Java tutorial
/* * TacTex - a power trading agent that competed in the Power Trading Agent Competition (Power TAC) * Copyright (c) 2013-2016 Daniel Urieli and Peter Stone {urieli,pstone} * * * This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ /** * */ package edu.utexas.cs.tactex.utils; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.ArrayRealVector; import org.apache.commons.math3.linear.RealVector; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.powertac.common.Competition; import org.powertac.common.CustomerInfo; import org.powertac.common.Tariff; import org.powertac.common.TariffSpecification; import org.powertac.common.enumerations.PowerType; /** * Different utilities used in by the broker. * * @author urieli */ public class BrokerUtils { // approximate number based on informal game inspection private static final double LOWEST_TRANSIENT_CONSUMPTION_RATE = -0.125; /** * a pair holder or <price-per-mwh, mwh> * default access level for testing purposes * * @author urieli * */ public static class PriceMwhPair implements Comparable<PriceMwhPair> { double price; double mwh; /** * @param price * @param mwh */ public PriceMwhPair(double price, double mwh) { super(); this.price = price; this.mwh = mwh; } public double getPricePerMwh() { return price; } public double getMwh() { return mwh; } public double getPricePerKwh() { return price / 1000.0; } public double getKwh() { return mwh * 1000.0; } public void addMwh(double addedMwh) { this.mwh += addedMwh; } @Override public int compareTo(PriceMwhPair o) { if (this.price < o.price) return -1; if (this.price > o.price) return 1; return 0; } } public static class ShiftedEnergyData { ArrayRealVector shiftedEnergy; Double inconvenienceFactor; public ShiftedEnergyData(ArrayRealVector shiftedEnergy, Double inconvenienceFactor) { this.shiftedEnergy = shiftedEnergy; this.inconvenienceFactor = inconvenienceFactor; } public ArrayRealVector getShiftedEnergy() { return shiftedEnergy; } public Double getInconvenienceFactor() { return inconvenienceFactor; } } static private Logger log = Logger.getLogger(BrokerUtils.class); /** * Rotates a weekly record to start from the next timeslot * and append the last day to continue until the end of the day * * @param energy * @param currentTimeslot * @return */ public static ArrayRealVector rotateWeeklyRecordAndAppendTillEndOfDay(RealVector record, int currentTimeslot) { // sanity check if (record.getDimension() != 7 * 24) { log.error("record dimension is not 7*24, not sure if code robust to that?"); } int predictionStartWeeklyHour = (currentTimeslot + 1) % (record.getDimension()); ArrayRealVector copy = new ArrayRealVector(record.getDimension()); // rotate to start from current moment RealVector slice1 = record.getSubVector(predictionStartWeeklyHour, record.getDimension() - predictionStartWeeklyHour); RealVector slice2 = record.getSubVector(0, predictionStartWeeklyHour); copy.setSubVector(0, slice1); copy.setSubVector(slice1.getDimension(), slice2); return copy; } /** * Given a mapping from TariffSpecification to subscribed customers * compute the total number of customers */ public static int getNumIndividualCustomers( HashMap<TariffSpecification, HashMap<CustomerInfo, Integer>> tariffSubscriptions) { int total = 0; for (HashMap<CustomerInfo, Integer> subscriptions : tariffSubscriptions.values()) { for (Integer numCustomers : subscriptions.values()) { total += numCustomers; } } return total; } /** * changes a mapping keyType1->keyType2->value to * keyType2->keyType1->value * * @param tariffSubscriptions * @return */ public static <K1, K2, V> HashMap<K2, HashMap<K1, V>> revertKeyMapping( HashMap<K1, HashMap<K2, V>> twoLevelMap) { HashMap<K2, HashMap<K1, V>> result = new HashMap<K2, HashMap<K1, V>>(); for (Entry<K1, HashMap<K2, V>> entry : twoLevelMap.entrySet()) { K1 key1 = entry.getKey(); HashMap<K2, V> keyvals = entry.getValue(); for (Entry<K2, V> e : keyvals.entrySet()) { K2 key2 = e.getKey(); V value = e.getValue(); HashMap<K1, V> current = result.get(key2); if (current == null) { current = new HashMap<K1, V>(); result.put(key2, current); } current.put(key1, value); } } return result; } /** * creates a copy of the map, but where keys are Double * instead of Integer. * * @param customer2tariffSubscriptions * @return * */ public static HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, Double>> initializePredictedFromCurrentSubscriptions( HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, Integer>> customer2tariffSubscriptions) { HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, Double>> predicted = new HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, Double>>(); for (CustomerInfo customer : customer2tariffSubscriptions.keySet()) { HashMap<TariffSpecification, Integer> oldmap = customer2tariffSubscriptions.get(customer); HashMap<TariffSpecification, Double> newmap = initializeDoubleSubsMap(oldmap); // copy construct predicted.put(customer, newmap); } return predicted; } public static HashMap<TariffSpecification, Double> initializeDoubleSubsMap( HashMap<TariffSpecification, Integer> oldmap) { HashMap<TariffSpecification, Double> newmap = new HashMap<TariffSpecification, Double>(); for (Entry<TariffSpecification, Integer> entry : oldmap.entrySet()) { TariffSpecification key = entry.getKey(); double value = entry.getValue().doubleValue(); newmap.put(key, value); } return newmap; } /** * @param list * @param value */ public static <T> void insertToSortedArrayList(ArrayList<T> list, T value) { list.add(value); @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") Comparable<T> cmp = (Comparable<T>) value; for (int i = list.size() - 1; i > 0 && cmp.compareTo(list.get(i - 1)) < 0; i--) Collections.swap(list, i, i - 1); } /** * sort map entries by value an return them in a sorted list * @param map * @return */ public static <K, V extends Comparable> List<Entry<K, V>> sortByValues(Map<K, V> map) { // create an array from the entries List<Map.Entry<K, V>> entries = new ArrayList<Map.Entry<K, V>>(map.entrySet()); // sort entries by value, assuming value is Comparable Collections.sort(entries, new Comparator<Map.Entry<K, V>>() { @Override public int compare(Entry<K, V> o1, Entry<K, V> o2) { return o1.getValue().compareTo(o2.getValue()); } }); return entries; } /** * * @param subscriptions * @return */ public static <K> Integer sumMapValues(Map<K, Integer> map) { Integer totalSubs = 0; for (Integer subs : map.values()) { totalSubs += subs; } return totalSubs; } public static <K> Double sumMapValues(HashMap<K, Double> hashMap) { Double totalSubs = 0.0; for (Double subs : hashMap.values()) { totalSubs += subs; } return totalSubs; } // -------- Tariff related utilities ------- public static TariffSpecification getDefaultSpec(List<TariffSpecification> competingTariffs, PowerType powerType) { for (TariffSpecification spec : competingTariffs) { if (spec.getBroker().getUsername().equals("default broker") && powerType.canUse(spec.getPowerType())) { return spec; } } log.error("didn't find default spec in competing tariffs"); return null; } public static int extractPredictionRecordLength( HashMap<CustomerInfo, HashMap<TariffSpecification, ShiftedEnergyData>> result) { Collection<HashMap<TariffSpecification, ShiftedEnergyData>> listOfHashTrf2Engy = result.values(); if (listOfHashTrf2Engy == null || listOfHashTrf2Engy.size() == 0) { log.warn("empty list of mappings of tariff=>energy"); return 0; } HashMap<TariffSpecification, ShiftedEnergyData> someHashTrf2Engy = listOfHashTrf2Engy.iterator().next(); if (someHashTrf2Engy == null || someHashTrf2Engy.size() == 0) { log.warn("empty mapping of tariff=>energy"); return 0; } return someHashTrf2Engy.values().iterator().next().getShiftedEnergy().getDimension(); } public static <K1, K2, V> void print2LevelMap(HashMap<K1, HashMap<K2, V>> twoLevelMap) { for (Entry<K1, HashMap<K2, V>> entry : twoLevelMap.entrySet()) { K1 key1 = entry.getKey();"K1: " + key1.toString()); HashMap<K2, V> keyvals = entry.getValue(); for (Entry<K2, V> e : keyvals.entrySet()) { K2 key2 = e.getKey(); V value = e.getValue();"K2, V: " + key2.toString() + ", " + value.toString()); } } } /** * Get number of actual brokers (excluding default broker) * @return */ public static int getNumberOfBrokers() { // default value, in case something goes wrong int numberOfActualBrokers = 8; try { // -1 to exclude the default broker: numberOfActualBrokers = Competition.currentCompetition().getBrokers().size() - 1; } catch (Throwable e) { log.error("caught exception while getting #brokers, assuming " + numberOfActualBrokers, e); } log.debug("getNumberOfBrokers(): " + numberOfActualBrokers); return numberOfActualBrokers; } public static boolean isGameInTransientPhase(List<TariffSpecification> competingTariffs, PowerType powerType) { // Currently we only change behavior for CONSUMPTION tariffs, i.e. // assuming we are in 'equilibrium/best-response' mode for non-consumption // tariffs if (powerType != PowerType.CONSUMPTION) return false; // this code assumes CONSUMPTION (e.g. LOWEST_TRANSIENT_CONSUMPTION_RATE) double bestRate = -Double.MAX_VALUE; for (TariffSpecification competingSpec : competingTariffs) { if (competingSpec.getPowerType().canUse(powerType)) { // Assumption: using only first rate, assuming fixed-rate double competingRate = competingSpec.getRates().get(0).getValue(); if (competingRate > bestRate) { bestRate = competingRate; } } } return -Double.MAX_VALUE < bestRate && bestRate < LOWEST_TRANSIENT_CONSUMPTION_RATE && bestRate < 0; } }