Java tutorial
package; /* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Web Dashboards Service * * The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment * Agency (EEA). Portions created by European Dynamics (ED) company are * Copyright (C) by European Environment Agency. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributors(s): * Original code: Istvan Alfeldi (ED) */ import; import; import; import; import; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; import java.util.Vector; import org.apache.commons.beanutils.BeanComparator; import org.apache.commons.collections.comparators.ComparatorChain; import org.apache.commons.collections.comparators.NullComparator; import; import org.apache.struts.upload.FormFile; import eionet.gdem.Properties; import eionet.gdem.conversion.ConversionService; import eionet.gdem.conversion.ConversionServiceIF; import eionet.gdem.conversion.ssr.Names; import eionet.gdem.dcm.BusinessConstants; import eionet.gdem.dcm.Conversion; import eionet.gdem.dto.ConversionDto; import eionet.gdem.dto.CrFileDto; import eionet.gdem.dto.DDDatasetTable; import eionet.gdem.dto.QAScript; import eionet.gdem.dto.RootElem; import eionet.gdem.dto.Schema; import eionet.gdem.dto.Stylesheet; import eionet.gdem.dto.UplSchema; import eionet.gdem.exceptions.DCMException; import; import; import; import; import eionet.gdem.utils.HttpUtils; import eionet.gdem.utils.MultipartFileUpload; import eionet.gdem.utils.SecurityUtil; import eionet.gdem.utils.Utils; import eionet.gdem.web.struts.qascript.QAScriptListHolder; import eionet.gdem.web.struts.schema.SchemaElemHolder; import eionet.gdem.web.struts.schema.UplSchemaHolder; import eionet.gdem.web.struts.stylesheet.StylesheetListHolder; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * Business logic for managing XML schemas in XMLCONV. * * @author Enriko Ksper */ public class SchemaManager { /** */ private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(SchemaManager.class); /** */ private ISchemaDao schemaDao = GDEMServices.getDaoService().getSchemaDao(); /** */ private IRootElemDao rootElemDao = GDEMServices.getDaoService().getRootElemDao(); /** */ private IUPLSchemaDao uplSchemaDao = GDEMServices.getDaoService().getUPLSchemaDao(); /** * Deletes XML Schema and related stylesheets from database. * @param user login name * @param schemaId XML Schema database ID. * @throws DCMException in case of database error occurs. */ public void deleteSchemaStylesheets(String user, String schemaId) throws DCMException { boolean hasOtherStuff = false; try { if (!SecurityUtil.hasPerm(user, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "d")) { LOGGER.debug("You don't have permissions to delete schemas!"); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_AUTORIZATION_SCHEMA_DELETE); } } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug(e.toString(), e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } try { Vector stylesheets = schemaDao.getSchemaStylesheets(schemaId); if (!Utils.isNullVector(schemaDao.getSchemaQueries(schemaId)) || uplSchemaDao.checkUplSchemaFK(schemaId)) { hasOtherStuff = true; } schemaDao.removeSchema(schemaId, false, false, !hasOtherStuff); // delete stylesheet files only if db operation succeeded if (stylesheets != null) { for (int i = 0; i < stylesheets.size(); i++) { HashMap hash = (HashMap) stylesheets.get(i); String xslFile = (String) hash.get("xsl"); String xslFolder = Properties.xslFolder; if (!xslFolder.endsWith(File.separator)) { xslFolder = xslFolder + File.separator; } try { Utils.deleteFile(xslFolder + xslFile); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Error deleting file", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Error removing schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } } /** * Method creates StylesheetListHolder object, that stores the list of stylesheets both for handcoded and generated. The object * stores also user permissions info to manage stylesheets. * * @param type * if type==null, then show only handcoded stylesheets. If type==generated, then show only generated stylesheets. If * type==both, then show both handcoded and generated stylesheets * @return StylesheetListHolder object holding schema stylesheet and user permission information * @throws DCMException in case of database error occurs. */ public StylesheetListHolder getSchemas(String type) throws DCMException { StylesheetListHolder st = new StylesheetListHolder(); if (Utils.isNullStr(type)) { type = "handcoded"; } Vector hcSchemas; List<Schema> schemas; try { schemas = new ArrayList<Schema>(); // By default show only handcoded stylesheets if (type.equals("handcoded") || type.equals("all")) { hcSchemas = schemaDao.getSchemas(null); if (hcSchemas == null) { hcSchemas = new Vector(); } for (int i = 0; i < hcSchemas.size(); i++) { HashMap schema = (HashMap) hcSchemas.get(i); Schema sc = new