Source code

Java tutorial


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 * ****************************************************************************
 * Copyright 2014 Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
 * <p/>
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * <p/>
 * <p/>
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
 * ****************************************************************************
package edu.vt.vbi.patric.cache;

import edu.vt.vbi.patric.beans.Genome;
import edu.vt.vbi.patric.beans.Taxonomy;
import edu.vt.vbi.patric.common.DataApiHandler;
import edu.vt.vbi.patric.common.SolrCore;
import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;
import org.apache.http.client.ResponseHandler;
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicResponseHandler;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.CloseableHttpClient;
import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClientBuilder;
import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery;
import org.apache.solr.common.params.FacetParams;
import org.apache.solr.common.util.DateUtil;
import org.json.simple.JSONArray;
import org.json.simple.JSONObject;
import org.json.simple.parser.JSONParser;
import org.json.simple.parser.ParseException;
import org.slf4j.Logger;
import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.FileSystems;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.nio.file.Path;
import java.util.*;

public class DataLandingGenerator {

    private static final Logger LOGGER = LoggerFactory.getLogger(DataLandingGenerator.class);

    final String baseURL = "";

    final String[] REFERENCE_GENOME_IDS = { "83332.12", "511145.12", "99287.12", "198215.6", "214092.21",
            "169963.11", "158879.11", "373153.27", "224914.11", "85962.8" };

    final String[] REFERENCE_GENOME_IDS_TRANSCRIPTOMICS = { "83332.12", "511145.12", "99287.12", "208964.12",
            "214092.21", "169963.11", "158879.11", "373153.27", "224914.11", "85962.8" };

    final Integer[] GENUS_TAXON_IDS = { 1386, 773, 138, 234, 32008, 194, 810, 1485, 776, 943, 561, 262, 209, 1637,
            1763, 780, 590, 620, 1279, 1301, 662, 629 };

    final String URL_GENOMEOVERVIEW_TAB = "Genome?cType={cType}&cId={cId}";

    final String URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB = "FeatureTable?cType={cType}&cId={cId}&featuretype={featureType}&annotation=PATRIC&filtertype={filterType}";

    final String URL_PROTEINFAMILY_TAB = "FIGfam?cType={cType}&cId={cId}&dm=result&bm=";

    final String URL_PATHWAY_TAB = "CompPathwayTable?cType={cType}&cId={cId}&algorithm=PATRIC&ec_number=#aP0=1&aP1=1&aP2=1&aT=0&alg=PATRIC&cwEC=false&cwP=true&pId={pId}&pClass=&ecN=";

    final String URL_TRANSCRIPTOMICS_TAB = "ExperimentList?cType={cType}&cId={cId}&kw={kw}";

    final String URL_SINGLE_EXP = "SingleExperiment?cType=taxon&cId=2&eid={eid}";

    final String URL_GENOMEBROWSER = "GenomeBrowser?cType={cType}&cId={cId}&loc=0..10000&tracks=";

    final String URL_PATHWAY_EC_TAB = "CompPathwayTable?cType=genome&cId={cId}&algorithm=PATRIC&ec_number=#aP0=1&aP1=1&aP2=1&aT=1&alg=PATRIC&cwEC=false&cwP=true&pId={pId}&pClass=&ecN=";

    final String URL_PATHWAY_GENE_TAB = "CompPathwayTable?cType=genome&cId={cId}&algorithm=PATRIC&ec_number=#aP0=1&aP1=1&aP2=1&aT=2&alg=PATRIC&cwEC=false&cwP=true&pId={pId}&pClass=&ecN=";

    final String URL_SPECIALTY_GENE_TAB = "SpecialtyGeneList?cType=genome&cId={cId}&kw=source:{source}";

    DataApiHandler dataApi;

    private ObjectReader jsonReader;

    public DataLandingGenerator() {
        dataApi = new DataApiHandler();

        ObjectMapper objectMapper = new ObjectMapper();
        jsonReader = objectMapper.reader(Map.class);

    public boolean createCacheFileGenomes(String filePath) {
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject data;
        // from WP
        // data
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-genomes-data/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("data", data);
        // tools
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-genomes-tools/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("tools", data);
        // process
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-genomes-process/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("process", data);
        // download
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-genomes-download/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("download", data);
        // from solr or database
        // add popularGenomes
        data = getPopularGenomes();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("popularGenomes", data);
        // add top5_1
        data = getTop5List("host_name");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("top5_1", data);
        // add top5_2
        data = getTop5List("isolation_country");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("top5_2", data);
        // add numberGenomes
        data = getGenomeCounts();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("numberGenomes", data);

        // add genomeStatus
        data = getGenomeStatus();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("genomeStatus", data);

        // save jsonData to file
        try (PrintWriter jsonOut = new PrintWriter(
                Files.newBufferedWriter(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filePath), Charset.defaultCharset()));) {
            isSuccess = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return isSuccess;

    public boolean createCacheFileProteinFamilies(String filePath) {
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject data;

        // from WP
        // data
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-proteinfamilies-data/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("data", data);
        // tools
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-proteinfamilies-tools/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("tools", data);
        // process
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-proteinfamilies-process/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("process", data);
        // download
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-proteinfamilies-download/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("download", data);
        // add popularGenra
        data = getPopularGeneraFigfam();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("popularGenomes", data);
        // add figfam graph data
        data = getProteinFamilies();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("FIGfams", data);

        // save jsonData to file
        try (PrintWriter jsonOut = new PrintWriter(
                Files.newBufferedWriter(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filePath), Charset.defaultCharset()));) {
            isSuccess = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return isSuccess;

    public boolean createCacheFileGenomicFeatures(String filePath) {
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject data;

        // from WP
        // data
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-genomicfeatures-data/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("data", data);
        // popular genomes
        data = getPopularGenomesForGenomicFeature();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("popularGenomes", data);
        // tools
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-genomicfeatures-tools/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("tools", data);
        // process
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-genomicfeatures-process/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("process", data);
        // download
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-genomicfeatures-download/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("download", data);

