Java tutorial
/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Data Dictionary * * The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment * Agency. Portions created by TripleDev are Copyright * (C) European Environment Agency. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * TripleDev */ package eionet.meta.imp; import eionet.meta.dao.domain.DataElement; import eionet.meta.dao.domain.VocabularyConcept; import eionet.meta.service.ServiceException; import eionet.util.Pair; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.openrdf.model.Literal; import org.openrdf.model.Resource; import org.openrdf.model.Statement; import org.openrdf.model.URI; import org.openrdf.model.Value; import; import; import; import java.math.BigInteger; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import eionet.util.Util; import eionet.meta.exports.VocabularyOutputHelper; /** * Implementation of OpenRDF's {@link RDFHandler} that will be used by implementations of * {@link eionet.meta.service.IRDFVocabularyImportService}. Contains callback methods for listening to the content coming from * {@link eionet.meta.service.IRDFVocabularyImportService} and loading them into vocabulary. * * @author enver */ // @Configurable public class VocabularyRDFImportHandler extends VocabularyImportBaseHandler implements RDFHandler { /* static constants */ /** * Mapping for predicate ignorance. If a predicate needs to be ignored it can be put in to map with its String value as a key. * Value for that key is an instance of Pair holds a Class and a String. Class is used to check the type of Object (in triple). * String is a regular expression to match with Object's string value. This works as follows: Triple<Subject S, Predicate P, * Object O> T *****if rule set has a Rule (Pair) R in Map for P then *********if O is an instance of R.Class and O.stringValue * matches with R.String then **************ignore T */ private static final Map<String, Pair<Class, String>> PREDICATE_IGNORANCE_RULES; /** * notation attribute of concept. */ private static final String NOTATION = "notation"; /** * label attribute of concept. */ private static final String PREF_LABEL = "prefLabel"; /** * definition attribute of concept. */ private static final String DEFINITION = "definition"; /** * Private static final String Hashing Algorithm for Triples. */ private static final String HASHING_ALGORITHM = "MD5"; /** * Used when getting bytes of a string to hash. */ private static final String DEFAULT_ENCODING_OF_STRINGS = "UTF-8"; /** * used with concept attributes. */ private static final String SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTE_NS = "skos"; /** * concept attribute namespaces to update concept fields instead of dataelements. */ private static final List<String> SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTES; static { SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTES = new ArrayList<String>(); SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTES.add("notation"); SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTES.add("prefLabel"); SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTES.add("definition"); PREDICATE_IGNORANCE_RULES = new HashMap<String, Pair<Class, String>>(); PREDICATE_IGNORANCE_RULES.put(VocabularyOutputHelper.LinkedDataNamespaces.SKOS_NS + "inScheme", new Pair<Class, String>(Object.class, "(.)*")); PREDICATE_IGNORANCE_RULES.put(VocabularyOutputHelper.LinkedDataNamespaces.RDF_NS + "type", new Pair<Class, String>(URI.class, VocabularyOutputHelper.LinkedDataNamespaces.SKOS_NS + "Concept")); } /* member fields */ /** * bound uri's to vocabulary. */ private Map<String, String> boundURIs = null; /** * Bound elements of vocabulary. */ protected Map<String, List<String>> boundElements = null; /** * number of valid triples that are processed. */ private int numberOfValidTriples = 0; /** * number of total triples that are processed. */ private int totalNumberOfTriples = 0; /** * Temporary list for an element identifier (not to query all the time). */ private List<DataElement> elementsOfConcept = null; /** * Temporary list for an element identifier with language (not to query all the time). */ private List<DataElement> elementsOfConceptByLang = null; /** * Previous successful tiple's subject (concept) identifier. */ private String