Schema(); sc.setId((String) schema.get("schema_id")); sc.setSchema((String) schema.get("xml_schema")); sc.setDescription((String) schema.get("description")); sc.setExpireDate(Utils.parseDate((String) schema.get("expire_date"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); Vector stylesheets = new Vector(); if (schema.containsKey("stylesheets")) { stylesheets = (Vector) schema.get("stylesheets"); } ArrayList<Stylesheet> stls = new ArrayList<Stylesheet>(); for (int j = 0; j < stylesheets.size(); j++) { HashMap stylesheet = (HashMap) stylesheets.get(j); Stylesheet stl = new Stylesheet(); stl.setConvId((String) stylesheet.get("convert_id")); stl.setType((String) stylesheet.get("content_type_out")); stl.setXsl(Names.XSL_FOLDER + (String) stylesheet.get("xsl")); stl.setXslFileName((String) stylesheet.get("xsl")); stl.setDescription((String) stylesheet.get("description")); stl.setDdConv(false); stls.add(stl); } if (stls.size() > 0) { sc.setStylesheets(stls); schemas.add(sc); } } if (schemas.size() > 0) { st.setHandCodedStylesheets(schemas); } } // if type==all, then show both handcoded and generated stylesheets // if type==generated, then show only generated from DD stylesheets if (type.equals("generated") || type.equals("all")) { // retrieve conversions for DD tables schemas = getDDSchemas(true); st.setDdStylesheets(schemas); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error getting schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return st; } /** * Get XML Schema and related stylesheets information. * @param schema XML Schema URL or database ID. * @return StylesheetListHolder object holding schema stylesheet and user permission information * @throws DCMException in case of database error occurs. */ public StylesheetListHolder getSchemaStylesheetsList(String schema) throws DCMException { StylesheetListHolder st = new StylesheetListHolder(); ArrayList<Schema> schemas; try { schemas = new ArrayList<Schema>(); String schemaId = schemaDao.getSchemaID(schema); if (schemaId == null) { st.setHandcoded(false); } else { st.setHandcoded(true); } ConversionServiceIF cs = new ConversionService(); Vector stylesheets = cs.listConversions(schema); ArrayList<Stylesheet> stls = new ArrayList<Stylesheet>(); Schema sc = new Schema(); sc.setId(schemaId); sc.setSchema(schema); for (int i = 0; i < stylesheets.size(); i++) { Hashtable hash = (Hashtable) stylesheets.get(i); String xsl = (String) hash.get("xsl"); String type; String lastModified = ""; boolean ddConv = false; String xslUrl; if (!xsl.startsWith(Properties.gdemURL + "/do/getStylesheet?id=")) { File f = new File(Properties.xslFolder + File.separatorChar + xsl); if (f != null && f.exists()) { lastModified = Utils.getDateTime(new Date(f.lastModified())); } // DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.MEDIUM).format(new Date(f.lastModified())); xslUrl = Names.XSL_FOLDER + (String) hash.get("xsl"); type = (String) hash.get("result_type"); } else { xslUrl = (String) hash.get("xsl"); ddConv = true; type = (String) hash.get("result_type"); } Stylesheet stl = new Stylesheet(); // st.setConvId(1); stl.setType(type); stl.setXsl(xslUrl); stl.setXslFileName(xsl); stl.setDescription((String) hash.get("description")); stl.setModified(lastModified); stl.setConvId((String) hash.get("convert_id")); stl.setDdConv(ddConv); stls.add(stl); } if (stls.size() > 0) { sc.setStylesheets(stls); } schemas.add(sc); st.setHandCodedStylesheets(schemas); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Errror getting schema stylesheets", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return st; } /** * Method creates QAScriptListHolder object, that stores the list of qa script The object stores also user permissions info to * manage stylesheets. * * @return QAScriptListHolder object holding QA script and permissions info. * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public QAScriptListHolder getSchemasWithQAScripts() throws DCMException { return getSchemasWithQAScripts(null); } /** * Get XML Schema info with related QA scripts. * @param schemaId XML Schema database ID. * @return QAScriptListHolder holding XML Schema and QA scripts information. * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public QAScriptListHolder getSchemasWithQAScripts(String schemaId) throws DCMException { QAScriptListHolder st = new QAScriptListHolder(); Vector hcSchemas; List<Schema> schemas; try { schemas = new ArrayList<Schema>(); hcSchemas = schemaDao.getSchemas(schemaId); if (hcSchemas == null) { hcSchemas = new Vector(); } for (int i = 0; i < hcSchemas.size(); i++) { HashMap schema = (HashMap) hcSchemas.get(i); Schema sc = new Schema(); sc.setId((String) schema.get("schema_id")); sc.setSchema((String) schema.get("xml_schema")); sc.setDescription((String) schema.get("description")); boolean validate = (!Utils.isNullStr((String) schema.get("validate")) && ((String) schema.get("validate")).equals("1")); sc.setDoValidation(validate); boolean