        // save jsonData to file
        try (PrintWriter jsonOut = new PrintWriter(
                Files.newBufferedWriter(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filePath), Charset.defaultCharset()));) {
            isSuccess = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return isSuccess;

    public boolean createCacheFileSpecialtyGenes(String filePath) {
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject data;

        // from WP
        // data
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-specialtygenes-data/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("data", data);
        // popular genomes
        data = getPopularGenomesForSpecialtyGene();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("popularGenomes", data);
        // tools
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-specialtygenes-tools/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("tools", data);
        // process
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-specialtygenes-process/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("process", data);
        // download
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-specialtygenes-download/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("download", data);

        // save jsonData to file
        try (PrintWriter jsonOut = new PrintWriter(
                Files.newBufferedWriter(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filePath), Charset.defaultCharset()));) {
            isSuccess = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return isSuccess;

    public boolean createCacheFileAntibioticResistanceGenes(String filePath) {
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject data;

        // from WP
        // data
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-antibioticresistance-data/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("data", data);
        // popular genomes
        data = this.getPopularGenomesForAntibioticResistanceGene();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("popularGenomes", data);
        // tools
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-antibioticresistance-tools/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("tools", data);
        // process
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-antibioticresistance-process/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("process", data);
        // download
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-antibioticresistance-download/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("download", data);

        // save jsonData to file
        try (PrintWriter jsonOut = new PrintWriter(
                Files.newBufferedWriter(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filePath), Charset.defaultCharset()));) {
            isSuccess = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return isSuccess;

    public boolean createCacheFileTranscriptomics(String filePath) {
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject data;

        // from WP
        // data
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-transcriptomics-data/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("data", data);
        // tools
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-transcriptomics-tools/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("tools", data);
        // process
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-transcriptomics-process/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("process", data);
        // download
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-transcriptomics-download/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("download", data);
        // topSpecies
        data = getTopSpeciesForTranscriptomics();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("topSpecies", data);
        // featuredExperiment
        data = getFeaturedExperimentForTranscriptomics();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("featuredExperiment", data);
        // popularGenomes
        data = getPopularGenomesForTranscriptomics();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("popularGenomes", data);

        // save jsonData to file
        try (PrintWriter jsonOut = new PrintWriter(
                Files.newBufferedWriter(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filePath), Charset.defaultCharset()));) {
            isSuccess = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return isSuccess;

    public boolean createCacheFileProteomics(String filePath) {
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject data;

        // from WP
        // data
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-proteomics-data/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("data", data);
        // tools
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-proteomics-tools/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("tools", data);
        // process
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-proteomics-process/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("process", data);
        // download
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-proteomics-download/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("download", data);

        // save jsonData to file
        try (PrintWriter jsonOut = new PrintWriter(
                Files.newBufferedWriter(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filePath), Charset.defaultCharset()));) {
            isSuccess = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return isSuccess;

    public boolean createCacheFilePPInteractions(String filePath) {
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject data;

        // from WP
        // data
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-ppinteractions-data/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("data", data);
        // tools
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-ppinteractions-tools/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("tools", data);
        // process
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-ppinteractions-process/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("process", data);
        // download
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-ppinteractions-download/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("download", data);

        // save jsonData to file
        try (PrintWriter jsonOut = new PrintWriter(
                Files.newBufferedWriter(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filePath), Charset.defaultCharset()));) {
            isSuccess = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return isSuccess;

    public boolean createCacheFilePathways(String filePath) {
        boolean isSuccess = false;
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONObject data;

        // from WP
        // data
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-pathways-data/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("data", data);
        // conservation
        data = getPathwayECDist();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("conservation", data);
        // popular genomes
        data = getPopularGenomesForPathways();
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("popularGenomes", data);
        // tools
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-pathways-tools/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("tools", data);
        // process
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-pathways-process/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("process", data);
        // download
        data = read(baseURL + "/tab/dlp-pathways-download/?req=passphrase");
        if (data != null) {
            jsonData.put("download", data);

        // save jsonData to file
        try (PrintWriter jsonOut = new PrintWriter(
                Files.newBufferedWriter(FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(filePath), Charset.defaultCharset()));) {
            isSuccess = true;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        return isSuccess;

    private JSONObject getProteinFamilies() {
        JSONObject jsonData;
        JSONArray series = new JSONArray();

        for (Integer txId : GENUS_TAXON_IDS) {
            Map<String, Integer> stat = getFIGFamStat(txId);

            Taxonomy taxonomy = dataApi.getTaxonomy(txId);

            JSONObject item = new JSONObject();
            item.put("pathogen", taxonomy.getTaxonName());
            item.put("genomes", taxonomy.getGenomeCount());
            item.put("total", stat.get("total"));
            item.put("functional", stat.get("functional"));
            item.put("hypothetical", stat.get("hypothetical"));
            item.put("core", stat.get("core"));
            item.put("accessory", stat.get("accessory"));


        jsonData = new JSONObject();
        jsonData.put("chart_title", "Protein Family Conservation in Pathogenic Bacteria");
                "The graph below summarizes conservation of protein families across all the genomes in each pathogenic genus.");
        jsonData.put("data", series);

        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getPopularGeneraFigfam() {
        JSONObject jsonData;
        JSONArray list = new JSONArray();

        for (Integer txId : GENUS_TAXON_IDS) {
            Taxonomy taxonomy = dataApi.getTaxonomy(txId);

            JSONArray data = getFIGFamConservationDistribution(txId);

            JSONObject item = new JSONObject();
            item.put("link", "/portal/portal/patric/FIGfam?cType=taxon&cId=" + txId + "&dm=result&bm=&pk=");
            item.put("popularName", taxonomy.getTaxonName());
            item.put("popularData", data);

        jsonData = new JSONObject();
        jsonData.put("popularTitle", "Popular Genera");
        jsonData.put("popularList", list);