prevConceptIdentifier = null; /** * Previous successful triple's predicate (data element) identifier. */ private String prevDataElemIdentifier = null; /** * Previous successful triple's language. */ private String prevLang = null; /** * Map to hold dataelement positions. */ private Map<String, Map<String, Integer>> attributePositions = null; /** * Temporary object to hold last found concept not to iterate over again in lists. */ private VocabularyConcept lastFoundConcept; /** * This map is used to detect if a predicate (prefLabel, definition or notation) is used for concept update or not. */ private Map<String, Set<Integer>> conceptsUpdatedForAttributes = null; /** * Number of concepts updated per predicate. */ private Map<String, Set<Integer>> predicateUpdatesAtConcepts = null; /** * Boolean to create new data elements for predicates. */ private boolean createNewDataElementsForPredicates = false; /** * This set includes predicates which are not bound to vocabulary. */ private Set<String> notBoundPredicates = null; /** * This is map to get data element identifier for a predicate. */ private Map<String, String> identifierOfPredicate = null; /** * Working language, should be two letters language code in lower case. */ private String workingLanguage = null; /** * Local instance namespace. */ private final String ddNamespace; /** * Number of duplicated triples. */ private int numberOfDuplicatedTriples = 0; /** * In this set seen statements hascodes are stored not to process same statement once again. */ private Set<BigInteger> seenStatementsHashCodes = null; /** * Message Digest instance used for triple hashing. */ private MessageDigest messageDigestInstance = null; /** * This map store last seen candidate for DEFINITION and LABEL. Key value should be conceptId+dataelemIdentifier. */ private Map<String, Literal> lastCandidateForConceptAttribute = null; /** * Constructor for RDFHandler to import rdf into vocabulary. * * @param folderContextRoot * base uri for vocabulary. * @param concepts * concepts of vocabulary * @param boundElements * bound elements to vocabulary. * @param boundElementsToIds * bound elements ids. * @param boundURIs * rdf namespaces for bound elements * @param workingLanguage * working language, only first two letters are used * @param createNewDataElementsForPredicates * create new data elements for seen predicates * @param ddNamespace * dd instance namespace * @throws ServiceException * when digest algorithm cannot be found */ public VocabularyRDFImportHandler(String folderContextRoot, List<VocabularyConcept> concepts, Map<String, Integer> boundElementsToIds, Map<String, List<String>> boundElements, Map<String, String> boundURIs, boolean createNewDataElementsForPredicates, String workingLanguage, String ddNamespace) throws ServiceException { super(folderContextRoot, concepts, boundElementsToIds); this.boundElements = boundElements; this.createNewDataElementsForPredicates = createNewDataElementsForPredicates; this.boundURIs = boundURIs; this.attributePositions = new HashMap<String, Map<String, Integer>>(); this.predicateUpdatesAtConcepts = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>(); this.notBoundPredicates = new HashSet<String>(); this.identifierOfPredicate = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.conceptsUpdatedForAttributes = new HashMap<String, Set<Integer>>(); this.conceptsUpdatedForAttributes.put(SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTE_NS + ":" + PREF_LABEL, new HashSet<Integer>()); this.conceptsUpdatedForAttributes.put(SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTE_NS + ":" + DEFINITION, new HashSet<Integer>()); this.conceptsUpdatedForAttributes.put(SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTE_NS + ":" + NOTATION, new HashSet<Integer>()); this.lastCandidateForConceptAttribute = new HashMap<String, Literal>(); // get first two letters of working language since, it can be like en-US this.workingLanguage = StringUtils.substring(workingLanguage, 0, 2); this.ddNamespace = ddNamespace; this.seenStatementsHashCodes = new HashSet<BigInteger>(); try { this.messageDigestInstance = MessageDigest.getInstance(HASHING_ALGORITHM); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new ServiceException(e.getMessage()); } } // end of constructor @Override public void startRDF() throws RDFHandlerException { } // end of method startRDF @Override public void handleComment(String comment) throws RDFHandlerException { } // end of method handleComment @Override public void handleNamespace(String prefix, String uri) throws RDFHandlerException { } // end of method handleNamespace @Override public void handleStatement(Statement st) throws RDFHandlerException { this.totalNumberOfTriples++; Resource subject = st.getSubject(); URI predicate = st.getPredicate(); Value object = st.getObject(); if (!