Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright Washington University in St. Louis, SemanticBits, Persistent Systems, Krishagni. * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ /** *<p>Title: ConnectionManager class> * <p>Description: It handles all * hibernate specific operations like opening and closing of hibernate connection, session etc * Connection manager has ThreadLocal instance variable which holds the Map having session object * as per the application .It holds Map<ApplicationName, session> * thus allow user to use multiple hibernate sessions as per the application.</p> * @author kalpana_thakur * @version 1.0 */ package edu.wustl.dao.connectionmanager; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Map; import org.hibernate.FlushMode; import org.hibernate.HibernateException; import org.hibernate.Session; import org.hibernate.SessionFactory; import org.hibernate.Transaction; import org.hibernate.cfg.Configuration; import edu.wustl.common.exception.ErrorKey; import edu.wustl.common.util.logger.Logger; import edu.wustl.dao.exception.DAOException; import edu.wustl.dao.util.DAOConstants; /** * @author kalpana_thakur * */ public class ConnectionManager implements IConnectionManager { /** * logger Logger - Generic logger. */ private static org.apache.log4j.Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(ConnectionManager.class); /** * This member will store the name of the application. */ protected String applicationName; /** * This member will store the configuration instance. */ protected Configuration configuration; /** * This member will store the sessionFactory instance. */ protected SessionFactory sessionFactory; /** * This member will store data source for JDBC connection. */ protected String dataSource; /** * specify Session instance. */ private Session session = null; /** * specify Transaction instance. */ private Transaction transaction = null; /** * specify clean Session instance. */ private Session cleanSession = null; /** * specify clean connection instance. */ private Connection cleanConnection = null; /** * ThreadLocal to hold the Session for the current executing thread. * It holds Map(ApplicationName, session) thus allow user to use multiple Hibernate sessions as per the application. */ private static final ThreadLocal<Map<String, Session>> SESSION_THREAD_LOCAL = new ThreadLocal<Map<String, Session>>(); /** * This block will instantiate applicationSessionMap. * This map holds the session object associated to the application. * Map will stored in threadLocal,whenever new session will be created , * threadLocal will be checked first to obtain the session associated to application. */ /*static { Map<String, Session> applicationSessionMap = new HashMap<String, Session>(); SESSION_THREAD_LOCAL.set(applicationSessionMap); } */ /** *This method will be called to close current connection. *@throws DAOException :Generic DAOException. */ public void closeConnection() throws DAOException { closeSession(); } /** * This method will be called to close the session. * It will check the session for the running application in applicationSessionMap, * if present it will remove it from the Map. *@throws DAOException :Generic DAOException. */ public void closeSession() throws DAOException { Map<String, Session> applicationSessionMap = SESSION_THREAD_LOCAL.get(); if (applicationSessionMap.containsKey(applicationName)) { Session session = applicationSessionMap.get(applicationName); if (session != null) { session.close(); applicationSessionMap.remove(applicationName); session = null; transaction = null; } } } /** * It will instantiate applicationSessionMap. * This map holds the session object associated to the application. * Map will stored in threadLocal,whenever new session will be created , * threadLocal will be checked first to obtain the session associated to application. * This method will be called to retrieve the current session. * It will check the session for the running application in applicationSessionMap. * If present, retrieved the session from the Map otherwise create the * new session and store it into the Map. * @return session object. *@throws DAOException :Generic DAOException. */ public Session currentSession() throws DAOException { Map<String, Session> appSessionMap = SESSION_THREAD_LOCAL.get(); if (appSessionMap == null) { appSessionMap = new HashMap<String, Session>(); SESSION_THREAD_LOCAL.set(appSessionMap); } // Open a new Session, if this Thread has none yet if (!(appSessionMap.containsKey(applicationName))) { Session session = newSession(); transaction = session.beginTransaction(); appSessionMap.put(applicationName, session); } return appSessionMap.get(applicationName); } /** * This method will be called to create new session. * @return session object. *@throws DAOException :Generic DAOException. */ public Session newSession() throws DAOException { try { Session session = sessionFactory.openSession(); session.setFlushMode(FlushMode.COMMIT); session.connection().setAutoCommit(false); return session; } catch (Exception excp) { ErrorKey errorKey = ErrorKey.getErrorKey("db.operation.error"); throw new DAOException(errorKey, excp, " :" + DAOConstants.NEW_SESSION_ERROR); } } /** *This method will be called to retrieved the current connection object. *@return Connection object *@throws DAOException :Generic DAOException. */ public Connection getConnection() throws DAOException { return currentSession().connection(); } /** * This will called to retrieve configuration object. * @return configuration */ public Configuration getConfiguration() { return configuration; } /** * This will called to set the configuration object. * @param cfg configuration */ public void setConfiguration(Configuration cfg) { this.configuration = cfg; } /** * This will called to retrieve session factory object. * @return sessionFactory */ public SessionFactory getSessionFactory() { return sessionFactory; } /** * This will called to set session factory object. * @param sessionFactory : session factory. */ public void setSessionFactory(SessionFactory sessionFactory) { this.sessionFactory = sessionFactory; } /** * This method will be called to set applicationName. * @param applicationName : Name of the application. */ public void setApplicationName(String applicationName) { this.applicationName = applicationName; } /** * This method will be called to retrieved the application Name. * @return application name. */ public String getApplicationName() { return applicationName; } /** * This method will be called to get the data source. * @return dataSource */ public String getDataSource() { return dataSource; } /** * This method will be called to set the data source. * @param dataSource : JDBC connection name. */ public void setDataSource(String dataSource) { this.dataSource = dataSource; } /** * Commit the database level changes. * @throws DAOException : It will throw DAOException. */ public void commit() throws DAOException { if (transaction != null) { transaction.commit(); } } /** * RollBack all the changes after last commit. * Declared in DAO class. * @throws DAOException : It will throw DAOException. */ public void rollback() throws DAOException { if (transaction != null) { transaction.rollback(); } } /** *This method will be called to retrieved the current connection object. *@return Connection object *@throws DAOException :Generic DAOException. */ public Connection getCleanConnection() throws DAOException { logger.debug("Get clean connection"); cleanConnection = getCleanSession().connection(); return cleanConnection; } /** *This method will be called to close current connection. *@throws DAOException :Generic DAOException. */ public void closeCleanConnection() throws DAOException { logger.debug("Close clean connection"); try { cleanConnection.close(); } catch (SQLException sqlExp) { ErrorKey errorKey = ErrorKey.getErrorKey("db.operation.error"); throw new DAOException(errorKey, sqlExp, " :" + DAOConstants.CLOSE_CONN_ERR); } } /** *This method will be called to close current connection. *@throws DAOException :Generic DAOException. */ public void closeCleanSession() throws DAOException { logger.debug("Close clean session"); cleanSession.close(); } /** * This method will be called to obtain clean session. * @return session object. *@throws DAOException :Generic DAOException. */ public Session getCleanSession() throws DAOException { try { return sessionFactory.openSession(); } catch (HibernateException exp) { ErrorKey errorKey = ErrorKey.getErrorKey("db.operation.error"); throw new DAOException(errorKey, exp, " :" + DAOConstants.NEW_SESSION_ERROR); } } }