Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ //DERBY TABLE:- Employee_IUD //EID-->primary key(number) //ENAME--varchar 20 //ESAL--double //GENDER--varchar 20 package Employee; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import org.hibernate.Criteria; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.Transaction; /** * * @author MSLCELTP1800 */ public class EmpDAO { private int empID; private String empName; private String empGender; private double empSalary; public EmpDAO(int empID, String empName, String empGender, double empSalary) { this.empID = empID; this.empName = empName; this.empGender = empGender; this.empSalary = empSalary; } public EmpDAO() { } /** * @return the empID */ public int getEmpID() { return empID; } /** * @param empID the empID to set */ public void setEmpID(int empID) { this.empID = empID; } /** * @return the empName */ public String getEmpName() { return empName; } /** * @param empName the empName to set */ public void setEmpName(String empName) { this.empName = empName; } /** * @return the empGender */ public String getEmpGender() { return empGender; } /** * @param empGender the empGender to set */ public void setEmpGender(String empGender) { this.empGender = empGender; } /** * @return the empSalary */ public double getEmpSalary() { return empSalary; } /** * @param empSalary the empSalary to set */ public void setEmpSalary(double empSalary) { this.empSalary = empSalary; } public boolean insert() { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction();; transaction.commit(); return true; } public boolean update(int oid) { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); EmpDAO e = (EmpDAO) session.get(EmpDAO.class, this.empID); session.evict(e); e.setEmpGender(this.empGender); e.setEmpID(this.getEmpID()); e.setEmpName(this.empName); e.setEmpSalary(this.empSalary); session.update(e); transaction.commit(); return true; } public static EmpDAO display(int id) { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); EmpDAO e = (EmpDAO) session.get(EmpDAO.class, id); System.out.println("Here!!!!!---------------->" + e.empName); transaction.commit(); return e; } public boolean delete(int id) { Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); EmpDAO e = (EmpDAO) session.get(EmpDAO.class, id); session.delete(e); transaction.commit(); return true; } public List displayAll() { List employees = new ArrayList(); Session session = HibernateUtil.getSessionFactory(); Transaction transaction = session.beginTransaction(); Criteria c = session.createCriteria(EmpDAO.class); Iterator itr = c.list().iterator(); while (itr.hasNext()) { EmpDAO e = (EmpDAO); employees.add(e); } return employees; } @Override public String toString() { return "empID= " + empID + ", empName= " + empName + ", empGender= " + empGender + ", empSalary= " + empSalary; } }