electrical_parameters.CarsonModified.java Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for electrical_parameters.CarsonModified.java


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package electrical_parameters;

import emft_vol2.constants;
import flanagan.complex.ComplexMatrix;
import static java.lang.Math.pow;
import static java.lang.Math.sqrt;
import java.time.LocalTime;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import org.apache.commons.math.linear.Array2DRowRealMatrix;
import org.apache.commons.math.linear.RealMatrix;
import static tools.help.arraySum;
import static tools.help.initComplexMatrix;
import static tools.help.initMatrix;
import static tools.help.makeComplexKronReduction;
import static tools.help.makeComplexMatrix;
import static tools.help.printRealMatrix;
import static tools.help.printSymmRealMatrix;
import static tools.help.symm2phase;

 * Carsonova vypoctova metoda elektrickych parametrov
 * @author Mattto
public class CarsonModified {

    RealMatrix Dik;
    RealMatrix Dik_mirror;
    RealMatrix Fik;
    double[] hx2;
    double[] GMR;
    double[] R;
    double f;
    double[] rho_gnd;
    int fv = 0;
    int gw = 0;
    double omega = 0;

    public RealMatrix Rg;
    public RealMatrix Lg;
    public RealMatrix Xg;
    public RealMatrix R_no_gnd;
    public RealMatrix R_gnd;
    public RealMatrix L_no_gnd;
    public RealMatrix L_gnd;
    public RealMatrix X_no_gnd;
    public RealMatrix X_gnd;
    public ComplexMatrix Z_no_gnd;
    public ComplexMatrix Z_gnd;

    public RealMatrix R_red_gnd;
    public RealMatrix L_red_gnd;
    public RealMatrix X_red_gnd;
    public ComplexMatrix Z_red_gnd;
    public RealMatrix R_red_no_gnd;
    public RealMatrix L_red_no_gnd;
    public RealMatrix X_red_no_gnd;
    public ComplexMatrix Z_red_no_gnd;

    public ComplexMatrix Z_red_gnd_symm;
    public RealMatrix L_red_gnd_symm;
    public RealMatrix R_red_gnd_symm;
    public RealMatrix X_red_gnd_symm;
    public ComplexMatrix Z_red_no_gnd_symm;
    public RealMatrix L_red_no_gnd_symm;
    public RealMatrix R_red_no_gnd_symm;
    public RealMatrix X_red_no_gnd_symm;

    //partial results
    RealMatrix kik;

    public CarsonModified(RealMatrix Dik, RealMatrix Dik_mirror, RealMatrix Fik, double[] hx2,
            ArrayList<elpam_input_conductor> cnd_list, boolean exact_GMR, boolean exact_Rac, int fv, int gw) {
        //        GMR_calculation cnd = new GMR_calculation(Conductor);
        //        Rac_calculation cnd2 = new Rac_calculation(Conductor);

        this.GMR = new double[cnd_list.size()];
        this.hx2 = new double[cnd_list.size()];
        this.R = new double[cnd_list.size()];
        this.GMR = new double[cnd_list.size()];
        this.rho_gnd = new double[cnd_list.size()];
        this.f = constants.getFrequency();
        this.omega = (double) 2 * Math.PI * this.f;
        this.fv = fv;
        this.gw = gw;

        if (exact_GMR) {
            for (int i = 0; i < cnd_list.size(); i++) {
                this.GMR[i] = cnd_list.get(i).getGMR();
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < cnd_list.size(); i++) {
                this.GMR[i] = cnd_list.get(i).getGMR_default();

        if (exact_Rac) {
            for (int i = 0; i < cnd_list.size(); i++) {
                this.R[i] = cnd_list.get(i).getRac();
        } else {
            for (int i = 0; i < cnd_list.size(); i++) {
                this.R[i] = cnd_list.get(i).getRdc();

        this.Dik = Dik;
        this.Dik_mirror = Dik_mirror;
        this.Fik = Fik;
        this.hx2 = hx2;
        for (int i = 0; i < cnd_list.size(); i++) {
            this.rho_gnd[i] = cnd_list.get(i).getRho_ground();