        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getGenomeStatus() {
        JSONObject jsonData = null;

        try {
            Map status = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.GENOME, "*:*", null, "genome_status");
            LOGGER.debug("{}", status);

            if (status != null) {
                int total = (Integer) status.get("total");
                Map facets = (Map) status.get("facets");
                Map<String, Integer> genomeStatus = (Map) facets.get("genome_status");

                JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
                for (String key : genomeStatus.keySet()) {
                    JSONObject item = new JSONObject();
                    if (key.equals("WGS")) {
                        item.put("label", "Whole Genome Shotgun");
                        item.put("m_label", "gsc_shotgun_sequence");
                    } else if (key.equals("Complete") || key.equals("Plasmid")) {
                        item.put("label", key);
                        item.put("m_label", "gsc_" + key.toLowerCase());
                    float percentage = genomeStatus.get(key).floatValue() * 100.00f / total;
                    item.put("value", Math.round(percentage));
                    item.put("reported", Math.round(percentage) + "%");

                jsonData = new JSONObject();
                jsonData.put("chart_title", "Genome Status");
                jsonData.put("data", data);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getGenomeCounts() {
        JSONArray series = new JSONArray();

        // TODO: reimplement with json facet using sub faceting
        SolrQuery queryComplete = new SolrQuery("genome_status:Complete");
        SolrQuery queryWGS = new SolrQuery("genome_status:WGS");

        //.set("json.facet", "{genome_count:{range:{field:completion_date,start:\"2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",end:\"2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",gap:\"%2B1YEAR\",other:\"before\"}}}");
        //.set("json.facet", "{genome_count:{range:{field:completion_date,start:\"2010-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",end:\"2016-01-01T00:00:00.000Z\",gap:\"%2B1YEAR\",other:\"before\"}}}");

        try {
            Date rangeStartDate = DateUtil.parseDate("2010-01-01'T'00:00:00.000'Z'");
            Date rangeEndDate = DateUtil.parseDate("2016-01-01'T'00:00:00.000'Z'");

            queryComplete.addDateRangeFacet("completion_date", rangeStartDate, rangeEndDate, "+1YEAR")
                    .add(FacetParams.FACET_RANGE_OTHER, "before");
            queryWGS.addDateRangeFacet("completion_date", rangeStartDate, rangeEndDate, "+1YEAR")
                    .add(FacetParams.FACET_RANGE_OTHER, "before");
        } catch (java.text.ParseException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        try {
            LOGGER.debug("getGenomeCount: [{}] {}", SolrCore.GENOME.getSolrCoreName(), queryComplete);

            String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.GENOME, queryComplete);

            Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
            Map completeFacets = (Map) ((Map) ((Map) resp.get("facet_counts")).get("facet_ranges"))

            LOGGER.debug("getGenomeCount: [{}] {}", SolrCore.GENOME.getSolrCoreName(), queryWGS);

            apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.GENOME, queryWGS);

            resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
            Map wgsFacets = (Map) ((Map) ((Map) resp.get("facet_counts")).get("facet_ranges"))

            int countComplete = (Integer) completeFacets.get("before");
            int countWGS = (Integer) wgsFacets.get("before");

            Map<String, Integer> mapCountComplete = new HashMap<>();
            Map<String, Integer> mapCountWGS = new HashMap<>();

            List listComplete = (List) completeFacets.get("counts");
            for (int i = 0; i < listComplete.size(); i = i + 2) {
                countComplete = countComplete + (Integer) listComplete.get(i + 1);
                mapCountComplete.put(((String) listComplete.get(i)).substring(0, 4), countComplete);
            List listWGS = (List) wgsFacets.get("counts");
            for (int i = 0; i < listWGS.size(); i = i + 2) {
                String year = ((String) listWGS.get(i)).substring(0, 4);

                countWGS = countWGS + (Integer) listWGS.get(i + 1);
                mapCountWGS.put(year, countWGS);

                JSONObject item = new JSONObject();
                item.put("year", Integer.parseInt(year));
                item.put("complete", mapCountComplete.get(year));
                item.put("wgs", mapCountWGS.get(year));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        jsonData.put("chart_title", "Number of Bacterial Genomes");
        jsonData.put("data", series);

        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getTop5List(String type) {
        JSONObject jsonData = null;

        try {
            Map facets = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.GENOME, "*:*", null, type);
            Map status = (Map) ((Map) facets.get("facets")).get(type);

            if (!status.isEmpty()) {
                JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
                long cntTop = 0, cntSecond = 0;

                int i = 0;
                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) status.entrySet()) {
                    String key = entry.getKey();
                    int count = entry.getValue();

                    JSONObject item = new JSONObject();

                    String icon;
                    switch (key) {
                    case "Human, Homo sapiens":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/human.png";
                    case "Cattle, Bos sp.":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/cow.png";
                    case "Cattle, Bos taurus":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/cow.png";
                    case "Bovine":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/cow.png";
                    case "Pig, Sus scrofa domesticus":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/pig.png";
                    case "Pig, Sus scrofa":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/pig.png";
                    case "Cassava, Manihot esculenta":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/cassava.png";
                    case "Bovine, Bovinae":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/cow.png";
                    case "Cow, Bos taurus":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/cow.png";
                    case "American bison, Bison bison":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/bison.png";
                    case "Mouse, Mus musculus":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/mouse.png";
                    case "cow":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/cow.png";
                    case "pig":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/pig.png";
                    case "tick":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/tick.png";
                    case "sheep":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/sheep.png";
                    case "Chicken, Gallus gallus":
                        icon = "/patric/images/hosts/blank.png";
                    case "USA":
                        icon = "/patric/images/flags/United-States.png";
                        icon = "/patric/images/flags/" + key.replaceAll(" ", "-") + ".png";

