Java tutorial
/* * The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public * License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file * except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS * IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or * implied. See the License for the specific language governing * rights and limitations under the License. * * The Original Code is Content Registry 3 * * The Initial Owner of the Original Code is European Environment * Agency. Portions created by Zero Technologies are Copyright * (C) European Environment Agency. All Rights Reserved. * * Contributor(s): * Jaanus Heinlaid */ package; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.PreparedStatement; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Date; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang.math.NumberUtils; import org.openrdf.repository.RepositoryConnection; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; /** * * @author Jaanus Heinlaid */ public class VirtuosoHarvestScriptDAO extends VirtuosoBaseDAO implements HarvestScriptDAO { /** */ private static final String LIST_SQL = "select * from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT where " + "coalesce(TARGET_SOURCE_URL,'')=? and coalesce(TARGET_TYPE_URL,'')=? and PHASE=coalesce(?,PHASE) " + "order by POSITION_NUMBER asc"; private static final String LIST_ACTIVE_SQL = "select * from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT where " + "coalesce(TARGET_SOURCE_URL,'')=? and coalesce(TARGET_TYPE_URL,'')=? and PHASE=coalesce(?,PHASE) and ACTIVE='Y' " + "order by POSITION_NUMBER asc"; private static final String LIST_ACTIVE_FOR_TYPES_SQL = "select * from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT where " + "TARGET_SOURCE_URL is null and TARGET_TYPE_URL in (@types@) and PHASE=coalesce(?,PHASE) and ACTIVE='Y' " + "order by TARGET_TYPE_URL asc, POSITION_NUMBER asc"; /** */ private static final String SAVE_SQL = "update POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT " + "set TITLE=?, SCRIPT=?, ACTIVE=?, RUN_ONCE=?, PHASE=?, LAST_MODIFIED=NOW() where POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT_ID=?"; /** */ private static final String DELETE_SQL = "delete from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT where POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT_ID=?"; /** */ private static final String GET_LAST_POSITION_SQL = "select max(POSITION_NUMBER) as MAX_POS from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT where " + "coalesce(TARGET_SOURCE_URL,'')=? and coalesce(TARGET_TYPE_URL,'')=?"; /** */ private static final String INSERT_SQL = "insert into POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT " + "(TARGET_SOURCE_URL,TARGET_TYPE_URL,TITLE,SCRIPT,POSITION_NUMBER,ACTIVE,RUN_ONCE,PHASE,LAST_MODIFIED) values " + "(?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,NOW())"; /** */ private static final String FETCH_SQL = "select * from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT where POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT_ID=?"; /** */ private static final String LIST_TARGETS_SQL = "select coalesce(TARGET_SOURCE_URL,TARGET_TYPE_URL) as LCOL, count(*) as RCOL " + "from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT " + "where isnull(TARGET_SOURCE_URL)=? and isnull(TARGET_TYPE_URL)=? " + "group by LCOL order by LCOL"; /** */ private static final String ACTIVATE_DEACTIVATE_SQL = "update POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT set ACTIVE=either(starts_with(ACTIVE,'Y'),'N','Y') where POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT_ID=?"; /** */ private static final String GET_POSITIONS_SQL = "select cast(POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT_ID as varchar) as LCOL, " + "cast(POSITION_NUMBER as varchar) as RCOL from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT " + "where coalesce(TARGET_SOURCE_URL,'')=? and coalesce(TARGET_TYPE_URL,'')=? order by RCOL asc"; /** */ private static final String UPDATE_POSITION_SQL = "update POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT set POSITION_NUMBER=? where POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT_ID=?"; /** */ private static final String INCREASE_POSITIONS_SQL = "update POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT set POSITION_NUMBER=POSITION_NUMBER+? " + "where coalesce(TARGET_SOURCE_URL,'')=? and