        this.Rg = initMatrix(Dik);
        this.Lg = initMatrix(Dik);
        this.Xg = initMatrix(Dik);
        this.L_no_gnd = initMatrix(Dik);
        this.X_no_gnd = initMatrix(Dik);
        this.R_no_gnd = initMatrix(Dik);
        this.R_gnd = initMatrix(Dik);
        this.L_gnd = initMatrix(Dik);
        this.X_gnd = initMatrix(Dik);
        this.Z_gnd = initComplexMatrix(Dik);
        this.Z_no_gnd = initComplexMatrix(Dik);

        this.R_red_gnd = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.L_red_gnd = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.X_red_gnd = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.Z_red_gnd = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.R_red_no_gnd = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.L_red_no_gnd = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.X_red_no_gnd = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.Z_red_no_gnd = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv);

        this.L_red_gnd_symm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.R_red_gnd_symm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.X_red_gnd_symm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.Z_red_gnd_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.L_red_no_gnd_symm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.R_red_no_gnd_symm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.X_red_no_gnd_symm = new Array2DRowRealMatrix(fv, fv);
        this.Z_red_no_gnd_symm = new ComplexMatrix(fv, fv);


    //public functions

    public void printAll() {
        System.out.println("Cas generovania");
        System.out.println("Rg [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.Rg);
        //        System.out.println("Lg [mH/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.Lg.scalarMultiply(1000));
        //        System.out.println("Xg [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.Xg);
        //        System.out.println("R_no_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.R_no_gnd);
        //        System.out.println("L_no_gnd [mH/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.L_no_gnd.scalarMultiply(1000));
        //        System.out.println("X_no_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.X_no_gnd);
        //        System.out.println("Z_no_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printComplexMatrix(this.Z_no_gnd);

        System.out.println("R_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        System.out.println("L_gnd [mH/km]");
        //        System.out.println("X_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.X_gnd);
        //        System.out.println("Z_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printComplexMatrix(this.Z_gnd);

        //        System.out.println("Rred_no_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.R_red_no_gnd);
        //        System.out.println("Lred_no_gnd [mH/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.L_red_no_gnd.scalarMultiply(1000));
        //        System.out.println("Xred_no_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.X_red_no_gnd);
        //        System.out.println("Zred_no_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printComplexMatrix(this.Z_red_no_gnd);

        System.out.println("Rred_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        System.out.println("Lred_gnd [mH/km]");
        //        System.out.println("Xred_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.X_red_gnd);
        //        System.out.println("Zred_gnd [Ohm/km]");
        //        printComplexMatrix(this.Z_red_gnd);

        //        System.out.println("Rred_no_gnd_symm [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.R_red_no_gnd_symm);
        //        System.out.println("Lred_no_gnd_symm [mH/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.L_red_no_gnd_symm.scalarMultiply(1000));
        //        System.out.println("Xred_no_gnd_symm [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.X_red_no_gnd_symm);
        //        System.out.println("Zred_no_gnd_symm [Ohm/km]");
        //        printComplexMatrix(this.Z_red_no_gnd_symm);

        System.out.println("Rred_gnd_symm [Ohm/km]");
        System.out.println("Lred_gnd_symm [mH/km]");
        //        System.out.println("Xred_gnd_symm [Ohm/km]");
        //        printRealMatrix(this.X_red_gnd_symm);
        //        System.out.println("Zred_gnd_symm [Ohm/km]");
        //        printComplexMatrix(this.Z_red_gnd_symm);


    public void calcAll(String type) {
        if (type.equals("all")) {
        } else {

    public void calcSymm() {
        this.Z_red_gnd_symm = symm2phase(this.Z_red_gnd);
        this.Z_red_no_gnd_symm = symm2phase(this.Z_red_no_gnd);

        for (int i = 0; i < this.fv; i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.fv; j++) {
                this.R_red_no_gnd_symm.setEntry(i, j, this.Z_red_no_gnd_symm.getElementCopy(i, j).getReal());
                this.X_red_no_gnd_symm.setEntry(i, j, this.Z_red_no_gnd_symm.getElementCopy(i, j).getImag());
                this.L_red_no_gnd_symm.setEntry(i, j, this.X_red_no_gnd_symm.getEntry(i, j) / this.omega);
                this.R_red_gnd_symm.setEntry(i, j, this.Z_red_gnd_symm.getElementCopy(i, j).getReal());
                this.X_red_gnd_symm.setEntry(i, j, this.Z_red_gnd_symm.getElementCopy(i, j).getImag());
                this.L_red_gnd_symm.setEntry(i, j, this.X_red_gnd_symm.getEntry(i, j) / this.omega);