(subject instanceof URI)) { // this.logMessages.add(st.toString() + " NOT imported, subject is not a URI"); return; } // object should a resource or a literal (value) if (!(object instanceof URI) && !(object instanceof Literal)) { // this.logMessages.add(st.toString() + " NOT imported, object is not instance of URI or Literal"); return; } String conceptUri = subject.stringValue(); if (!StringUtils.startsWith(conceptUri, this.folderContextRoot)) { // this.logMessages.add(st.toString() + " NOT imported, does not have base URI"); return; } this.messageDigestInstance.reset(); byte[] digested; try { digested = this.messageDigestInstance.digest(st.toString().getBytes(DEFAULT_ENCODING_OF_STRINGS)); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { throw new RDFHandlerException(e); } BigInteger statementHashCode = new BigInteger(1, digested); if (this.seenStatementsHashCodes.contains(statementHashCode)) { // this.logMessages.add(st.toString() + " NOT imported, duplicates a previous triple"); this.numberOfDuplicatedTriples++; return; } this.seenStatementsHashCodes.add(statementHashCode); // if it does not a have conceptIdentifier than it may be an attribute for vocabulary or a wrong record, so just ignore it String conceptIdentifier = conceptUri.replace(this.folderContextRoot, ""); if (StringUtils.contains(conceptIdentifier, "/") || !Util.isValidIdentifier(conceptIdentifier)) { // this.logMessages.add(st.toString() + " NOT imported, contains a / in concept identifier or empty"); return; } String predicateUri = predicate.stringValue(); Pair<Class, String> ignoranceRule = PREDICATE_IGNORANCE_RULES.get(predicateUri); if (ignoranceRule != null) { if (ignoranceRule.getLeft().isInstance(object) && object.stringValue().matches(ignoranceRule.getRight())) { // ignore value return; } } String attributeIdentifier = null; String predicateNS = null; boolean candidateForConceptAttribute = false; if (StringUtils.startsWith(predicateUri, VocabularyOutputHelper.LinkedDataNamespaces.SKOS_NS)) { attributeIdentifier = predicateUri.replace(VocabularyOutputHelper.LinkedDataNamespaces.SKOS_NS, ""); candidateForConceptAttribute = SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTES.contains(attributeIdentifier); if (candidateForConceptAttribute) { predicateNS = SKOS_CONCEPT_ATTRIBUTE_NS; } } if (candidateForConceptAttribute && !(object instanceof Literal)) { // this.logMessages.add(st.toString() + " NOT imported, object is not a Literal for concept attribute"); return; } if (!candidateForConceptAttribute) { for (String key : this.boundURIs.keySet()) { if (StringUtils.startsWith(predicateUri, key)) { attributeIdentifier = predicateUri.replace(key, ""); predicateNS = this.boundURIs.get(key); if (!this.boundElements.get(predicateNS).contains(attributeIdentifier)) { predicateNS = null; } break; } } } if (StringUtils.isEmpty(predicateNS)) { // this.logMessages.add(st.toString() + " NOT imported, predicate is not a bound URI nor a concept attribute"); this.notBoundPredicates.add(predicateUri); return; } // if execution comes here so we have a valid triple to import // first find the concept if (!StringUtils.equals(conceptIdentifier, this.prevConceptIdentifier)) { this.prevDataElemIdentifier = null; this.prevLang = null; this.lastFoundConcept = null; } this.prevConceptIdentifier = conceptIdentifier; if (this.lastFoundConcept == null) { Pair<VocabularyConcept, Boolean> foundConceptWithFlag = findOrCreateConcept(conceptIdentifier); // if vocabulary concept couldnt find or couldnt be created if (foundConceptWithFlag == null) { return; } this.lastFoundConcept = foundConceptWithFlag.getLeft(); if (!foundConceptWithFlag.getRight()) { // vocabulary concept found or created, add it to list this.toBeUpdatedConcepts.add(this.lastFoundConcept); } } String