Java tutorial
/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Data Dictionary. * * The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment * Agency. Portions created by TripleDev or Zero Technologies are Copyright * (C) European Environment Agency. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Juhan Voolaid */ package eionet.web.action; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.DefaultHandler; import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.ForwardResolution; import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.RedirectResolution; import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.Resolution; import net.sourceforge.stripes.action.UrlBinding; import net.sourceforge.stripes.integration.spring.SpringBean; import net.sourceforge.stripes.validation.ValidationMethod; import org.apache.commons.lang.ArrayUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import eionet.meta.dao.domain.DataElement; import eionet.meta.dao.domain.Folder; import eionet.meta.dao.domain.RegStatus; import eionet.meta.dao.domain.VocabularyFolder; import eionet.meta.service.IDataService; import eionet.meta.service.IVocabularyService; import eionet.meta.service.ServiceException; import; import; import; import; import eionet.util.Util; /** * Action bean for listing vocabulary folders. * * @author Juhan Voolaid */ @UrlBinding("/vocabularies") public class VocabularyFoldersActionBean extends AbstractActionBean { /** Page path. */ private static final String BROWSE_VOCABULARY_FOLDERS_JSP = "/pages/vocabularies/browseVocabularyFolders.jsp"; /** Vocabulary search results page. */ private static final String VOCABULARY_SEARCH_RESULT_JSP = "/pages/vocabularies/vocabularyResult.jsp"; /** Vocabulary concept search results page. */ private static final String CONCEPT_SEARCH_RESULT_JSP = "/pages/vocabularies/vocabularyConceptResult.jsp"; /** Vocabularies maintenance page. */ private static final String VOCABULARIES_MAINTENANCE_JSP = "/pages/vocabularies/vocabulariesMaintenance.jsp"; /** Vocabulary service. */ @SpringBean private IVocabularyService vocabularyService; /** data service. */ @SpringBean private IDataService dataService; /** Folders. */ private List<Folder> folders; /** Selected vocabulary folder ids. */ private List<Integer> folderIds; /** Folder numeric ID, currently clicked. */ private int folderId; /** Folder Identifier, currently clicked. */ private String identifier; /** True, if operation is to expand. To collapse, it is false. */ private boolean expand; /** Comma separated folder IDs, that are expanded. */ private String expanded; /** The page contains visible editable vocabularies. */ private boolean visibleEditableVocabularies; /** Popup div id to keep open, when validation error occur. */ private String editDivId; /** * Vocabularies search result. */ private VocabularyResult vocabularyResult; /** * Vocabulary concepts search result. */ private List<VocabularyConceptData> vocabularyConceptResult; /** * Vocabularies search filter. */ private VocabularyFilter vocabularyFilter; /** * Search concepts filter. */ private VocabularyConceptFilter vocabularyConceptFilter; /** * vocabulary IDs that have base uri specified. */ private List<Integer> vocabulariesWithBaseUri; /** * if true and vocabularies are deleted then relation in another vocabulary is deleted but element value is replace by base url * + identifier. */ private boolean keepRelationsOnDelete; /** * List of vocabulary status texts to be displayed in the list of vocabularies after vocabulary name. Released status is the * normal, and show the status only when it is different from the normal. */ private RegStatus[] statusTextsToDisplay = { RegStatus.DRAFT, RegStatus.PUBLIC_DRAFT }; /** * Old site prefix. */ private String oldSitePrefix = null; /** * New site prefix. */ private String newSitePrefix = null; /** * View vocabulary folders list action. * * @return Default Resolution. * @throws ServiceException * if retrieving folder data fails. */ @DefaultHandler public Resolution viewList() throws ServiceException { folders = vocabularyService.getFolders(getUserName(), parseExpandedIds()); vocabulariesWithBaseUri = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (getUserName() != null && folders != null) { for (Folder folder : folders) { if (folder.isExpanded() && folder.getItems() != null) { for (Object vocabulary : folder.getItems()) { if (vocabulary instanceof VocabularyFolder && ((VocabularyFolder) vocabulary).getBaseUri() != null) { vocabulariesWithBaseUri.add(((VocabularyFolder) vocabulary).getId()); } if (vocabulary instanceof VocabularyFolder && !