Engine.Player.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for Engine.Player.java


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package Engine;

import Engine.AStar.AStar;
import Engine.AStar.AreaMap;
import Engine.AStar.DiagonalHeuristic;
import Engine.AStar.IAStarHeuristic;
import java.awt.Color;
import java.awt.Point;
import java.awt.TexturePaint;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.commons.math3.geometry.euclidean.threed.Vector3D;

 * @author Tomus
public class Player implements IRenderableGameObject {
    double[] ViewFrom = new double[] { 0, 0, 100 };
    double[] ViewTo = new double[] { 0, 0, 0 };
    Object[] PlayerId = null;
    //public BoundingSphere boundingSphere = null;
    public BoundingBox boundingBox = null;
    public String Name = "Player";

    public Projectile jumpProjectile = null;
    double headPosition = 2.0 * GenerateTerrain.Size;

    public long calculateMoveInterval = 0;
    public long calculateMoveIntervalMax = 500;

    public Vector3D GetPosition() {
        return new Vector3D(ViewFrom[0], ViewFrom[1], ViewFrom[2] - headPosition);

    public Vector3D MoveDirection = null;
    public Vector3D PositionIFace = null;

    public void AttackPlayer(Player p, WorldMap worldMap, Screen screen) {
        Vector3D vf = new Vector3D(ViewFrom[0], ViewFrom[1], ViewFrom[2]);
        Vector3D pp = AlgebraUtils.ReturnClosestWectorMirror(p.ViewFrom, ViewFrom, worldMap);
        //Vector3D pp = new Vector3D(p.ViewFrom[0], p.ViewFrom[1], p.ViewFrom[2]);
        Vector3D sv = pp.subtract(vf);
        screen.shoot(vf, sv, this);

    public void ApproachPlayer(Player p, WorldMap worldMap) {
        MoveDirection = null;
        //PositionIFace = new Vector3D(p.ViewFrom[0], p.ViewFrom[1], p.ViewFrom[2]);
        PositionIFace = AlgebraUtils.ReturnClosestWectorMirror(p.ViewFrom, ViewFrom, worldMap);
        int algorithmSize = Math.min(GenerateTerrain.mapSize, worldMap.mapSize);
        int[][] obstacleMap = new int[algorithmSize][];
        int halfSize = algorithmSize / 2;
        int goalX = halfSize;
        int goalY = halfSize;
        for (int a = 0; a < obstacleMap.length; a++) {
            obstacleMap[a] = new int[algorithmSize];
        for (int a = -halfSize + (int) (ViewFrom[0] / GenerateTerrain.Size), aa = 0; a < halfSize
                + (int) (ViewFrom[0] / GenerateTerrain.Size) - 1; a++, aa++)
            for (int b = -halfSize + (int) (ViewFrom[1] / GenerateTerrain.Size), bb = 0; b < halfSize
                    + (int) (ViewFrom[1] / GenerateTerrain.Size) - 1; b++, bb++) {
                int MapIdX = a;
                int MapIdY = b;

                MapIdX %= (worldMap.getMapSize());
                MapIdY %= (worldMap.getMapSize());
                if (MapIdX < 0)
                    MapIdX = worldMap.getMapSize() + MapIdX;
                if (MapIdY < 0)
                    MapIdY = worldMap.getMapSize() + MapIdY;
                if (worldMap.ObjectsMap[MapIdX][MapIdY].size() > 0) {
                    if (worldMap.ObjectsMap[MapIdX][MapIdY].contains(p)) {
                        obstacleMap[aa][bb] = 0;
                        goalX = aa;
                        goalY = bb;
                    } else {
                        Object o = worldMap.ObjectsMap[MapIdX][MapIdY].get(0);
                        /*if (o instanceof Cube)
                            Cube c = (Cube)o;
                            double xx = c.width / GenerateTerrain.Size + 1.01;
                            double yy = c.length / GenerateTerrain.Size + 1.01;
                            int aaa  = 0;
                            for (int a1 = - (int)(xx / 2); a1 <= (int)(xx / 2); a1++)
                                for (int b1 = - (int)(yy / 2); b1 <= (int)(yy / 2); b1++)
                                    if (aa + a1 >= 0 && bb + b1 >= 0 && aa + a1 < obstacleMap.length && bb + b1 < obstacleMap[0].length)
                                        obstacleMap[aa + a1][bb + b1] = 1;
                                        if (worldMap.ObjectsMap[aa + a1][bb + b1].contains(p))
                                            obstacleMap[aa + a1][bb + b1] = 0;
                                            goalX = aa;
                                            goalY = bb;
                                        }                                        }