                    item.put("icon", icon);
                    item.put("label", key);
                    item.put("m_label", key.replaceAll(" ", "_").toLowerCase());
                    item.put("value", count);

                    if (i == 0) {
                        cntTop = count;
                    } else if (i == 1) {
                        cntSecond = count;
                    } else if (i == 4) {
                // reported?
                if (cntTop > 2 * cntSecond) {
                    JSONObject item = (JSONObject) data.get(0);
                    item.put("reported", Math.round(cntSecond * 1.5));
                    data.set(0, item);
                jsonData = new JSONObject();
                if (type.equals("host_name")) {
                    jsonData.put("chart_title", "Bacterial Host");
                    jsonData.put("chart_desc", "Top 5 Bacterial Hosts");
                    jsonData.put("tab_title", "Host");
                } else if (type.equals("isolation_country")) {
                    jsonData.put("chart_title", "Isolation Country");
                    jsonData.put("chart_desc", "Top 5 Isolation Countries");
                    jsonData.put("tab_title", "Isolation Country");
                jsonData.put("data", data);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getTopSpeciesForTranscriptomics() {

        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        jsonData.put("title", "TOP 5 Species with Transcriptomics Data");

        JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
        try {
            Map response = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.TRANSCRIPTOMICS_EXPERIMENT, "*:*", null, "organism");
            Map facets = (Map) response.get("facets");
            Map organismFacet = (Map) facets.get("organism");

            int i = 0;
            for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) organismFacet.entrySet()) {

                JSONObject organism = new JSONObject();
                organism.put("label", entry.getKey());
                organism.put("value", entry.getValue());
                if (i > 4) {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
        jsonData.put("data", data);
        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getFeaturedExperimentForTranscriptomics() {
        JSONObject jsonData = new JSONObject();
        JSONArray data = new JSONArray();

        Map<String, String> key = new HashMap<>();
        try {
            key.put("keyword", "*:*");

            SolrQuery query = dataApi.buildSolrQuery(key,
                    "[{\"property\":\"release_date\",\"direction\":\"desc\"}]", null, 0, 3, false);

            LOGGER.trace("[{}] {}", SolrCore.TRANSCRIPTOMICS_EXPERIMENT.getSolrCoreName(), query);

            String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.TRANSCRIPTOMICS_EXPERIMENT, query);

            Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
            Map respBody = (Map) resp.get("response");

            List<Map> docs = (List<Map>) respBody.get("docs");

            for (Map row : docs) {
                JSONObject exp = new JSONObject();

                exp.put("title", row.get("title"));
                exp.put("pmid", row.get("pmid"));
                exp.put("accession", row.get("accession"));
                List<String> organisms = (List<String>) row.get("organism");
                exp.put("organism", organisms.get(0));
                exp.put("link", URL_SINGLE_EXP.replace("{eid}", row.get("eid").toString()));

            jsonData.put("data", data);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getPopularGenomes() {
        JSONObject jsonData = null;
        JSONArray list = new JSONArray();

        DataApiHandler dataApi = new DataApiHandler();

        for (String genomeId : REFERENCE_GENOME_IDS) {

            Genome genome = dataApi.getGenome(genomeId);

            // construct genome
            JSONObject popGenome = new JSONObject();
            popGenome.put("link", URL_GENOMEOVERVIEW_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));
            popGenome.put("popularName", genome.getGenomeName());
            popGenome.put("gb_link", URL_GENOMEBROWSER.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));

            // meta data
            JSONObject meta = new JSONObject();
            meta.put("genome_status", genome.getGenomeStatus());
            meta.put("completion_date", genome.hasCompletionDate() ? genome.getCompletionDate() : "");
            meta.put("collection_date", genome.hasCollectionDate() ? genome.getCollectionDate() : "");
            meta.put("isolation_country", genome.hasIsolationCountry() ? genome.getIsolationCountry() : "");
            meta.put("host_name", genome.hasHostName() ? genome.getHostName() : "");
            meta.put("disease", genome.hasDisease() ? StringUtils.join(genome.getDisease(), ", ") : "");
            meta.put("chromosomes", genome.getChromosomes());
            meta.put("plasmids", genome.getPlasmids());
            meta.put("contigs", genome.getContigs());
            meta.put("genome_length", genome.getGenomeLength());

            popGenome.put("metadata", meta);

            JSONArray data = new JSONArray();

            // Features
            JSONObject ft = new JSONObject();
            ft.put("description", "Features");
            ft.put("link", URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                    .replace("{featureType}", "").replace("{filterType}", ""));
            ft.put("picture", "/patric/images/icon-popular-feature.png");
            ft.put("data", genome.getPatricCds());

            // Pathways
            JSONObject pw = new JSONObject();
            pw.put("description", "Pathways");
                    URL_PATHWAY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{pId}", ""));
            pw.put("picture", "/patric/images/icon-popular-pathway.png");

            int cntPathway = 0;
            try {
                SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("genome_id:" + genomeId);
                // {stat:{field:{field:genome_id,facet:{pathway_count:"unique(pathway_id)"}}}}}

                LOGGER.trace("[{}] {}", SolrCore.PATHWAY.getSolrCoreName(), query);

                String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.PATHWAY, query);

                Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
                Map facets = (Map) resp.get("facets");
                List<Map> buckets = (List) ((Map) facets.get("stat")).get("buckets");
                Map firstPathway = buckets.get(0);
                cntPathway = (Integer) firstPathway.get("pathway_count");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            pw.put("data", cntPathway);

            // Protein Family
            JSONObject pf = new JSONObject();
            pf.put("description", "Protein Families");
            pf.put("link", URL_PROTEINFAMILY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));
            pf.put("picture", "/patric/images/icon-popular-proteinfamily.png");