((VocabularyFolder) vocabulary).isWorkingCopy() && StringUtils.isEmpty(((VocabularyFolder) vocabulary).getWorkingUser())) { setVisibleEditableVocabularies(true); } } } } // base URI: for (Folder folder : folders) { if (folder.isExpanded() && folder.getItems() != null) { for (Object vocabulary : folder.getItems()) { if (vocabulary instanceof VocabularyFolder && ((VocabularyFolder) vocabulary).getBaseUri() != null) { vocabulariesWithBaseUri.add(((VocabularyFolder) vocabulary).getId()); } } } } } return new ForwardResolution(BROWSE_VOCABULARY_FOLDERS_JSP); } /** * Action for updating folder. * * @return resolution * @throws ServiceException * if operation fails */ public Resolution saveFolder() throws ServiceException { LOGGER.debug("Saving folder: " + getSubmittedFolder().getIdentifier()); vocabularyService.updateFolder(getSubmittedFolder()); addSystemMessage("Folder successfully updated"); return new RedirectResolution(VocabularyFoldersActionBean.class); } /** * Action for deleting folder. * * @return resolution * @throws ServiceException * if operation fails */ public Resolution deleteFolder() throws ServiceException { LOGGER.debug("Deleting folder: " + getSubmittedFolder().getIdentifier()); vocabularyService.deleteFolder(getSubmittedFolder().getId()); addSystemMessage("Folder successfully deleted"); return new RedirectResolution(VocabularyFoldersActionBean.class); } /** * Action for maintaining folders. * * @return resolution * @throws ServiceException * if operation fails */ public Resolution maintain() throws ServiceException { // TODO future enchancement: folderIds can be used for selection based updates. // i.e. page can have, update all, update selected, update exclusion of selected return new ForwardResolution(VOCABULARIES_MAINTENANCE_JSP); } /** * Validation on search concepts. Checks if text is entered * * @throws ServiceException * if databaes call fails */ @ValidationMethod(on = { "searchConcepts" }) public void validateSearchConcepts() throws ServiceException { if (vocabularyConceptFilter == null || StringUtils.isEmpty(vocabularyConceptFilter.getText())) { addGlobalValidationError("Search text cannot be empty."); } else if (vocabularyConceptFilter != null && !StringUtils.isEmpty(vocabularyConceptFilter.getText()) && vocabularyConceptFilter.getText().length() < 2) { addGlobalValidationError("Search text must be at least two characters."); } if (isValidationErrors()) { folders = vocabularyService.getFolders(getUserName(), null); } } /** * Validation on maintenance. * * @throws ServiceException * if operation fails */ @ValidationMethod(on = { "maintain", "populate", "changeSitePrefix" }) public void validateMaintain() throws ServiceException { if (!isUpdateRight()) { addGlobalValidationError("No permission to modify folders"); } } // end of method validateMaintain /** * Validates save folder. * * @throws ServiceException * if user does not have update rights. */ @ValidationMethod(on = { "saveFolder" }) public void validateSaveFolder() throws ServiceException { if (!isUpdateRight()) { addGlobalValidationError("No permission to modify folder"); } Folder folder = getSubmittedFolder(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(folder.getIdentifier())) { addGlobalValidationError("Folder identifier is missing"); } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(folder.getLabel())) { addGlobalValidationError("Folder label is missing"); } if (!vocabularyService.isUniqueFolderIdentifier(folder.getIdentifier(), folder.getId())) { addGlobalValidationError("Folder identifier is not unique"); } if (isValidationErrors()) { editDivId = "editFolderDiv" + folder.getId(); folders = vocabularyService.getFolders(getUserName(), null); } } /** * Validates delete folder. * * @throws ServiceException * if user does not have delete rights. */ @ValidationMethod(on = { "deleteFolder" }) public void validateDeleteFolder() throws ServiceException { if (!isDeleteRight()) { addGlobalValidationError("No permission to delete folder!"); } Folder folder = getSubmittedFolder(); if (!vocabularyService.isFolderEmpty(folder.getId())) { addGlobalValidationError("Cannot delete, folder is not empty"); } if (isValidationErrors()) { editDivId = "editFolderDiv" + folder.getId(); folders = vocabularyService.getFolders(getUserName(), null); } } /** * Validates delete vocabulary. * * @throws ServiceException * if user does not have delete rights. */ @ValidationMethod(on = { "delete" }) public void validateDeleteVocabulary() throws ServiceException { if (!isDeleteRight()) { addGlobalValidationError("No permission to delete vocabulary!"); } // if vocabulary is used in CH3 element - cannot delete List<DataElement> elementsAsSoruce = dataService.getVocabularySourceElements(folderIds); if (elementsAsSoruce.size() > 0) { addGlobalValidationError("Deleted vocabularies are used as values source for data elements: " + StringUtils.join(elementsAsSoruce, ",")); } if (isValidationErrors()) { folders = vocabularyService.getFolders(getUserName(), null); } } /** * True, if user has update right. * * @return */ public boolean isUpdateRight() { if (getUser() != null) { return getUser().hasPermission("/vocabularies", "u") || getUser().hasPermission("/vocabularies", "i"); } return false; } /** * True, if user has delete right. * * @return */ public boolean isDeleteRight() { if (getUser() != null) { return getUser().hasPermission("/vocabularies", "d"); } return false; } /** * Returns the expanded folder IDs and sets the correct expanded[] value. * * @return */ private int[] parseExpandedIds() { List<Integer> result = new ArrayList<Integer>(); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(expanded)) { String[] expandedStrArr = StringUtils.split(expanded, ","); for (String s : expandedStrArr) { result.add(Integer.parseInt(s)); } } if (expand) { result.add(folderId); } else { result.remove(Integer.valueOf(folderId)); } expanded = StringUtils.join(result, ","); return ArrayUtils.toPrimitive(result.toArray(new Integer[result.size()])); } /** * Returns the folder that is submitted by form for update. * * @return */ public Folder getSubmittedFolder() { for (Folder f : folders) { if (f != null) { return f; } } return null; } /** * Deletes vocabulary folders. * * @return resolution * @throws ServiceException * if operation fails */ public Resolution delete() throws ServiceException { vocabularyService.deleteVocabularyFolders(folderIds, keepRelationsOnDelete); addSystemMessage("Vocabularies deleted successfully"); RedirectResolution resolution = new RedirectResolution(VocabularyFoldersActionBean.class); return resolution; } /** * Populates empty base uris. * * @return resolution * @throws ServiceException * if operation fails */ public Resolution populate() throws ServiceException { String sitePrefix = getSitePrefix(); if (!sitePrefix.endsWith("/")) { sitePrefix += "/"; } int numberOfRows = vocabularyService.populateEmptyBaseUris(sitePrefix); addSystemMessage("Empty base URIs are populated. " + numberOfRows + " vocabularies updated."); RedirectResolution resolution = new RedirectResolution(VocabularyFoldersActionBean.class, "maintain"); return resolution; } // end of method populate /** * Changes site prefix for base uris. * * @return resolution * @throws ServiceException * if operation fails */ public Resolution changeSitePrefix() throws ServiceException { int numberOfRows = vocabularyService.changeSitePrefix(oldSitePrefix, newSitePrefix); addSystemMessage("Site prefix changed. " + numberOfRows + " vocabularies were updated."); addSystemMessage("\"" + oldSitePrefix + "\" replaced by \"" + newSitePrefix + "\""); RedirectResolution resolution = new RedirectResolution(VocabularyFoldersActionBean.class, "maintain"); return resolution; } // end of method changeSitePrefix /** * search vocabulary folders. * * @return Stripes resolution * @throws ServiceException * if search fails */ public Resolution search() throws ServiceException { if (vocabularyFilter == null) { vocabularyFilter = new VocabularyFilter(); } // do not show working copies for anonymous users if (!isUserLoggedIn()) { vocabularyFilter.setWorkingCopy(false); } vocabularyResult = vocabularyService.searchVocabularies(vocabularyFilter); return new ForwardResolution(VOCABULARY_SEARCH_RESULT_JSP); } /** * search concepts folders. * * @return Stripes resolution * @throws ServiceException * if search fails */ public Resolution searchConcepts() throws ServiceException { if (vocabularyConceptFilter == null) { vocabularyConceptFilter = new VocabularyConceptFilter(); } // this is needed because of "limit " clause in the SQL. if this remains true, paging does not work in display:table vocabularyConceptFilter.setUsePaging(false); // do not show working copies for anonymous users vocabularyConceptResult = vocabularyService.searchAllVocabularyConcept(vocabularyConceptFilter); return new