                        if (o instanceof Cube) {
                            Cube c = (Cube) o;
                            double xx = c.width / GenerateTerrain.Size + .01;
                            double yy = c.length / GenerateTerrain.Size + .01;
                            int aaa = 0;
                            for (int a1 = 0; a1 <= (int) xx + 0; a1++)
                                for (int b1 = 0; b1 <= (int) yy + 0; b1++) {
                                    if (aa + a1 >= 0 && bb + b1 >= 0 && aa + a1 < obstacleMap.length
                                            && bb + b1 < obstacleMap[0].length) {
                                        obstacleMap[aa + a1][bb + b1] = 1;
                                        if (worldMap.ObjectsMap[aa + a1][bb + b1].contains(p)) {
                                            obstacleMap[aa + a1][bb + b1] = 0;
                                            goalX = aa;
                                            goalY = bb;


                        obstacleMap[aa][bb] = 1;
                } else {
                    if (obstacleMap[aa][bb] < 1)
                        obstacleMap[aa][bb] = 0;
        obstacleMap[halfSize][halfSize] = 0;

        AreaMap map = new AreaMap(algorithmSize, algorithmSize, obstacleMap);
        IAStarHeuristic heuristic = new DiagonalHeuristic();
        AStar aStar = new AStar(map, heuristic);
        ArrayList<Point> shortestPath = aStar.calcShortestPath(halfSize, halfSize, goalX, goalY);
        if (shortestPath != null)
            if (shortestPath.size() > 1) {
                MoveDirection = new Vector3D(shortestPath.get(0).x - halfSize, shortestPath.get(0).y - halfSize, 0);
        //MoveDirection = Vector3D.ZERO;

    public Player(double[] ViewFrom, double[] ViewTo) {
        this.ViewFrom = ViewFrom;
        this.ViewTo = ViewTo;
        this.PlayerId = new Object[] { this };
        //boundingBox = new BoundingBox(ViewFrom[0] - 0.5, ViewFrom[1] - 0.5, ViewFrom[2] - headPosition, ViewFrom[0] + 0.5, ViewFrom[1] + 0.5, ViewFrom[2], true);

        boundingBox = new BoundingBox(ViewFrom[0] - 1, ViewFrom[1] - 1, ViewFrom[2] - headPosition, ViewFrom[0] + 1,
                ViewFrom[1] + 1, ViewFrom[2], true);

        //boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(ViewFrom[0], ViewFrom[1], ViewFrom[2] + (headPosition / 2.0), (headPosition / 2.0));

    public void RenderPlayer() {


    public DPolygon[] GetPolygons() {
        //Cube head = new Cube(ViewFrom[0] - halfHeadSize, ViewFrom[1] - headSize, ViewFrom[2] - 2 * headSize, headSize * 2.0, headSize * 2.0, headSize * 2.0, Color.YELLOW, PlayerId);
        //return head.GetPolygons();
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

    private void AddArrayToArrayList(ArrayList<DPolygon> arrayList, DPolygon[] array) {
        for (int a = 0; a < array.length; a++) {

    double rot = 0;

    double halfHeadSize = 1;
    double headSize = 2;
    double halfNeckSize = 0.5;
    double neckSize = 1;
    double halfCorupsXSize = 2;
    double halfCorupsYSize = 1;

    double corupsYSize = 1;
    double halfCorpusZSize = 3;
    double corpusZSize = 6;
    double halfLegZSize = 3.75;
    //double legZSize = 7;
    //double halfLegSizeY = 0.7;
    //double legSizeY = 1.4;
    //double legSizeX = 1.3;

    double legZSize = 7;
    double halfLegSizeY = 1;
    //double legSizeY = 1.4;
    double halfLegSizeX = 1.5;

    double halfHandsYSize = 0.8;
    double halfHandsXSize = 3;
    double handsZSize = 6;

    double epsBody = 0.01;