    public void calcXred_gnd() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Z_red_gnd.getNrow(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.Z_red_gnd.getNcol(); j++) {
                this.X_red_gnd.setEntry(i, j, this.Z_red_gnd.getElementCopy(i, j).getImag());

    public void calcLred_gnd() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.X_red_gnd.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.X_red_gnd.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
                this.L_red_gnd.setEntry(i, j, this.X_red_gnd.getEntry(i, j) / this.omega);

    public void calcRred_gnd() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Z_red_gnd.getNrow(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.Z_red_gnd.getNcol(); j++) {
                this.R_red_gnd.setEntry(i, j, this.Z_red_gnd.getElementCopy(i, j).getReal());

    public void calcZred_gnd() {
        this.Z_red_gnd = makeComplexKronReduction(this.Z_gnd, gw);

    public void calcXred_no_gnd() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Z_red_no_gnd.getNrow(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.Z_red_no_gnd.getNcol(); j++) {
                this.X_red_no_gnd.setEntry(i, j, this.Z_red_no_gnd.getElementCopy(i, j).getImag());

    public void calcLred_no_gnd() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.X_red_no_gnd.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.X_red_no_gnd.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
                this.L_red_no_gnd.setEntry(i, j, this.X_red_no_gnd.getEntry(i, j) / this.omega);

    public void calcRred_no_gnd() {
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Z_red_no_gnd.getNrow(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.Z_red_no_gnd.getNcol(); j++) {
                this.R_red_no_gnd.setEntry(i, j, this.Z_red_no_gnd.getElementCopy(i, j).getReal());

    public void calcZred_no_gnd() {
        this.Z_red_no_gnd = makeComplexKronReduction(this.Z_no_gnd, gw);

    public void calcZ_gnd() {
        this.Z_gnd = makeComplexMatrix(this.R_gnd, this.X_gnd);

    public void calcZ_no_gnd() {
        this.Z_no_gnd = makeComplexMatrix(this.R_no_gnd, this.X_no_gnd);

    public void calcRg() {
        //        this.Rg = this.Dik.copy();
        //        this.Rg = clearMatrix(this.Rg);
        double[] b;
        double[] c;
        double[] d;
        double kik_rg;
        double fik;
        double omega = 2 * Math.PI * f;

        b = b();
        c = c();
        d = d();

        for (int i = 0; i < this.kik.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.kik.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
                fik = this.Fik.getEntry(i, j);
                kik_rg = this.kik.getEntry(i, j);
                this.Rg.setEntry(i, j, (4e-4) * omega * (Math.PI / 8
                //                                        - b[0] * kik_rg * Math.cos(fik)
                //                                        + b[1] *(
                //                                                (c[1] - Math.log(kik_rg))  
                //                                                * pow(kik_rg,2) * Math.cos(2*fik)                   
                //                                                + fik*pow(kik_rg,2) * Math.sin(2*fik)            
                //                                                )
                //                                        + b[2] * pow(kik_rg,3) * Math.cos(3*fik)
                //                                        - d[3] * pow(kik_rg,4) * Math.cos(4*fik)
                //                                        - b[4] * kik_rg * Math.cos(fik)
                //                                        + b[5] *(
                //                                                (c[5] - Math.log(kik_rg))  
                //                                                * pow(kik_rg,2) * Math.cos(2*fik)                   
                //                                                + fik * pow(kik_rg,2) * Math.sin(2*fik)            
                //                                                )
                //                                        + b[6] * pow(kik_rg,3) * Math.cos(3*fik)
                //                                        - d[7] * pow(kik_rg,4) * Math.cos(4*fik)

    public void calcXg() {
        //        this.Xg = this.Dik.copy();
        //        this.Xg = clearMatrix(this.Xg);
        double[] b;
        double[] c;
        double[] d;
        double kik_xg;
        double fik;
        double omega = 2 * Math.PI * f;