blocker = (!Utils.isNullStr((String) schema.get("blocker")) && ((String) schema.get("blocker")).equals("1")); sc.setBlocker(blocker); Vector qascripts = new Vector(); if (schema.containsKey("queries")) { qascripts = (Vector) schema.get("queries"); } List<QAScript> qases = new ArrayList<QAScript>(); for (int j = 0; j < qascripts.size(); j++) { HashMap qascript = (HashMap) qascripts.get(j); QAScript qas = new QAScript(); qas.setScriptId((String) qascript.get("query_id")); qas.setFileName((String) qascript.get("query")); qas.setDescription((String) qascript.get("description")); qas.setShortName((String) qascript.get("short_name")); qas.setScriptType((String) qascript.get("script_type")); qas.setResultType((String) qascript.get("result_type")); qas.setActive((String) qascript.get("is_active")); qases.add(qas); // get file last modified only if schemaId is known if (schemaId != null) { if (!Utils.isNullStr(qas.getFileName())) { qas.setFilePath(Names.QUERY_FOLDER + qas.getFileName()); String queryFolder = Properties.queriesFolder; if (!queryFolder.endsWith(File.separator)) { queryFolder = queryFolder + File.separator; } try { File f = new File(queryFolder + qas.getFileName()); if (f != null && f.exists()) { qas.setModified(Utils.getDateTime(new Date(f.lastModified()))); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Unable to read QA script file last modified time.", e); } } } } if (qases.size() > 0) { sc.setQascripts(qases); } if (qases.size() > 0 || schemaId != null || sc.isDoValidation()) { schemas.add(sc); } } if (schemas.size() > 0) { st.setQascripts(schemas); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.error("Error getting schemas with QA scripts", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return st; } /** * Update XML Schema object in database. * @param user user name stored in HTTP session.This for checking user permisssions * @param schemaId XML Schema database ID. * @param schema XML Schema URL. * @param description description * @param schemaLang schema language (XSD or DTD). * @param doValidation is schema validation part of QA. * @param dtdPublicId DTD public ID * @param expireDate date when the XML Schema is expired and it should not be part of QA after that date. * @param blocker return blocker flag in QA for failed XML Schema validation. * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public void update(String user, String schemaId, String schema, String description, String schemaLang, boolean doValidation, String dtdPublicId, Date expireDate, boolean blocker) throws DCMException { try { if (!SecurityUtil.hasPerm(user, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "u")) { LOGGER.error("You don't have permissions to delete schemas!"); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_AUTORIZATION_SCHEMA_UPDATE); } } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error updating schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } try { schemaDao.updateSchema(schemaId, schema, description, schemaLang, doValidation, dtdPublicId, expireDate, blocker); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error updating schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } } /** * Get XML schema information from database. The info can be queried by XML Schema URL or by schema database ID. * The return object holds also information about the user permissions and Schema root elements. * @param userName User login name who is asking the schema information * @param schemaId Accepts both type of IDs: XML schema numeric database ID or XML Schema URL * @return SchemaElemHolder object holding XML Schema and user rights information * @throws DCMException in case of database error occurred. */ public SchemaElemHolder getSchemaElems(String userName, String schemaId) throws DCMException { SchemaElemHolder se = new SchemaElemHolder(); boolean xsduPrm = false; boolean xsddPrm = false; String schemaDbId = "0"; Schema schema; List<RootElem> elems; try { elems = new ArrayList<RootElem>(); xsduPrm = SecurityUtil.hasPerm(userName, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "u"); xsddPrm = SecurityUtil.hasPerm(userName, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "d"); se.setXsduPrm(xsduPrm); se.setXsddPrm(xsddPrm); Vector list = schemaDao.getSchemas(schemaId, false); if (list == null) { list = new Vector(); } if (list.size() > 0) { schema = new Schema(); HashMap schemaHash = (HashMap) list.get(0); schemaDbId = (String) schemaHash.get("schema_id"); schema.setId(schemaDbId); schema.setSchema((String) schemaHash.get("xml_schema")); schema.setDescription((String) schemaHash.get("description")); schema.setSchemaLang((String) schemaHash.get("schema_lang")); boolean validate = (!Utils.isNullStr((String) schemaHash.get("validate")) && ((String) schemaHash.get("validate")).equals("1")); schema.setDoValidation(validate); schema.setDtdPublicId((String) schemaHash.get("dtd_public_id")); schema.setExpireDate( Utils.parseDate((String) schemaHash.get("expire_date"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); boolean blocker = (!Utils.isNullStr((String) schemaHash.get("blocker")) && ((String) schemaHash.get("blocker")).equals("1")); schema.setBlocker(blocker); // get uploaded schema information HashMap uplSchemaMap = uplSchemaDao.getUplSchemaByFkSchemaId(schemaDbId); if (uplSchemaMap != null && uplSchemaMap.get("upl_schema_file") != null) { UplSchema uplSchema = new UplSchema(); String uplSchemaFile = (String) uplSchemaMap.get("upl_schema_file"); String uplSchemaId = (String) uplSchemaMap.get("upl_schema_id"); String uplSchemaFileUrl = Properties.gdemURL + "/schema/" + uplSchemaFile; if (!Utils.isNullStr(uplSchemaFile)) { try { File f = new File(Properties.schemaFolder, uplSchemaFile); if (f != null) { uplSchema.setLastModified(Utils.getDateTime(new Date(f.lastModified()))); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("unable to read schema file last modified time.", e); } } uplSchema.setUplSchemaId(uplSchemaId); uplSchema.setUplSchemaFile(uplSchemaFile); uplSchema.setUplSchemaFileUrl(uplSchemaFileUrl); schema.setUplSchema(uplSchema); schema.setUplSchemaFileName(uplSchemaFile); } se.setSchema(schema); } Vector rootElems = rootElemDao.getSchemaRootElems(schemaDbId); if (rootElems == null) { rootElems = new Vector(); } for (int i = 0; i < rootElems.size(); i++) { HashMap hash = (HashMap) rootElems.get(i); RootElem rElem = new RootElem(); rElem.setElemId((String) hash.get("rootelem_id")); rElem.setName((String) hash.get("elem_name")); rElem.setNamespace((String) hash.get("namespace")); elems.add(rElem); } if (elems.size() > 0) { se.setRootElem(elems); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.error("Error getting root elements", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return se; } /** * Get DD Schemas and append schemas found from database. * * @return list of XML Schemas * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public List<Schema> getSchemas() throws DCMException { List<Schema> schemas = new ArrayList<Schema>(); List<String> schemasChk = new ArrayList<String>(); Vector hcSchemas; try { // retrive conversions for DD tables List<DDDatasetTable> ddTables = getDDTables(); for (DDDatasetTable ddTable : ddTables) { String tblId = ddTable.getTblId(); String schemaUrl = Properties.ddURL + "/GetSchema?id=TBL" + tblId; Schema sc = new Schema(); sc.setId("TBL" + tblId); sc.setSchema(schemaUrl); sc.setTable(ddTable.getShortName()); sc.setDataset(ddTable.getDataSet()); Date d = null; try { d = Utils.parseDate(ddTable.getDateReleased(), "ddMMyy"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Unable to parse DataDictionary dataset released date: " + ddTable.getDateReleased(), e); } sc.setDatasetReleased(d); schemas.add(sc); schemasChk.add(schemaUrl); } // append handcoded conversions hcSchemas = schemaDao.getSchemasWithStl(); if (hcSchemas != null) { for (int i = 0; i < hcSchemas.size(); i++) { HashMap schema = (HashMap) hcSchemas.get(i); if (!schemasChk.contains(schema.get("xml_schema"))) { Schema sc = new Schema(); sc.setId((String) schema.get("schema_id")); sc.setSchema((String) schema.get("xml_schema")); sc.setDescription((String) schema.get("description")); schemas.add(sc); schemasChk.add((String) schema.get("xml_schema")); } } } BeanComparator comparator = new BeanComparator("schema", new NullComparator()); Collections.sort(schemas, comparator); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.debug("Error getting schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return schemas; } /** * Get stylesheet information for given XML Schema. * @param schema XML Schema URL or database ID * @return List of styleseeht objects. * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public ArrayList getSchemaStylesheets(String schema) throws DCMException { ArrayList<Stylesheet> stls = new ArrayList<Stylesheet>(); try { ConversionServiceIF cs = new ConversionService(); Vector stylesheets = cs.listConversions(schema); for (int i = 0; i < stylesheets.size(); i++) { Hashtable hash = (Hashtable) stylesheets.get(i); String convertId = (String) hash.get("convert_id"); String xslFileName = (String) hash.get("xsl"); String type = (String) hash.get("result_type"); String description = (String) hash.get("description"); boolean ddConv = false; String xslUrl; if (!xslFileName.startsWith(Properties.gdemURL + "/do/getStylesheet?id=")) { xslUrl = Properties.gdemURL + "/" + Names.XSL_FOLDER + xslFileName; } else { xslUrl = (String) hash.get("xsl"); ddConv = true; } Stylesheet stl = new Stylesheet(); stl.setConvId(convertId); stl.setType(type); stl.setXsl(xslUrl); stl.setXslFileName(xslFileName); stl.setDescription(description); stl.setDdConv(ddConv); stls.add(stl); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error