            // Experiment
            JSONObject tr = new JSONObject();
            tr.put("description", "Transcriptomic Experiments");
            tr.put("link", URL_TRANSCRIPTOMICS_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                    .replace("{kw}", ""));

            long numFound = 0;
            try {
                SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("genome_ids:" + genomeId);

                LOGGER.trace("[{}] {}", SolrCore.TRANSCRIPTOMICS_EXPERIMENT.getSolrCoreName(), query);

                String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.TRANSCRIPTOMICS_EXPERIMENT, query);

                Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
                Map respBody = (Map) resp.get("response");
                numFound = (Integer) respBody.get("numFound");
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            tr.put("picture", "/patric/images/icon-popular-experiment.png");
            tr.put("data", (int) numFound);


            try {
                SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(
                        "figfam_id:[* TO *] AND annotation:PATRIC AND genome_id:" + genomeId);

                LOGGER.trace("[{}] {}", SolrCore.FEATURE.getSolrCoreName(), query);

                String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.FEATURE, query);

                Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
                Map respBody = (Map) resp.get("response");

                pf.put("data", respBody.get("numFound"));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

            popGenome.put("popularData", data);

        if (list.size() > 0) {
            jsonData = new JSONObject();
            jsonData.put("popularList", list);
            jsonData.put("popularTitle", "Select Genomes");
        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getPopularGenomesForGenomicFeature() {
        JSONObject jsonData = null;
        JSONArray list = new JSONArray();

        for (String genomeId : REFERENCE_GENOME_IDS) {

            Genome genome = dataApi.getGenome(genomeId);

            JSONObject hypotheticalProteins = new JSONObject();
            JSONObject functionalProteins = new JSONObject();
            JSONObject ecAssignedProteins = new JSONObject();
            JSONObject goAssignedProteins = new JSONObject();
            JSONObject pathwayAssignedProteins = new JSONObject();
            JSONObject figfamAssignedProteins = new JSONObject();

            // construct genome
            JSONObject popGenome = new JSONObject();
            popGenome.put("link", URL_GENOMEOVERVIEW_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));
            popGenome.put("popularName", genome.getGenomeName());

            JSONArray featureTypes = new JSONArray();
            JSONArray proteinSummary = new JSONArray();
            JSONArray specialtyGenes = new JSONArray();
            try {
                final String filterCondition = "annotation:PATRIC AND genome_id:" + genomeId;
                Map featureTypeResponse = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.FEATURE, "*:*", filterCondition,
                Map featureTypeFacets = (Map) ((Map) featureTypeResponse.get("facets")).get("feature_type");

                // top 5 feature type
                int i = 0;
                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) featureTypeFacets.entrySet()) {
                    JSONObject fTypes = new JSONObject();
                    fTypes.put("description", entry.getKey());
                    fTypes.put("link", URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                            .replace("{featureType}", entry.getKey()).replace("{filterType}", ""));
                    fTypes.put("data", entry.getValue());
                    if (i > 4) {

                // Protein Summary
                // hypothetical
                Map hypotheticalResponse = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.FEATURE,
                        "product:(hypothetical AND protein) AND feature_type:CDS", filterCondition, "annotation");
                Map hypotheticalFacets = (Map) ((Map) hypotheticalResponse.get("facets")).get("annotation");

                hypotheticalProteins.put("description", "Unknown functions");
                        URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                                .replace("{featureType}", "CDS").replace("{filterType}", "hypothetical_proteins"));

                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) hypotheticalFacets.entrySet()) {
                    hypotheticalProteins.put("data", entry.getValue());

                // functional assigned
                Map functionalResponse = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.FEATURE,
                        "!product:(hypothetical AND protein) AND feature_type:CDS", filterCondition, "annotation");
                Map functionalFacets = (Map) ((Map) functionalResponse.get("facets")).get("annotation");

                functionalProteins.put("description", "Functional assignments");
                        URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                                .replace("{featureType}", "CDS").replace("{filterType}", "functional_proteins"));

                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) functionalFacets.entrySet()) {
                    functionalProteins.put("data", entry.getValue());

                // ec assigned
                Map ecResponse = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.FEATURE, "ec:[* TO *]", filterCondition,
                Map ecFacets = (Map) ((Map) ecResponse.get("facets")).get("annotation");

                ecAssignedProteins.put("description", "EC assignments");
                ecAssignedProteins.put("link", URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome")
                        .replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{featureType}", "CDS").replace("{filterType}", "ec"));
                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) ecFacets.entrySet()) {
                    ecAssignedProteins.put("data", entry.getValue());

                // go assigned
                Map goResponse = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.FEATURE, "go:[* TO *]", filterCondition,
                Map goFacets = (Map) ((Map) goResponse.get("facets")).get("annotation");

                goAssignedProteins.put("description", "GO assignments");
                goAssignedProteins.put("link", URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome")
                        .replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{featureType}", "CDS").replace("{filterType}", "go"));

                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) goFacets.entrySet()) {
                    goAssignedProteins.put("data", entry.getValue());

                // pathway assigned
                Map pathwayResponse = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.FEATURE, "pathway:[* TO *]", filterCondition,
                Map pathwayFacets = (Map) ((Map) pathwayResponse.get("facets")).get("annotation");

                pathwayAssignedProteins.put("description", "Pathways assignments");
                        URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                                .replace("{featureType}", "CDS").replace("{filterType}", "pathway"));
                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) pathwayFacets.entrySet()) {
                    pathwayAssignedProteins.put("data", entry.getValue());

                // figfam assigned
                Map figfamResponse = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.FEATURE, "figfam_id:[* TO *]", filterCondition,
                Map figfamFacets = (Map) ((Map) figfamResponse.get("facets")).get("annotation");

                figfamAssignedProteins.put("description", "FIGfam assignments");
                        URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                                .replace("{featureType}", "CDS").replace("{filterType}", "figfam_id"));