    public ArrayList<DPolygon> GetPolygons(double x, double y) {
        /*Cube head = new Cube(- halfHeadSize + x, - halfHeadSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - halfHeadSize + epsBody,
        halfHeadSize * 2.0, halfHeadSize * 2.0, halfHeadSize * 2.0, Color.YELLOW, PlayerId);
        head.Polys[2].DrawablePolygon.texture = GenerateTerrain.img;
        Cube neck = new Cube(- halfNeckSize + x, - halfNeckSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - headSize + halfNeckSize,
            halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize, Color.PINK, PlayerId);
        Cube corpus = new Cube(- halfCorupsXSize + x, - halfCorupsYSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody,
            halfCorupsXSize * 2.0, halfCorupsYSize * 2.0, 2 * halfCorpusZSize, Color.BLUE, PlayerId);
        Cube legs = new Cube(- halfLegSizeX + x, - halfLegSizeY + y, ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody,
            2 * halfLegSizeX, 2 * halfLegSizeY, legZSize, Color.MAGENTA, PlayerId);
        Cube hands = new Cube(- halfHandsXSize + x, - halfHandsYSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - handsZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody,
            halfHandsXSize * 2.0, halfHandsYSize * 2.0, handsZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId);
        ArrayList<DPolygon> all = new ArrayList<DPolygon>();
        rot += 0.01;
        head.rotation = rot;
        neck.rotation = rot;
        corpus.rotation = rot;
        legs.rotation = rot;
        hands.rotation = rot;
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, head.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, neck.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, corpus.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, hands.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, legs.GetPolygons());*/

        //rot = Math.PI*0.75;
        //rot += 0.01;

        /*if (MoveDirection != null)
        if (Math.abs(MoveDirection.getX()) < 0.1 && MoveDirection.getY() > 0.1) rot = 0;
        if (MoveDirection.getX() > 0.1 && MoveDirection.getY() > 0.1) rot = -Math.PI / 4.0;
        if (MoveDirection.getX() > 0.1 && Math.abs(MoveDirection.getY()) < 0.1) rot = -Math.PI / 2.0;
        if (MoveDirection.getX() > 0.1 && MoveDirection.getY() < 0.1) rot = -3.0 * Math.PI / 4.0;
        if (Math.abs(MoveDirection.getX()) < 0.1 && MoveDirection.getY() < 0.1) rot = -Math.PI;
        if (MoveDirection.getX() < 0.1 && MoveDirection.getY() < 0.1) rot = -5.0 * Math.PI / 4.0;
        if (MoveDirection.getX() < 0.1 && Math.abs(MoveDirection.getY()) < 0.1) rot = -3.0 * Math.PI / 2.0;
        if (MoveDirection.getX() < 0.1 && MoveDirection.getY() > 0.1) rot = -7.0 * Math.PI / 4.0;
        rot += 2 *  Math.PI / 4;
        if (PositionIFace != null) {
            rot = Math.PI / 4.0;

            Vector3D v1 = new Vector3D(PositionIFace.getX(), PositionIFace.getY(), 0);
            Vector3D v2 = new Vector3D(ViewFrom[0], ViewFrom[1], 0);
            Vector3D v3 = (v1.subtract(v2)).normalize();

            Vector3D cross = Vector3D.crossProduct(v3, new Vector3D(1, 0, 0));
            double dot = Vector3D.dotProduct(v3, new Vector3D(1, 0, 0));

            double angle = Math.atan2(cross.getZ(), dot);
            rot += -angle;

        double xx = -halfHeadSize + x;
        double yy = -halfHeadSize + y;
        double[] r = rotatePoint(xx, yy, xx, yy, rot - Math.PI * 0.75);

        Cube head = new Cube(r[0], r[1], ViewFrom[2] - halfHeadSize + epsBody, halfHeadSize * 2.0,
                halfHeadSize * 2.0, halfHeadSize * 2.0, Color.YELLOW, PlayerId);

        head.Polys[2].DrawablePolygon.texture = GenerateTerrain.img;

        Cube neck = new Cube(-halfNeckSize + x, -halfNeckSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - headSize + halfNeckSize,
                halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize, Color.PINK, PlayerId);
        Cube corpus = new Cube(-halfCorupsXSize + x, -halfCorupsYSize + y,
                ViewFrom[2] - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody, halfCorupsXSize * 2.0,
                halfCorupsYSize * 2.0, 2 * halfCorpusZSize, Color.BLUE, PlayerId);

