Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2015-2016 USEF Foundation * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package energy.usef.core.util; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.joda.time.DateTime; import org.joda.time.Duration; import org.joda.time.Interval; import org.joda.time.LocalDate; import org.joda.time.LocalDateTime; import org.joda.time.LocalTime; import org.joda.time.format.DateTimeFormat; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * This utility class provides methods to work with dates. */ public class DateTimeUtil { private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DateTimeUtil.class); // number of ms that time will be cached. private static final int BUFFER_TIME = 200; private static final int PACKAGE_BUFFER = 128; private static final int RESPONSE_TIMEOUT = 100; private static final int MAX_ERROR_COUNT = 10; // messages to request data private static final String UDP_TIME = "TIME"; private static final String UDP_TIMEFACTOR = "TIMEFACTOR"; private static final String DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd"; private static final String DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS"; public static final int SECONDS_PER_MINUTE = 60; private static volatile long timeFactor = 1; private static volatile int errorCount = 0; private static boolean useServer = false; private static String serverIp; private static Integer port; private static LocalDateTime latestUDPDateTime; private static LocalDateTime lastProcessed; private DateTimeUtil() { // private Constructor } /** * Set the ip and port of the application. Returns true or false whether it is succesfully using the new settings. In case of * incorrect parameters, default time will be used. If time and timefactor cannot be retrieved the system will shut down. * * @param serverIp - The server IP of the usef-time server. * @param port - The server port of the usef-time server. * @return - true if succesfull. */ public static boolean updateSettings(String serverIp, Integer port) { if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(serverIp) && port != null) { DateTimeUtil.serverIp = serverIp; DateTimeUtil.port = port; DateTimeUtil.useServer = true; boolean updatedTimeFactor = false; while (!updatedTimeFactor) { String udpTimeFactor = getUDPInfo(UDP_TIMEFACTOR); if (udpTimeFactor != null && 0 < (DateTimeUtil.timeFactor = Long.valueOf(udpTimeFactor))) { updatedTimeFactor = true; } } while (latestUDPDateTime != null) { getTime(); } } else { DateTimeUtil.useServer = false; } return useServer; } /** * Creates a LocalDateTime set to the start of the given date (date at 00:00:00.000) * * @param date - the date for which to determine the start of day. * @return LocalDateTime set to the start of the given date. */ public static LocalDateTime getStartOfDay(LocalDate date) { return date.toLocalDateTime(new LocalTime()).withTime(0, 0, 0, 0); } /** * Creates a LocalDateTime set to the end of the given date (next date at 00:00:00.000) * * @param date - the date for which to determine the end of day. * @return LocalDateTime set to the end of the given date. */ public static LocalDateTime getEndOfDay(LocalDate date) { return getStartOfDay(date).plusDays(1); } /** * Creates a LocalDateTime set to the start of the given date time (date/time at 00:00:00.000) * * @param dateTime - the date/time for which to determine the start of day. * @return LocalDateTime set to the start of the given date. */ public static LocalDateTime getStartOfDay(LocalDateTime dateTime) { return getStartOfDay(dateTime.toLocalDate()); } /** * Creates a LocalDateTime set to the end of the given date/time (next date at 00:00:00.000) * * @param dateTime - the date/time for which to determine the end of day. * @return LocalDateTime set to the end of the given date. */ public static LocalDateTime getEndOfDay(LocalDateTime dateTime) { return getStartOfDay(dateTime).plusDays(1); } /** * Creates a LocalDateTime set to the current date. * * @return LocalDateTime set to the current date. */ public static LocalDateTime getCurrentDateTime() { return getTime(); } /** * Creates a LocalTime set to the current date. * * @return LocalTime set to the current date. */ public static LocalTime getCurrentTime() { return getTime().toLocalTime(); } /** * Creates a LocalDate set to the current date. * * @return LocalDate set to the current date. */ public static LocalDate getCurrentDate() { return getTime().toLocalDate(); } /** * Gets the number of milliseconds until the next occurence of the local time (which is the current day or the day after). * * @param localTime {@link LocalTime} * @return the number of milliseconds. */ public static Long millisecondDelayUntilNextTime(LocalTime localTime) { LocalDateTime schedule = getCurrentDateWithTime(localTime); if (schedule.isBefore(getCurrentDateTime())) { schedule = schedule.plusDays(1); } return new Duration(getCurrentDateTime().toDateTime(), schedule.toDateTime()).getMillis(); } /** * Gets a date from a string. * * @param dateString Date