                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) figfamFacets.entrySet()) {
                    figfamAssignedProteins.put("data", entry.getValue());

                // Specialty Gene Queries
                Map response = dataApi.getPivotFacets(SolrCore.SPECIALTY_GENE_MAPPING, "genome_id:" + genomeId,
                        null, "property,source");
                Map facets = (Map) response.get("property,source");

                for (Map.Entry<String, Map> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) facets.entrySet()) {
                    String property = entry.getKey();

                    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entrySource : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) (entry.getValue())
                            .entrySet()) {
                        String source = entrySource.getKey();

                        JSONObject sp = new JSONObject();
                        sp.put("description", property + ": " + source);
                                URL_SPECIALTY_GENE_TAB.replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{source}", source));
                        sp.put("data", entrySource.getValue());

            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            popGenome.put("featureTypes", featureTypes);
            popGenome.put("proteinSummary", proteinSummary);
            popGenome.put("specialtyGenes", specialtyGenes);

            // link outs
            JSONArray links = new JSONArray();
            // Genome Browser
            JSONObject link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Genome Browser");
            link.put("link", URL_GENOMEBROWSER.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));

            // Feature Table
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Feature Table");
            link.put("link", URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                    .replace("{featureType}", "").replace("{filterType}", ""));

            // Protein Family
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Protein Family Sorter");
            link.put("link", URL_PROTEINFAMILY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));

            // Pathway
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Pathway");
                    URL_PATHWAY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{pId}", ""));

            // Transcriptomics
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Transcriptomics");
            link.put("link", URL_TRANSCRIPTOMICS_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                    .replace("{kw}", ""));

            popGenome.put("links", links);
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            jsonData = new JSONObject();
            jsonData.put("popularList", list);
            jsonData.put("popularTitle", "Select Genomes");
        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getPopularGenomesForSpecialtyGene() {
        JSONObject jsonData = null;
        JSONArray list = new JSONArray();

        for (String genomeId : REFERENCE_GENOME_IDS) {

            Genome genome = dataApi.getGenome(genomeId);

            // construct genome
            JSONObject popGenome = new JSONObject();
            popGenome.put("link", URL_GENOMEOVERVIEW_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));
            popGenome.put("popularName", genome.getGenomeName());

            JSONArray specialtyGenes = new JSONArray();

            try {
                Map response = dataApi.getPivotFacets(SolrCore.SPECIALTY_GENE_MAPPING, "genome_id:" + genomeId,
                        null, "property,source");

                Map facets = (Map) response.get("property,source");

                for (Map.Entry<String, Map> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) facets.entrySet()) {
                    String property = entry.getKey();

                    for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> pv : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) entry.getValue().entrySet()) {
                        String source = pv.getKey();

                        JSONObject sp = new JSONObject();
                        sp.put("description", property + ": " + source);
                                URL_SPECIALTY_GENE_TAB.replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{source}", source));
                        sp.put("data", pv.getValue());

            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            popGenome.put("specialtyGenes", specialtyGenes);

            // link outs
            JSONArray links = new JSONArray();
            // Genome Browser
            JSONObject link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Genome Browser");
            link.put("link", URL_GENOMEBROWSER.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));

            // Feature Table
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Feature Table");
            link.put("link", URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                    .replace("{featureType}", "").replace("{filterType}", ""));

            // Protein Family
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Protein Family Sorter");
            link.put("link", URL_PROTEINFAMILY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));

            // Pathway
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Pathway");
                    URL_PATHWAY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{pId}", ""));

            // Transcriptomics
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Transcriptomics");
            link.put("link", URL_TRANSCRIPTOMICS_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                    .replace("{kw}", ""));

            popGenome.put("links", links);
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            jsonData = new JSONObject();
            jsonData.put("popularList", list);
            jsonData.put("popularTitle", "Select Genomes");
        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getPopularGenomesForAntibioticResistanceGene() {
        JSONObject jsonData = null;
        JSONArray list = new JSONArray();

        for (String genomeId : REFERENCE_GENOME_IDS) {

            Genome genome = dataApi.getGenome(genomeId);

            // construct genome
            JSONObject popGenome = new JSONObject();
            popGenome.put("link", URL_GENOMEOVERVIEW_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));
            popGenome.put("popularName", genome.getGenomeName());

            JSONArray specialtyGenes = new JSONArray();
            // Specialty Gene Queries
            try {
                Map response = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.SPECIALTY_GENE_MAPPING,
                        "property:\"Antibiotic Resistance\"", "genome_id:" + genomeId, "source");
                Map facets = (Map) ((Map) response.get("facets")).get("source");

                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) facets.entrySet()) {
                    JSONObject sp = new JSONObject();
                    String source = entry.getKey();
                    sp.put("description", source);
                    sp.put("link", URL_SPECIALTY_GENE_TAB.replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{source}", source));
                    sp.put("data", entry.getValue());

            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);
            popGenome.put("specialtyGenes", specialtyGenes);

            // link outs
            JSONArray links = new JSONArray();
            // Genome Browser
            JSONObject link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Genome Browser");
            link.put("link", URL_GENOMEBROWSER.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));

            // Feature Table
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Feature Table");
            link.put("link", URL_FEATURETABLE_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                    .replace("{featureType}", "").replace("{filterType}", ""));

            // Protein Family
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Protein Family Sorter");
            link.put("link", URL_PROTEINFAMILY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId));

            // Pathway
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Pathway");
                    URL_PATHWAY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{pId}", ""));

            // Transcriptomics
            link = new JSONObject();
            link.put("name", "Transcriptomics");
            link.put("link", URL_TRANSCRIPTOMICS_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                    .replace("{kw}", ""));

            popGenome.put("links", links);
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            jsonData = new JSONObject();
            jsonData.put("popularList", list);
            jsonData.put("popularTitle", "Select Genomes");
        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getPopularGenomesForPathways() {

