Java tutorial
/* * To change this license header, choose License Headers in Project Properties. * To change this template file, choose Tools | Templates * and open the template in the editor. */ package elsu.database.rowset; import*; import*; import*; import*; import java.lang.reflect.*; import java.util.*; /** * * @author ss.dhaliwal */ public class EntityDescriptor implements Serializable, Cloneable { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5099557402995654788L; private Map<String, ColumnDescriptor> _columns = null; private transient ColumnDescriptor[] _columnsById = null; private ArrayList<RowDescriptor> _rows = null; public EntityDescriptor(Map<String, ColumnDescriptor> columns, ArrayList<RowDescriptor> rows) { this._columns = columns; this._columnsById = setColumnsById(this._columns); this._rows = rows; } public EntityDescriptor(String jsonColumns, String jsonRows) throws Exception { Type columnType = new TypeToken<Map<String, ColumnDescriptor>>() { }.getType(); this._columns = (Map<String, ColumnDescriptor>) JsonXMLUtils.JSon2Object(jsonColumns, columnType); this._columnsById = setColumnsById(this._columns); this._rows = new ArrayList<RowDescriptor>(); RowDescriptor rd = null; JsonParser parser = new JsonParser(); JsonArray jArray = parser.parse(jsonRows).getAsJsonArray(); for (JsonElement jElement : jArray) { rd = new RowDescriptor(this._columns, this._columnsById, jElement.toString()); this._rows.add(rd); } } public void clear() { // clear the arraylist getRows().clear(); } public int getColumnCount() { return this.getColumns().size(); } public int getRowCount() { return this.getRows().size(); } public Set<String> getColumnKeySet() { return this._columns.keySet(); } public ColumnDescriptor getColumn(int index) { return getColumn(getColumnsById(), index); } public ColumnDescriptor getColumn(String column) { return this._columns.get(column.toUpperCase()); } public static ColumnDescriptor getColumn(ColumnDescriptor[] columns, int columnIndex) { ColumnDescriptor result = null; for (ColumnDescriptor column : columns) { if (column.getColumnPosition() == columnIndex) { result = column; break; } } return result; } public Map<String, ColumnDescriptor> getColumns() { return this._columns; } public ArrayList<RowDescriptor> getRows() { return this._rows; } public ColumnDescriptor[] getColumnsById() { return this._columnsById; } public static ColumnDescriptor[] setColumnsById(Map<String, ColumnDescriptor> columns) { ColumnDescriptor[] result = new ColumnDescriptor[columns.size()]; // column index is offset 1 not 0 but array offset is 0 for (ColumnDescriptor column : columns.values()) { result[column.getColumnPosition() - 1] = column; } return result; } public void fromXML(String entity) throws Exception { throw new Exception(".. not yet implemented!!"); } // public String toXML() throws Exception { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); String newLine = System.getProperty("line.separator"); String spacer = " "; try { sb.append("<?xml version=\\\"1.0\\\"?>" + newLine); sb.append( "<webRowSet xmlns=\\\"\\\" xmlns:xsi=\\\"\\\"" + newLine); sb.append( "xsi:schemaLocation=\\\"\\\">" + newLine); sb.append(spacer + "<metadata>" + newLine); sb.append(spacer + spacer + "<column-count>" + getColumnCount() + "<column-count>" + newLine); // column index is offset 1 not 0 but array offset is 0 sb.append(spacer + spacer + "<columns>" + newLine); for (int colIndex = 1; colIndex <= getColumnCount(); colIndex++) { sb.append(getColumn(_columnsById, colIndex).toXML()); } sb.append(spacer + spacer + "</columns>" + newLine); sb.append(spacer + "</metadata>" + newLine); sb.append(spacer + "<data>" + newLine); sb.append(spacer + spacer + "<row-count>" + getRowCount() + "</row-count>" + newLine); sb.append(spacer + spacer + "<rows>" + newLine); for (RowDescriptor row : _rows) { sb.append(row.toXML()); } sb.append(spacer + spacer + "</rows>" + newLine); sb.append(spacer + "</data>" + newLine); sb.append("</webRowSet>" + newLine); } catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex); } finally { } return sb.toString(); } @Override public String toString() { String result = ""; try { result = JsonXMLUtils.Object2JSon(this); } catch (Exception ex) { result = this.getClass().toString() + ".toString(), \n" + ex.getMessage() + "\n" + ex.getStackTrace(); } return result; } }