        if (primaryschool != -1) {
            if (primaryschool <= primaryschool_80) {
                primaryschool_score = 5;
            } else if (primaryschool <= primaryschool_60) {
                primaryschool_score = 4;
            } else if (primaryschool <= primaryschool_40) {
                primaryschool_score = 3;
            } else if (primaryschool <= primaryschool_20) {
                primaryschool_score = 2;
            } else {
                primaryschool_score = 1;

        return primaryschool_score;


    public double calculate_shoppingcentre(double shoppingcentre) {

        double shoppingcentre_score = -1;

        if (shoppingcentre != -1) {
            if (shoppingcentre <= shoppingcentre_80) {
                shoppingcentre_score = 5;
            } else if (shoppingcentre <= shoppingcentre_60) {
                shoppingcentre_score = 4;
            } else if (shoppingcentre <= shoppingcentre_40) {
                shoppingcentre_score = 3;
            } else if (shoppingcentre <= shoppingcentre_20) {
                shoppingcentre_score = 2;
            } else {
                shoppingcentre_score = 1;

        return shoppingcentre_score;


    public double[] calculate_accessbility(double hawkercentre_score, double childcare_score,
            double chasclinic_score, double mrtstation_score, double primaryschool_score,
            double shoppingcentre_score, int[] weight_list) {

        double[] array = new double[2];
        double total_score = 0;
        double result = 0;

        if (hawkercentre_score != -1) {
            total_score += 5 * weight_list[0];
            result += hawkercentre_score * weight_list[0];
        if (childcare_score != -1) {
            total_score += 5 * weight_list[1];
            result += childcare_score * weight_list[1];
        if (chasclinic_score != -1) {
            total_score += 5 * weight_list[2];
            result += chasclinic_score * weight_list[2];
        if (mrtstation_score != -1) {
            total_score += 5 * weight_list[3];
            result += mrtstation_score * weight_list[3];
        if (primaryschool_score != -1) {
            total_score += 5 * weight_list[4];
            result += primaryschool_score * weight_list[4];
        if (shoppingcentre_score != -1) {
            total_score += 5 * weight_list[5];
            result += shoppingcentre_score * weight_list[5];

        array[0] = result;
        array[1] = total_score;

        return array;


    public void populate_threshold() {
        hawkercentre_80 = percentile.evaluate(all_hawkercentre_distance, 20.0);
        hawkercentre_60 = percentile.evaluate(all_hawkercentre_distance, 40.0);
        hawkercentre_40 = percentile.evaluate(all_hawkercentre_distance, 60.0);
        hawkercentre_20 = percentile.evaluate(all_hawkercentre_distance, 80.0);

        childcare_80 = percentile.evaluate(all_childcare_distance, 20.0);
        childcare_60 = percentile.evaluate(all_childcare_distance, 40.0);
        childcare_40 = percentile.evaluate(all_childcare_distance, 60.0);
        childcare_20 = percentile.evaluate(all_childcare_distance, 80.0);

        chasclinic_80 = percentile.evaluate(all_chasclinic_distance, 20.0);
        chasclinic_60 = percentile.evaluate(all_chasclinic_distance, 40.0);
        chasclinic_40 = percentile.evaluate(all_chasclinic_distance, 60.0);
        chasclinic_20 = percentile.evaluate(all_chasclinic_distance, 80.0);

        mrtstation_80 = percentile.evaluate(all_mrtstation_distance, 20.0);
        mrtstation_60 = percentile.evaluate(all_mrtstation_distance, 40.0);
        mrtstation_40 = percentile.evaluate(all_mrtstation_distance, 60.0);
        mrtstation_20 = percentile.evaluate(all_mrtstation_distance, 80.0);

        primaryschool_80 = percentile.evaluate(all_primaryschool_distance, 20.0);
        primaryschool_60 = percentile.evaluate(all_primaryschool_distance, 40.0);
        primaryschool_40 = percentile.evaluate(all_primaryschool_distance, 60.0);
        primaryschool_20 = percentile.evaluate(all_primaryschool_distance, 80.0);

        shoppingcentre_80 = percentile.evaluate(all_shoppingcentre_distance, 20.0);
        shoppingcentre_60 = percentile.evaluate(all_shoppingcentre_distance, 40.0);
        shoppingcentre_40 = percentile.evaluate(all_shoppingcentre_distance, 60.0);
        shoppingcentre_20 = percentile.evaluate(all_shoppingcentre_distance, 80.0);

        System.out.println("Percentile calculation completed!");

    public void score_threshold() {
        total_80 = percentile.evaluate(all_score, 80.0);
        total_60 = percentile.evaluate(all_score, 60.0);
        total_40 = percentile.evaluate(all_score, 40.0);
        total_20 = percentile.evaluate(all_score, 20.0);

        System.out.println("Distribution of all scores studied!");

    public double return_80() {
        return total_80;

    public double return_60() {
        return total_60;

    public double return_40() {
        return total_40;

    public double return_20() {
        return total_20;