        JSONObject jsonData = null;
        JSONArray list = new JSONArray();

        for (String genomeId : REFERENCE_GENOME_IDS) {
            Genome genome = dataApi.getGenome(genomeId);

            // construct genome
            JSONObject popGenome = new JSONObject();

            popGenome.put("popularName", genome.getGenomeName());
                    URL_PATHWAY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{pId}", ""));

            JSONArray data = new JSONArray();

            LinkedList<Map<String, String>> pathwayList = new LinkedList<>();

            try {
                SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("genome_id:" + genomeId).addFilterQuery("annotation:PATRIC");

                LOGGER.debug("getPopularGenomesForPathways: [{}] {}", SolrCore.PATHWAY.getSolrCoreName(), query);

                String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.PATHWAY, query);

                Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
                Map facets = (Map) resp.get("facets");
                List<Map> buckets = (List) ((Map) facets.get("stat")).get("buckets");

                for (Map bucket : buckets) {
                    Map<String, String> pathway = new HashMap<>();
                    pathway.put("id", bucket.get("val").toString());
                    pathway.put("ec_count", bucket.get("ec_count").toString());
                    pathway.put("gene_count", bucket.get("gene_count").toString());

                    // getting name
                    List<Map> subBuckets = (List) ((Map) bucket.get("field")).get("buckets");
                    pathway.put("name", subBuckets.get(0).get("val").toString());

            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

            for (Map<String, String> pathway : pathwayList) {
                JSONObject pw = new JSONObject();

                pw.put("name", pathway.get("name"));
                pw.put("name_link", URL_PATHWAY_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                        .replace("{pId}", pathway.get("id")));
                // pw.put("class", item.get("pathway_class"));
                pw.put("gene_count", pathway.get("gene_count"));
                        URL_PATHWAY_GENE_TAB.replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{pId}", pathway.get("id")));
                pw.put("ec_count", pathway.get("ec_count"));
                        URL_PATHWAY_EC_TAB.replace("{cId}", genomeId).replace("{pId}", pathway.get("id")));

            popGenome.put("popularData", data);
        if (list.size() > 0) {
            jsonData = new JSONObject();
            jsonData.put("popularList", list);
            jsonData.put("popularTitle", "Select Genomes");
        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getPopularGenomesForTranscriptomics() {
        JSONObject jsonData = null;
        JSONArray list = new JSONArray();

        for (String genomeId : REFERENCE_GENOME_IDS_TRANSCRIPTOMICS) {

            // construct genome node
            JSONObject popGenome = new JSONObject();

            Genome genome = dataApi.getGenome(genomeId);

            popGenome.put("popularName", genome.getGenomeName());
            popGenome.put("link", URL_TRANSCRIPTOMICS_TAB.replace("{cType}", "genome").replace("{cId}", genomeId)
                    .replace("{kw}", ""));

            // Retrieve eId associated a given genome
            List<String> eIds = new ArrayList<>();
            try {
                SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("genome_ids:" + genomeId);

                LOGGER.trace("[{}] {}", SolrCore.TRANSCRIPTOMICS_EXPERIMENT.getSolrCoreName(), query);

                String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.TRANSCRIPTOMICS_EXPERIMENT, query);

                Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
                Map respBody = (Map) resp.get("response");
                List<Map> sdl = (List) respBody.get("docs");

                for (Map doc : sdl) {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

            JSONObject gm = new JSONObject();
            JSONObject ec = new JSONObject();
            gm.put("title", "Gene Modifications");
            ec.put("title", "Experiment Conditions");
            JSONArray data = new JSONArray();
            try {
                Map response = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.TRANSCRIPTOMICS_EXPERIMENT, "*:*",
                        "eid:(" + StringUtils.join(eIds, " OR ") + ")", "mutant,condition");
                Map facets = (Map) response.get("facets");

                Map mutantsFacet = (Map) facets.get("mutant");

                int i = 0;
                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) mutantsFacet.entrySet()) {
                    JSONObject mutant = new JSONObject();
                    mutant.put("label", entry.getKey());
                    mutant.put("value", entry.getValue());
                    if (i > 4) {
                gm.put("data", data);

                // top 5 experiment conditoins
                data = new JSONArray();
                Map conditionsFacet = (Map) facets.get("condition");
                i = 0;
                for (Map.Entry<String, Integer> entry : (Iterable<Map.Entry>) conditionsFacet.entrySet()) {
                    JSONObject condition = new JSONObject();
                    condition.put("label", entry.getKey());
                    condition.put("value", entry.getValue());
                    if (i > 4) {
                ec.put("data", data);
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

            popGenome.put("GeneModifications", gm);
            popGenome.put("ExperimentConditions", ec);

        if (list.size() > 0) {
            jsonData = new JSONObject();
            jsonData.put("popularList", list);
            jsonData.put("popularTitle", "Select Genomes");
        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject getPathwayECDist() {
        JSONObject jsonData;
        JSONArray series = new JSONArray();

        for (Integer txId : GENUS_TAXON_IDS) {
            int total = 0;
            List<Integer> distribution = new LinkedList<>();

            // {stat:{field:{field:pathway_id,limit:-1,facet:{ec_count:"unique(ec_number)",genome_count:"unique(genome_id)",genome_ec_count:"unique(genome_ec)"}}}}
            try {
                SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("annotation:PATRIC");
                query.addFilterQuery(SolrCore.GENOME.getSolrCoreJoin("genome_id", "genome_id",
                        "genome_status:(Complete OR WGS) AND taxon_lineage_ids:" + txId));

                LOGGER.debug("getPathwayECDist: [{}] {}", SolrCore.PATHWAY.getSolrCoreName(), query);

                String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.PATHWAY, query);

                Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
                Map facets = (Map) resp.get("facets");
                List<Map> buckets = (List) ((Map) facets.get("stat")).get("buckets");

                int bin1 = 0, bin2 = 0, bin3 = 0, bin4 = 0, bin5 = 0;

                for (Map bucket : buckets) {

                    double ec_count = ((Integer) bucket.get("ec_count")).doubleValue();
                    double genome_count = ((Integer) bucket.get("genome_count")).doubleValue();
                    double genome_ec_count = ((Integer) bucket.get("genome_ec_count")).doubleValue();

                    long bin = Math.round(genome_ec_count / genome_count / ec_count * 100);

                    //               LOGGER.trace("calculating conservation, ec:{}, genome:{}, genome_ec:{}, bin:{}", ec_count, genome_count, genome_ec_count, bin);
                    if (bin < 20) {
                    } else if (bin >= 20 && bin < 40) {
                    } else if (bin >= 40 && bin < 60) {
                    } else if (bin >= 60 && bin < 80) {
                    } else if (bin >= 80) {
                distribution.addAll(Arrays.asList(bin1, bin2, bin3, bin4, bin5));
            } catch (IOException e) {
                LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

            Taxonomy taxonomy = dataApi.getTaxonomy(txId);

            JSONObject item = new JSONObject();
            item.put("pathogen", taxonomy.getTaxonName());
            item.put("total", total);
            item.put("dist", distribution);


        jsonData = new JSONObject();
        jsonData.put("chart_title", "Pathway Conservation in Pathogenic Bacteria");
                "The graph below shows conservation of metabolic pathways across percentage of total genomes in each pathogenic genus.");
        jsonData.put("data", series);

        return jsonData;

    private JSONObject read(String url) {

        JSONObject jsonData = null;

        try (CloseableHttpClient client = HttpClientBuilder.create().build()) {
            HttpGet httpRequest = new HttpGet(url);
            ResponseHandler<String> responseHandler = new BasicResponseHandler();
            String response = client.execute(httpRequest, responseHandler);

            JSONParser parser = new JSONParser();
            jsonData = (JSONObject) parser.parse(response);
        } catch (IOException | ParseException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        return jsonData;

    private Map<String, Integer> getFIGFamStat(int taxonId) {
        Map<String, Integer> stat = new HashMap<>();

        try {
            final String filterCondition = SolrCore.GENOME.getSolrCoreJoin("genome_id", "genome_id",
                    "taxon_lineage_ids:" + taxonId);

            Map response = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.FEATURE, "feature_type:CDS AND annotation:PATRIC",
                    filterCondition, "figfam_id");
            Map figfamFacets = (Map) ((Map) response.get("facets")).get("figfam_id");
            int total = figfamFacets.size();

            response = dataApi.getFieldFacets(SolrCore.FEATURE, "product:(hypothetical AND protein)",
                    filterCondition, "figfam_id");
            Map hypotheticalFacets = (Map) ((Map) response.get("facets")).get("figfam_id");
            int hypothetical = hypotheticalFacets.size();

            stat.put("total", total);
            stat.put("hypothetical", hypothetical);
            stat.put("functional", (total - hypothetical));

            // counting core vs accessary
            int countCore = 0;
            SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("*:*").addFilterQuery(filterCondition).setRows(0).setFacet(true);

            LOGGER.debug("getFIGFamStat(): [{}] {}", SolrCore.FEATURE.getSolrCoreName(), query);

            String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.FEATURE, query);

            Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
            Map facets = (Map) resp.get("facets");
            Map allBuckets = (Map) ((Map) facets.get("stat")).get("allBuckets");

            double genomeCount = ((Integer) allBuckets.get("genome_count")).doubleValue();
            double cutoff = 0.95 * genomeCount;

            List<Map> buckets = (List) ((Map) facets.get("stat")).get("buckets");

            for (Map bucket : buckets) {
                if (((Integer) bucket.get("genome_count")).doubleValue() > cutoff) {
            stat.put("core", countCore);
            stat.put("accessory", (total - countCore));
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        return stat;

    private JSONArray getFIGFamConservationDistribution(int taxonId) {
        JSONArray dist = new JSONArray();

        try {
            Map<Integer, List<String>> distMap = new LinkedHashMap<>();

            SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery("*:*");
            query.addFilterQuery("feature_type:CDS AND annotation:PATRIC");
                    SolrCore.GENOME.getSolrCoreJoin("genome_id", "genome_id", "taxon_lineage_ids:" + taxonId));

            LOGGER.trace("getFIGFamConservationDistribution(), [{}] {}", SolrCore.FEATURE.getSolrCoreName(), query);

            String apiResponse = dataApi.solrQuery(SolrCore.FEATURE, query);

            Map resp = jsonReader.readValue(apiResponse);
            Map facets = (Map) resp.get("facets");

            Map allBuckets = (Map) ((Map) facets.get("stat")).get("allBuckets");
            double totalGenomeCount = ((Integer) allBuckets.get("genome_count")).doubleValue();

            List<Map> buckets = (List<Map>) ((Map) facets.get("stat")).get("buckets");

            for (Map bucket : buckets) {
                String figfamID = (String) bucket.get("val");
                double genomeCount = ((Integer) bucket.get("genome_count")).doubleValue();
                int groupHash = ((Double) Math.ceil(genomeCount / totalGenomeCount * 10.0d)).intValue();

                //            LOGGER.trace("group hashing.. {}:{}/{} -> {}", figfamID, genomeCount, totalGenomeCount, groupHash);
                if (distMap.get(groupHash) == null) {
                    distMap.put(groupHash, new LinkedList<String>());

            for (int i = 1; i <= 10; i++) {
                JSONObject item = new JSONObject();
                if (distMap.get(i) != null && !distMap.get(i).isEmpty()) {
                    item.put("x", (i) + "0%");
                    item.put("y", distMap.get(i).size());
                } else {
                    item.put("x", (i) + "0%");
                    item.put("y", 0);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            LOGGER.error(e.getMessage(), e);

        return dist;