format: <b>yyyy-MM-dd</b> * @return A {@link LocalDate} object */ public static LocalDate parseDate(String dateString) { return new LocalDate(dateString); } /** * Gets string in format "yyyy-MM-dd" from a LocalDate. * * @param date {@link LocalDate} * @return A {@link String} object */ public static String printDate(LocalDate date) { return DateTimeFormat.forPattern(DEFAULT_DATE_FORMAT).print(date); } /** * Gets string in format "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS" from a LocalDateTime. * * @param dateTime {@link LocalDateTime} * @return A {@link String} object */ public static String printDateTime(LocalDateTime dateTime) { return DateTimeFormat.forPattern(DEFAULT_DATE_TIME_FORMAT).print(dateTime); } /** * Gets string in given pattern from a LocalDateTime. * * @param dateTime {@link LocalDateTime} * @param pattern {@link String} * @return A {@link String} object */ public static String printDateTime(LocalDateTime dateTime, String pattern) { return DateTimeFormat.forPattern(pattern).print(dateTime); } /** * Calculate the number of minutes from midnight to now. The number of minutes depends on summer- and winter time. * * @param dateTime the date time which includes the timezone. When setting the DateTime with the default constructor, the * default timezone where the application runs, is used. * @return the number of minutes from midnight. */ public static Integer getElapsedMinutesSinceMidnight(LocalDateTime dateTime) { DateTime midnight = dateTime.toLocalDate().toDateMidnight().toDateTime(); Duration duration = new Interval(midnight, dateTime.toDateTime()).toDuration(); return (int) duration.getStandardSeconds() / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; } /** * Calculate the number of minutes of a specific date. Only the date part (year, month and day) is used to calculate the number * of minutes. The number of minutes is calculated from midnight to midnight the next day. For a default day this method return * 24 * 60 = 1440. If on this day a summer- or wintertime switch occurs, the number of minutes are different. * * @param date the date time which includes the timezone. When setting the DateTime with the default constructor, the * default timezone where the application runs, is used. * @return the number of minutes for the day (date part) of the dateTime parameter. */ public static Integer getMinutesOfDay(LocalDate date) { Duration duration = new Interval(date.toDateMidnight(), date.plusDays(1).toDateMidnight()).toDuration(); return (int) duration.getStandardSeconds() / SECONDS_PER_MINUTE; } /** * This method gets the current DateTime, but updates the time given as a paramater. * * @param time - The time to be set. * @return An update LocalDateTime with the current Date and the requested time. */ public static LocalDateTime getCurrentDateWithTime(LocalTime time) { return DateTimeUtil.getTime().withTime(time.getHourOfDay(), time.getMinuteOfHour(), time.getSecondOfMinute(), time.getMillisOfSecond()); } /** * Returns the timeFactor currently being used. * * @return */ public static long getTimeFactor() { return timeFactor; } /** * Generates a list with all the dates between a given interal of days. * * @param startDate {@link LocalDate} starting date of the sequence (inclusive). * @param endDate {@link LocalDate} ending date of the sequence (inclusive). * @return a {@link List} of {@link LocalDate}. */ public static List<LocalDate> generateDatesOfInterval(LocalDate startDate, LocalDate endDate) { List<LocalDate> dates = new ArrayList<>(); for (LocalDate period = startDate; !period.isAfter(endDate); period = period.plusDays(1)) { dates.add(period); } return dates; } /* * Calculate the actual time */ private static LocalDateTime getTime() { if (useServer) { return getUDPTime(); } return new LocalDateTime(); } private static synchronized LocalDateTime getUDPTime() { do { if (lastProcessed == null || lastProcessed.plusMillis(BUFFER_TIME).isBefore(new LocalDateTime())) { String udpTime = getUDPInfo(UDP_TIME); if (udpTime != null) { latestUDPDateTime = new LocalDateTime(udpTime); lastProcessed = new LocalDateTime(); } } } while (latestUDPDateTime == null); return latestUDPDateTime; } private static synchronized String getUDPInfo(String message) { try { LOGGER.debug("SENDING: {}", message); byte[] buf = message.getBytes(); InetAddress address = InetAddress.getByName(serverIp); DatagramSocket socket = new DatagramSocket(); socket.send(new DatagramPacket(buf, buf.length, address, port)); DatagramPacket result = new DatagramPacket(new byte[PACKAGE_BUFFER], PACKAGE_BUFFER); socket.disconnect(); socket.setSoTimeout(RESPONSE_TIMEOUT); socket.receive(result); socket.disconnect(); socket.close(); String resultStr = new String(result.getData()).trim(); LOGGER.debug("RECEIVED: {} ", resultStr); errorCount = 0; return resultStr; } catch (IOException e) { LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e); errorCount++; if (errorCount >= MAX_ERROR_COUNT) { LOGGER.error("Unable to run simulation correctly."); System.exit(1); } } return null; } }