dataElemIdentifier = predicateNS + ":" + attributeIdentifier; if (StringUtils.equals(this.ddNamespace, predicateNS)) { dataElemIdentifier = attributeIdentifier; } // TODO code below can be refactored if (candidateForConceptAttribute && !this.conceptsUpdatedForAttributes.get(dataElemIdentifier) .contains(this.lastFoundConcept.getId())) { this.conceptsUpdatedForAttributes.get(dataElemIdentifier).add(this.lastFoundConcept.getId()); // update concept value here String val = StringUtils.trimToNull(object.stringValue()); if (StringUtils.equals(attributeIdentifier, NOTATION)) { this.lastFoundConcept.setNotation(val); } else { if (StringUtils.equals(attributeIdentifier, DEFINITION)) { this.lastFoundConcept.setDefinition(val); } else if (StringUtils.equals(attributeIdentifier, PREF_LABEL)) { this.lastFoundConcept.setLabel(val); } String elemLang = StringUtils.substring(((Literal) object).getLanguage(), 0, 2); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(elemLang)) { this.lastCandidateForConceptAttribute.put(this.lastFoundConcept.getId() + dataElemIdentifier, (Literal) object); candidateForConceptAttribute = false; } } } else if (candidateForConceptAttribute && this.lastCandidateForConceptAttribute .containsKey(this.lastFoundConcept.getId() + dataElemIdentifier)) { // check if more prior value received Literal previousCandidate = this.lastCandidateForConceptAttribute .remove(this.lastFoundConcept.getId() + dataElemIdentifier); String elemLang = StringUtils.substring(((Literal) object).getLanguage(), 0, 2); boolean updateValue = false; if (StringUtils.isEmpty(elemLang)) { updateValue = true; } else if (StringUtils.equals(elemLang, this.workingLanguage) && !StringUtils .equals(StringUtils.substring(previousCandidate.getLanguage(), 0, 2), this.workingLanguage)) { updateValue = true; candidateForConceptAttribute = false; this.lastCandidateForConceptAttribute.put(this.lastFoundConcept.getId() + dataElemIdentifier, (Literal) object); } else { this.lastCandidateForConceptAttribute.put(this.lastFoundConcept.getId() + dataElemIdentifier, previousCandidate); candidateForConceptAttribute = false; } if (updateValue) { String val = StringUtils.trimToNull(object.stringValue()); if (StringUtils.equals(attributeIdentifier, DEFINITION)) { this.lastFoundConcept.setDefinition(val); } else if (StringUtils.equals(attributeIdentifier, PREF_LABEL)) { this.lastFoundConcept.setLabel(val); } } } else { candidateForConceptAttribute = false; } if (!candidateForConceptAttribute) { if (!this.boundElementsIds.containsKey(dataElemIdentifier)) { this.notBoundPredicates.add(predicateUri); return; } Set<Integer> conceptIdsUpdatedWithPredicate = this.predicateUpdatesAtConcepts.get(predicateUri); if (conceptIdsUpdatedWithPredicate == null) { conceptIdsUpdatedWithPredicate = new HashSet<Integer>(); this.predicateUpdatesAtConcepts.put(predicateUri, conceptIdsUpdatedWithPredicate); } // find the data element if (!this.identifierOfPredicate.containsKey(predicateUri)) { this.identifierOfPredicate.put(predicateUri, dataElemIdentifier); } if (!StringUtils.equals(dataElemIdentifier, this.prevDataElemIdentifier)) { elementsOfConcept = getDataElementValuesByName(dataElemIdentifier, lastFoundConcept.getElementAttributes()); if (createNewDataElementsForPredicates && !conceptIdsUpdatedWithPredicate.contains(lastFoundConcept.getId())) { if (this.elementsOfConcept != null) { this.lastFoundConcept.getElementAttributes().remove(this.elementsOfConcept); } this.elementsOfConcept = null; } if (this.elementsOfConcept == null) { this.elementsOfConcept = new ArrayList<DataElement>(); this.lastFoundConcept.getElementAttributes().add(this.elementsOfConcept); } } String elementValue = object.stringValue(); if (StringUtils.isEmpty(elementValue)) { // value is empty, no need to continue return; } String elemLang = null; VocabularyConcept foundRelatedConcept = null; // if object is a resource (i.e. URI), it can be a related concept if (object instanceof URI) { foundRelatedConcept = findRelatedConcept(elementValue); } else if (object instanceof Literal) { // it is literal elemLang = StringUtils.substring(((Literal) object).getLanguage(), 0, 2); } if (!StringUtils.equals(dataElemIdentifier, prevDataElemIdentifier) || !StringUtils.equals(elemLang, prevLang)) { elementsOfConceptByLang = getDataElementValuesByNameAndLang(dataElemIdentifier, elemLang, lastFoundConcept.getElementAttributes()); } this.prevLang = elemLang; this.prevDataElemIdentifier = dataElemIdentifier; // check for pre-existence of the VCE by attribute value or related concept id Integer relatedId = null; if (foundRelatedConcept != null) { relatedId = foundRelatedConcept.getId(); } for (DataElement elemByLang : elementsOfConceptByLang) { String elementValueByLang = elemByLang.getAttributeValue(); if (StringUtils.equals(elementValue, elementValueByLang)) { // vocabulary concept element already in database, no need to continue, return return; } if (relatedId != null) { Integer relatedConceptId = elemByLang.getRelatedConceptId(); if (relatedConceptId != null && relatedConceptId.intValue() == relatedId.intValue()) { // vocabulary concept element already in database, no need to continue, return return; } } } // create VCE DataElement elem = new DataElement(); this.elementsOfConcept.add(elem); elem.setAttributeLanguage(elemLang); elem.setIdentifier(dataElemIdentifier); elem.setId(this.boundElementsIds.get(dataElemIdentifier)); // check if there is a found related concept if (foundRelatedConcept != null) { elem.setRelatedConceptIdentifier(foundRelatedConcept.getIdentifier()); int id = foundRelatedConcept.getId(); elem.setRelatedConceptId(id); elem.setAttributeValue(null); if (id < 0) { addToElementsReferringNotCreatedConcepts(id, elem); } } else { elem.setAttributeValue(elementValue); elem.setRelatedConceptId(null); } conceptIdsUpdatedWithPredicate.add(this.lastFoundConcept.getId()); } this.numberOfValidTriples++; } // end of method handleStatement @Override public void endRDF() throws RDFHandlerException { if (this.createNewDataElementsForPredicates) { // if purge per predicate is selected and rdf does not contain any for some concepts. Then those untouched concepts // should be updated to remove these predicates if they have // 1. first do it for toBeUpdateConcepts for (VocabularyConcept concept : this.toBeUpdatedConcepts) { for (String key : this.predicateUpdatesAtConcepts.keySet()) { if (!this.predicateUpdatesAtConcepts.get(key).contains(concept.getId())) { List<DataElement> conceptElements = getDataElementValuesByName( this.identifierOfPredicate.get(key), concept.getElementAttributes()); if (conceptElements != null && conceptElements.size() > 0) { concept.getElementAttributes().remove(conceptElements); } } } } // 2. do it for untouched concepts for (VocabularyConcept concept : this.concepts) { boolean conceptUpdated = false; for (String key : this.predicateUpdatesAtConcepts.keySet()) { List<DataElement> conceptElements = getDataElementValuesByName( this.identifierOfPredicate.get(key), concept.getElementAttributes()); if (conceptElements != null && conceptElements.size() > 0) { concept.getElementAttributes().remove(conceptElements); conceptUpdated = true; } } if (conceptUpdated) { this.toBeUpdatedConcepts.add(concept); } } } // check for null label containing concepts List<String> conceptsWithNullLabels = processNewlyCreatedConceptsForNullCheck(); // process unseen concepts for related elements processUnseenConceptsForRelatedElements(); // add some logs this.logMessages .add("Valid (" + this.numberOfValidTriples + ") / Total (" + this.totalNumberOfTriples + ")"); // this.logMessages.add("Found related concept cache count: " + this.relatedConceptCache.keySet().size()); this.logMessages.add("Number of predicates seen: " + this.predicateUpdatesAtConcepts.size()); this.logMessages.add("Number of duplicate triples: " + this.numberOfDuplicatedTriples); this.logMessages.add("Number of concepts seen per predicate: "); for (String key : this.predicateUpdatesAtConcepts.keySet()) { this.logMessages.add("--> " + key + " (" + this.identifierOfPredicate.get(key) + "): " + this.predicateUpdatesAtConcepts.get(key).size()); } this.logMessages.add("Not imported predicates (" + this.notBoundPredicates.size() + ") which are not bound to vocabulary: "); for (String predicate : this.notBoundPredicates) { this.logMessages.add("--> " + predicate); } if (conceptsWithNullLabels != null) { this.logMessages.addAll(conceptsWithNullLabels); } this.logMessages.add("Number of updated concepts: " + this.toBeUpdatedConcepts.size()); } // end of method endRDF } // end of class VocabularyRDFImportHandler