getting schema stylesheets", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return stls; } /** * Get all schemas with relations to files, stylesheets and QA scripts and permissions. * @param userName user login name. * @return UplSchemaHolder object holding schema and permissions information. * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public UplSchemaHolder getAllSchemas(String userName) throws DCMException { UplSchemaHolder sc = new UplSchemaHolder(); List<Schema> schemas; boolean ssiPrm = false; boolean ssdPrm = false; boolean ssuPrm = false; try { ssiPrm = SecurityUtil.hasPerm(userName, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "i"); ssdPrm = SecurityUtil.hasPerm(userName, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "d"); ssuPrm = SecurityUtil.hasPerm(userName, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "u"); sc.setSsdPrm(ssdPrm); sc.setSsiPrm(ssiPrm); sc.setSsuPrm(ssuPrm); schemas = schemaDao.getSchemasWithRelations(); if (schemas.size() > 0) { sc.setSchemas(schemas); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error getting uploaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return sc; } /** * Add new XML Schema into database. * @param user login name * @param schemaUrl XML Schema URL. * @param descr description * @param schemaLang Schema language (XSD or DTD) * @param doValidation is schema part of QA. * @param blocker return blocker flag in QA for failed XML Schema validation. * @return the database ID of added XML Schema * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public String addSchema(String user, String schemaUrl, String descr, String schemaLang, boolean doValidation, boolean blocker) throws DCMException { String schemaID = null; try { if (!SecurityUtil.hasPerm(user, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "i")) { throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_AUTORIZATION_SCHEMA_INSERT); } } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error adding upoaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } try { schemaID = schemaDao.getSchemaID(schemaUrl); // Schema URL should be unique if (!Utils.isNullStr(schemaID)) { throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_UPLSCHEMA_URL_EXISTS); } if (schemaID == null) { schemaID = schemaDao.addSchema(schemaUrl, descr, schemaLang, doValidation, null, blocker); } } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error adding uploaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return schemaID; } /** * Store uploaded XML Schema file in the system. * @param user login name * @param file Struts FormFile object holding XML Schema content * @param fileName file name * @param fkSchemaId XML Schema object ID. * @throws DCMException in case of IO or database errors. */ public void addUplSchema(String user, FormFile file, String fileName, String fkSchemaId) throws DCMException { try { InputStream fileInputStream = file.getInputStream(); addUplSchema(user, fileInputStream, fileName, fkSchemaId); file.destroy(); } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error adding upoaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } } /** * Store uploaded XML Schema file in the system. * @param user login name * @param fileInputStream file content * @param fileName file name * @param fkSchemaId XML Schema object ID. * @throws DCMException in case of IO or database errors. */ public void addUplSchema(String user, InputStream fileInputStream, String fileName, String fkSchemaId) throws DCMException { try { if (!SecurityUtil.hasPerm(user, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "i")) { throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_AUTORIZATION_SCHEMA_INSERT); } } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error adding upoaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } try { // FK Schema ID should be unique if (!Utils.isNullStr(fkSchemaId)) { if (uplSchemaDao.checkUplSchemaFK(fkSchemaId)) { throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_UPLSCHEMA_URL_EXISTS); } } OutputStream output = null; String filepath = new String(Properties.schemaFolder + File.separatorChar + fileName); try { output = new FileOutputStream(filepath); IOUtils.copy(fileInputStream, output); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileInputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(output); } uplSchemaDao.addUplSchema(fileName, null, fkSchemaId); } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error adding upoaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } } /** * * @param user * - user name stored in Http session attribute * @param schemaId * - schema DB identifier that will be deleted * @param delSchema * - false=delete only row in T_UPL_SCHEMA (local file); true=delete both row in T_SCHEMA and T_UPL_SCHEMA * @return 0= nothing deleted; 1 = T_SCHEMA