ForwardResolution(CONCEPT_SEARCH_RESULT_JSP); } /** * Validates changing site prefix. * * @throws ServiceException * if an error occurs */ @ValidationMethod(on = { "changeSitePrefix" }) public void validateChangeSitePrefix() throws ServiceException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(newSitePrefix)) { addGlobalValidationError("New Site Prefix is missing"); } else if (!Util.isValidUri(newSitePrefix)) { addGlobalValidationError("New Site prefix is not a valid URI. \n The allowed schemes are: " + "http, https, ftp, mailto, tel and urn."); } else if (!StringUtils.endsWith(newSitePrefix, "/")) { newSitePrefix += "/"; } if (StringUtils.isBlank(oldSitePrefix)) { addGlobalValidationError("Old Site Prefix is missing"); } else if (!Util.isValidUri(oldSitePrefix)) { addGlobalValidationError("Old Site prefix is not a valid URI. \n The allowed schemes are: " + "http, https, ftp, mailto, tel and urn."); } else if (!StringUtils.endsWith(oldSitePrefix, "/")) { oldSitePrefix += "/"; } if (StringUtils.equals(oldSitePrefix, newSitePrefix)) { addGlobalValidationError("Old and New Site Prefixes are the same."); } } // end of method validateChangeSitePrefix /** * @return the folderIds */ public List<Integer> getFolderIds() { return folderIds; } /** * @param folderIds * the folderIds to set */ public void setFolderIds(List<Integer> folderIds) { this.folderIds = folderIds; } /** * @return the folderId */ public int getFolderId() { return folderId; } /** * @param folderId * the folderId to set */ public void setFolderId(int folderId) { this.folderId = folderId; } /** * @return the expand */ public boolean isExpand() { return expand; } /** * @param expand * the expand to set */ public void setExpand(boolean expand) { this.expand = expand; } /** * @return the expanded */ public String getExpanded() { return expanded; } /** * @param expanded * the expanded to set */ public void setExpanded(String expanded) { this.expanded = expanded; } /** * @return the folders */ public List<Folder> getFolders() { return folders; } /** * @param folders * the folders to set */ public void setFolders(List<Folder> folders) { this.folders = folders; } /** * @return the editDivId */ public String getEditDivId() { return editDivId; } /** * @param editDivId * the editDivId to set */ public void setEditDivId(String editDivId) { this.editDivId = editDivId; } /** * @return the visibleEditableVocabularies */ public boolean isVisibleEditableVocabularies() { return visibleEditableVocabularies; } /** * @param visibleEditableVocabularies * the visibleEditableVocabularies to set */ public void setVisibleEditableVocabularies(boolean visibleEditableVocabularies) { this.visibleEditableVocabularies = visibleEditableVocabularies; } /** * @return the folderIdentifier */ public String getIdentifier() { return identifier; } /** * @param folderIdentifier * the folderIdentifier to set */ public void setIdentifier(String folderIdentifier) { this.identifier = folderIdentifier; } public VocabularyResult getVocabularyResult() { return vocabularyResult; } public VocabularyFilter getVocabularyFilter() { return vocabularyFilter; } public void setVocabularyFilter(VocabularyFilter vocabularyFilter) { this.vocabularyFilter = vocabularyFilter; } public VocabularyConceptFilter getVocabularyConceptFilter() { return vocabularyConceptFilter; } public void setVocabularyConceptFilter(VocabularyConceptFilter vocabularyConceptFilter) { this.vocabularyConceptFilter = vocabularyConceptFilter; } public List<VocabularyConceptData> getVocabularyConceptResult() { return vocabularyConceptResult; } public List<Integer> getVocabulariesWithBaseUri() { return vocabulariesWithBaseUri; } public boolean isKeepRelationsOnDelete() { return keepRelationsOnDelete; } public void setKeepRelationsOnDelete(boolean keepRelationsOnDelete) { this.keepRelationsOnDelete = keepRelationsOnDelete; } /** * @return the statusTextsToDisplay */ public RegStatus[] getStatusTextsToDisplay() { return statusTextsToDisplay; } public String getOldSitePrefix() { return oldSitePrefix; } public void setOldSitePrefix(String oldSitePrefix) { this.oldSitePrefix = StringUtils.trimToNull(oldSitePrefix); } /** * Returns site prefix. * * @return new site prefix or default */ public String getNewSitePrefix() { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(newSitePrefix)) { return getSitePrefix(); } return newSitePrefix; } public void setNewSitePrefix(String newSitePrefix) { this.newSitePrefix = StringUtils.trimToNull(newSitePrefix); } }