Java tutorial
/** * <p><b>Copyright 2013 Juha Mkil and Sami Holck</b></p> * * <p>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at</p> * * <a href="" * target="_new"></a> * * <p>Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License.</p> */ package edu.vserver.exercises.videoMcq; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import sph.Time; import sph.event.BasicEventManager; import sph.event.EventListener; import sph.vaadin.TextFieldValidator; import sph.vaadin.TextSelector; import sph.vaadin.ui.ComponentFactory; import sph.vaadin.ui.SPH_Theme; import sph.vaadin.ui.videojs.Videojs; import; import; import com.vaadin.server.Page; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.MarginInfo; import com.vaadin.shared.ui.label.ContentMode; import com.vaadin.ui.Alignment; import com.vaadin.ui.Button; import com.vaadin.ui.Button.ClickEvent; import com.vaadin.ui.CustomComponent; import com.vaadin.ui.HorizontalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.Label; import com.vaadin.ui.Notification; import com.vaadin.ui.Panel; import com.vaadin.ui.TextArea; import com.vaadin.ui.TextField; import com.vaadin.ui.VerticalLayout; import com.vaadin.ui.themes.BaseTheme; /** * Contains all UI fields and controls for {@link Question question} edition and creation. * * <p><strong>copyright © Ville-Video 2013</strong></p> * * @author <a href="">Sami Holck</a> * @author Juha Mkil * @version 1.1 * @since 1.11.2013 */ public class QuestionForm extends CustomComponent { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4425084946164635910L; private final Videojs vjs; private final Button newQuestionBtn = ComponentFactory.createSmallBlueButton("New", true, SPH_Theme.ADD_ICON_16PX); private final Button cancelButton = ComponentFactory.createSmallBlueButton("Cancel", false, SPH_Theme.CANCEL_ICON_16PX); private final Button saveButton = ComponentFactory.createSmallBlueButton("Save", false, SPH_Theme.SAVE_ICON_16PX); private final Button addIncorrectAnswer = ComponentFactory.createSmallBlueButton("Add", false, SPH_Theme.ADD_ICON_16PX); private final Button clearIncorrectAnswers = ComponentFactory.createSmallBlueButton("Clear", false, SPH_Theme.CLEAR_ICON_16PX); private final HorizontalLayout inputLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); private final TextArea questionField = new TextArea("Question"); private final TextField answerField = new TextField("Answer"); private final TextArea answerDescriptionField = new TextArea("Description of the answer"); private final VerticalLayout wrongAnswersLayout = new VerticalLayout(); private final IncorrectAnswerFieldsHandler wrongAnswerHandler = new IncorrectAnswerFieldsHandler(); private final HorizontalLayout timeLayout = new HorizontalLayout(); private final Label timeLabel = new Label(Time.convertToTimeString(0), ContentMode.HTML); private final Label durationLabel = new Label("??:??:??", ContentMode.HTML); private int operationType; private Question originalQuestion; private static final int EDIT_QUESTION = 1; private static final int NEW_QUESTION = 2; /** * a QuestionForm EventManager */ private final BasicEventManager<String, QuestionForm, Question, QuestionFormListener> eventManager = new BasicEventManager<String, QuestionForm, Question, QuestionFormListener>(); /** * Constructs a new empty {@link QuestionForm}. * * @param vjs the video player component that handles the videostream playback. * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link sph.vaadin.ui.videojs.Videojs vjs} argument is null. */ public QuestionForm(Videojs vjs) { this(vjs, new Question()); } /** * Constructs a new {@link QuestionForm} with a question. * * <p><strong class="Red">IMPORTANT:</strong> This must be called on creation!