deleted; 2= T_UPL_SCHEMA deleted; 3= T_SCHEMA and T_UPL_SCHEMA deleted * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public int deleteUplSchema(String user, String schemaId, boolean delSchema) throws DCMException { int ret = 0; try { if (!SecurityUtil.hasPerm(user, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "d")) { LOGGER.debug("You don't have permissions to delete schemas!"); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_AUTORIZATION_SCHEMA_DELETE); } } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error deleting upoaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } try { HashMap<String, String> uplSchema = uplSchemaDao.getUplSchemaByFkSchemaId(schemaId); if (delSchema) { if (!Utils.isNullVector(schemaDao.getSchemaQueries(schemaId)) || !Utils.isNullVector(schemaDao.getSchemaStylesheets(schemaId))) { delSchema = false; } } // delete uploaded files and schema if needed schemaDao.removeSchema(schemaId, false, true, delSchema); // delete uplSchema files only if db operation succeeded if (uplSchema != null) { String schemaFile = uplSchema.get("upl_schema_file"); if (schemaFile != null) { try { Utils.deleteFile(Properties.schemaFolder + File.separator + schemaFile); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error deleting upoladed schema file", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } ret = ret + 2; } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error deleting uploaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } if (delSchema) { ret++; } return ret; } /** * Get Data Dictionary XML Schemas without stylesheet information. * @return list of XML Schema objects. * @throws DCMException in case of database or DD service error. */ public List getDDSchemas() throws DCMException { return getDDSchemas(false); } /** * Get Schemas and stylesheets generated from DataDictionary. * * @param getStylesheets true, if generate also stylesheet information. Otherwise stylesheet info is not returned. * @return list of XML Schema objects. * @throws DCMException in case of database or DD service error. */ public List getDDSchemas(boolean getStylesheets) throws DCMException { List schemas = new ArrayList(); try { // retrive conversions for DD tables List<DDDatasetTable> ddTables = getDDTables(); for (DDDatasetTable ddTable : ddTables) { String tblId = ddTable.getTblId(); String schemaUrl = Properties.ddURL + "/GetSchema?id=TBL" + tblId; Schema sc = new Schema(); sc.setId("TBL" + tblId); sc.setSchema(schemaUrl); sc.setTable(ddTable.getShortName()); sc.setDataset(ddTable.getDataSet()); Date d = null; try { d = Utils.parseDate(ddTable.getDateReleased(), "ddMMyy"); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error( "Unable to parse DataDictionary dataset released date: " + ddTable.getDateReleased(), e); } sc.setDatasetReleased(d); List<ConversionDto> ddStylesheets = Conversion.getConversions(); ArrayList stls = new ArrayList(); for (ConversionDto ddConv : ddStylesheets) { String convId = ddConv.getConvId(); String xslUrl = Properties.gdemURL + "/do/getStylesheet?id=" + tblId + "&conv=" + convId; Stylesheet stl = new Stylesheet(); stl.setType(ddConv.getResultType()); stl.setXsl(xslUrl); stl.setDescription(ddConv.getDescription()); stl.setDdConv(true); stls.add(stl); } sc.setStylesheets(stls); schemas.add(sc); } ComparatorChain comparatorChain = new ComparatorChain(); comparatorChain.addComparator(new BeanComparator("table", new NullComparator())); comparatorChain.addComparator(new BeanComparator("dataset", new NullComparator())); comparatorChain.addComparator(new BeanComparator("datasetReleased", new NullComparator()), true); Collections.sort(schemas, comparatorChain); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error getting DD schemas", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return schemas; } /** * Get XML schema information by database ID or schema URL. * @param schemaId XML Schema database ID or URl. * @return Schema object holding XML Schema information * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public Schema getSchema(String schemaId) throws DCMException { HashMap sch = null; Schema schema = null; try { sch = schemaDao.getSchema(schemaId); if (sch != null) { schema = new Schema(); schema.setId(schemaId); schema.setSchema((String) sch.get("xml_schema")); schema.setDescription((String) sch.get("description")); schema.setDtdPublicId((String) sch.get("dtd_public_id")); schema.setSchemaLang((String) sch.get("schema_lang")); schema.setExpireDate(Utils.parseDate((String) sch.get("expire_date"), "yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss")); boolean blocker = (!Utils.isNullStr((String) sch.get("blocker")) && ((String) sch.get("blocker")).equals("1")); schema.setBlocker(blocker); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error getting schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return