        Cube legs = new Cube(-halfLegSizeX + x, -halfLegSizeY + y,
                ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody,
                2 * halfLegSizeX, 2 * halfLegSizeY, legZSize, Color.MAGENTA, PlayerId);

        xx = -halfHandsXSize + x;
        yy = -halfHandsYSize + y;//- halfHandsYSize + (halfHandsYSize / 2.0) + y;
        r = rotatePoint(xx, yy, x - 0.5, y - halfHandsYSize, rot - Math.PI * 0.75);

        Cube handLeft = new Cube(r[0], r[1], ViewFrom[2] - handsZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody, 1,
                halfHandsYSize * 2.0, handsZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId);

        xx = halfHandsXSize + x - 1;
        yy = -halfHandsYSize + y;//- halfHandsYSize + (halfHandsYSize / 2.0) + y;
        r = rotatePoint(xx, yy, x - 0.5, y - halfHandsYSize, rot - Math.PI * 0.75);

        Cube handRight = new Cube(r[0], r[1], ViewFrom[2] - handsZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody, 1,
                halfHandsYSize * 2.0, handsZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId);

        xx = -2 + x;
        yy = -halfLegSizeY + y;//- halfHandsYSize + (halfHandsYSize / 2.0) + y;
        r = rotatePoint(xx, yy, x - 0.75, y - halfLegSizeY, rot - Math.PI * 0.75);

        Cube legLeft = new Cube(r[0], r[1],
                ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody, 1.5,
                halfLegSizeY * 2.0, legZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId);

        xx = 2 + x - 1.5;
        yy = -halfLegSizeY + y;//- halfHandsYSize + (halfHandsYSize / 2.0) + y;
        r = rotatePoint(xx, yy, x - 0.75, y - halfLegSizeY, rot - Math.PI * 0.75);

        Cube legRight = new Cube(r[0], r[1],
                ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody, 1.5,
                halfLegSizeY * 2.0, legZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId);
        //Cube legs = new Cube(- halfLegSizeX + x, - halfLegSizeY + y, ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody,
        //      2 * halfLegSizeX, 2 * halfLegSizeY, legZSize, Color.MAGENTA, PlayerId);

        ArrayList<DPolygon> all = new ArrayList<DPolygon>();

        //rot += 0.00;

        head.rotation = rot;

        neck.rotation = rot;

        corpus.rotation = rot;

        legs.rotation = rot;

        handLeft.rotation = rot;

        handRight.rotation = rot;

        legLeft.rotation = rot;

        legRight.rotation = rot;

        AddArrayToArrayList(all, head.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, neck.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, corpus.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, handLeft.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, handRight.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, legLeft.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, legRight.GetPolygons());

        //rot = Math.PI*0.75;
        rot += 0.01;
        double xx = - halfHeadSize + x;
        double yy = - halfHeadSize + y;
        double[]r = rotatePoint(xx, yy, xx, yy, rot - Math.PI*0.75);
        Cube head = new Cube(r[0], r[1], ViewFrom[2] - halfHeadSize + epsBody,
        halfHeadSize * 2.0, halfHeadSize * 2.0, halfHeadSize * 2.0, Color.YELLOW, PlayerId, x, y, rot - Math.PI*0.75);
        head.Polys[2].DrawablePolygon.texture = GenerateTerrain.img;
        Cube neck = new Cube(- halfNeckSize + x, - halfNeckSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - headSize + halfNeckSize,
            halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize, Color.PINK, PlayerId, x, y, rot - Math.PI*0.75);
        Cube corpus = new Cube(- halfCorupsXSize + x, - halfCorupsYSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody,
            halfCorupsXSize * 2.0, halfCorupsYSize * 2.0, 2 * halfCorpusZSize, Color.BLUE, PlayerId, x, y, rot - Math.PI*0.75);
        Cube legs = new Cube(- halfLegSizeX + x, - halfLegSizeY + y, ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody,
            2 * halfLegSizeX, 2 * halfLegSizeY, legZSize, Color.MAGENTA, PlayerId, x, y, rot - Math.PI*0.75);
        //xx = - halfHandsXSize + 0.5 + x;
        //yy = - halfHandsYSize + (halfHandsYSize / 2.0) + y;
        Cube hands = new Cube(- halfHandsXSize + x, - halfHandsYSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - handsZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody,
            1, halfHandsYSize * 2.0, handsZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId, x, y, rot - Math.PI*0.75);
         ArrayList<DPolygon> all = new ArrayList<DPolygon>();
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, head.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, neck.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, corpus.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, hands.GetPolygons());
        AddArrayToArrayList(all, legs.GetPolygons());*/
        return all;