<P> * * @param vjs the video player component that handles the videostream playback. * @param question the question * @throws IllegalArgumentException if {@link sph.vaadin.ui.videojs.Videojs vjs} argument is null. */ private QuestionForm(final Videojs vjs, Question question) { if (vjs != null) { this.vjs = vjs; } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vidojs cannot be null"); } if (question == null) { question = new Question(); } this.setListeners(); this.wrongAnswerHandler.setAnswers(question.getIncorrectAnswers()); this.doLayout(); } /** * Builds UI components and the layout for them. */ private void doLayout() { VerticalLayout questionUI = new VerticalLayout(); HorizontalLayout mainButtons = new HorizontalLayout(); //mainButtons.setMargin(true); mainButtons.setSpacing(true); this.newQuestionBtn.setWidth(100, Unit.PIXELS); this.cancelButton.setWidth(100, Unit.PIXELS); this.saveButton.setWidth(100, Unit.PIXELS); mainButtons.addComponents(this.newQuestionBtn, this.cancelButton, this.saveButton); questionUI.addComponent(mainButtons); this.initTextFields(); this.inputLayout.setSpacing(true); this.inputLayout.setDefaultComponentAlignment(Alignment.TOP_LEFT); VerticalLayout questionLayout = new VerticalLayout(); this.timeLayout.setMargin(new MarginInfo(true, false, true, false)); this.timeLayout.addComponents(new Label("<strong>Time:</strong>", ContentMode.HTML), this.timeLabel, new Label("<strong> / </strong>", ContentMode.HTML), this.durationLabel); this.timeLayout.setSpacing(true); questionLayout.addComponents(this.timeLayout, this.questionField); VerticalLayout correctAnswers = new VerticalLayout(); correctAnswers.addComponents(this.answerField, this.answerDescriptionField); VerticalLayout wrongAnswers = new VerticalLayout(); wrongAnswers.setCaption("Incorrect answer choices"); HorizontalLayout wrongAnswerButtons = new HorizontalLayout(); wrongAnswerButtons.setDefaultComponentAlignment(Alignment.TOP_CENTER); wrongAnswerButtons.setSpacing(true); wrongAnswerButtons.setMargin(true); wrongAnswerButtons.addComponents(this.addIncorrectAnswer, this.clearIncorrectAnswers); Panel wrongAswersScroller = new Panel(); wrongAswersScroller.setSizeUndefined(); wrongAswersScroller.setHeight(100, Unit.PIXELS); wrongAswersScroller.setWidth(215, Unit.PIXELS); wrongAswersScroller.addStyleName("borderless"); wrongAswersScroller.setContent(this.wrongAnswersLayout); wrongAnswers.addComponents(wrongAnswerButtons, wrongAswersScroller); this.inputLayout.addComponents(questionLayout, correctAnswers, wrongAnswers); questionUI.addComponent(this.inputLayout); this.setCompositionRoot(questionUI); } /** * Sets the listeners to the buttons. */ private void setListeners() { this.vjs.addVideojsListener(Videojs.VjsListener.ANY_EVENT, new Videojs.VjsListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 8427274367098667303L; @Override public void on(String eventName, Videojs source, Double triggerTime) { timeLabel.setValue(Time.convertToTimeString(triggerTime)); } }); this.vjs.addVideojsListener(Videojs.VjsListener.DURATIONCHANGE_EVENT, new Videojs.VjsListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -7568539997745781255L; @Override public void on(String eventName, Videojs source, Double triggerTime) { double duration = source.getDuration(); if (duration > 0) { durationLabel.setValue(Time.convertToTimeString(duration)); } else { durationLabel.setValue("??:??:??"); } } }); this.newQuestionBtn.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4746159071748280285L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { newQuestionBtn.setEnabled(false); cancelButton.setEnabled(true); saveButton.setEnabled(true); toggleQuestionFields(true); setFields(new Question()); operationType = QuestionForm.NEW_QUESTION; } }); this.cancelButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3774334826140277183L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { newQuestionBtn.setEnabled(true); cancelButton.setEnabled(false); saveButton.setEnabled(false); setFields(new Question()); toggleQuestionFields(false); } }); this.saveButton.