coalesce(TARGET_TYPE_URL,'')=?"; /** */ private static final String EXISTS_SQL = "select count(*) from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT where " + "coalesce(TARGET_SOURCE_URL,'')=? and coalesce(TARGET_TYPE_URL,'')=? and TITLE=?"; /** */ private static final String SEARCH_SQL = "select * from POST_HARVEST_SCRIPT where strcasestr(TITLE,?) >= 0 or strcasestr(SCRIPT,?) >= 0 order by TITLE"; /** * @see, java.lang.String, Phase) */ @Override public List<HarvestScriptDTO> list(TargetType targetType, String targetUrl, Phase phase) throws DAOException { String sourceUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.SOURCE) ? targetUrl : null; String typeUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.TYPE) ? targetUrl : null; ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(sourceUrl == null ? "" : sourceUrl); values.add(typeUrl == null ? "" : typeUrl); values.add(phase == null ? null :; return executeSQL(LIST_SQL, values, new HarvestScriptDTOReader()); } /** * @see, java.lang.String, Phase) */ @Override public List<HarvestScriptDTO> listActive(TargetType targetType, String targetUrl, Phase phase) throws DAOException { String sourceUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.SOURCE) ? targetUrl : null; String typeUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.TYPE) ? targetUrl : null; ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(sourceUrl == null ? "" : sourceUrl); values.add(typeUrl == null ? "" : typeUrl); values.add(phase == null ? null :; return executeSQL(LIST_ACTIVE_SQL, values, new HarvestScriptDTOReader()); } /** * @see, Phase) */ @Override public List<HarvestScriptDTO> listActiveForTypes(List<String> types, Phase phase) throws DAOException { if (types == null || types.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Types must not be null or empty!"); } StringBuilder questionMarks = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < types.size(); i++) { questionMarks.append(questionMarks.length() == 0 ? "" : ",").append("?"); } String sql = LIST_ACTIVE_FOR_TYPES_SQL.replace("@types@", questionMarks); ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.addAll(types); values.add(phase == null ? null :; return executeSQL(sql, values, new HarvestScriptDTOReader()); } /** * @see */ @Override public HarvestScriptDTO fetch(int id) throws DAOException { ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(Integer.valueOf(id)); return executeUniqueResultSQL(FETCH_SQL, values, new HarvestScriptDTOReader()); } /** * @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String, * java.lang.String, boolean, boolean, Phase) */ @Override public int insert(TargetType targetType, String targetUrl, String title, String script, boolean active, boolean runOnce, Phase phase) throws DAOException { String sourceUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.SOURCE) ? targetUrl : null; String typeUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.TYPE) ? targetUrl : null; if (phase == null) { phase = HarvestScriptDTO.DEFAULT_PHASE; } Connection conn = null; try { conn = getSQLConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(sourceUrl == null ? "" : sourceUrl); values.add(typeUrl == null ? "" : typeUrl); Object o = SQLUtil.executeSingleReturnValueQuery(GET_LAST_POSITION_SQL, values, conn); int position = o == null ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(o.toString()) + 1; values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(sourceUrl); values.add(typeUrl); values.add(title); values.add(script); values.add(Integer.valueOf(position)); values.add(YesNoBoolean.format(active)); values.add(YesNoBoolean.format(runOnce)); values.add(; int result = SQLUtil.executeUpdateReturnAutoID(INSERT_SQL, values, conn); conn.commit(); return result; } catch (Exception e) { SQLUtil.rollback(conn); throw new DAOException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { SQLUtil.close(conn); } } /** * @see, String, String, boolean, boolean, Phase) */ @Override public void save(int id, String title, String script, boolean active, boolean runOnce, Phase phase) throws DAOException { if (phase == null) { phase = HarvestScriptDTO.DEFAULT_PHASE; } ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(title); values.add(script); values.add(YesNoBoolean.format(active)); values.add(YesNoBoolean.format(runOnce)); values.add(; values.add(Integer.valueOf(id)); executeSQL(SAVE_SQL, values); } /** * @see */ @Override public void delete(List<Integer> ids) throws DAOException { if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) { return; } Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { conn = getSQLConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(DELETE_SQL); for (Integer id : ids) { stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { SQLUtil.rollback(conn); throw new DAOException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { SQLUtil.close(stmt); SQLUtil.close(conn); } } /** * @see */ @Override public void activateDeactivate(List<Integer> ids) throws DAOException { if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) { return; } Connection conn = null; PreparedStatement stmt = null; try { conn = getSQLConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); stmt = conn.prepareStatement(ACTIVATE_DEACTIVATE_SQL); for (Integer id : ids) { stmt.setInt(1, id); stmt.addBatch(); } stmt.executeBatch(); conn.commit(); } catch (SQLException e) { SQLUtil.rollback(conn); throw new DAOException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { SQLUtil.close(stmt); SQLUtil.close(conn); } } /** * @see */ @Override public List<Pair<String, Integer>> listTargets(TargetType targetType) throws DAOException { boolean sourceUrlMustBeNull = targetType.equals(TargetType.TYPE); boolean typeUrlMustBeNull = targetType.equals(TargetType.SOURCE); ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(Integer.valueOf(sourceUrlMustBeNull ? 1 : 0)); values.add(Integer.valueOf(typeUrlMustBeNull ? 1 : 0)); return executeSQL(LIST_TARGETS_SQL, values, new PairReader<String, Integer>()); } /** * @see, java.lang.String, java.util.Set, int) */ @Override public void move(TargetType targetType, String targetUrl, Set<Integer> ids, int direction) throws DAOException { if (ids == null || ids.isEmpty()) { return; } if (direction == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Direction must not be 0!"); } String sourceUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.SOURCE) ? targetUrl : null; String typeUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.TYPE) ? targetUrl : null; ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(sourceUrl == null ? "" : sourceUrl); values.add(typeUrl == null ? "" : typeUrl); values.add(null); Connection conn = null; try { conn = getSQLConnection(); conn.setAutoCommit(false); HarvestScriptDTOReader reader = new HarvestScriptDTOReader(); SQLUtil.executeQuery(LIST_SQL, values, reader, conn); List<HarvestScriptDTO> scripts = reader.getResultList(); // helper object for handling min, max positions and real count of scripts HarvestScriptSet scriptSet = new HarvestScriptSet(scripts); // If even one script is already at position 1 then moving up is not considered possible. // And conversely, if even one script is already at the last position, then moving down // is not considered possible either. boolean isMovingPossible = true; List<Integer> selectedPositions = new ArrayList<Integer>(); for (HarvestScriptDTO script : scripts) { // we do this check only for scripts that have been selected if (ids.contains(script.getId())) { int position = script.getPosition(); if ((direction < 0 && position == scriptSet.getMinPosition()) || (direction > 0 && position == scriptSet.getMaxPosition())) { isMovingPossible = false; } else { selectedPositions.add(position); } } } if (isMovingPossible) { if (direction < 0) { for (Integer selectedPosition : selectedPositions) { HarvestScriptDTO scriptToMove = scriptSet.getScriptByPosition(selectedPosition); int i = scripts.indexOf(scriptToMove); scripts.set(i, scripts.get(i - 1)); scripts.set(i - 1, scriptToMove); } } else { for (int j = selectedPositions.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--) { HarvestScriptDTO scriptToMove = scriptSet.getScriptByPosition(selectedPositions.get(j)); int i = scripts.indexOf(scriptToMove); scripts.set(i, scripts.get(i + 1)); scripts.set(i + 1, scriptToMove); } } } values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(sourceUrl == null ? "" : sourceUrl); values.add(typeUrl == null ? "" : typeUrl); values.add(0, Integer.valueOf(scriptSet.getMaxPosition())); SQLUtil.executeUpdate(INCREASE_POSITIONS_SQL, values, conn); for (int i = 0; i < scripts.size(); i++) { values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(i + 1); values.add(Integer.valueOf(scripts.get(i).getId())); SQLUtil.executeUpdate(UPDATE_POSITION_SQL, values, conn); } conn.commit(); } catch (Exception e) { SQLUtil.rollback(conn); throw new DAOException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { SQLUtil.close(conn); } } /** * @see, java.lang.String, java.lang.String) */ @Override public boolean exists(TargetType targetType, String targetUrl, String title) throws DAOException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(title)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Title must not be blank!"); } String sourceUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.SOURCE) ? targetUrl : null; String typeUrl = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.TYPE) ? targetUrl : null; ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(sourceUrl == null ? "" : sourceUrl); values.add(typeUrl == null ? "" : typeUrl); values.add(title); Object o = executeUniqueResultSQL(EXISTS_SQL, values, new SingleObjectReader<Object>()); return o == null ? false : Integer.parseInt(o.toString()) > 0; } /** * @throws DAOException * @see */ @Override public List<Map<String, ObjectDTO>> test(String query) throws DAOException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(query)) { return new ArrayList<Map<String, ObjectDTO>>(); } RepositoryConnection conn = null; try { conn = SesameConnectionProvider.getReadOnlyRepositoryConnection(); HarvestScriptTestResultsReader reader = new HarvestScriptTestResultsReader(); SesameUtil.executeQuery(query, reader, conn); return reader.getResultList(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { SesameUtil.close(conn); } } /** * @see,, java.lang.String, * java.lang.String) */ @Override public List<Map<String, ObjectDTO>> test(String constructQuery, TargetType targetType, String targetUrl, String harvestedSource) throws DAOException { if (StringUtils.isBlank(constructQuery)) { return new ArrayList<Map<String, ObjectDTO>>(); } String sourceReplacer = harvestedSource; if (StringUtils.isBlank(sourceReplacer)) { if (targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.SOURCE)) { sourceReplacer = targetUrl; } } String typeReplacer = targetType != null && targetType.equals(TargetType.TYPE) ? targetUrl : null; RepositoryConnection conn = null; try { conn = SesameConnectionProvider.getReadOnlyRepositoryConnection(); Bindings bindings = new Bindings(); if (!StringUtils.isBlank(sourceReplacer)) { bindings.setURI(HarvestScriptParser.HARVESTED_SOURCE_VARIABLE, sourceReplacer); } if (!StringUtils.isBlank(typeReplacer)) { bindings.setURI(HarvestScriptParser.ASSOCIATED_TYPE_VARIABLE, typeReplacer); } HarvestScriptTestResultsReader reader = new HarvestScriptTestResultsReader(); SesameUtil.executeQuery(constructQuery, bindings, reader, conn); return reader.getResultList(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new DAOException(e.getMessage(), e); } finally { SesameUtil.close(conn); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override public boolean isScriptsModified(Date lastHarvestDate, String harvestSource) throws DAOException { String sql = "SELECT count(*) FROM post_harvest_script WHERE " + "(target_source_url = ? OR target_source_url IS NULL) AND " + "last_modified > ? AND active = 'Y' AND target_type_url IS NULL"; ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(harvestSource); values.add(lastHarvestDate); Object result = executeUniqueResultSQL(sql, values, new SingleObjectReader<Object>()); return result != null && NumberUtils.toInt(result.toString()) > 0; } @Override public List<HarvestScriptDTO> getScriptsByIds(List<Integer> ids) throws DAOException { ArrayList<HarvestScriptDTO> result = new ArrayList<HarvestScriptDTO>(); for (int id : ids) { result.add(fetch(id)); } return result.isEmpty() ? null : result; } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see, java.lang.String, * java.util.List) */ @Override public void addScripts(TargetType targetType, String targetUrl, List<HarvestScriptDTO> scripts) throws DAOException { for (HarvestScriptDTO script : scripts) { insert(targetType, targetUrl, script.getTitle(), script.getScript(), script.isActive(), script.isRunOnce(), script.getPhase()); } } /* * (non-Javadoc) * * @see */ @Override public List<HarvestScriptDTO> search(String searchText) throws DAOException { ArrayList<Object> values = new ArrayList<Object>(); values.add(searchText); values.add(searchText); return executeSQL(SEARCH_SQL, values, new HarvestScriptDTOReader()); } }