    private static double[] rotatePoint(double xx, double yy, double originX, double originY, double rotation) {
        double xx2 = (Math.cos(rotation) * (xx - originX)) - (Math.sin(rotation) * (yy - originY)) + originX;
        double yy2 = (Math.sin(rotation) * (xx - originX)) + (Math.cos(rotation) * (yy - originY)) + originY;
        return new double[] { xx2, yy2 };

        double halfHeadSize = 1;
    double headSize = 2;
    double halfNeckSize = 0.5;
    double neckSize = 1;
    double halfCorupsXSize = 2;
    double halfCorupsYSize = 1;
    double corupsYSize = 1;
    double halfCorpusZSize = 3;
    double corpusZSize = 6;
    double halfLegZSize = 3.75;
    //double legZSize = 7;
    double halfLegSizeY = 0.7;
    //double legSizeY = 1.4;
    double legSizeX = 1.3;
    double legZSize = 7;
    //double halfLegSizeY = 1;
    double legSizeY = 1.4;
    double halfLegSizeX = 1.5;
    double halfHandsYSize = 0.8;
    double halfHandsXSize = 3;
    double handsZSize = 6;
    double halfHandSizeY = 0.6;
    double handZSize = 7;
    double handSizeX = 0.75;
    double epsBody = 0.01;
    public ArrayList<DPolygon> GetPolygons(double x, double y) {
    //doda epsilony!
    Cube head = new Cube(ViewFrom[0] - halfHeadSize + x, ViewFrom[1] - halfHeadSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - halfHeadSize + epsBody,
            halfHeadSize * 2.0, halfHeadSize * 2.0, halfHeadSize * 2.0, Color.YELLOW, PlayerId);
    Cube neck = new Cube(ViewFrom[0] - halfNeckSize + x, ViewFrom[1] - halfNeckSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - headSize + halfNeckSize,
            halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize, Color.PINK, PlayerId);
    Cube corpus = new Cube(ViewFrom[0] - halfCorupsXSize + x, ViewFrom[1] - halfCorupsYSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody,
            halfCorupsXSize * 2.0, halfCorupsYSize * 2.0, 2 * halfCorpusZSize, Color.BLUE, PlayerId);
    Cube leftLeg = new Cube(ViewFrom[0] - halfCorupsXSize + x, ViewFrom[1] - halfLegSizeY + y, ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody,
            legSizeX, legSizeY, legZSize, Color.MAGENTA, PlayerId);
    Cube rightLeg = new Cube(ViewFrom[0] + halfCorupsXSize - legSizeX + x, ViewFrom[1] - halfLegSizeY + y, ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody,
            legSizeX, legSizeY, legZSize, Color.MAGENTA, PlayerId);
    Cube leftHand = new Cube(ViewFrom[0] - halfCorupsXSize - handSizeX + x - epsBody, ViewFrom[1] - halfHandSizeY + y, ViewFrom[2] - handZSize - headSize,
            handSizeX, 2 * halfHandSizeY, handZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId);
    Cube rightHand = new Cube(ViewFrom[0] + halfCorupsXSize + x + epsBody, ViewFrom[1] - halfHandSizeY + y, ViewFrom[2] - handZSize - headSize,
            handSizeX, 2 * halfHandSizeY, handZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId);
    //Cube leftLeg = new Cube(ViewFrom[0] - headSize + x, ViewFrom[1] - headSize + y, ViewFrom[2] - headSize, headSize * 2.0, headSize * 2.0, headSize * 2.0, Color.YELLOW, PlayerId);
    ArrayList<DPolygon> all = new ArrayList<DPolygon>();
    //leftLeg.rotation = Math.PI / 4;
    //leftLeg.UpdateDirection(ViewFrom[0], ViewFrom[1]);
    //leftLeg.updatePoly( ViewFrom[0] + x, ViewFrom[1] + y);
    //AddArrayToArrayList(all, head.GetPolygons());
    //AddArrayToArrayList(all, neck.GetPolygons());
    rot += 0.01;