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = -8736827762492077607L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { Question q = getQuestion(); if (isValid() && vjs.isPaused()) { newQuestionBtn.setEnabled(true); cancelButton.setEnabled(false); saveButton.setEnabled(false); toggleQuestionFields(false); if (operationType == QuestionForm.EDIT_QUESTION) { Notification n = new Notification("Question edited", "<strong>Question:</strong> '" + q.getQuestion() + "' was edited succesfully!", Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION, true);; eventManager.callListeners(QuestionFormListener.QUESTION_EDITED_EVENT, QuestionForm.this, getQuestion()); } else { Notification n = new Notification("New question added", "<strong>Question:</strong> '" + q.getQuestion() + "' was added succesfully!", Notification.Type.TRAY_NOTIFICATION, true);; eventManager.callListeners(QuestionFormListener.QUESTION_CREATED_EVENT, QuestionForm.this, getQuestion()); } } else { Notification n = new Notification("Saving failed!", "<strong>Question form </strong> contains some errors!", Notification.Type.WARNING_MESSAGE, true);; } } }); this.addIncorrectAnswer.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4746159071748280285L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { wrongAnswerHandler.addWrongAnswerRow(""); } }); this.clearIncorrectAnswers.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 3632221052083079517L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { wrongAnswerHandler.clear(); } }); } /** * Checks if all the question form fields are correctly filled. * * @return true if all the question form fields are correctly filled; false otherwise. */ public boolean isValid() { return questionField.isValid() && answerField.isValid() && answerDescriptionField.isValid() && this.wrongAnswerHandler.isValid(); } /** * Initializes all common textfields and areas except the incorrect Question fields. */ private void initTextFields() { questionField.setInputPrompt("The Question text"); questionField.setRequired(true); questionField.setRequiredError("Required field"); questionField.setWidth(250, Unit.PIXELS); questionField.addStyleName(SPH_Theme.TEXTFIELD_SMALL); questionField.addFocusListener(new TextSelector()); questionField.addBlurListener(new TextFieldValidator()); questionField.setNullRepresentation(""); answerDescriptionField.setRows(7); answerField.setInputPrompt("Correct answer"); answerField.addValidator(new StringLengthValidator("Required field", 1, null, false)); answerField.setWidth(250, Unit.PIXELS); answerField.addStyleName(SPH_Theme.TEXTFIELD_SMALL); answerField.addFocusListener(new TextSelector()); answerField.addBlurListener(new TextFieldValidator()); answerField.setNullRepresentation(""); answerDescriptionField.setInputPrompt("A description of the correct answer"); answerDescriptionField.addFocusListener(new TextSelector()); answerDescriptionField.setWidth(250, Unit.PIXELS); answerDescriptionField.addStyleName(SPH_Theme.TEXTFIELD_SMALL); answerDescriptionField.setRows(5); answerDescriptionField.setNullRepresentation(""); toggleQuestionFields(false); } /** * * @param enabled */ private void toggleQuestionFields(boolean enabled) { timeLayout.setEnabled(enabled); questionField.setEnabled(enabled); answerField.setEnabled(enabled); answerDescriptionField.setEnabled(enabled); addIncorrectAnswer.setEnabled(enabled); clearIncorrectAnswers.setEnabled(enabled); wrongAnswerHandler.toggleIncorrectFields(enabled); } private void setFields(Question question) { timeLabel.setValue(Time.convertToTimeString(vjs.getCurrentTime())); questionField.setValue(question.getQuestion()); answerField.setValue(question.getCorrectAnswer(0)); answerDescriptionField.setValue(question.getAnswerDescription()); wrongAnswerHandler.setAnswers(question.getIncorrectAnswers()); } /** * Sets the given question to the form for editing. * * @param question the question to edit in this form. */ public void editQuestion(Question