        b = b();
        c = c();
        d = d();

        for (int i = 0; i < this.kik.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.kik.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
                fik = this.Fik.getEntry(i, j);
                kik_xg = this.kik.getEntry(i, j);
                this.Xg.setEntry(i, j, (4e-4) * omega * (((double) 1 / 2) * (0.6159315 - Math.log(kik_xg))
                //                                        + b[0] * kik_xg * Math.cos(fik)
                //                                        - d[1] * pow(kik_xg,2) * Math.cos(2*fik)
                //                                        + b[2] * pow(kik_xg,3) * Math.cos(3*fik)
                //                                        - b[3] *(
                //                                                (c[3] - Math.log(kik_xg))  
                //                                                * pow(kik_xg,4) * Math.cos(4*fik)                   
                //                                                + fik * pow(kik_xg,4) * Math.sin(4*fik)            
                //                                                )
                //                                        + b[4] * kik_xg * Math.cos(fik)
                //                                        - d[5] * pow(kik_xg,2) * Math.cos(2*fik)
                //                                        + b[6] * pow(kik_xg,3) * Math.cos(3*fik)
                //                                        - b[7] *(
                //                                                (c[7] - Math.log(kik_xg))  
                //                                                * pow(kik_xg,4) * Math.cos(4*fik)                   
                //                                                + fik * pow(kik_xg,4) * Math.sin(4*fik)            
                //                                                )

    public void calcLg() {
        double omega = (double) 2 * Math.PI * this.f;
        this.Lg = this.Xg.scalarMultiply((double) 1 / omega);
        //        for (int i = 0; i < this.Lg.getRowDimension(); i++) {
        //            for (int j = 0; j < this.Lg.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
        //                this.Lg.setEntry(i, j, this.Xg.getEntry(j, j)/omega);
        //            }
        //        }

    public void calcL_no_gnd() {
        //        this.L_no_gnd = this.Dik.copy();
        //        this.L_no_gnd = clearMatrix(this.L_no_gnd);
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Dik.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.Dik.getRowDimension(); j++) {
                if (i == j) {
                    this.L_no_gnd.setEntry(i, j, Lii(this.hx2[i], this.GMR[i]));
                } else {
                    this.L_no_gnd.setEntry(i, j, Lik(this.Dik.getEntry(i, j), this.Dik_mirror.getEntry(i, j)));

    public void calcX_no_gnd() {
        //        this.X_no_gnd = this.Dik.copy();
        //        this.X_no_gnd = clearMatrix(this.X_no_gnd);
        this.X_no_gnd = this.L_no_gnd.copy().scalarMultiply(2 * Math.PI * this.f);

    public void calcR_no_gnd() {
        //        this.R_no_gnd = this.Dik.copy();
        //        this.R_no_gnd = clearMatrix(this.R_no_gnd);
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Dik.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.Dik.getRowDimension(); j++) {
                if (i == j) {
                    this.R_no_gnd.setEntry(i, j, this.R[i]);
                } else {
                    this.R_no_gnd.setEntry(i, j, 0);

    public void calcR_gnd() {
        //        this.R_gnd = this.Dik.copy();
        //        this.R_gnd = clearMatrix(this.R_gnd);
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Dik.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.Dik.getRowDimension(); j++) {
                if (i == j) {
                    this.R_gnd.setEntry(i, j, this.R[i] + this.Rg.getEntry(i, j));
                } else {
                    this.R_gnd.setEntry(i, j, this.Rg.getEntry(i, j));

    public void calcL_gnd() {
        //        this.L_gnd = this.Dik.copy();
        //        this.L_gnd = clearMatrix(this.L_gnd);
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Dik.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.Dik.getRowDimension(); j++) {
                if (i == j) {
                    this.L_gnd.setEntry(i, j, Lii(this.hx2[i], this.GMR[i]) + this.Lg.getEntry(i, j));
                } else {
                    this.L_gnd.setEntry(i, j,
                            Lik(this.Dik.getEntry(i, j), this.Dik_mirror.getEntry(i, j)) + this.Lg.getEntry(i, j));

    public void calcX_gnd() {
        //        this.X_gnd = this.Dik.copy();
        //        this.X_gnd = clearMatrix(this.X_gnd);
        this.X_gnd = this.L_gnd.scalarMultiply(2 * Math.PI * this.f);