schema; } /** * Get XML Schema database ID by Schema URL. * @param schema Schema URL * @return numeric database ID * @throws DCMException in case of database error occurred. */ public String getSchemaId(String schema) throws DCMException { try { return schemaDao.getSchemaID(schema); } catch (SQLException e) { LOGGER.error("Error getting schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } } /** * Update uploaded XML Schema metadata or file content. * @param user user login name * @param uplSchemaId Uploaded XML Schema database ID. * @param schemaId XML Schema database ID * @param fileName XML Schema file name stored in the system. * @param file new content of the XML Schema * @throws DCMException in case of IO or database error. */ public void updateUplSchema(String user, String uplSchemaId, String schemaId, String fileName, FormFile file) throws DCMException { try { InputStream fileInputStream = file.getInputStream(); updateUplSchema(user, uplSchemaId, schemaId, fileName, fileInputStream); file.destroy(); } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error adding upoaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } } /** * Update uploaded XML Schema metadata or file content. * @param user user login name * @param uplSchemaId Uploaded XML Schema database ID. * @param schemaId XML Schema database ID * @param fileName XML Schema file name stored in the system. * @param fileInputStream new content of the XML Schema * @throws DCMException in case of IO or database error. */ public void updateUplSchema(String user, String uplSchemaId, String schemaId, String fileName, InputStream fileInputStream) throws DCMException { try { if (!SecurityUtil.hasPerm(user, "/" + Names.ACL_SCHEMA_PATH, "u")) { LOGGER.debug("You don't have permissions to update schemas!"); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_AUTORIZATION_SCHEMA_UPDATE); } } catch (DCMException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error updating uploaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } try { // store the uploaded content into schema folder with the given filename if (fileInputStream != null && !Utils.isNullStr(fileName)) { OutputStream output = null; String filepath = new String(Properties.schemaFolder + File.separatorChar + fileName); try { output = new FileOutputStream(filepath); IOUtils.copy(fileInputStream, output); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(fileInputStream); IOUtils.closeQuietly(output); } } // DB update needed // uplSchemaDao.updateUplSchema(uplSchemaId, null, fileName, schemaId); // } catch (DCMException dcme) { // _logger.error("Error updating uploaded schema", dcme); // throw dcme; } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error updating uploaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } } /** * Get uploaded XML Schemas by database ID. * @param schemaId XML Schema database ID. * @return UplSchema object. * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public UplSchema getUplSchemasById(String schemaId) throws DCMException { UplSchema uplSchema = new UplSchema(); try { HashMap ht = uplSchemaDao.getUplSchemaByFkSchemaId(schemaId); // String schema = Properties.gdemURL + "/schema/" + (String) hash.get("schema"); String schema = (String) ht.get("xml_schema"); String desc = (String) ht.get("description"); String uplSchemaFile = (String) ht.get("upl_schema_file"); String uplSchemaId = (String) ht.get("upl_schema_id"); String uplSchemaFileUrl = Properties.gdemURL + "/schema/" + uplSchemaFile; uplSchema = new UplSchema(); uplSchema.setSchemaId(schemaId); uplSchema.setSchemaUrl(schema); uplSchema.setDescription(desc); uplSchema.setUplSchemaId(uplSchemaId); uplSchema.setUplSchemaFile(uplSchemaFile); uplSchema.setUplSchemaFileUrl(uplSchemaFileUrl); if (!Utils.isNullStr(uplSchemaFile)) { try { File f = new File(Properties.schemaFolder, uplSchemaFile); if (f != null) { uplSchema.setLastModified(Utils.getDateTime(new Date(f.lastModified()))); } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error reading file last modified information", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error getting uploaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return uplSchema; } /** * If the schema is stored in local repository, then this method returns the file name of locally stored schema. * * @param schemaUrl * remote schema URL * @return filename stored in schemas folder * @throws DCMException in case of database error. */ public String getUplSchemaURL(String schemaUrl) throws DCMException { String retURL = schemaUrl; try { HashMap ht = uplSchemaDao.getUplSchemaByUrl(schemaUrl); if (ht != null) { retURL = (String) ht.get("schema"); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); LOGGER.error("Error getting uploaded schema", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return retURL; } /** * Returns the list of xml files retrieved