question) { this.originalQuestion = question; this.setFields(question); this.operationType = QuestionForm.EDIT_QUESTION; this.vjs.seekTo(question.getTime()); this.toggleQuestionFields(true); this.newQuestionBtn.setEnabled(true); this.cancelButton.setEnabled(true); this.saveButton.setEnabled(true); } /** * Returns the original question (unmodified question). * * @return the originalQuestion. */ public final Question getOriginalQuestion() { return originalQuestion; } /** * Returns the question generated from the form fields. * * @return the question generated from the form fields. */ public Question getQuestion() { return new Question((int) vjs.getCurrentTime(), questionField.getValue(), answerField.getValue(), answerDescriptionField.getValue(), wrongAnswerHandler.getWrongAnswers()); } /** * Adds a new {@link QuestionFormListener} listener into the component. * * @param eventName The {@link QuestionFormListener} event the listener will listen to. * @param listener the listener object itself. */ public void addQuestionFormListener(String eventName, QuestionFormListener listener) { this.eventManager.addListener(eventName, listener); } /** * Removes listener from a specific {@link QuestionFormListener} event. * * @param eventName the name of the {@link QuestionFormListener} event. * @param listener the listener to remove. */ public void removeQuestionFormListener(String eventName, QuestionFormListener listener) { this.eventManager.removeListener(eventName, listener); } /** * Removes listener from all {@link QuestionFormListener} events it is registered * by. Convenient way of cleaning up an listener object being destroyed. * * @param listener the listener to remove. */ public void removeQuestionFormListener(QuestionFormListener listener) { this.eventManager.removeListener(listener); } /** * Clears all the form fields and sets the form to it initial state. */ public void clearForm() { setFields(new Question()); toggleQuestionFields(false); newQuestionBtn.setEnabled(true); cancelButton.setEnabled(false); saveButton.setEnabled(false); } /** * IncorrectAnswerFieldsHandler * * @author <a href="">Sami Holck</a> * @author Juha Mkil * @version 1.0 * @since 8.11.2013 */ private class IncorrectAnswerFieldsHandler { private final ArrayList<TextField> wrongAnswerFields = new ArrayList<TextField>(); private final ArrayList<Button> delBtns = new ArrayList<Button>(); /** * Clears incorrect all answer fields. Only one empty field remains. * * @see #setAnswers(Collection) */ public void clear() { this.setAnswers(null); } /** * Sets incorrect answer fields. Calling {@link #setAnswers(Collection)} * with an empty Collection or null clears the fields and only one empty * field remains. * * @param wrongAnswers a collection of wrong answer fields */ public void setAnswers(Collection<String> wrongAnswers) { wrongAnswersLayout.removeAllComponents(); wrongAnswerFields.clear(); delBtns.clear(); if (wrongAnswers == null || wrongAnswers.size() == 0) { this.addWrongAnswerRow(""); } else { for (String wrongAnswer : wrongAnswers) { this.addWrongAnswerRow(wrongAnswer); } } } /** * Creates a new incorrect answer field. * * @param value the value of the incorrect answer field or null. * @return a new incorrect answer field. */ private TextField createIncorrecAnswerField(String value) { TextField wtf = new TextField(); wtf.setInputPrompt("incorrect answer choice"); wtf.addValidator(new StringLengthValidator("Required field", 1, null, false)); wtf.addValidator(new UniqueAnswerFieldsValidator(wtf)); wtf.setWidth(150, Unit.PIXELS); wtf.addStyleName(SPH_Theme.TEXTFIELD_SMALL); wtf.addFocusListener(new TextSelector()); wtf.addBlurListener(new TextFieldValidator()); wtf.setNullRepresentation(""); wtf.setValue(value); return wtf; } /** * Makes sure that there is always at least one incorrect answer field. */ private void disallowLastRowRemoval() { if (wrongAnswersLayout.getComponentCount() == 1) { HorizontalLayout