    //private functions

    private void calckik() {
        //make average of ground resistivity
        double gnd = arraySum(this.rho_gnd) / this.rho_gnd.length;
        this.kik = initMatrix(Dik);
        for (int i = 0; i < this.Dik_mirror.getRowDimension(); i++) {
            for (int j = 0; j < this.Dik_mirror.getColumnDimension(); j++) {
                this.kik.setEntry(i, j,
                        (4e-4) * Math.PI * sqrt(5) * sqrt(this.f / gnd) * this.Dik_mirror.getEntry(i, j));

    private double[] b() {
        double[] result = new double[8];
        result[0] = sqrt(2) / 6;
        result[1] = (double) 1 / 16;
        result[2] = result[0] / 15;
        result[3] = result[1] / 24;
        result[4] = -result[2] / 35;
        result[5] = -result[3] / 48;
        result[6] = -result[4] / 63;
        result[7] = -result[5] / 80;
        return result;

    private double[] d() {
        double[] result = new double[8];
        double[] b;
        b = b();
        for (int i = 0; i < b.length; i++) {
            result[i] = (Math.PI / 4) * b[i];
        return result;

    private double[] c() {
        double[] result = new double[8];
        result[0] = 0;
        result[1] = 1.3659315;
        result[2] = 0;
        result[3] = result[1] + (double) 1 / 4 + (double) 1 / 6;
        result[4] = 0;
        result[5] = result[3] + (double) 1 / 6 + (double) 1 / 8;
        result[6] = 0;
        result[7] = result[5] + (double) 1 / 8 + (double) 1 / 10;
        return result;

    private double Lii(double hx2, double GMR) {
        return Math.abs((2e-4) * Math.log(hx2 / GMR)); //[H/km]

    private double Lik(double Dik, double Dik_mirror) {
        return Math.abs((2e-4) * Math.log(Dik / Dik_mirror));

    //Getters and Setters area

    public RealMatrix getDik() {
        return Dik;

    public void setDik(RealMatrix Dik) {
        this.Dik = Dik;

    public RealMatrix getDik_mirror() {
        return Dik_mirror;

    public void setDik_mirror(RealMatrix Dik_mirror) {
        this.Dik_mirror = Dik_mirror;

    public RealMatrix getFik() {
        return Fik;

    public void setFik(RealMatrix Fik) {
        this.Fik = Fik;

    public double[] getHx2() {
        return hx2;

    public void setHx2(double[] hx2) {
        this.hx2 = hx2;

    public double[] getGMR() {
        return GMR;

    public void setGMR(double[] GMR) {
        this.GMR = GMR;

    public double[] getR() {
        return R;

    public void setR(double[] R) {
        this.R = R;

    public double getF() {
        return f;

    public void setF(double f) {
        this.f = f;

    public double[] getRho_gnd() {
        return rho_gnd;

    public void setRho_gnd(double rho_cnd) {
        this.rho_gnd = rho_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getRg() {
        return Rg;

    public void setRg(RealMatrix Rg) {
        this.Rg = Rg;

    public RealMatrix getXg() {
        return Xg;

    public void setXg(RealMatrix Xg) {
        this.Xg = Xg;

    public RealMatrix getR_no_gnd() {
        return R_no_gnd;

    public void setR_no_gnd(RealMatrix R_no_gnd) {
        this.R_no_gnd = R_no_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getR_gnd() {
        return R_gnd;

    public void setR_gnd(RealMatrix R_gnd) {
        this.R_gnd = R_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getL_no_gnd() {
        return L_no_gnd;

    public void setL_no_gnd(RealMatrix L_no_gnd) {
        this.L_no_gnd = L_no_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getL_gnd() {
        return L_gnd;

    public void setL_gnd(RealMatrix L_gnd) {
        this.L_gnd = L_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getX_no_gnd() {
        return X_no_gnd;

    public void setX_no_gnd(RealMatrix X_no_gnd) {
        this.X_no_gnd = X_no_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getX_gnd() {
        return X_gnd;

    public void setX_gnd(RealMatrix X_gnd) {
        this.X_gnd = X_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getKik() {
        return kik;