from CR sparql client. * * @param schema URL of XML Schema * @return list of CR file objects * @throws DCMException in case of CR connection or SPARQL errors. */ public List<CrFileDto> getCRFiles(String schema) throws DCMException { if (!GDEMServices.isTestConnection()) { return CrServiceSparqlClient.getXmlFilesBySchema(schema); } else { return CrServiceSparqlClient.getMockXmlFilesBySchema(schema); } } /** * Returns the list of DD tables retrieved from xml-rpc request. * * @return list of DD tables. */ protected List<DDDatasetTable> getDDTables() { return DDServiceClient.getDDTables(); } /** * Generates the unique filename for uploaded schemas. * @param filepart prefix for file name. * @param ext file extension * @return generated file name * @throws DCMException in case of IO error. */ public String generateUniqueSchemaFilename(String filepart, String ext) throws DCMException { String ret = ""; if (Utils.isNullStr(ext)) { ext = Schema.getDefaultSchemaLang().toLowerCase(); } StringBuilder uniq = new StringBuilder(filepart); try { uniq.append(String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis())); String hash = Utils.md5digest(uniq.toString()); ret = "schema-".concat(hash).concat(".").concat(ext); } catch (Exception e) { LOGGER.error("Error generating unque schema file name", e); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } return ret; } /** * Generates unique file name for uploaded schema file by database ID. * @param folderName local folder for storing XML Schemas. * @param schemaID XML Schema database ID. * @param ext file extension. * @return generated filename. * @throws DCMException in case of IO error. */ public String generateSchemaFilenameByID(String folderName, String schemaID, String ext) throws DCMException { if (Utils.isNullStr(ext)) { ext = Schema.getDefaultSchemaLang().toLowerCase(); } String fileName = "schema-".concat(schemaID).concat(".").concat(ext); fileName = MultipartFileUpload.getUniqueFileName(folderName, fileName); return fileName; } /** * Compares the differences between remote schema and the local copy of it. * * @param remoteSchema byte array of remote XML Schema. * @param schemaFile local schema file name. * @return if the result is empty string, then the files are identical, otherwise BusinessConstants with AppReosurce identifier * is returned * @throws DCMException in case of IO errors. */ public String diffRemoteSchema(byte[] remoteSchema, String schemaFile) throws DCMException { String remoteSchemaHash = ""; String fileHash = ""; String result = ""; // make md5 try { remoteSchemaHash = Utils.digest(remoteSchema, "md5"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_GENERAL); } // make local file md5 // if there is no local file, then there is nothing to diff if (Utils.isNullStr(schemaFile)) { return ""; } File f = new File(Properties.schemaFolder, schemaFile); if (!f.exists()) { return BusinessConstants.WARNING_LOCALFILE_NOTAVAILABLE; } try { fileHash = Utils.digest(f, "md5"); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); return BusinessConstants.WARNING_LOCALFILE_NOTAVAILABLE; } // compare result = remoteSchemaHash.equals(fileHash) && remoteSchemaHash.length() > 0 ? BusinessConstants.WARNING_FILES_IDENTICAL : BusinessConstants.WARNING_FILES_NOTIDENTICAL; return result; } /** * Download remote schema from specified URL and return it as byte array. * * @param url URL of remote XML Schema. * @return byte array of remote schema. * @throws DCMException in case of connection error. */ public byte[] downloadRemoteSchema(String url) throws DCMException { // download schema byte[] remoteSchema = null; try { remoteSchema = HttpUtils.downloadRemoteFile(url); } catch (DCMException dce) { dce.printStackTrace(); throw dce; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new DCMException(BusinessConstants.EXCEPTION_SCHEMAOPEN_ERROR); } return remoteSchema; } /** * Method tries to download the remote XML Schema and store it in the local cache. Method registers the schema in T_UPL_SCHEMA * table. * * @param user user login name * @param schemaUrl XML Schema URL * @param schemaFileName file name of remote schema * @param schemaId XML Schema database ID. * @param uplSchemaId uploaded schema file ID. * @throws DCMException in case of HTTP connection or database errors. */ public void storeRemoteSchema(String user, String schemaUrl, String schemaFileName, String schemaId, String uplSchemaId) throws DCMException { byte[] remoteSchema = downloadRemoteSchema(schemaUrl); ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(remoteSchema); if (Utils.isNullStr(schemaFileName)) { schemaFileName = generateSchemaFilenameByID(Properties.schemaFolder, schemaId, Utils.extractExtension(schemaUrl, "xsd")); } if (Utils.isNullStr(uplSchemaId)) { addUplSchema(user, in, schemaFileName, schemaId); } else { updateUplSchema(user, uplSchemaId, schemaId, schemaFileName, in); } } }