row = (HorizontalLayout) wrongAnswersLayout.getComponent(0); row.getComponent(0).setEnabled(false); } else { HorizontalLayout row = (HorizontalLayout) wrongAnswersLayout.getComponent(0); row.getComponent(0).setEnabled(true); } } /** * Adds a wrong answer field row to the element. * * @param value incorrect field value. */ public void addWrongAnswerRow(String value) { TextField wtf = createIncorrecAnswerField(value); this.wrongAnswerFields.add(wtf); HorizontalLayout incorrectRow = new HorizontalLayout(); incorrectRow.setSpacing(true); Button delBtn = ComponentFactory.createSmallBlueButton(null, true, SPH_Theme.DELETE_ICON_16PX); this.delBtns.add(delBtn); delBtn.setDescription("Remove this row"); delBtn.setStyleName(BaseTheme.BUTTON_LINK); delBtn.setData(incorrectRow); incorrectRow.addComponents(delBtn, wtf); wrongAnswersLayout.addComponent(incorrectRow); this.disallowLastRowRemoval(); delBtn.addClickListener(new Button.ClickListener() { private static final long serialVersionUID = 5648570030165001378L; @Override public void buttonClick(ClickEvent event) { Button b = event.getButton(); HorizontalLayout row = (HorizontalLayout) b.getParent(); TextField tf = (TextField) row.getComponent(1); wrongAnswerFields.remove(tf); delBtns.remove(b); wrongAnswersLayout.removeComponent(row); disallowLastRowRemoval(); } }); } public void toggleIncorrectFields(boolean enabled) { for (TextField tf : wrongAnswerFields) { tf.setEnabled(enabled); } if (delBtns.size() > 1) { for (Button b : delBtns) { b.setEnabled(enabled); } } else { for (Button b : delBtns) { b.setEnabled(false); } } } private ArrayList<TextField> getWrongAnswerFields() { return this.wrongAnswerFields; } public ArrayList<String> getWrongAnswers() { ArrayList<String> wrongAnswers = new ArrayList<String>(); for (TextField tf : this.wrongAnswerFields) { wrongAnswers.add(tf.getValue()); } return wrongAnswers; } /** * Checks if all the incorrect answer fields are correctly filled. * * @return true if all the incorrect answer fields are correctly filled, false otherwise. */ public boolean isValid() { for (TextField tf : this.wrongAnswerFields) { if (!tf.isValid()) { return false; } } return true; } } /** * Validates given answer field against all other answer fields in this {@link QuestionForm}. * * @author <a href="">Sami Holck</a> * @author Juha Mkil * @version 0.1 * @since 8.11.2013 */ private class UniqueAnswerFieldsValidator extends AbstractStringValidator { private static final long serialVersionUID = 4751949791862420465L; private final TextField target; /** * * @param tf the textual field that gets validated. */ public UniqueAnswerFieldsValidator(TextField tf) { super("The answer '{0}' already exists in this question"); = tf; } /** * * @see */ @Override protected boolean isValidValue(String value) { ArrayList<TextField> compared = new ArrayList<TextField>(wrongAnswerHandler.getWrongAnswerFields()); compared.add(answerField); compared.remove(; for (TextField compare : compared) { if ( { return false; } } return true; } } /** * QuestionFormListener interface for listening to {@link QuestionForm} Events. * * @author <a href="">Sami Holck</a> * @author Juha Mkil * @version 1.01 * @since 11.10.2013 */ public interface QuestionFormListener extends EventListener<String, QuestionForm, Question> { /** * event fired when the edited question is ready for save */ public static final String QUESTION_EDITED_EVENT = "QUESTION_EDITED_EVENT"; /** * event fired when the edited question is ready for save */ public static final String QUESTION_CREATED_EVENT = "QUESTION_CREATED_EVENT"; /** * {@link QuestionWindow} Component's event listeners method. * * @param eventName name of the {@link QuestionFormListener} event. * @param source the source object of the {@link QuestionFormListener} event. * @param question the question currently handled. */ @Override public void on(String eventName, QuestionForm source, Question question); } }