    public void setKik(RealMatrix kik) {
        this.kik = kik;

    public ComplexMatrix getZ_gnd() {
        return Z_gnd;

    public void setZ_gnd(ComplexMatrix Z_gnd) {
        this.Z_gnd = Z_gnd;

    public ComplexMatrix getZ_no_gnd() {
        return Z_no_gnd;

    public void setZ_no_gnd(ComplexMatrix Z_no_gnd) {
        this.Z_no_gnd = Z_no_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getR_red_gnd() {
        return R_red_gnd;

    public void setR_red_gnd(RealMatrix R_red_gnd) {
        this.R_red_gnd = R_red_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getL_red_gnd() {
        return L_red_gnd;

    public void setL_red_gnd(RealMatrix L_red_gnd) {
        this.L_red_gnd = L_red_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getX_red_gnd() {
        return X_red_gnd;

    public void setX_red_gnd(RealMatrix X_red_gnd) {
        this.X_red_gnd = X_red_gnd;

    public ComplexMatrix getZ_red_gnd() {
        return Z_red_gnd;

    public void setZ_red_gnd(ComplexMatrix Z_red_gnd) {
        this.Z_red_gnd = Z_red_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getR_red_no_gnd() {
        return R_red_no_gnd;

    public void setR_red_no_gnd(RealMatrix R_red_no_gnd) {
        this.R_red_no_gnd = R_red_no_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getL_red_no_gnd() {
        return L_red_no_gnd;

    public void setL_red_no_gnd(RealMatrix L_red_no_gnd) {
        this.L_red_no_gnd = L_red_no_gnd;

    public ComplexMatrix getZ_red_no_gnd() {
        return Z_red_no_gnd;

    public void setZ_red_no_gnd(ComplexMatrix Z_red_no_gnd) {
        this.Z_red_no_gnd = Z_red_no_gnd;

    public RealMatrix getX_red_no_gnd() {
        return X_red_no_gnd;

    public void setX_red_no_gnd(RealMatrix X_red_no_gnd) {
        this.X_red_no_gnd = X_red_no_gnd;

    public ComplexMatrix getZ_red_gnd_symm() {
        return Z_red_gnd_symm;

    public void setZ_red_gnd_symm(ComplexMatrix Z_red_gnd_symm) {
        this.Z_red_gnd_symm = Z_red_gnd_symm;

    public RealMatrix getL_red_gnd_symm() {
        return L_red_gnd_symm;

    public void setL_red_gnd_symm(RealMatrix L_red_gnd_symm) {
        this.L_red_gnd_symm = L_red_gnd_symm;

    public RealMatrix getR_red_gnd_symm() {
        return R_red_gnd_symm;

    public void setR_red_gnd_symm(RealMatrix R_red_gnd_symm) {
        this.R_red_gnd_symm = R_red_gnd_symm;

    public RealMatrix getX_red_gnd_symm() {
        return X_red_gnd_symm;

    public void setX_red_gnd_symm(RealMatrix X_red_gnd_symm) {
        this.X_red_gnd_symm = X_red_gnd_symm;

    public ComplexMatrix getZ_red_no_gnd_symm() {
        return Z_red_no_gnd_symm;

    public void setZ_red_no_gnd_symm(ComplexMatrix Z_red_no_gnd_symm) {
        this.Z_red_no_gnd_symm = Z_red_no_gnd_symm;

    public RealMatrix getL_red_no_gnd_symm() {
        return L_red_no_gnd_symm;

    public void setL_red_no_gnd_symm(RealMatrix L_red_no_gnd_symm) {
        this.L_red_no_gnd_symm = L_red_no_gnd_symm;

    public RealMatrix getR_red_no_gnd_symm() {
        return R_red_no_gnd_symm;

    public void setR_red_no_gnd_symm(RealMatrix R_red_no_gnd_symm) {
        this.R_red_no_gnd_symm = R_red_no_gnd_symm;

    public RealMatrix getX_red_no_gnd_symm() {
        return X_red_no_gnd_symm;

    public void setX_red_no_gnd_symm(RealMatrix X_red_no_gnd_symm) {
        this.X_red_no_gnd_symm = X_red_no_gnd_symm;