    //corpus.rotation = rot;
    //leftLeg.rotation = rot;
    //corpus.updatePoly2(ViewFrom[0] - halfCorupsXSize + x, ViewFrom[1] - halfCorupsYSize + y, ViewFrom[0] - halfCorupsXSize + x, ViewFrom[1] - halfCorupsYSize + y);
    //leftLeg.updatePoly2(ViewFrom[0] - halfCorupsXSize - legSizeX + x, ViewFrom[1] - halfCorupsYSize + y, ViewFrom[0] - halfCorupsXSize + x, ViewFrom[1] - halfCorupsYSize + y);
    //Cube aaa = new Cube(x-2, y-2, ViewFrom[2]-8, 4, 4, 10, Color.CYAN, null);
    head = new Cube(x - halfHeadSize, y - halfHeadSize, ViewFrom[2] - halfHeadSize + epsBody,
            halfHeadSize * 2.0, halfHeadSize * 2.0, halfHeadSize * 2.0, Color.YELLOW, PlayerId);
    neck = new Cube(x - halfNeckSize, y - halfNeckSize, ViewFrom[2] - headSize + halfNeckSize,
            halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize * 2.0, halfNeckSize, Color.PINK, PlayerId);
    corpus = new Cube(x - halfCorupsXSize, y - halfCorupsYSize, ViewFrom[2] - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody,
            halfCorupsXSize * 2.0, halfCorupsYSize * 2.0, 2 * halfCorpusZSize, Color.BLUE, PlayerId);
    leftLeg = new Cube(x - halfCorupsXSize, y - halfLegSizeY, ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody,
            legSizeX, legSizeY, legZSize, Color.MAGENTA, PlayerId);
    rightLeg = new Cube(x + halfCorupsXSize - legSizeX, y - halfLegSizeY, ViewFrom[2] - legZSize - corpusZSize - headSize + halfNeckSize - epsBody - epsBody,
            legSizeX, legSizeY, legZSize, Color.MAGENTA, PlayerId);
    leftHand = new Cube(x - halfCorupsXSize - handSizeX - epsBody, y - halfHandSizeY, ViewFrom[2] - handZSize - headSize,
            handSizeX, 2 * halfHandSizeY, handZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId);
    rightHand = new Cube(x + halfCorupsXSize + epsBody, y - halfHandSizeY, ViewFrom[2] - handZSize - headSize,
            handSizeX, 2 * halfHandSizeY, handZSize, Color.CYAN, PlayerId);
    //rot = 0.75 * Math.PI;
    corpus.rotation = rot;
    leftLeg.rotation = rot;
    corpus.updatePoly2(x, y, x, y);
    leftLeg.updatePoly2(x, y, x, y);
    //leftLeg.updatePoly2(x - halfCorupsXSize, y - halfLegSizeY,x,y);
    //leftLeg.updatePoly(x, y);
    //AddArrayToArrayList(all, aaa.GetPolygons());
    //AddArrayToArrayList(all, head.GetPolygons());
    //AddArrayToArrayList(all, neck.GetPolygons());
    AddArrayToArrayList(all, corpus.GetPolygons());
    AddArrayToArrayList(all, leftLeg.GetPolygons());
    //AddArrayToArrayList(all, rightLeg.GetPolygons());
    //AddArrayToArrayList(all, leftHand.GetPolygons());
    //AddArrayToArrayList(all, rightHand.GetPolygons());
    return all;
    //throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
    public double getX() {
        return ViewFrom[0];

    public double getY() {
        return ViewFrom[1];

    public double getDistance(double fromX, double fromY, double fromz, double x, double y, double z) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.
        public BoundingSphere getBoundingSphere() {
    return boundingSphere;

    public boolean Collide(IRenderableGameObject iRenderableGameObject) {
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException("Not supported yet."); //To change body of generated methods, choose Tools | Templates.

    public Object[] getOwnerId() {
        return PlayerId;

    public BoundingBox getBoundingBox() {
        return boundingBox;